Read The Box (The Temple of the Blind #1) Page 9

  Chapter 9

  This next tunnel was too short to allow them to walk upright, but it was not as long as many of the similar passages they’d already traveled. It quickly opened into a large chamber at least twenty feet wide and high. This room was made of the same smooth, dark stone that the first room was built from, and was far too long for the flashlights to penetrate to the other end.

  Along the walls, more of those strange, faceless statues stood like guards.

  “Wow,” marveled Brandy.

  Albert nodded in agreement. Their flashlights could pick up three pairs of the faceless sentinels, but no farther, and the darkness beyond was disturbing to him. He felt that something was there, lying silently in the shadows, waiting for them, perhaps watching them.

  “Somebody was sure proud of these guys.” Brandy was running her flashlight over one of the statues.

  Albert was studying those up ahead. He didn’t quite grasp it yet, but there was something strange about them. They were not all the same.

  He took several steps into the room, his eyes moving from one statue to another, trying to understand what he was seeing. They really were like sentinels, diligently watching, guarding these weird chambers for reasons he could not imagine. As he walked deeper into the room, he found himself remembering what Brandy told him about some of the tunnels being older than the city, carved out of the earth in ancient times, and he shuddered at the thought of standing in such a timeless place.

  The fourth pair appeared from the gloom and he realized exactly what it was that was different about each of them. He stopped and swept his light across the four on his left, then on his right, reassuring himself that he was, indeed, seeing the strange scene he now perceived. With each pair of statues, a single thing changed. They stood in the same position, hands at their sides, feet together, rigid, alert, but as they moved farther into the room, each pair of sentinels was…as odd as it seemed…slightly more aroused than the one before it. Their massive penises were actually growing progressively stiffer the deeper into the room they went.

  “Somebody has a really sick sense of humor,” Brandy said, but there seemed to be more anxiety in her voice than disgust.

  “They definitely had an infatuation with the male body.” Albert continued to walk, amazed at how the statues continued to appear, one pair after another, each more obscene than the last, but only marginally. The subtleness of the change between each sentinel was so slight that it was difficult to see, but as they appeared one by one from the darkness, it was too easy to imagine the stone organs becoming engorged with blood, almost as if it was his and Brandy’s very presence that excited them. His eyes were drawn forward as he walked and he wondered what they would find at the end, when these stone sentinels were no longer mildly amorous but outright horny and wielding full-sized boners.

  Perhaps Brandy wondered the same thing, because just then her cold hand slipped into his and squeezed.

  “You mind?”

  “No. Of course not.”

  She gave him a smile and then turned and examined the sentinels. “This place is so freaky. I hate how dark it is.”

  “I know. There’s no lighting at all. No fixtures. No switches.”

  “Maybe it predates electricity.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised. But there aren’t even places to hang torches. It’s almost like this place was meant to remain in the dark.”

  “That’s really creepy,” Brandy replied, squeezing his hand a little harder.

  Albert glanced at her. He didn’t mean to keep scaring her. “I know.”

  On either side of them, the statues stood. Somehow, their blank faces made it easier to imagine that they were watching them.

  “It’s all just so weird,” Brandy said.

  “It is. It looks like the set for an X-rated Indiana Jones movie.”

  Brandy laughed. “It does, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah. All you need is a giant boulder shaped like a woman’s breast rolling down the middle of the room.”

  Again Brandy laughed, and it gave them both courage. It was hard to be afraid of something that made you laugh.

  “Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Happy Sentinels,” Albert said, and Brandy laughed so heartily that she had to stop and wipe away tears.

  Up ahead another pair of sentinels appeared. Albert had lost count by now, but their penises hovered in front of them, almost parallel with the floor.

  “That’s too funny.”

  Albert smiled. He was glad she was laughing. It made him feel better to know that she felt better.

  Brandy tugged at his hand and led him to the nearest statue. “I can’t believe how realistic they are, even for being all out of proportion.” She ran her fingertips down the chest and stomach of the statue, admiring the craftsmanship of the sculpture. “Who do you think put them here?”

  “Don’t know.” He was studying the statue’s face, that blank, empty void that was all the artist had allowed them of human expression. Even blind, deaf and mute, it retained a strange illusion of wisdom and understanding. In its own faceless way it seemed to be contemplating something, perhaps its own sexuality, with a deepness that was nearly frightening, but that was more his imagination than anything he saw on the smooth, empty curve that was its face.

  “What purpose do they serve?”

  “Maybe none. Maybe no more purpose than a painting on a wall. Just a decoration. Or maybe they’re as important to whoever made them as the cross or a sculpture of Jesus. Or maybe they were to help somebody navigate these corridors.” He shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe they serve a very important purpose that we can’t possibly imagine.”

  Brandy touched the smooth surface of the sentinel’s groin, just above the penis, her fingertips sliding over it gracefully, delicately. They had no hair at all. “So realistic,” she observed. She slid her hand down, below the penis to the testicles, which dangled like two heavy plums in their stone pouch. With the tip of her index finger, she followed the folds and wrinkles of its anatomy. It seemed as though it should give to her touch, folding and lifting like real flesh, but it was only stone. At last she lifted her hand to the penis itself. With her thumb and her fore and middle fingers, she softly grasped the giant member and traced its arc all the way to its tip, feeling the wrinkles and the veins as her fingertips slid along its cold, hard flesh.

  Albert felt a nervous knot form in his chest as he watched her. There was something terribly erotic about the way she touched the statue. Though only stone, it seemed that it defied all laws of nature by not becoming instantly and fully erect at her sensuous touch.

  “They’re uncircumcised,” Brandy observed as she traced the end of the stone foreskin with the tip of her middle finger. “Makes them look kind of uncivilized.” She took her hand away from the statue’s genitals and wiped it on her jeans as though she expected it to be dirty. “No. ‘Uncivilized’ is the wrong word. Primitive, maybe, or…I don’t know. I’m not good with words. I mean if they were circumcised, they would seem more modern to me. If these things were really, really old, they might not have invented circumcision yet. Do you get what I’m trying to say?” She turned and looked at Albert, wanting to know if he understood what she was trying so awkwardly to say, but he was staring back the way they’d come, his flashlight fixed on the darkness behind them. “Albert?” She aimed her flashlight in the same direction, trying to see what he was looking at. “Something wrong?”

  “No.” But he wasn’t sure. For just an instant he thought he’d seen something, a shadow moving in the dark, and perhaps a soft shuffling noise, but now it was gone, perhaps imagined. “Nothing wrong.” He turned to her, gave her a reassuring smile and softly squeezed her hand. “Let’s keep going.”

  From the darkness came more pairs of statues, their penises growing more and more erect, now pointing more up than down, but Albert became more aware of the darkness b
etween the statues, the thick emptiness that their flashlights were so slowly washing away. There was something there, something in that darkness, something larger than the statues and far more profound.

  The final pair of sentinels appeared, sporting full erections nearly as long as baseball bats, and in the darkness between them, shapes began to emerge. Albert took one more step and all those shapes leapt together. His heart skipped a beat with fright and he nearly cried out as a giant face appeared before him.

  Brandy uttered a single, four-letter input and stared, amazed. Before them stood the enormous stone face of a woman, carved from the very stone like everything else in this incredible place. Its details were every bit as vivid as those of the sentinel statues. The expression was one of pure ecstasy, as though the woman were in the throes of some great orgasm, so intense that even looking at it seemed to trouble their senses and fill them with a strange sort of arousal. There were pores in her skin, and a faint blemish high on one cheek. Her eyes shimmered, appearing almost to contain real tears. She even had eyelashes, delicate and fine. Her mouth was wide open in a frozen scream of lust, her lips soft, her teeth slightly crooked. Her tongue was rough with taste buds, but with that same, strangely wet texture as her eyes. Her mouth was a door, opening into the wall and the next room. Beyond her tonsils was utter darkness.

  “Amazing,” said Albert.

  “Yeah. Is she what’s got these boys so excited?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know what it means.”

  “She’s so real.”

  “I know.” He shined the flashlight over the surface of the face, studying it, and then peered into the gaping mouth. “There’s something on the other side. Come on.”

  The two of them stepped into the screaming woman’s mouth, careful of the teeth and the lips below and above them, half expecting it to snap closed and devour them both.

  “Oh my god…”

  It was Brandy who spoke. Albert was unable to even comment. They stepped out of the woman’s throat and into another room, this one smaller, but still large enough that the light did not reach the other side. Directly in front of them, a stone woman stared back from the floor, her eyes wide, nearly bulging, her mouth open in a silent scream. She was naked, her back arched, her fingers clawing at the stone floor on which she lay, her legs spread wide apart, her feet in the air. A stone man, as human as the woman, complete with face and greedy, lustful expression, knelt between her spread legs, one hand closed around one of her ankles, the other groping for one of her breasts. They could have been real people, their skin soft and damp with sweat instead of hard, cold and smooth. Behind them, two men stood with a woman between them, all of them naked. One of the men was holding the woman, clutching her elbow in a painful grip with one hand while squeezing one of her breasts with the other. The other man held one of her legs up high while trying to guide his swollen penis into her. They might have been raping this woman but for the expression on her face, ferocious, greedy, uncontrollable in the storm of her lust, her free hand groping for the penis she so eagerly anticipated. Beyond them were more, dozens more, men and women, all of them as realistic as the stone face that led them into this room.

  Albert took two steps forward, his flashlight sliding across the orgy of stone. He’d never seen anything like this, had not even imagined that something like this could ever have been created, not even in poor detail. Arms, legs, heads and other parts protruded from the walls all around them, as if this display continued beyond the perimeter of the room. Every imaginable type of sexual activity was depicted here. There were women and men giving and receiving oral sex with no apparent sexual preference. Others were masturbating themselves or others or both at once. Every sexual position he could possibly think up and a few he’d never imagined jumped out at him, life sized and three-dimensional.

  His light gravitated toward the back of the room, where the orgy was intensified, and he went to it, almost unaware that he was moving. Directly in front of the door that stood on the other side was a pile of stone bodies, each one clawing and tearing, a violent and sexual brawl, where even in stone he could see scratches and bruises as perhaps fifty of these stone men and women fought for something he could not see, something above them, much higher than the ceiling would allow him to gaze upon.

  Atop it all, a single woman rose up, buried to her hips in clawing, groping arms, covered in claw marks and bleeding from her lip and nose. Even one of her fingers seemed to have been broken in the scuffle. She was reaching up to the ceiling, her face contorted into such a deep yearning that Albert could hardly comprehend it in his own mind. Her eyes shined with want, her mouth open, silently crying out for whatever it was that lured her upward.

  As he stared at this, Albert became aware of his own desires. His own penis was as hard as those around him, throbbing painfully against the front of his jeans. He was breathing hard, almost panting.


  He had almost forgotten about Brandy. He turned to find her standing just behind him, her eyes locked on that same, violent orgy. She was breathing in quick, shallow pants, her breasts rising and falling beneath her sweatshirt. Her knees were slightly bent as though she urgently needed to pee. With her free hand she rubbed at the crotch of her jeans as though coaxing a dull pain. The flashlight trembled, ready to fall. He went to her, meaning to steady her, but she flung her arms around him and kissed him with such ferocity that he was shoved backward against the motionless yet flailing stone foot of a woman who might have been choking to death on a man’s entire, swollen penis and loving every agonizing second of it. He heard something strike the floor and was barely aware through his confusion that it was Brandy’s flashlight.

  The pain in his back was no match for the one in his head. It was like his brain was rotating inside his skull. The things he saw made his eyes ache and his genitals throb. His yearnings were more than he could bear. In moments he and Brandy stripped each other bare and were writhing on the floor, caught in the same sort of furious sex that the stone statues depicted all around them. The world spun and the statues twirled with it, the pornographic images bombarding them as they did what no one on earth could possibly describe as making love, for it was pure animal lust without romance or even a preference for who their partner was, as long as that partner could satisfy that endless burning within.

  They did it not just once, but continuously. With each orgasm, Albert was maddeningly unsatisfied and bursting with fierce wanting for the next. He kept thrusting, willing his softening body to respond, forcing himself to do it over and over again, long after his body began to ache with the exertion. He was barely aware of the object of his lust. She cried out with her own hungry wanting and met his violent thrusting, clawing at him, begging him not to stop, even when each heavy thrust began to drive nails of pain deep into her body. Their voices rose into the echoing darkness as they were both raped by the strange, overwhelming lust that somehow emanated from this gray room of stone perversions. At some point Albert kicked a statue and felt an icy wave of pain wash up his foot, but he barely noticed it. At some point Brandy ripped out a lock of his hair, but he barely felt that, too. And at some point he was vaguely aware that one of the statues was moving among the others, but that did not matter any more than the pain. All that mattered was the lust.

  Gradually the light receded and darkness swallowed them. And as the light fell, so did the fires within them. With one final, quaking orgasm, they both collapsed in utter exhaustion on the cold floor, hardly more than sweat-slicked piles of naked and quivering flesh, and slipped into weary sleep.