Read The Blood Red Rose Page 11

  IN A semi-conscious state, Amber watched the rooftops of many buildings slip by under her feet then focused on the serious expression on the face of the man carrying her.

  Haleton landed on the roof of a building he'd visited several times in the past. The rain slowed to a drizzle before stopping altogether. After analyzing a couple of different scenarios in his mind, he set Amber down on a seat built for two and retreated to a safe distance. He leaned casually against the building's large air-conditioning unit, scrutinizing the expression on her face.

  Slowly Amber's facial appearance started to alter.

  On the street far below a truck sounded its horn. Haleton could clearly hear a few angry shouts.

  "You can sit next to me," whispered Amber. Her voice sounded to be a decibel above a whisper. The tone she used sounded friendly but laced with a hint of skepticism. "I won't bite."

  "I know, however, the security light behind you will force me to change to a shadow. I can blow the globe, but the action will alert security."

  Amber wore the expression of someone who appeared to be simultaneously frightened and excited. To relieve her fears, Haleton spoke in a voice which would melt the heart of any woman who happened to be listening.

  "This building is where you live. If you'd be kind enough to allow me to escort you to your door, I promise you'll feel safe. Nothing can get through me to hurt you. I will never allow anything or anyone to get too close to you again. Don't worry about Crompton. He won't be back."

  Amber slowly stood. She let Haleton escort her to the lift. When the lift door opened onto a corridor, they walked arm in arm. When they approached an overhead light, it blew plunging the corridor of the old building into darkness. When they stopped at the door halfway along the corridor, Amber gave it a firm push, waiting for him to enter the apartment first. Haleton open palmed his hand signaling she should walk into the room first.

  "Who are you?" she managed to whisper. "Please explain how you can break overhead lights?"

  Haleton's genuine smile lightened his face. He wanted to be a man Amber could trust and fall in love with. He knew to tread carefully.

  "Now might be the correct time to answer every one of your questions."

  Amber flopped onto a chair, staring at Haleton slowly pacing the floor.

  "To cut three lifetimes into a few sentences which will make sense is something I don't usually do. In fact, I've never done this before."

  "It's your story. I've figured out on my own you're telling the truth when you say you won't hurt me, so please, I'm ready to understand. Enlighten my curiosity."

  Haleton shook his head. "I'm not sure if you fully understand what being ready means, but I'm game."

  "Good, I am too."

  "In 1749AD, I looked the same as I do today. Alex Crompton is my cousin. He has turned down the wrong road. He's a murderer. He will stop at nothing to attack any young lady. He was an uncontrollable maniac for many years before our incarceration. After careful consideration regarding my actions, I decided he must be stopped, and I am the only one who can do it. I was framed for siding with him when we were caught. We were both forced to drink a concoction which turned both of us into vampires. After killing a person who has an evil heart I am transported back and forth through time." Haleton paused to study Amber's blank expression. He wasn't sure whether she'd accept his explanation or not. It was now too late to retract any detail of his story. "I know what you're thinking. I'll be the first to agree. Don't do anything wrong; everything will turn out."

  "It's exactly what I wanted to suggest," said Amber.

  "It's not that simple. All I've ever wanted is to be mortal. To be loved by the same woman all of my days. If I'd known Crompton and I was walking into a trap, I'd have stayed away."

  "I don't know what you want from me?" quizzed Amber.

  Haleton downed his knee, looking her in the eyes. "I believe when love comes knocking you have to open the door. I'm willing to do the very thing I have never done in my entire life so that I can have you near me."

  Amber didn't look happy marching across the grey carpet. She opened the door and stared at Haleton. "Leave."

  In a heartbeat, Haleton stood on the other side of the door. "Before I go, I want to say one last thing."

  "I'll give you three seconds. To me, your story came from the heart of an insane madman. The moment you've finished speaking I never want to see or hear from you again."

  "I need your help. To ascertain whether I'm a bad person or not I want you to search your heart. I need you to recall the moment in the hospital when I handed over the red rose. Our hands touched for the first time."

  Amber slammed the door shut and melted to the floor. Hearing her sobs, Haleton slowly turned away and walked towards the rooftop.

  Haleton stood in the lightening sky overlooking the busy street far below. He watched the people scurrying about like mice dodging the many puddles of water. He'd arrived at a low point in his long life. He knew the vampire blood raging through his body would be hard to keep under control. His mind needed to be at perfect peace if he wanted to win the war. He'd lost the battle twice before when it forced him back at the start in 1749AD. Tracking down Rose-a-lee Cantala happened to be the easy part. Trying to persuade her to hurry in finding the antidote to the curse was painfully slow. She agreed both times, but the antidote proved to be elusive.

  Above the noise of the early morning traffic, Haleton heard a door squeak. It came from a rusting hinge. It sounded so quiet even he nearly missed it. When he turned, he found Amber standing at the door to the stairs watching him. His eyes feasted on her beauty. Even though water droplets covered her shoulders, the perfume she had sprayed on her skin revitalized his mind. The smell lingered in his nostrils. He didn't care whether he could smell her or not. His mind believed it.

  Haleton forced his grin to vanish as Amber lazily walked towards him. He showered his mind in her majestic walk. She seemed to be deliberately taunting his eyes.

  He let go of a massive sigh.

  Amber's walk slowed. She stopped directly in front of Haleton at arm's length. The light kinks in her hair were gone, replaced by the heaviness of holding onto the rainwater.

  Haleton deliberately stepped closer. The gap between them slowly vanished.

  Amber looked up into Haleton's eyes. He gazed back. They both smiled at the same time. Their stares appeared to be intertwined for what seemed like minutes. Haleton started fidgeting in the silence.

  Finally, Amber spoke. "Are you trying to tell me you're a vampire?"

  "To put our conversation into intelligent perspective; yes, I am a vampire."

  "So even though you adore the smell of my blood you resisted the animal in you to bite and feed on me?"

  "I'm not sure if I'd label myself an animal. However, it could sum it up." Haleton pushed his body harder against Amber's.

  She didn't resist. She closed her eyes, whispering. "Is it possible for you to put me into a love trance?"

  "That only happens in the movies."

  Haleton's lips brushed Amber's left cheek and hovered above her red lips. The gap looked to be only the width of a hair. He could feel the warmth of her breath when she exhaled.

  "I take it you can hear my heart beating?" questioned Amber.

  "Yes, I can. It's quickened its pace in the last minute."

  "How fast is it beating?" Amber quizzed.

  "It's moving at triple the pace."

  The rhythm of Haleton's heart matched the speed of Amber's. His breathing matched hers. The place where their bodies were touching warmed at an alarming rate. Both didn't seem to be concerned the rain started to fall again. The indentations in the rooftop quickly refilled. Haleton looked directly into Amber's shiny brown eyes. For the first time, he couldn't think of anything to say. He certainly didn't want to spoil the moment by talking.

  Amber pushed him gently to arm's length.

  Haleton moved to step closer.

  "Stay right where you are," Am
ber insisted. "I have a few more questions."

  "I'll do my best to answer each one honestly."

  "It'll be a good start. The other man, the one whom you fought; he called you weak. Why?"

  "Alex Crompton is wrong. I'm not weak."

  "Why did he say you're weak if it's not true?"

  "I think we'd be more comfortable talking out of the rain."

  "I'm happy to stand in the rain. My health is not troubled over a little water falling from the sky. What about you?"

  "Rain has no effect on me."

  "Good. My first question has been answered. I wasn't sure if rain acted like acid when it touched your skin."

  Sidestepping, Haleton leaned against the building's wall. "You are a very interesting young lady, Amber G. Cantala."

  "Before you say another word, explain to me how you know the initial of my middle name?"

  "Lucky guess," confessed Haleton after a few seconds of silence.

  "That won't wash. I surmise you somehow know my full middle name?"


  Amber's shoulders slumped when she exhaled. "I think you'd better start your explanation again. No one knows my middle name. I don't like it, so I've never said. Not even Craig knows."

  Haleton gave her a polite gentleman's nod. "When Alex and I were kids I thought we were the best of friends. I've already mentioned he's my cousin. He started to lead me down the wrong path. We stole wine from the local winery and if someone happened to be walking past he'd rob them of their money. From the onset of his crimes, I have tried to stop him. Contrary to what you have seen or heard I am an innocent man. He framed me. I never killed a soul up to the time of the curse. I hate what it has turned me into. The Bible quotes, 'thou shall not kill.' My parents taught me well. It is Alex Crompton who loves to kill for the sport. Of course, having no evidence, I was easily convicted. Both of us were caught in a trap and sentenced to roam the centuries with vampire blood flowing through our veins."

  "Are there any more like you?"

  "I'm led to believe there are thirteen, including myself."

  Amber's eyes widened. She looked to be frightened at the information.

  "Maybe I shouldn't have answered the question," hinted Haleton.

  "Probably not; I do thank you for your honesty. I like that in a man."

  "I'm guilty of allowing Crompton to have a hold over me. He ordered if I didn't help him, my parents would be told what transpired in the robberies."

  "Couldn't you have informed your parents?"

  "If you knew my father you'd understand. I'd receive a whipping just because he had a hard day. The only way I can prove to you what I'm saying is the truth is for you to look into my eyes. They're windows to my soul."

  Amber casually stepped closer. She did as he requested. For over a minute she stared deep into his green eyes studying his soul and his life. Finally, she grinned and cuddled into the man. Lifting her head, she closed her eyes. Haleton kissed her like a woman deserves to be kissed. He proved to her his heart was full of love and compassion. Their beating hearts created a perfect pitch. Both organs quickly slipped into synchronization to beat in unison. Haleton could feel Amber didn't want the moment to end. He didn't either. He tightened his grip. Amber responded by tightening hers. A friendly warm feeling crept through Haleton's body at the onset of knowing the girl he held in his arms, the one he instantly fell in love with the moment he first saw her, might be falling in love too.

  Amber pushed him gently away so she could look him in the eyes. "I believe you. I believe every word you spoke. I witnessed your entire life in your eyes. It's amazing. I feel like I never want us to be apart."

  "I feel the same."

  "You asked for my help?"

  "Yes. If I don't find the answer to my question our love will never be," whispered Haleton.

  Amber's gaze dropped to her feet. Tears welled in her eyes. "What's the question?"

  "The wretched curse has a few insane rules."

  Amber's eyes grew wide. Her brow wrinkled. Her expression changed from friendly to anger red.

  "I have to sever the lifeline of one more-evil person. After the death of each soul, I am transported into another time. I have to find the ancient scroll."

  "How can this ancient scroll help?"

  "I need to uncover the truth about the last death. Will, I be transported through time or will I be able to stay with you? I'll be free of the curse, but I might never see you again. Both times I have gotten close to the end of the curse the power of love and mortality start to conquer the vampire curse. It must be the reason why we are attracted to each other."

  "I'm happy we met," admitted Amber. "Meeting the love of my life has fulfilled the reason I've stayed away from all the other men who have wandered down the road to find me. I have always known one day the right man will come along."

  "Yes, it's a wonderful feeling knowing I've finally met the woman I want to spend the remainder of my life with. I'm hoping our time together isn't drawing on the curse to torment me one last time. Not seeing you again will be impossible to endure."

  "How do you know this ancient scroll exists or of its location?"

  "I know it does; I just can't prove it."

  "Do you have any idea of its location?"

  "No. Before you panic, I do have a clue."

  "It's a good start," said Amber. "I think we need to construct a plan."

  "Me too," echoed Haleton, glancing at the rising sun. "Before I am transformed into a shadow, we should retreat to your apartment."