Read The Bond of Black Page 29

after a pause,she added: "Well, to-night if you go to Aldersgate Street Station, andremain in the booking-office, you will meet her there at nine o'clock."

  "How do you know her movements so intimately?"

  I asked in wonderment.

  But she only smiled mysteriously. If it were the truth, as I now feltconvinced, that she was possessor of a power supernatural, there wassurely nothing strange in her knowledge of the actions of those beyondher range of vision. Had she not already told me that she was "a readerof hearts?"

  Suddenly she glanced at the clock, declaring that it was time she went,drew on her gloves and re-arranged her veil.

  As she stood ready to go I asked her for her address. But she only saidthat such knowledge was unnecessary, and if she wished to see me shewould call.

  Thus she left, and I stood again unmanned and undecided, just as I hadbeen when she had left me on the last occasion, only I had now renderedmyself helpless and passive in her hands.

  I tried to shake off the gruesome thoughts which crept over me, butfound myself unable. Already I seemed pervaded by a spirit of evil.The miasma of Hell was upon me.

  That night I went eagerly forth to the Aldersgate Street Station of theUnderground Railway. Time after time I passed through thebooking-office, and out upon the long balcony whence the stairs leaddown to the platform, until, almost on the stroke of nine, I caughtsight of the woman I loved, neatly dressed, but a trifle worn and pale.

  I dashed up to greet her, but next second drew back.

  She was not alone. A man was with her, and in an instant I recognisedhim.

  It was the thin, shabby-genteel man whom I had seen with Aline in thePark--the man who had urged her to commit some crime the reason of whichwas a mystery.

  She was laughing at some words her companion had uttered, and brushingpast me unnoticed took his arm as she descended the stairs, wornslippery by the tramp of the million wearied feet.

  I hesitated in amazement. This shabby scoundrel was her lover. She hadpreferred him to me. A great jealousy arose within me, and next momentI rushed after them down the stairs.



  Almost at the same instant a train emerged from the tunnel and stoppedat the platform. Following close behind Muriel and her companion,unnoticed among the crowd of foot-passengers, I saw them enter athird-class compartment; therefore in order to discover my love'shiding-place, I sprang into another compartment a little farther off.

  At King's Cross they alighted, and it suddenly occurred me that thewoman whom Ash had been sent by his master to meet at the Great Northernterminus might have been Muriel herself.

  The pair ascended to the street, and after standing on the kerb for afew moments entered a tram car, while I climbed on top. I had beencareful that Muriel should not detect me, and now felt a certain amountof satisfaction in tracking her to her abode, although I confess to afierce jealousy of this shabby, miserable specimen of manhood whoaccompanied her. Up the Caledonian Road to the junction of Camden Roadwith Holloway Road they travelled, alighting in the latter road, andwalking slowly along, still deep in earnest conversation, until theycame to the row of shops owned by Spicer Brothers, a firm of drapers ofthat character known in the trade as a "cutting" house, or one who soldgoods at the lowest possible price. It was, of course, closed at thathour, but its exterior was imposing, one of those huge establishmentswhich of late years have sprung up in the various residential centres ofLondon.

  Before the private door a couple of over-dressed young men lounged,smoking cheap cigars, and within a watchman sat in a small box, like thestage-door keeper of a theatre.

  Muriel and her lean cavalier paused for a moment, then they shook hands,and with a final word parted; he turned back City-wards, and she enteredthe door, receiving a rough, familiar greeting from the two caddishyoung assistants, who were not sufficiently polite to raise their hatsto her.

  I stood watching the man's disappearing figure, and hesitated. But evenas I waited there I saw him emerge into the road and enter a passingtram. The reason I did not follow him was because I was too confoundedin my feelings. Muriel was my chief thought. I hated this man, andentertained no desire to seek further who or what he was. I knew him tobe an associate of Aline. That was sufficient.

  I noted the shop well, and the door at which my love had entered, thenseeing that it was already ten o'clock, the hour when femaleshop-assistants are expected to be in, I turned reluctantly and took acab back to my chambers.

  At six o'clock next evening, I entered the establishment on a smallpretext, and ascertained from one of the employes that they closed atseven. Therefore I smoked a cigar in the crowded saloon of the Nag'sHead until that hour, when, together with a number of other loungers, Iwaited at the door from which the slaves of the counters and theworkrooms, male and female, soon began to emerge, eager to breathe thefresh air after the weary hours in the stifling atmosphere, heavy withthat peculiar odour of humanity and "goods" that ever pervades the cheapdrapers'.

  After waiting nearly half an hour Muriel at last came forth, dressedneatly in cotton blouse and dark skirt, with a large black hat. Shewent to the kerb, glanced up and down the broad thoroughfare, as iflooking for an omnibus or tram, then, there being none in sight, shecommenced to walk along the Holloway Road in the direction of the City.

  For some distance I followed, then with beating heart I overtook her,and, raiding my hat, addressed her.

  "You!" she gasped, halting suddenly, and looking into my face withterror.

  "Yes, Muriel!" I answered gravely. "At last I have found you, though Ihave striven in vain all these months."

  An expression of annoyance crossed her features, but next second aforced laugh escaped her.

  "Why did you leave Madame's in the manner you did, without sayinganything to me?" I inquired, as I walked on at her side.

  "I did not leave of my own accord," she replied. "I was dischargedbecause you kept me late, and I broke the rules."

  "But you did not send me your address," I exclaimed reproachfully.

  "I had no object in doing so," she responded, in a wearied voice, as ifthe effort of speaking were too much for her.

  "You acted cruelly--very cruelly," I said.

  "No, I scarcely think that," she protested. "I told you quite plainlythat we could be but mere acquaintances in future."

  "But I cannot understand you," I cried, dismayed. "What have I done todeserve your contempt, Muriel?"

  "Nothing," she responded coldly. "I do not hold you in contempt."

  "But you love another!" I cried quickly, recollecting her companion ofthe previous night.

  "And if I do," she answered, "it is only my own concern, I suppose."

  "No!" I cried fiercely. "It is mine, for I alone love you truly andhonestly. This man you love is a knave--a scoundrel--a--"

  "How do you know him?" she interrupted, regarding me in wonder. "Haveyou seen us together?"

  "Yes," I replied, bitterly. "Last night I saw you with him. How longwill you scorn my affection and trample my love beneath your feet?Think, Muriel!" I implored; "think how dearly I love you. Tell me thatthis shall not continue always."

  "I am perfectly happy," she answered, in a mechanical tone, not,however, without noticing my hesitation. "I have no desire to change."

  "Happy!" I repeated blankly. "Are you then happy in that low-classdrapery place, where you are compelled to dance attendance on the wivesof city clerks, and are treated with contempt by them because they thinkit a sign of good breeding to show capriciousness, and give you all theunnecessary trouble possible? In their eyes--in the eyes of thosearound you--you are only a `shop-girl,' but in mine, Muriel," I added,bending nearer her in deep earnestness, "you are a queen--a woman fittedto be my wife. Can you never love me? Will you never love me?"

  "It is impossible!" she answered in faltering tones, walking slower asthough she would return to escape me.

  "Why im

  "I am entirely happy as I am," she responded.

  "Because this man with whom I saw you last night has declared his lovefor you," I cried fiercely. "You believe him, and thus cast me aside."

  She drew a long breath, and her dark eyes were downcast.

  "What has caused you to turn from me like this?" I demanded. "Throughthe years we have been acquainted, Muriel, I have admired you; I havewatched your growth from an awkward schoolgirl into a graceful andbeautiful woman; I alone know how you have suffered, and how bravely youhave borne the buffets of adversity. I have therefore a right to loveyou, Muriel--a right to regard you as my own."

  "No," she answered hoarsely, "you have no right. I am alone mistress