Read The Bonnies Page 8

Chapter Seven

  After Kerry sent me that message, I was extremely happy but yet worried. I was hoping she would say that she’s in, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something else. I agreed to meet her after classes the next day so we could talk. When the next day came, I could barely concentrate. The last bell for today rang, and I rushed out of class to meet up with Kerry outside of her biology class. Leaning against the wall, I reached in my pocket and stuck a piece of grape flavored gum in my mouth. The class emptied with students until I could spot Kerry. Her eyes had bags under them as she approached me.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Let’s talk.”

  I let her lead the way. She led us away from the school building and back to that jogging trail I was starting to hate. Since classes had just ended, the trail was empty. We were alone. Kerry led us to a spot that was similar to last time and then she stopped. She turned to face me, a glare scarier than the ones I usually dished out, on her face.

  “I thought you said you wouldn’t tell anyone else about my secret.”

  “Yeah, I said that and I meant it.”

  “I thought so.” She reached into her yellow school folder and retrieved a white envelope. “I found this in my gym locker yesterday after practice.” She handed the envelope to me.

  I took it from her hands and began to open it. In the inside of the envelope was a piece of white paper. I quickly unfolded the paper and then froze. On the paper was the exact same picture of Kerry that I’d told her I had deleted, but it wasn’t the only thing. Below the picture was a message.

  She’s going to keep quiet. But how are you going to silence me?

  Help her with the painting, and it’ll be the last free thing you’ll do.

  One caught turkey for thanksgiving, coming up.

  I closed the message as I stared at Kerry. “You didn’t see who sent this.”

  “No. Everyone was showering and Coach Malory was in her office on the phone. Anybody could have walked in during that time, but I’m sure she would have seen them through the window.”

  Kerry eyes still held a bit of distrust in them and I immediately wanted to get rid of it. “Kerry listen, that day when I asked you to help me, I had already deleted the photo. I was the only one who had discovered you in the background on the photo. The police had already checked all the photos from that night and still have no clue on who stole the necklace. I knew though, if they hired a specialist, he would find your face in the photo. So I did the only thing I could to protect you, I deleted it. I never saved a copy and I never told anyone about it. You have to believe me.”

  After staring at me for a while she nodded. “I believe you. But who else could know?”

  “Have you told anyone? What about your roommate?”

  “I haven’t told anyone. I figured if I kept it to myself, it would be at least one secret I could take with me to the grave.”

  I nodded. I understood those types of secrets. Yuri and I had enough of our own though now Kerry and Taylor seemed to know about it as well. I opened the paper and stared down at it again. The writing font seemed familiar. Where have I seen this font? Closing my eyes, I pulled up old memories of being in my father’s office as one particular memory came to me. It was three weeks before my father decided to leave. I’d gone into my father’s office to take him some lunch since he’d been in there all day. When I got there, his office was empty. I walked the tray over to his desk and sat it down. I was turning to walk away when I saw a piece of stained paper that had the words “This is your last warning”, written on it. I tried to see more, but my dad walked in and covered the paper with a book. He claimed it was something from a debt collector, but I didn’t buy it. Now as I hold this letter in my hands, my suspicions came back once again.

  “Who do you think sent this?” Kerry said walking to stare over at the paper.

  “I’m not sure, but I think this person may know what happened to my father.”


  The Café was packed from wall to wall as usual. I said goodbye to Kerry as she headed over to the table with her roommate. I didn’t plan on staying. Someone out there was starting up with the messages again, and this time they were aimed at me. Whoever it was, was hoping to scare Kerry enough so she wouldn’t want to help me, but it only seem to fuel her more. I needed to figure out how this person had made the connection between me and Kerry and how they got their hands on that photo. In order to do that, I needed chocolate. I walked towards the long line and waited to place my order. As my eyes glanced around the Café, I spotted Micah hanging out with a group of guys. As if sensing me, he glanced up and smiled. I felt my heart rate speed up as I returned his smile. Then out of nowhere, Paige walked up to him wrapping her long ape arms around his neck. He turned to face her and I turned my head. Paige was doing this on purpose. She knew I couldn’t stomach seeing them together. Every time I saw Micah— she was there, hanging on him like a Christmas tree ornament.

  “Don’t let her get to you.” I turned around to see Heather behind me. She pushed up her glasses and smiled.

  “I’m not worried about Paige. She’s a twit.”

  Heather laughed covering her mouth with her hands. “Why does she hate you so?”

  I opened my mouth to answer but really couldn’t come up with anything. I had met Paige at a dinner party someone was hosting in Washington. We couldn’t have been any more than thirteen when we met. Yuri had abandoned me to go hang with Scott Wari who was way too old for her. Being left alone, I had filled up on sweets from this candy bar when this guy named K.J. approached me. He made a remark about the party and we’d instantly hit it off. At that time I was still a bit tomboyish and had angered my mother by showing up in a dress and some sneakers. While other people had given me a weird look, K.J. just smiled at me. He didn’t care that I was dressed like a freak. We had just stolen a few sips from a champagne tray when we heard a noise behind us. That was the first time I met Paige. Turning we saw a brunette girl dressed in a sky blue colored dress. She was beautiful, but that wasn’t what caught my attention. It was her face that was filled with anger— anger that was directed towards me.

  “Can we help you?” K.J. had asked. The girl turned to him, her expression filled with one of betrayal. Shooting me another glare she turned and left the room. After she left, we laughed and continued drinking the champagne, already erasing her from our minds. One year later during freshman orientation, I bumped into Paige in the hallway. I remembered her instantly and as she did of me. I had hopes the two of us could be friends, but Paige had other plans. She made it known we were going to be enemies, and we had, since that day.

  “I don’t know why she hates me” I said finally answering Heather. I truly didn’t.

  I ordered my box of brownies and headed out the Café. I didn’t bother to even look in Paige’s direction. Heather had wanted to tag alone with me, but I told her I needed some alone time. I wasn’t lying, I really did. Removing my cellphone from my purse, I texted Taylor to see if we could meet. She replied a minute later telling me to meet her at her headquarters. I headed towards the custodian building when I spotted Micah sitting in his usual spot under the tree drawing. When had he left the Café? I debated with myself on whether or not I should talk to him. I decided on the latter. He was Paige’s man. I headed in the other direction, when I felt a tug on my arm. I turned around to see Micah.

  He let go of my arm and reached to rub his head in a nervous gesture. “I called your name, but I guess you didn’t hear me.”

  “Sorry, I’ve been lost in my thoughts lately.”

  “Anything, I can help with. I’m good at listening.”

  I laughed. “No, I think this is something I need to work out for myself.”

  “I understand.”

  The two of us stood there in silence. Neither of us knew what to say. In the end we just stood there star
ing at each other. The longer her stared at me, the more my palms began to itch and my heart pushed against my chest.

  “I’ve got to go.” I finally said.


  I turned on my heels when he called my name again. Composing myself I turned to face him. “Yes.”

  “Would you like to hang out with me tomorrow after classes? I know we have study hall, but I could really use a partner. I’m falling behind in biology and I heard you’re really good at it. That is, if you’re not too busy.”

  I laughed at the red blush that had crept upon his cheeks. He was rambling. Seeing me laugh, he broke into a grin of us own as he stared down at his shoes. “Can you please ignore the fact that I’ve just made a fool of myself. I promise I’m not always like that.”

  “Of course. And yes, I’ll be your study partner.”

  “Cool. I’ll see you after class tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Bye.”

  I walked away from him with a huge smile on my face. Though he didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend, I found myself not that disappointed. We haven’t had much time to talk with him having Paige attached to his hip. Tomorrow we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other. Who knows, maybe we’ll be a couple soon. One could only hope.

  I reached Taylor’s headquarters without detecting any attention. Opening the door, I spotted her at the computer surfing the internet. Seeing me, she closed out of her tabs.

  “What’s the reason you needed to see me?”

  I wiped the goofy smile off my face. It was time to get to work. Handing her the letter, I explained to her the conversation I had with Kerry and what I’d remembered from the past.

  “Did your father have another partner besides you?”

  I shook my head. “Not that I know. I thought me and my mother were the only ones he talked to about it. But I don’t put it past him. My father told this story to anybody that would listen.”

  Taylor stared at the letter before placing it down. “Autumn, I know you want to get this painting for your dad. But if this letter is sent by the same person that was threatening your father, are you still sure you want to go after this painting.”

  “I’m more than sure. Whoever this person is, threatened my father and I’m pretty sure had something to do with his death. Now they think they can do the same to me. I’m going after that painting, and I’m going to get revenge for my father.”

  Taylor stared at me before sighing. “I won’t tell you this is dangerous because I’m sure you know. We can’t go against them unarmed.”

  “You’re still going to help me?”

  “Of course. If this person knows who Kerry is, then I’m sure they know about Yuri and me. I don’t know about the others, but I don’t take too kindly to someone threatening me and my friends.”

  I reached over and hugged Taylor. I should have known the day she popped Reggie Samuels in the face for looking up my skirt freshman year, that she would always have my back. Pulling away, she smiled up at me. “So boss, when is the heist?”

  Staring at the calendar on the wall, I flipped through until I find the date I wanted. “Thanksgiving.”