Read The Bond of Black Page 38

to findthat her heart was the blackest in all the world."


  "My love for her is an absorbing one. She is my idol, and I have castaside my God for her."

  "Why do you talk like this?" I asked reproachfully. "Has it not beenproved to you already that you can marry and yet live a godly life?"

  "Yes, yes! I know," he responded with impatience. "But to love AlineCloud is to abandon the Master."

  "Why?" I inquired, all eagerness to learn what he knew of her strangepower of evil.

  "I cannot explain, because there is a mystery which is impenetrable," heanswered. "I shall resign the living and go abroad. I can no longerremain here."

  "You will again fly from her, as you did when you went and hid yourselfin Duddington?" I asked. "I can't understand the reason of youractions. Why not give me a little more explanation?"

  "But I can't explain, because I have not yet fathomed the truth."

  "Then you only entertain certain suspicions, and will act upon themwithout obtaining clear grounds. That's illogical, Jack--veryillogical."

  He pondered for a few moments, tugging at his moustache.

  "Well, I hadn't looked at it in that light before, I must confess," heanswered at last. "You think I ought to be entirely satisfied before Iact."

  "Yes, rashness should not be one of the characteristics of a man whoministers God's Word," I said.

  "But the deadly trail of the Serpent is upon everything," he declared."I can hope for nothing more. I cannot be hypocritical, neither can Iserve two masters. Is it not better for me to resign from the Church atonce than to offend before God?"

  "For whatever sin you have committed there is the Great Forgiveness," Isaid calmly. "You are a believer, or you could not preach thoseenthralling sermons, which have already made you noted in ecclesiasticalLondon. You are known as a brilliant, powerful preacher who can makethe tears well in the eyes of strong men by your fervent appeal to themto turn from their wickedness and live. Think!" I said. "Recollectthe men steeped in sin whom you have induced to come forth and bowbefore their God in penitence. Think of those men who have been savedby your ministrations, and then ask yourself whether there is nosalvation for you?"

  "Yes!" he sighed. "What you say is quite true, Clifton--quite true."

  "Then if you abandon the Church you abandon faith in the generousforgiveness which you have preached, and exhibit to those who havebelieved in you a doubt in the grace of God. Surely you, Jack, will notdo this?"

  He was silent, with bent head, as he stood before me reflecting.

  "Your argument is a strong one, certainly," he said at last. "But can Iactually stand in my pulpit and preach the Gospel after the knowledgethat has come to me?"

  "Knowledge!" I repeated. "We found that knowledge to be a meresuspicion only a moment ago!"

  "Yes," he admitted; "suspicion if you like. Well, that amounts to thesame thing."

  "Why don't you tell me all about it?" I urged. "What are thesesuspicions regarding Aline?"

  I recollected my bond of secrecy, and it drove me to madness. If Icould tell him all I knew, I felt that together we might combine toprobe the mystery. As it was, my silence was imperative.

  "It's my misfortune that I have not sufficient grounds for making anydirect allegation. I love her still; I adore her; I worship her; but--"

  At that instant, without warning, the door opened, and Muriel, brightand happy, burst into the room, bearing an armful of flowers. Nextsecond, on recognising my visitor, her countenance changed, and shebowed stiffly to him, without offering her hand. Quick to notice this,I at once demanded an explanation, for the mystery had now driven me todesperation.

  "There is some secret in your previous acquaintance with Muriel," Isaid, addressing Yelverton boldly. "Tell me what it is."

  "Our acquaintance!" he faltered, while she drew back open-mouthed inalarm. The pair exchanged glances, and I saw that between them was someunderstanding. "What makes you suggest that?" he asked, with a forcedlaugh.

  "You were acquainted before I introduced you the other day!" I cried,fiercely. "You can't deny that!"

  "I have not denied it," he responded calmly. "It is quite true that Iknew Miss Moore before our formal introduction."

  "Then why did you not admit it?" I demanded, a feeling of jealousyrising within me.

  "Simply because I had no desire to excite any suspicion in your mind,Clifton. That's all."

  "Rubbish!" I ejaculated. "There's some mystery behind all this. Whymay I not know?"

  The Vicar of St Peter's glanced inquiringly at Muriel, but finding nolook of permission in her countenance, preserved a silence, which in amoment grew irksome.

  Suddenly, however, Muriel, who stood near me, pale and excited, turned,and facing me, said--

  "There appears to be a misunderstanding between you. It is quite truethat I am acquainted with Mr Yelverton, and there is absolutely nonecessity to deny the fact. We have known each other for a long time--ever since I was at Madame Gabrielle's. He was curate at St Michael's,Rathbone Place, where I attended, and we were very good friends until--until--" and she did not finish the sentence.

  "Until what?"

  "Well, until an event occurred which transformed our friendship."

  "What event?"

  Again the pair exchanged glances. She was apparently trying to obtainpermission from him to expose to me the whole truth. At that moment Ifelt assured that this woman I had so fondly loved was playing me false,and, after all, this popular preacher was her real lover. Certaincircumstances appeared to point to it, for her confusion was apparent;she knew not what to admit, nor what to deny.

  He shrugged his shoulders in dumb motion, as though he were careless,but this action apparently gave her confidence, and she turned to meagain, saying--

  "Any explanation you demand, Mr Yelverton will no doubt give to you."

  "No, no," Jack cried, addressing her. "It's quite impossible. You knowfull well that I'm utterly in ignorance of the truth, and that you alonecan explain, if you will."

  She bit her lips, and endeavoured to recover her self-possession. Herillness had weakened her, and rendered her curiously nervous, so thatthe least emotion visibly affected her.

  "Yes," I added, "you are concealing a secret from me, Muriel, and I, whoam to be your husband, demand to know what it is. Tell me!"

  "If you had asked me this a few days ago," she answered, after a pause,"I could only have given you a negative answer. But I have overheardMr Yelverton's confession to you, and now that I am strong again, I amdetermined that neither he nor you shall longer remain in doubtregarding the mystery surrounding Aline Cloud."

  "What is it?" I cried excitedly. "Tell us quickly."

  "No," she answered, with a wave of the hand. "In this affair we mustexercise patience, or those who are guilty will assuredly escape us.Besides, we have to ensure our own safety also."

  "Our own safety!" Jack echoed. "What do you mean?"

  "Have I not narrowly escaped death?" she asked. "If we are not wary,another attempt, perhaps more successful, may be made."

  "You anticipate assassination because those who are guilty are awarethat you are now in possession of their secret?" I cried. "Then let usact in union with care and discretion. What has caused you to preserveyour silence until now?"

  "Circumstances which rendered my secrecy imperative," she answered."Until now I only entertained suspicions; but these have been confirmed,therefore to me the truth is apparent. In order, however, for us tosolve the mystery, it is necessary that you should both obey meimplicitly, without asking any questions, for to some of your demands Ishould be compelled to give false answers. Trust in me, both of you,and I will reveal to you something stranger than you have ever dreamed."

  "We do trust you," we both answered with one accord.

  "I'm ready to act in any manner you direct," I added.

  "And you will not fear, even though a plot may be laid against
yourlife?" she inquired with concern.

  "I fear nothing while I have my revolver in my pocket," I answered, ascoolly as I could. "Both of us are ready and anxious to carry out anyplan you may form."

  "But of what character is the plan?" asked the vicar, with naturalcaution.

  "It's Friday to-day," she observed, disregarding his question. "Tell mewhen Aline will next visit you."

  "On Sunday. She has