Read The Boareen Rife Page 1

The Boareen Rife

  (The Rift)

  By James Cage

  Copyright © 2010 James Cage

  I am a traveler in time and space. My name is Arturus Verturus. I am presently stationed on your planet. This is a story of now.

  Firstly an explanation of time and space travel is in order. A computer sends messages in digital packets across the internet in microseconds. Time and space travel is similar. Space ships both small and large cross through time folds throughout the universe in electronic packets. The space vehicles easily flip through the folds from one place to another. The vehicle can land anywhere it wants by input coordinates. There are 10 dimensions or folds that rhythmically expand and contract. My race of beings understands the dimensional fluctuations and we can enter any galaxy or planet at any time and place in that planet’s history. Travelling at the speed of light is not the way to go for time and space travel. Inter-dimensional, digital packets are a preferred method. The Verturus travel by undulating wave vibrations.

  There are a number of different beings that monitor the planet Earth. These beings are similar in nature. Some races are human type. Other races are partly reptilian. These beings are more advanced than the natural inhabitants of Earth. These races all come from inside the Milky Way Galaxy. My race is the most advanced in the universe. We come from far outside your galaxy. We are spiritual beings. We monitor all life. We are the Watchers.

  Now where do the Verturus beings come from? The domain of the Verturus is pronounced The Boareen Rife (The Rift). The location is a full 10 dimensions from the Milky Way Galaxy.

  During the Earth’s existence there have been 4 high level societies of beings very similar to the human of today. I am only going to talk about human existence not dinosaurs, mammoths or large flying insects.

  A few eons ago, the first human type society came from outer space from a planet in the Andromeda stars. Remnants of their society were destroyed by a cataclysmic shifting of the poles. They left the planet Earth by spaceships a decade before the event.

  The second major inhabitants of the Earth were a breed of reptilian-humanoid space travelers. They did experimental breeding with the apelike creatures that inhabited this planet. These reptilian-humanoids came from within the Milky Way Galaxy. Their space vehicles still visit Earth. They communicate with modern man telepathically through the limbic system of the human brain. Call them the Droids. The Droids dug deep tunnels on the African continent and South America. They used gold as a material in space vehicles.

  The third wave society has left proof of existence on the planet. This group had the technology to build pyramids, map the planet, and mark landing areas visible from the sky. This group of humanoids used language and writing similar to hieroglyphics. They were large in frame. A direct descendent of the group would be Goliath in the Bible. The Earth’s mythology, ancient texts and religions come partly from the third wave society. The group continues to be involved in activity on the planet. Occasionally one of their spaceships shows up as a UFO. We shall name this group the Noids.

  Modern man is the fourth wave of human existence. We can trace the beginning of this society to the ancient city of Ur in the Middle East and civilizations in India, China, Australia and the Americas.

  The present human group can fly into space and communicate all over the planet by computer technology wirelessly. Modern man has mapped the genetic code and can artificially create life in a test tube. Man can destroy the planet with atomic weapons. What modern man has done is rediscover and reinvent technology that has existed in the universe for millennium.

  My group, the Verturus, is the watchers of the universe. We monitor all forms of life, everywhere. We are spiritual beings. We are called angels in Earth’s mythology. We can be physical or inhabit a human being or any being. Only spiritual beings, the Verturus, can cross all 10 dimensions. Physical beings such as the Droids and the Noids can flip through 4 dimensions, if you include time as a dimension. Time does not exist for the Verturus. We have always existed and always will exist.

  Modern man’s knowledge can explain how things once thought of as impossible can actually occur. Today, scientists can develop an embryo in a test tube, implant the embryo in a virgin and nine months later there is a newborn baby. Modern man can implant genes from one human to another or from an animal to a human. Man can create hybrid humans. Science can clone new animals from dead ones.

  Today’s scientists have not been able to duplicate some of the technologies of the past. The Droids and the Noids can move objects on the Earth and through space by gravitational and anti-gravitational forces. These groups do not use internal combustion engines for travel. The physical forces are charged molecules pushing mass through space. Some of the high speed trains in Europe and Japan use a similar anti-friction force, which floats the train above the track. Until man learns how to move through space by gravity/anti-gravity they will not be able to go through the worm holes to other worlds.

  The history of man is a history of war. Men and women are brave, honest and trustworthy. But man’s aggressive nature leads to war, conquest and death. The planet Earth is a battlefield.

  Although ancient warriors are considered barbarians their individual bravery was a site to behold. Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great and other leaders risked their own lives in battle. There are countless nameless soldiers throughout thousands of years of war that fought with bravery and honor. Today’s soldiers are as brave and formidable as the finest Roman Legions. I, Arturus Verturus, have witnessed many wars.

  The Noids and the Droids are not watchers like the Verturus. The Noids and Droids instigate and promote greed, hate, envy and uncontrollable anger into humankind. They try to control humans with the force of destruction. Man has freewill. But the Noids and the Droids can take advantage of an individual’s moment of weakness.

  Humans are manipulated by the Noids and the Droids through telepathic signals. These groups try to control humankind. Although humans are genetically programmed to be telepathic, most humans have lost this method of communication. However there are some people that can communicate by the mind. Soothsayers, witch doctors, prophets, psychiatrists, and a few bartenders are telepathic.

  The goal of both the Droids and the Noids is to destroy the planet Earth. Each group wants control of the inhabitants. The groups foment wars among mankind.

  In this present time the world of humans are at a crossroads. There are a number of physical phenomena effecting outcomes and probabilities on Earth. The alignment of the Milky Way Galaxy with the Earth’s sun in the center of it all has increased the gravitational forces on the immediate solar system. Earthquakes, floods, cold temperatures, hot temperatures are direct physical effects of the alignment. The planet is in upheaval. Since the world is in physical imbalance the Droids and Noids have an easier time influencing humans to cause their own destruction.

  There is always an agenda behind a global war. Different groups, countries, and individuals desire control over others. The Droids will choose a few groups to influence. The Noids take charge of the opposing forces. Then humans go to war against one another urged on by the Droids and Noids. For the Droids and Noids, war is a game of destruction and mankind is the victim.

  I, Arturus Verturus, want to return to the Boareen Rife (The Rift), where there is no war. In The Rift there is harmony and peace. But before I leave I must record for the ages the events on the planet Earth.

  The Droids and Noids influence the minds of the worldwide leadership. These leaders are easy to manipulate. World leaders think of themselves as superior beings. They are fed illusions of indestructibility by the Droids and the Noids. No written laws
, constitution, religious documents or natural law has any meaning to a worldwide government leader. Rules and regulations are only for the people enslaved under world domination. The leadership controls all governments, commerce, banking, trade and everything in between. Their greed, avarice and arrogance are limitless.

  The Noids and Droids want mankind to self destruct. Man has advanced to a higher level of existence over the last two hundred years. To stop humankind from further scientific advancement and possible spiritual enlightenment, man must be destroyed.

  The Noids and Droids use various methods to bring down societies. Most cultures are ruined from within. Politicians rule for themselves, their families and their friends. The rest of society is controlled by fear and force. Political leaders steal from the producers. They keep the gains of production for themselves and hand out a minimum amount to keep citizens at bay. The leaders turn one group of people against another. Eventually the financial system, judicial system and political system of the society is broken down. Chaos and lawlessness ensue. Once the country that is the stabilizing force in the world is broken down, it is time for the forces of darkness to take over the planet. The Noids and the Droids are forces of darkness.

  Since nuclear weapons exist, these are the weapons of choice of the Noids and the Droids. Observe a map of the Earth. Count the countries that have nuclear weapons. The players are in place. The Droids will push the East and the Noids will push the West and all mankind will suffer

  I Arturus Verturus shall watch and record the war. Then I shall return to the peaceful state of existence in the Boareen Rife.