Read The Boy Who Played With Dark Matter Page 4

  "Not in the least. I feel much safer where I know you can find me. This world is a little scary to me. I would really prefer to ride in your cozy backpack. Thank you," answered Zmally.

  With that, Zmally flittered and fluttered up and then back down into the backpack.

  "Bye, Zmally! See you in a bit," Zeddy whispered as he zipped up the bag.

  Zadie could not believe all that had transpired in the past 24 hours. Her husband had disappeared, her neighbor was revealed to be an ancient witch, her son had discovered some kind of dark matter zutterfly, and their search for Professor Zachary Zenith might be the only way to set it all right. She could only hope that things got more settled rather than less. Otherwise, this was going to be a long journey that she wasn't at all sure she was ready to undertake.

  In the now-lit bathroom, Zadie looked at Zeddy's reflection in the mirror and realized that there was nothing she wouldn't do to find her husband Zane and reunite her family. She also realized that she loved Zeddy more than anything, and that the boy from yesterday had been suddenly replaced by this budding young man of today. Zadie took a deep breath, and she decided once and for all that this trip would not end until her husband was home.

  "Come on, Zeddy. It's time to find this Professor Zenith. The tram leaves in a little while, so we need to get going," Zadie smiled down at her son.

  "Sure, Mom," Zeddy answered as he strapped on his backpack.

  The two gathered their duffle bags and oxygen tanks, and they packed a couple of spare oxygen canisters into a third duffle bag, along with a change of clothes for Zane. They put some nonperishable food and some water bottles in the extra bag, as well. Zeddy ran back to the bathroom and grabbed the First Aid kit to add to the bag, just in case. Zadie stood waiting for him at the door. As the two opened the door and stepped out into the yellow gray haze of mid-morning, Zeddy turned around to look at his house one last time. Somehow, he knew it would be a while before he would return. The house alarm chirped, and Zeddy and Zadie started down the street toward the tram station. The sun glared around them, and as they walked along, they seemed to disappear into its golden rays.


  It was a balmy summer afternoon. Zeddy sat next to the tram window, transfixed on the scenery outside. They sped past the giant windmills towering along the rolling hills on both sides of what was once the winding, windy Vasco Highway. Zeddy remembered his father reading to him The Man of La Mancha, where Don Quixote fought ancient wooden windmills when he was bewitched to imagine they were his enemies. These modern windmills were as tall as ten-story buildings, grinding out electricity day and night. Zeddy couldn't help but wonder how Don Quixote would manage to fight these giants in shining armor.

  Zeddy's mind kept drifting back to his dream of Zamira, catching dark matter zutterflies, and then floating up in the air when they had filled his butterfly net. It was such an amazing dream! No dream had ever felt so real to him before. It was like he had really been on Zamira, and Zamira seemed like an amazing place! It was so bright and cheery, and the grass and air seemed so clean. The sun had been shining, but it wasn't like the rays of the Earth's sun, beating down through the holes in the ozone layer. It had felt warming and gentle, instead of burning and blinding. Zeddy closed his eyes and let his mind wander back into that glorious dream.

  And soon, Zeddy was again dreaming he was floating through space, whizzing past stars and planets. He reached the edge of Zamira much more quickly, and he had no hesitation as he crossed from space to planet. Zeddy landed softly on the plush green grass, rolled over, and looked up at the bright blue sky. The most glorious dark matter bugs imaginable glimmered and glowed above and around him. Zutterflies and all types of shimmering, gleaming dark matter bugs filled the sky of Zamira. Zeddy had never seen anything like these dark matter bugs on Earth. Some of the zutterflies were the size of eagles, while others were the size of tiny fruit flies. Their patterns were unique and colorful, and they glowed in the most unusual colors he'd ever seen. The air smelled so lovely, like the strong, sweet fragrance of his mother's African Gardenia. Zeddy decided to walk around and pick the purple and blue flowers that littered the grass. Everything was so gorgeous and peaceful that Zeddy never wanted to leave.

  The screeching wail of the speeding tram stopping in Livermore woke Zeddy from his dream. He rubbed his eyes and gathered his backpack and duffle bag. As Zadie led Zeddy through the crowded aisle towards the door, strangers' voices and the smell of chemical exhaust from the tram filled the air. Zeddy looked around the tram station, and everything seemed dirtier and dimmer than before. Still transfixed by that dream, he found himself dazed in his earthly world that now seemed drab. He wished that one day he might find a place like Zamira; a place with no pollution, no burning sun, no constant changing of the laws, and no International Government to keep him from laying in the grass and floating in the air, pulled by zutterflies. Zeddy knew in his heart that the IG would never allow that kind of fun.

  It was still too far to walk to the professor's house from the tram, so Zadie hailed a taxi to take them to Zarancher Lane. The sun was beating down, and the steel buildings reflected its rays, blinding passersby. As they approached their destination, Zeddy and Zadie felt a sudden surge of energy, fueled by nervousness. The trip from the tram station seemed to have taken forever. However, as they pulled into the long driveway that led to 777 Zarancher Lane, time seemed to speed up as if they were in a movie being played on fast forward. Zadie paid the robotic taxi driver, and the two quickly marched to the professor's front door. Zadie reached out and pressed the doorbell. A long droning electronic bell echoed inside the large house.

  It felt like an hour had passed as they waited on the front porch, but it was actually only a couple of minutes before a man opened the door a crack and peered out at them. Seeing a woman and child, he smiled and opened the door.

  "Can I help you?" the man asked.

  "We're looking for Professor Zachary Zenith. Would that be you?" Zadie asked, with as much confidence as she could muster.

  "I am Professor Zenith," the man answered. "Is there something I can do for you?"

  Zadie turned and waved to the taxi driver that it was fine for him to leave. The yellow taxi turned around in the oversized driveway and off in a blue blazing fury. The professor looked at them oddly, wondering who were these people now abandoned on his doorstep.

  "Why, yes, professor. I hope you can help us," Zadie finally answered as she turned to face him. "We need to talk to you about … about Zamira."

  Professor Zenith's face turned white as Zadie spoke the word Zamira. He looked like he might pass out. Instead, he opened the door and motioned for them to quickly come inside. Zeddy and Zadie picked up their bags and hurried into the house. As they entered, Professor Zenith looked around outside, cautiously scanning the landscape. Satisfied, he pulled his head back inside, shut the door, and latched all ten bolts around the door frame. Professor Zenith finally turned to face his guests.

  "Who are you, and what do you want from me? Who are you?!" Professor Zenith demanded.


  Zeddy and his mother stood together in Professor Zachary Zenith's front hall, frozen in fear. Zadie pushed Zeddy behind her as the professor stared at them, a crazy look in his eyes. The professor shook his fist at the scared mother and child who were slowly backing against the wall.

  He demanded once again, "Who are you? I asked you a question, and I want an answer! I've heard that the IG does some questionable things, but why would they send a woman and kid to immobilize me? It wasn't my fault the project blew up! I have no idea how it even happened. Things were fine, and then …"

  "Hey! Hey! It's okay, Professor Zenith! We aren't here from the IG. I think you may know my husband, Zane. He's a physicist, and he's gone missing. I know it sounds crazy, but a witch told us we needed to contact you in order to find my husband. We aren't here to hurt you; we just want to find Zane!" Zadie blurted out, interrup
ting the professor in mid-sentence.

  "Wait … Zane? Are you Zadie and Zeddy?" the professor asked, slowly lowering his arm.

  "Yes. Yes!" Zadie answered in relief. "Zane is my husband, and this is our son Zeddy. Something happened yesterday and Zane disappeared. I know it sounds bizarre, but an old woman in our neighborhood said that we need to find you and a place called Zamira to find Zane. Do you know what she means by that?"

  "I know your husband," Professor Zenith stated solemnly. "I'm afraid I know how Zamira would fit into the equation, too. And now that I know he is missing, I am sure of one thing more than anything else. We truly are in danger. The IG must have taken Zane. And they'll come to take me, next. If they find you here, you'll be taken, too."

  "What are you saying? Did Dad do something wrong?" Zeddy finally rallied the courage to ask.

  "No! No … it's not like that. I'm sorry. After the new laws this morning and the chaos of the last few days, I overreacted when you showed up here. Call it paranoia, stress, whatever. I … I'm sorry. Please. Come in. Let me get you a drink, and we can talk this through. If you'd like to follow me," said Professor Zenith.

  The professor started down the hall and motioned Zadie and Zeddy to follow him. Zeddy looked anxiously at his mother, not sure whether to trust the professor or make a run for it. Zadie nodded her approval, although she, too, was unsure of how stable this professor actually was. She reached down and took Zeddy's hand in hers. They left their duffle bags in the hall near the door and walked slowly down the dimly lit hallway, following the professor into a large open kitchen. The professor motioned towards the table.

  "Please, have a seat. I will pour us some water. Please … sit," the professor asked politely, genuinely sorry for his earlier behavior.

  Zeddy and his mother sat at the large metal table, while Professor Zenith took out three glasses and filled them with water. He brought them to the table on a small metal tray. Carefully, the professor passed Zeddy and Zadie a glass each. He then sat down in the chair at the head of the table and took a sip of his own water before speaking. The professor looked exhausted. His grey eyes were shadowed by dark circles, and his wavy gray hair seemed as frazzled as he looked. His clothes were crumpled. His shirt was only half tucked in, and his pants had stains all over them. Professor Zenith looked like he was having a very long day.

  "Let me apologize for my earlier behavior," the Professor offered. "My name is Doctor Alexander Zachary Zenith. You can call me 'Professor'. I am an astronomer. I've known Zane for many years. I actually taught him when he was in college. He was one of my brightest and best students, and is quite a remarkable man. I always hoped to meet you both, but the International Government is so strict about scientists associating with people any more than necessary. You see, scientists ask too many questions. The IG thinks that if we spend our spare time socializing, we will eventually be asked questions they don't want us to answer."

  "Wait a minute!" said Zeddy excitedly. "Professor Alexander Zachary Zenith? You're Prof. A. Z.? You're Prophesy?"

  "Prophesy?" asked the professor. "Yes! Yes, I am. How do you know that?"

  "My father has always told me bedtime stories about a man named Prophesy. He said you were the smartest and bravest man who ever lived. Dad said you were a magical man who could see other worlds and imagine magical things that no one else could imagine. He said that your visions would change the world! I thought you were a story! But you're real! Are you a magician? Can you really see other worlds and the future? Can you?" Zeddy asked eagerly.

  "Your father – oh, I'm not a real magician. I guess those stories were his way of letting you get to know me. He always treated me like I was part of his family. I guess he was just trying to let that be true. You see, Prophesy is the nickname your father made up, based on my name and my love of space exploration. Zane and I always agreed that the answer to all our problems could be found in space. I am a scientist, and science is a lot like magic. So, no … I can't really see the future, but I can see other worlds through my telescope," Prophesy answered.

  "Do you think my father is really The Count of Monte Cristo? Because I sometimes get that feeling, when he tells me all of his bedtime stories. Is he your fearless sidekick scientist? Isn’t Dad a genius mathematician?" Zeddy questioned.

  "Dantes? Hahaha!" Prophesy laughed merrily. "I suppose he would be Dantes, but he chose that name because of your mother's favorite story, not me. I think your stories must have been about our adventures together. Zane started as a mathematician, but he has been my scientific partner for the last 15 years. I love him like my son. Years ago, I discovered a planet, which I named Zamira, in the Libra constellation. Your father and I have spent the last 15 years trying to uncover Zamira's secrets. We built an amazing telescope that allowed us to not only see Zamira, but also to take measurements of the planet's size, mass, and weight. Your father is a brilliant scientist, and one of the most fearless men I have ever known. That courage and Zamira may be the cause of his disappearance."


  "What makes you say that Zane's courage and Zamira could be why he is missing?" asked Zadie.

  "It has to do with our work together. It may be easier for me to show you," answered Prophesy. "Come with me. I will show you Zamira."

  Zeddy and Zadie stood and followed the crumpled professor down a few winding corridors and into a large dome-shaped room. 'Prophesy' pressed a button on the wall, and the dim lights encircling the room began to cast eerie shadows. Before them stood the largest telescope Zeddy had ever seen.

  "See this telescope? Your father and I designed it. Through this, you can see worlds that could once only be imagined. I used graphene, a compound your father discovered in graphite, to build it. Graphene is 100 times tougher than steel, but no thicker than a single atom. Since it's transparent, it's the perfect viewing agent. Graphene also makes an excellent conductor for electricity. It's amazing that graphene had been hiding for so long in simple lead pencils."

  "But a pencil breaks so easily, how can it be stronger than steel?"

  "Excellent question, Zeddy! You remind me of your father; a chip off the old block. Graphene is dispersed in minute quantities throughout the layers of graphite. There is very little in one pencil. So, you see, despite the durability of Graphene, other elements make up the majority of a pencil lead. It is the other elements that break," explained Prophesy kindly. "Now let me show you Zamira."

  Zeddy and Zadie stood completely still as the professor punched buttons, making screens and the enormous translucent telescope began to whir. Prophesy's fingers moved faster than Zeddy ever thought possible. Their amazing dexterity continued to punch buttons and slide screens faster than Zeddy could think. Finally, the professor stepped back and pressed another button that revealed a giant computer monitor hidden in the wall.

  "Watch the computer screen. It will take a few minutes to come up," said Prophesy. He continued to push buttons faster and faster. Zeddy and Zadie watched the screen closely, waiting for the images of Zamira to appear. First, clouds began to show up on the screen. Next, stars came into focus. The professor pushed buttons in a frenzy, almost as if he was playing a piano. The dim outlines of a planet began to spread across the screen. Suddenly, it was there before their eyes. Zamira.

  Black space was streaked with spinning yellow stars, as the telescope stopped above one of the most beautiful things Zeddy had ever seen. Zadie took Zeddy's hand in hers, entranced by the beauty of the amazing moment they were witnessing. The planet itself appeared deep pink, like the rich red hot pink of the sun setting over the ocean on a summer evening. It was encircled by what looked like blue and lavender clouds, streaking the blackness of space with halos of colors. Zeddy had never seen anything that could compare to its beauty. It floated in front of them, a bright mystical orb that seemed to contain all the light the universe could hold. It was amazing!

  "I discovered Zamira in 2075 inside the constellation Libra.” Pointing, he said, “This
is Zamira. It is light years away, but it seems to float right here in front of us, doesn't it?" Prophecy asked with reverence in his voice.

  "I've never seen anything so amazing!" Zadie whispered, almost too amazed to speak.

  "It feels like we could touch it," Zeddy said with awe, outstretching his free hand.

  "When I first discovered Zamira, I thought it was a nebula, or a dying star. You see those blue clouds that surround the planet seeming to float freely in space? As stars die, the nuclear reactions that break the star down emit helium, which glows blue. But I felt it was something different. Something amazing …. I just wasn't sure what it was. After countless measurements and calculations, months spent watching its regular orbit and surface wind patterns, I knew it was a planet. I named it Zamira, after my name Zachary and my mother's name Amira," the professor explained.

  "So does Zamira have a sun and a moon?" asked Zeddy, his eyes never leaving the screen.

  "It has dozens of moons, although they are much smaller than our moon. Zamira itself is somewhat smaller then Earth, but not as small as Mercury. It has 2 suns, which helps create the gorgeous, glowing pink you see. After the creation of this telescope, your father and I were determined to find something important. We spent years plotting Zamira's course and cycles, but we learned they are always different. It's as if time doesn't exist the way it does here. There are many mysteries about this planet," Prophesy said, staring at the planet with true admiration.

  Suddenly, the images on the screen began to slowly twist and turn. The circular planet changed into what looked like a child's drawing of a flower, with semicircles connected to make a full shape. The neon pink seemed to fade into white and then into a deep royal blue. It was like looking at a gigantic eye in space. Instead of the beautiful planet they had been admiring, there was a radiant flower. Zeddy and Zadie watched in amazement.