Read The Bond of Black Page 7

lover once occupied?" I said, with deep disappointment.

  "It is impossible!" she answered, shaking her head gravely. "The lovewhich comes to each of us once in a lifetime is like no other. Ifdoomed to misfortune, it can never be replaced. None can fill thebreach in a wounded heart."

  "That is only too true," I was compelled to admit. "Yet I cannotrelinquish you, Aline, because I love you."

  "You are infatuated--like other men have been," she said, with a faint,pitying smile. "Holding you in esteem as I do, I regret it."


  "This is but the second time we have met, and you know nothing of mycharacter," she pointed out. "Your love is, therefore, mereadmiration."

  I shook my head. Her argument was unconvincing.

  "Well," she went on, "_I_ only desire that you should release me fromthis bond of friendship formed by your kindness to me the other night.It would be better for you, better for me, if we parted this eveningnever to again meet."

  "That's impossible. I must see you from time to time, even though youmay endeavour to put me from you. I do not fear this mysterious evilwhich you prophesy, because loving you as firmly as I do, no harm canbefall me."

  "Ah, no!" she cried. "Do not say that. Think that the evil in theworld is far stronger than the good; that sin is in the ascendency, andthat the honest and upright are in the minority. Remember that no manis infallible, and that ill-fortune always strikes those who are leastprepared to withstand the shock."

  I remained silent. She spoke so earnestly, and with such heartfeltconcern for my welfare, that I was half-convinced of her sincerity ofpurpose. The calmness of her words and her dignity of bearing wasutterly mystifying. Outwardly she was a mere girl, timid, unused to theworld and its ways, honest-eyed and open-faced; yet her words were thoseof a woman who had had a long and bitter experience of loves andhatreds, and to whom a lover was no new experience. Beneath thesestrange declarations there was, I felt certain, some hidden meaning, butits nature I utterly failed to grasp.

  I was young, impetuous, madly in love with this mysterious, beautifulwoman who had come so suddenly into my otherwise happy, irresponsiblelife, and I had made my declaration of affection without counting thecost.

  "I care not what evil may fall upon me," I said boldly, holding her handin tightening grip. "I have heard you, and have decided that I willlove you, Aline."

  Again I raised her hand, and in silence she allowed me to kiss herfingers, without seeking to withdraw them.

  She only sighed. I thought there was a passing look of pity in her eyesfor a single moment, but could not decide whether it had really beenthere or whether it was merely imaginary.

  "Then, if that is your decision, so let it be!" she murmured hoarsely.

  And we were silent for a long time.

  I looked into her beautiful eyes in admiration, for was I not now herlover? Was not Aline Cloud my beloved?

  The dying day darkened into night, and Simes entering to draw down theblinds compelled us to converse on topics far from our inmost thoughts.

  She allowed me to smoke, but when I invited her to dine, she firmlydeclined.

  "No," she answered. "For to-day this is sufficient. I regret that Icalled to visit you--I shall regret it all my life through."

  "Why?" I demanded, dismayed. "Ah, don't say that, Aline! Rememberthat you've permitted me to love you."

  "I have only permitted what I cannot obviate," she answered, in a hard,strained voice. I saw that tears were in her eyes, and that she was nowfilled with regret.

  Yet I loved her, and felt that my true, honest affection must sooner orlater be reciprocated.

  Without further word she rose, drew on her gloves, placed her warm capearound her shoulders and pulled down her veil. Then she stretched forthher hand.

  "You will not remain and dine? Do!" I urged.

  "Not to-night," she answered, in a voice quite different from her usualtone. "I will accept your invitation on another occasion."

  "When shall I see you?" I asked. "May I hope to-morrow?"

  "I will call when it is possible," she replied. "You say you love me.Then promise me one thing."

  "Anything you wish I am ready to grant," I answered.

  "Then do not write to me, or seek me. I will call and see you whenevermy time admits."

  "But may I not write?" I asked.

  "No," she answered firmly. "No letters must pass between us."

  I saw that she meant to enforce this condition, therefore did not argue,but reluctantly took leave of her after her refusal to allow me toaccompany her back to Hampstead.

  Again she allowed me to kiss her hand, then turning slowly she sighedand passed out, preceded by Simes, who opened the door for her.

  I sank back into my chair when the door closed upon her, puzzled yetecstatic. This woman, the most beautiful I had ever seen, had allowedme to love her.

  I had at last an object in life. Aline Cloud was my well-beloved, and Iwould live only for her. In those moments, as I sat alone gazing intothe fire, I became filled with a great content, for infatuation hadoverwhelmed me.

  The clock striking seven at last aroused me to a sense of hunger, and Irose to dross before going along to the club to dine. As I did so,however, my eyes suddenly fell upon the mantel-shelf, and I stoodamazed, dumbfounded, rooted to the spot.

  Upon the shelf there had been a small wooden medallion, a specimen ofthe Russian peasants' carving, representing the head of a Madonna--I hadbought it in Moscow a year before--but an utterly astounding thing hadoccurred.

  I could scarce believe my own eyes.

  It had been consumed by an unseen fire, just as the crucifix had been,and nothing but a little white ash now remained!

  "Good heavens!" I gasped; and with my finger touched the ashes.

  They were still warm!

  I stood wondering, my gaze fixed upon the consumed Madonna, reflectingthat upon the occasion of Aline's last visit my crucifix was destroyedin the same manner by some unseen agency, and now, strangely enough,this second sacred emblem in my possession had with her presencedisappeared, falling into ashes beneath my very eyes.

  The mysterious influence of evil she confessed to possessing was hereillustrated in a manner that was unmistakable.

  In an instant all the strange words she had uttered swept through mybewildered brain as I stood there terrified, aghast.

  The mystery surrounding her was as inexplicable as it was startling.



  Daily the problem grew more puzzling.

  The fusing of the crucifix and the carved medallion of the Madonna wereclearly due to the presence of the mysterious Aline, the beautiful womanwho had warned me against the strange evil she exerted over those withwhom she came in contact. Such occurrences seemed supernatural; yet socurious were her words and actions, and so peculiar and impressive herbeauty, that I could not help doubting whether she actually existed inflesh and blood, or only in some bright vision that had come to hold mein fascination. Yet Simes had seen her, and had spoken with her. Therewas therefore no doubt that she was a living person, even though shemight be a sorceress.

  Nevertheless, they were something more than mere conjuring feats whichcaused the sacred objects in my room to spontaneously consume in herpresence. Had she not told me plainly that evil followed in herfootsteps? Did not these two inexplicable events fully bear out herwords?

  I called Simes, and when I showed him the Madonna he stood glaring at itas one terrified.

  "I don't like that lady, sir," he exclaimed, glancing at me.

  "Why not?"

  "Well, sir, pardon me for saying so, but I believe she can work the evilof the very Devil himself."

  That was exactly my own opinion; therefore I preserved silence.

  As lover of a woman possessed of a mysterious influence, the like ofwhich I had never before heard, my position was certainly an unique one.In the days which followed I tried
to argue with myself that I did notlove her; to convince myself that what she had alleged was true, namely,that I admired but did not love her. Yet all was in vain. I wasfascinated by her large blue eyes, which looked out upon me with thatcalm, childlike innocence, and remaining beneath their spell, believedthat I loved her.

  The mystery with which she had surrounded herself was remarkable. Herrefusal to allow me to call upon her, or even to write, was strange, yether excuse that her aunt would be annoyed was plausible enough.

  Compelled, therefore, to await her visit, I remained from day to dayanxious to meet her because I loved her.

  On entering the club one afternoon I found Roddy alone in thesmoking-room, writing a letter.

  "Well!" he cried, merrily, gripping my hand. "How goes it--and how'syour little mystery going on?"

  I sank into a chair close to him and told him of Aline's visit.

  "And you're clean gone on her--eh?" he queried.

  I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a vague reply.

  "Well, take care," he said in a serious tone. "If I were you I'd findout who and what she is. She might be some adventuress or other."

  "Do you suspect her to be an adventuress?" I inquired quickly.

  "My dear fellow, how can I tell? There seems to me something rathershady about her, that's all."

  I pondered. Yes, he spoke the truth. There was something shady abouther. She would tell me absolutely nothing of herself.

  We smoked together for half an hour, then parted, for he was compelledto go down to the House, as a dutiful legislator should.

  A week passed yet I saw not Aline, nor had any word from her. From dayto day I existed in all anxiety to once again look upon that face soangelic in its beauty and so pure in expression. Indeed, more than onceI felt inclined to break the promise I had made her and call atEllerdale Road, but I refrained, fearing lest such a course might annoyher.

  One evening, a fortnight after she had visited me, I was walking alongthe Bayswater Road towards Oxford Street, skirting the railings of HydePark, when suddenly I noticed before me two figures, a man and a woman.They were walking slowly, deep in conversation.

  In an instant I recognised the slim, perfect figure in the black jacketand black hat as that of Aline, and drew back to escape observation.

  Her companion was tall, thin, and rather ill-dressed. As they passedbeneath a street-lamp I discerned that he was about forty, with lankblack hair, a long black moustache, and a sallow, bony face--acountenance the reverse of prepossessing. His silk hat had seen betterdays, his frock-coat was tightly buttoned for warmth, as he had noovercoat, and his boots were sadly run down at heel. As this seedyindividual walked beside her she was speaking rapidly, while he, bondingto her, was listening intently.

  The meeting was such an unexpected one that at first I was at a losswhat to do. Next moment, however, with the fire of jealousy arousedwithin me, I resolved to follow them and watch. They strolled slowlyalong until they came to Victoria Gate, and then turned into the Park,at that hour dark and deserted. I noticed that as they entered she tookhis arm, and it appeared as if they were going in the direction ofGrosvenor Gate, which leads out into Park Lane; for they crossed theRing, and continued straight ahead along the tree-lined avenue. But fewlights were there, so following at a respectable distance, I managed tokeep them in sight.

  Soon, however, they rested upon a seat at foot of a great old beech, andcontinued their conversation. I had, of course, a keen desire to learnthe nature of this exchange of confidences, but the problem was how toapproach sufficiently near and yet escape observation. At first I wasinclined to relinquish my endeavours, but suddenly it occurred to methat I might get over the railing on to the grass, and in the darknessapproach noiselessly behind the tree where they were seated.

  Therefore, turning back some distance to a bend in the path, where theycould not detect me, I sprang over the iron fencing, and treadingsoftly, cautiously made my way up behind them, until I actually stoodbehind the tree within three yards of them, but with the railing betweenus.

  Then, scarce daring to breathe, I waited to catch their words. Of thisshabby-genteel fellow, evidently her lover, I was madly jealous; but myanger was instantly changed to surprise when I heard the nature of theirconversation.

  "But you must!" he was saying earnestly.

  "I tell you, I won't!" she answered decisively. "The risk is toogreat--far too great."

  "But as I've already told you, it's absolutely imperative."

  He spoke roughly, but with a refinement which showed him to be educated.He bore outward evidence of having come down in the world.

  "I wouldn't act like that if I were offered a thousand pounds," shedeclared.

  "But it must be done," he urged.

  "Not by me."

  "Do you intend to back out, then?" he inquired roughly.

  "I merely tell you plainly that you and your ruffianly associates havegone quite far enough. That's all," she answered calmly. Her wordswere not those which a woman usually uses towards her lover.

  He gave vent to a short, brutal laugh, as if enjoying her indignation.

  "It's all very well to talk like this, Aline," he said; "but you knowquite well that argument is useless. You must do it."

  "I will not, I tell you!" she cried fiercely.

  "Well, we shall see," he answered. "Recollect that you are one of us,and as such, to break away is impossible."

  "I know that, only too well," she answered bitterly. "But it isterrible--horrible! As each day passes I am more and more convincedthat the truth must soon be discovered."

  "And if it is?"

  "I will never live to bear the exposure," she said, in the hoarse, lowvoice of one desperate.

  "My dear girl," he exclaimed, "you who have beauty and a plausibletongue have the world before you; yet you always refuse to seize youropportunity. You who possess the power of the King of Evil, whose touchis deadly and whose caress is venomous, could rule an empire if youwished; yet you are inert, lethargic, and refuse to assist us, even inthis."

  "I will not sin deeper than I have already sinned," she answered. "Iwill have no hand in it."

  "Why not?"

  "It is horrible!" she protested. "And I tell you, once and for all,that I will have nothing to do with the affair."

  "You're a fool!" he cried roughly.

  "True! I am, or I would never have fallen thus into the trap you andyour friends baited so cunningly."

  "You are beautiful!" he answered, with a harsh laugh. "A beautifulwoman is always a safe trap for fools."

  "If men admire me I cannot help it; if they love me then it is againstmy wish, for since that day long ago, when the Spirit of Evil enteredinto me, love has known no place in my heart."

  "Well spoken!" he exclaimed. "If you have no love for him the rest isquite easy."

  "Though all love within me is dead, I yet have a woman's heart, andwomanly feeling," she said. "I know that my beauty is only a curse; Iam well aware that men who have admired me have been drawn irresistiblyto their doom. Ah!" and she shuddered in shame, "it is terrible--terrible!"

  "Yet why should you regret?" he queried. "You are not of their world;you have nothing in common with them. You have been given beauty, themost marvellous, perhaps, in all the world; diabolic beauty, whichcauses you to be remarked wherever you go; which has caused the downfallof the upright, and has wrecked the lives of those who trust in theguardian Spirit of Good."

  "Yes, I know," she answered quickly. "Yet I am tired of it all. I amaware that my power for the working of evil among my fellow-creatures isgreater than that of any other person of flesh and blood; that at mytouch objects held sacred are defiled and consumed, that sight of myface may cause a veritable saint to turn from his asceticism and becomean evil-doer. All this I know, alas! All this is due to the influenceof evil, which once I might have striven against, had I wished."

  "You possess the _beaute du Diable_," he said. "Are you no
t thedaughter of Satan?"

  "If I am I decline to commit any further crime at your bidding," sheanswered, with indignation. "You have held me enthralled until now, butI tell you that you have strained the bond until it will ere long break.Then I shall be free."

  "I'm pleased that you have such pleasant anticipations," he replied. "Awoman who once gives herself over to the Evil One can never regain herfreedom."

  "But she can refuse to increase the enormity of her sin by committingcrime at the bidding of the man who holds her beneath his thrall," sheanswered.

  "You know what such refusal means?" he said in a threatening tone.

  "Yes--death. Well, I do not fear it. Within me a new love has beenawakened. I now love for the first time in all my life."

  "Yet you have already said that in your heart love knows no place."

  "I tell you I love him!" she cried. "He shall not suffer!"

  She was evidently referring to me. I held my breath, eager to catchevery syllable. Perhaps this man was urging her to kill me!

  "The power you possess to work evil is irresistible," he said briefly.

  "Alas! I know it," she answered. "Those with whom I am in dailycontact little dream of who or what I really am, or they would shun meas they would shun a leper."

  "Why should they?" her bony-faced companion asked. "Evil has beendominant in the world for all ages, and the Prince of Darkness has