Read The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge Page 5



  Bert Bobbsey was thinking rapidly. Something that he had nearlyforgotten came suddenly to his mind, and he hoped it would clear him ofthe accusation.

  And what he had seen, that brought back to his mind something that hehad nearly forgotten, was the sight of an elderly gentleman driving pastthe school in a sled. It was aged Mr. Carford, whose runaway team Berthad helped stop that day on the hill.

  "Will you let me call in Mr. Carford?" asked Bert of the principal.

  "Call in Mr. Carford?" repeated Mr. Tetlow in some surprise. "What for?"

  "Because, sir," said Bert eagerly, "he saw me lend my knife to JimmieBelton last night, and he can tell you that I went on home, leaving myknife with Jimmie."

  "Ha! Do you mean to say that Jimmie dropped it in the ice on the schoolsteps?"

  "No, Mr. Tetlow, I don't mean to say that. But I can prove by Mr.Carford that I went home last night without my knife. Please call himin."

  Bert thought of the strange old man, who had made such an odd remarkconcerning the Bobbsey family. And Bert was determined to find out whatit meant, but, as yet, he had had no chance, as his father was stillaway on a business trip.

  "Very well, we shall see what Mr. Carford has to say," spoke theprincipal. "And I will have Jimmie Belton in also."

  Mr. Tetlow pressed a bell button that called the janitor, and thelatter, who was still chopping away at the frozen steps, came to seewhat was wanted.

  "Just call to that old gentleman going past in the bob sled to come inhere," said Mr. Tetlow. "He is Mr. Carford."

  "Tell him Bert Bobbsey wants to see him," added the boy, amazed at hisown boldness.

  "Yes, you may do that," said Mr. Tetlow, as the janitor looked towardhim. Somehow the principal was beginning to doubt Bert's guilt now.

  From the office window Bert watched the janitor hail the aged man, whopaused for a minute, and then, tying his team, came on toward theschool. Bert's heart was lighter now. He was sure the old gentlemanwould bear out what he had said, and Bert felt he would be glad to dohim a good turn in part payment for what Bert and his chums had done incatching the runaways.

  "Mr. Carford," began Mr. Tetlow, who knew the aged man slightly, "therehas been trouble here, and Bert Bobbsey thinks perhaps you can helpclear it up. So I have asked you to step in for a moment." Then he toldabout the big snowball, and mentioned how he had come to suspect Bert.

  "But Bert tells me," went on Mr. Tetlow, "that you saw him lending hisknife to Jimmie Belton last night. May I ask you, is that so?"

  "Why, yes, it is," said the aged man slowly. "I'll tell you how it was."He nodded at Bert in a friendly way, and there was a twinkle in hisdeep-set eyes.

  "It was just toward dusk last evening," went on Mr. Carford, "and I wason my way home to Newton. I'd been in town buying some supplies, andnear the cross roads I met Bert and another boy."

  "That was Jimmie," said Bert eagerly.

  "Well, I heard you call him Jimmie--that's all I know," said Mr.Carford. "Bert was cutting a branch from a tree, and when I came up tothem I offered them a ride as far as I was going. They got in, and Berthere was whittling away with his knife as he sat beside me. Yes, that'sthe knife," said Mr. Carford, as the principal showed it to him.

  "I was making a ramrod for a toy spring gun I have," explained Bert. "Itshoots long sticks, like arrows, and I had lost one of my best ones, soon the way home I cut another. Then just before Mr. Carford gave us theride, Jimmie came along and asked me to lend him my knife. I said Iwould as soon as I had finished making my arrow. I did finish it in thesled and I gave him my knife just before we got out."

  Mr. Tetlow looked inquiringly at Mr. Carford, who nodded in answer.

  "Yes," said the aged man, "that was the way of it. Bert did lend thatother boy--Jimmie he called him--his knife. I saw the two boys separateand Jimmie carried off Bert's knife. But that's all I do know. Thesnowball business I have nothing to do with."

  "No, I suppose not," said the principal slowly. "I am sorry now that Isaid what I did, Bert. But there still remains the question of how yourknife got on the steps. Do you think Jimmie had a hand in putting thesnowball there?"

  "I don't know, Mr. Tetlow. I wouldn't like to say."

  "No, of course not. I'll have Jimmie here." The principal called amessenger and sent him for Jimmie, who came to the office wondering whatit was all about.

  Without telling him what was wanted Mr. Tetlow asked Jimmie thisquestion quickly: "What did you do with Bert's knife he lent it to youlast night?"

  For a moment Jimmie was confused. A strange look came over his face. Heclapped his hand to his pocket and exclaimed:

  "I--I lent it to Danny Rugg."

  "Danny Rugg!" cried Bert.

  "No, I didn't exactly lend it to Danny," explained Jimmie, "for I knew,Bert, that you and he weren't very friendly. But after you let me takeit last night, to start making that sailboat I was telling you about, Iforgot all about promising you that I'd bring it back after supper. ThenDanny came over, and he helped me with the boat. When he saw I had yourknife, and when he heard me say I must take it back, he offered to leaveit for you when he came past your house the next time."

  "And did you give it to him?" asked the principal.

  "Yes, I did," answered Jimmie. "I thought he would do as he said. Hetook the knife when he went home from my house."

  "But he never gave it to me!" said Bert quickly.

  "I am beginning to believe he did not," said the principal. "I think wewill have Danny in here."

  The bully came in rather defiant, and stared boldly around at those inthe office. Mr. Tetlow resolved on a surprising plan.

  "Danny," he said suddenly, "why did you put Bert's knife on the step,and let it freeze there to make it look as though Bert had helped placethe snowball in front of the door? Why did you?"

  "I--I--" stammered Danny, "I didn't--"

  "Be careful now," warned the principal. "We have heard the whole story.Jimmie has told how you promised to leave the knife with Bert, but youdid not."

  Danny swallowed a lump in his throat. He was much confused, and finallyhe broke down and admitted that he had been present and had helped rollthe snowball on the steps.

  "But I wasn't the only one!" he exclaimed. "There was--"

  "Tut Tut!" exclaimed the principal. "I want no tale-bearing. I thinkthose who did the trick will confess now, after I tell them what hashappened. Danny, it was very wrong of you to play such a joke, but itwas much worse to try to throw the blame on Bert by leaving his knifethere."

  "I--I didn't do it on purpose," said Danny. "The knife must have slippedout of my pocket." But no one believed that, for Danny was known to havea grudge against Bert, and that was reason enough for trying to throwthe blame on our little hero.

  But Bert was soon cleared, for, a little later, when Mr. Tetlow calledthe school together, saying that he had been mistaken in regard to Bert,and relating what had come out about the knife, several of the boys who,with Danny had placed the big ball on the steps, admitted their part init.

  They were all punished, but Danny most of all, for his mean act intrying to make it look as though Bert had done it.

  "Well," said Mr. Carford, as he took his leave, having helped to proveBert's innocence "this time I have had a chance to do a Bobbsey a favor,in return for one you did me, Bert."

  "Yes, sir," answered Bert, not knowing what else to say. He was puzzlingover what strange connection there might be between his family and Mr.Carford.

  "Come up and see me sometime," said the aged man. "And bring yourbrother and sisters, Bert. I'll be glad to see them at my place. I'mgoing to stay home all this winter. I'm getting too old to go to SnowLodge anymore."

  Bert wondered what Snow Lodge was, but he did not like to ask.

  Thus was cleared up the mystery of the big snowball, and Bert's manyfriends were as glad as he was himself that he had been found innocent.

  There came more snow stor
ms, followed by freezing weather after a thaw,and the boys and girls had much fun on the ice, a number of skatingraces having been arranged among the school pupils.

  The end of the mid-winter term was approaching, and the Christmasholidays would soon be at hand. Then would come a three week's vacation,and the Bobbsey twins were talking about how they could spend it.

  "It's too cold to go to the seashore," said Nan with a shiver, as shelooked out of the window over the snowy yard.

  "And the country would be about the same," added Bert.

  "Oh, it's lovely in the country during the winter, I think," said Nan.

  "We could get up a circus in the barn, with Snoop and Snap," saidFlossie, who was busy over a picture book.

  "Then I'm going to be the ring-master and crack a big whip and wear bigboots!" cried Freddie.

  "I do hope papa will be home for Christmas," sighed Nan, for Mr.Bobbsey's business trip, in relation to lumber matters, had kept himaway from home longer than expected.

  "I have good news for you, children," said Mrs. Bobbsey, coming into theroom just then with a letter. "Your father is coming home to-morrow."

  "Oh, how nice!" cried Nan.

  "I hope he brings us something," said Freddie.

  "I'll have a chance to ask him about Mr. Carford," thought Bert. "Iwonder what that old man meant by his strange words?"