Read The Bond of Black Page 40

candles of black wax. At the end,opposite where we stood, was a church Communion-table whereon burntlong, black candles, and before it stood a kind of low stool with alarge cushion of black velvet upon it. All was black save the strangedesigns upon the walls, while the candles shed a curious mystic lightupon the whole apartment, illuminating the central object so weirdlythat our startled eyes were riveted upon it. This object, placedimmediately over the altar, was nothing less than a great effigy ofSatan, with a leering grin upon his ghastly features, holding in onehand an apple, and in the other a wine-bottle. In the eyes there burneda blood-red light, and the protruding tongue, as he laughed, seemedpointed as that of a serpent. It was hideous; and I heartily wishedmyself out of that noisome place.

  Suddenly I saw something which paralysed me with terror. The effigymoved. What I had believed to be but a statue, bent down and utteredsome words to a thin, pale-faced man who had at that instant entered bythe door on the opposite side of the chamber.

  "Look!" gasped Yelverton. "Look! It is living!"

  But Muriel placed her hand upon his mouth, demanding that he shouldpreserve silence and not risk our lives.

  The newcomer spat into a marble bowl of water like that placed at thedoor of the Roman Catholic churches, whereupon Satan gave vent to alaugh so hideous that it sent a chill through me. Next second, someeight or ten others, men and women, entered, each expectorating into theholy water as sign of contempt for all things sacred.

  With bated breath we watched. For several years there had been hints inthe press of the establishment in London of a cult of Satan, but veryfew believed it. Yet here we were actual witnesses that Diabolism didexist among us. This age is indeed a decadent one, for according to thefacts which had already leaked out the terribly profane doctrine ofSatan consisted of a kind of reversed Christianity, it being inferred,from the condition of the world at the present time, that the mastery ofthe moment rests with the evil principle, and that the beneficent Deityis at a disadvantage. The Diabolists, therefore, while believing thatthe Deity reigns, declare that he is the author of human misery, andthey therefore take sides with Satan in the cause of humanity.According to those who have come out of this cultus, the worshippersco-operate with Satan to insure his triumph, and they believe that hecommunicates with them to encourage and strengthen them.

  Such, briefly, is the belief of the modern Diabolists, and such is thelatest acme of profanity established among the greatest and mostcivilised nation on the earth.

  As we watched, our eyes strained to witness everything, we saw infamousrites performed, rites which caused us both to shudder in horror; yetcuriously enough Muriel looked upon them calmly, without betraying theslightest fear. Those who assembled were, for the most part, welldressed, and presently the Evil One upon the pedestal reached forth hishand and rang a small bell. Next instant there entered two acolytesbearing a ciborium, which they placed upon the altar. Then, afterrepeating a prayer to Satan in Latin, in imitation of a Christianprayer, the worshippers with one accord fell upon their knees inadoration of the Evil One.

  The scene was strangely weird, but utterly horrible, for on regainingtheir feet all formed a row and filed past the altar, each taking up adagger, and as they passed stabbed the consecrated host within thecasket. Then, at sign from the hideous man upon the pedestal, a Satanicliturgy was chanted, and a brazier was lit by the acolyte in the centreof the chamber, when each worshipper producing a crucifix spat threetimes upon it and cast it into the fire, while Satan laughed in triumphand they cried aloud to him in adoration. To witness such Pagan ritesas these, where every element of Christianity was held up to ridicule,was sickening. A feeling of nausea crept over me when I heard these menand women anathematise the Deity, and the infamous and degradingceremonies caused me to shudder.

  Suddenly there was a stir among the members of this evil cult at thatmoment kneeling, for a woman slowly entered, veiled, followed by amasked man in a long, black vestment, bearing on the breast an effigy ofSatan. A silence fell, deep and complete, for the woman in her flowingrobes of black stood before the stool in front of the altar and raisedher bare white arms above her head.

  She was evidently the priestess of the cult, for I watched her standbefore the stool, while the priest with the assistance of an acolytebrought out a huge crucifix of black and silver and placed it beforeher. Then he also produced a bag of black silk containing somethingwhich moved within, and deposited it at her feet.

  When he had done this, and all was in readiness, she knelt upon thecushion, and placed her back as a reading-desk for him, while he wentthrough the ceremony of the Black Mass, an appalling profanityimpossible to here describe.

  When at length this had been concluded, the woman rose and, bending,took from the bag the object that had been writhing within it. Eagerlywe strained our eyes, and were amazed to see that it was a black cat.With a loud cry to Satan as ruler of the world, she took a long, thindagger from her belt and plunged it into the animal, which expiredalmost without a struggle. Then, with a swift, dexterous movement shecut out the heart, and with its blood defiled the crucifix, an actionwhich was applauded by the onlookers, now increased in number, andgreeted with a loud laugh by the hideous representative of Evil at theend of that foul, terrible place.

  Next second, however, a circumstance occurred which rendered ourconcealment impossible. The priestess with a swift movement tore herveil from her face, while the priest took off his mask.

  The two faces revealed caused us to utter exclamations of surprise whichat once rendered concealment no longer possible.

  The priestess was none other than Aline Cloud, and the priest thebony-faced scoundrel Hibbert, whom Muriel had loved!

  "We are discovered!" my love gasped. "Be careful, or your lives may betaken. These people are desperate."

  Both Jack and myself drew our revolvers in an instant, and ere we knewhow it occurred, a door opened, and we found ourselves within the Templeof Evil, struggling in the confusion which had been caused. The man whohad posed as Satan, director of the cult, had sprung down to earth in amoment, shouting to some hidden person to close all egress and bearingin his hand the gleaming dagger with which the worshippers had stabbedthe sacred elements within the ciborium.

  Aline, when she had recognised us, gave a shriek and stood glaring ather lover, pale as death. Jack, tall, and strong as a lion, stood inthe garb of the Christian Church within that foul den of the Diabolistsand with a loud voice called upon them to remain quiet and listen.

  But at that instant I saw in the eyes of Satan a dangerous expression,and with a curse he sprang at Muriel with his knife, and would havestruck her dead had I not been quick enough to arrest the blow and pointmy revolver at his head.

  "Would you," she cried, "attempt my life a second time? See!" and shepointed to me. "This man is my lover; and for your cowardly attempt tokill me you shall answer to him."

  "And this was the man who attacked you?" I cried, as he flinchedbeneath my aim. "It is only what might be expected of a man whomasquerades as the Evil One."

  "You!" I heard Yelverton cry in a voice which showed how bitter was hisregret, as he faced Aline, who in her long, black robe stood tremblingand unsteady before him. "Then this is the truth," he cried hoarsely."You are the priestess of Satan!"

  "Ah, yes!" she cried. "But first hear me before you condemn me! Andyou, Clifton," she added, turning to me. "Hear me, and when you havelistened try and regard me with sympathy and pity. I know I am unworthyof regard, wretched outcast that I am; but I have acted undercompulsion. I swear I have!"

  "Enough!" roughly cried the director of those profane rites, who hadposed above the altar regarding all with satisfaction. "There has beentreachery; and you, our brothers and sisters, must decide the fate ofthose who have dared to enter with the spy."

  "Silence!" I cried, handling my revolver determinedly. "First let ushear the statement of this priestess of yours. The first person wholays hands on either of us pays for it with
his life."

  I was a pretty dead shot, and at that moment was desperate.

  "Listen!" Aline cried, addressing Jack, "and I will tell you. Threeyears ago I was living with my father in Montgeron when I becameacquainted with a man who one night persuaded me to go with him to ahouse in Paris, and there by his trickery I was initiated as aDiabolist. It was partly because of a passing fancy for him, and partlybecause of the mysteries surrounding it, that I became a member of theinfamous cult; yet soon I hated the awful rites, and the revulsion offeeling within me caused me to embrace Christianity, so that when atlength my father died, and I escaped from this man and came to England,I was received into the English Church. Then you know how we met, and Iloved you. My father had left me fairly well off, and as atonement formy sin in worshipping Satan I devoted the greater part of my money tocharity in the poorer