Read The Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge Page 8



  "Nan!" called Freddie from under a big fur robe, as he sat in the warmstraw of Mr. Carford's sled next to his sister.

  "Yes, what is it?" asked Nan, bending over him to look at his face inthe gathering dusk of the winter afternoon. "Are you warm enough,Freddie?"

  "Yes, I'm as warm as the toast Dinah makes for breakfast. But say, Iwant to ask you--do you think we'll meet Santa Claus before we gethome?"

  "No, Freddie. The idea! What makes you think that?"

  "Well, it's near Christmas, and we're out in a sled, and he goes out ina sled, only with reindeers of course, and--"

  Freddie's voice trailed off sleepily. In fact he had aroused himselffrom almost a nap to ask Nan the question. Flossie, warmly wrapped up,was already slumbering in Bert's arms.

  "No, I don't believe we'll meet Santa Claus this trip," said Nan. "He isonly supposed to travel at night, you know, Freddie."

  "That's so. Well, if we do meet him, and I'm asleep, you wake me up:will you?"

  "Yes, Freddie," promised his sister, and she looked across at Bert andsmiled. The two younger twins were soon both soundly slumbering, forbeing out in the cold air and wind does seem to make one sleepy when,later on, one gets warm and comfortable.

  Mr. Carford sat up on the seat in front driving the sturdy horses, whilethe string of bells around them jingled at every step.

  "Wasn't that a queer story of Snow Lodge?" asked Nan of Bert, in a lowvoice.

  "It surely was," he replied. "It seems too bad to have the place allshut up, with no one to use it this winter. It would be just great, Ithink, if we could go up there for the Christmas holidays. We could goup right after Christmas, and not come back until the middle of January,for school doesn't open again until then. Wouldn't it be great!"

  "Fine!" agreed Nan. "But I don't s'pose we could. Mr. Carford doesn'twant Snow Lodge used, I guess. But he gave us a good time at his house."

  "Indeed he did," agreed Bert.

  On glided the sled, the bells making merry music. A light snowfallbegan, and Mr. Carford urged the horses to faster speed, for he wantedto get back home before the storm broke.

  "Wake up, Freddie!"

  "Wake up, Flossie!"

  Nan and Bert gently shook their little brother and sister to arousethem. The sled had stopped in front of the Bobbsey home.

  "Is it--is it morning?" asked Flossie, as she rubbed her eyes.

  "Did Santa Claus come?" demanded Freddie, trying to wiggle out of Bert'sarms.

  "Not yet," laughed Mr. Carford. "But I think he soon will be here. Canyou manage them, Nan--Bert?" he asked.

  "Oh, yes, we often carry them," replied Nan. "They'll soon be wide awakeagain, and they won't want to go to sleep until late to-night, onaccount of the nap they've had."

  Mrs. Bobbsey was at the door waiting for the children Flossie andFreddie soon roused up enough to walk in.

  "Won't you come in?" asked Mrs. Bobbsey of Mr. Carford. "I can give youa cup of tea. Mr. Bobbsey just came home. Perhaps you'd like to say'how-d'ye-do.'"

  "Thanks, I'll come in for just a minute," was the answer. "Then I mustbe getting back before the storm breaks. And I'll tie my horses, too. Ican't risk another runaway," Mr. Carford said with a smile at Bert.

  Mr. Bobbsey greeted the caller cordially, and the children were soontelling their parents of the nice visit they had had.

  "And Miss Carford can make almost as good cookies as Dinah!" criedFreddie.

  "Ha! Ha!" laughed Mr. Carford. "I'll have to tell my sister that. She'llbe real proud."

  Bert, looking from his father to Mr. Carford, wondered what could haveonce taken place between the two men. That there was some sort of secrethe felt sure, and up to now there had been no explanation of the strangewords used by the aged man at the time Bert and the others caught therunaways.

  "I haven't seen you in some time, Mr. Bobbsey," said Mr. Carford, afterthey had talked about the weather.

  "No, I've been very busy, and I suppose you have also. Have you been atSnow Lodge lately?"

  "No, and I don't expect to set foot in the place again. I guess you knowwhy. And I want to say now, that though I was rather cross with you whenyou tried to get me to change my mind about that matter, some time ago,I want to say that I'm sorry for it. I realize that you did it for thebest."

  "Yes," said Mr. Bobbsey, "I did, but I know how you felt about it. Ibelieved then, and I believe now, that you made a mistake about yournephew Henry."

  "No, I don't think I did," was the slow reply. "I am afraid Henry is abad young man. I don't want to see him again, nor Snow Lodge either. ButI'm glad you tried to help me. However, I have come about a differentmatter now. How would you and your family like to spend the winterthere? How would a vacation at Snow Lodge suit you?"

  No one spoke for a few seconds. All were surprised at the kind offermade by Mr. Carford.

  "A vacation at Snow Lodge!" said Mr. Bobbsey slowly.

  "Do you mean it, Mr. Carford?" asked Mrs. Bobbsey.

  "I certainly do," was the answer. "I have told your youngsters somethingabout Snow Lodge, and they seemed to like the place. I heard themtalking among themselves, on the way back here, how they'd like to gothere.

  "Oh, that's all right--no harm done!" exclaimed Mr. Carford, as helooked at the blushing faces of Nan and Bert. "I'm glad I did overhearwhat you were saying. It is a shame to keep that place locked up, andI'm just beginning to realize it.

  "I don't want to go there myself, but that's no reason why othersshouldn't. So, Mr. Bobbsey, if you like, you can take your whole familyup there to Snow Lodge, near the lake, and in the woods, and stay aslong as you like. Here are the keys!" and Mr. Carford tossed a jinglingbunch on the table.