Read The Boy Who Played With Stars Page 9

  “Liar! You’re just as bad as our Father!” He swung then. Alex caught the blow on the flat of his blade, causing the swords to ring loudly. “You want to take me back! To be punished for something that was not my fault!” He swung again. “I am never going back!” he roared, swinging again.


  “Hey!” Helen screamed, running into the road. A lorry roared past, blasting an angry horn. “Help! Stop! Stop!” she shouted after it, desperate tears flooding from her eyes. But the lorry never came back. Gordon tried to drag her back to the safety of the roadside. That had meant ditching Hayley by the crash barrier.

  “No! No! We have to go!” Helen screamed, pulling away from him.

  “Helen! Helen!” he shouted, his words drowned out by the gust of another lorry racing past. “Stop it!”

  “Let go of me! Help!” Helen screamed again, breaking free from his grasp. She bolted down the hard shoulder, waving frantically at any vehicle that sped by. Gordon gave chase, pleading for her to come back. Neither had seen Hayley collapse at the road side, gripped by a violent seizure.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Alex tripped, landing awkwardly on his broken wing. Pain washed outward from the snapped bone and he winced. He was allowed no more time to consider his agony, however, as Gabriel’s blade came whistling down toward him once again. Alex raised his own to meet the blow. He surprised himself when he managed to disappear and reappear again several feet away without interference. He must have let his guard down, Alex thought. He could no longer feel the archangel’s oppressive conscience weighing down on him, hindering his powers.

  Gabriel’s face contorted with rage. “Why don’t you just die?” he spat, firing a fierce bolt of white lightning at his brother. The air cracked and sparked as the bolt struck the debris of the demolished house - sending a blast of dust skyward.

  “You missed,” Gabriel heard him say. The fallen angel reeled round, firing another bolt. He caught sight of Alexander just before he vanished. The lightning struck rubble again, sending more dust clouds flying. Gabriel reached out with his mind again in a desperate bid to find the elusive guardian.

  Alex reappeared behind Gabriel. Throwing out his hand, he threw a bolt of his own. Gabriel attempted to jump aside but even he - with his incredible speed was too slow - the blast hit him square in the back. The explosion was deafening; it sounded like a gas canister going off. When Alex looked again bits of severed limbs and feathers rained from the sky. As smoke from the blackened crater drifted his way, the smell of charred meat reached his nostrils. Alex balked and covered his mouth with a hand. Twitching, blackened limbs distracted him from his roiling stomach. The sooty bones and dark body parts began to shiver more and more violently. Alex’s eyes widened as they began to crawl toward one another; drawn toward the crater if by a magnet. Their crawling grew more urgent, until the remaining, blackened parts of what was Gabriel flew together to represent a standing corpse. Alex was forced back as a howling, hot wind shot up, carrying a tornado of raven feathers. It was all he could do but watch as they danced in the cyclone, moving clockwise in ever tighter circles. More feathers joined the twisting, screaming wind until Alexander could see nothing but darkness. Then the wind blasted outward in a shockwave. Alex ducked into a crouch as he was assaulted by a flurry of sharp feathers. As soon as it was over he looked up, only to find Gabriel standing in the heart of the crater, whole again.

  Gabriel spread his dark wings to their full length; a terror against the black curtain of the starless night sky. He smiled a thin smile at his little brother, eyes flashing. He sliced his sword downward through the air; cutting it lightning fast in a terrifying display of power. Muscles flexed, he advanced on his brother.

  Alexander barely made it to his feet when Gabriel swung. He caught the blow on the flat of his blade. The crash of ancient metal on metal rang across the hillside, the force of the clash driving both opponents back.

  Gabriel began to circle his injured foe, twirling his sword lazily. “Again, Alexander, where is the girl?”

  Alexander responded by reaching into his jacket pocket and flicking the black, spinning blades at Gabriel in one fast, frightening move. His was a deft fluid motion, faster than the eye could see.

  Gabriel responded just as fast. A skilled flutter of his sword caught both on the flat of his blade before they could reach him, shielding him from harm. Both bounced off uselessly, disappearing among the dirt and the rubble. He lowered his sword. “Really? Alexander? That was your plan?” Smiling wryly he disappeared.

  Alex spun just in time to block his brother’s blow from the back but he overreached and came off balance. Gabriel lunged at the opening. Alex ducked and the blade circled overhead, whistling as it sliced through the air. As his hands made contact with the dusty ground, Alex fired a shockwave through the earth.

  Gabriel stumbled backwards a few feet before righting himself with a flap of his wings. It had only been for a couple of seconds but it had been long enough for Alex to regain his feet and take another swing. Gabriel caught it just below the hilt. He slid his blade along the length of Alexander’s, pulling the guardian in so that they were almost face-to-face. “Pathetic,” he grinned. Gabriel watched his little brother struggle against his power as he pushed against him, his face contorting from the strain. He pushed harder. But Alex stood his ground when he should have given way. The smile faltered on Gabriel’s face. He pushed harder still but his brother held strong. Then he saw it - in his brother’s eyes. It was only for a heartbeat but it was long enough to set Gabriel’s black heart afire with fear.

  With a butt to the face and a hard shunt with the blade, Alexander sent the black angel staggering backwards.

  Gabriel stumbled but raised his sword - readying for another attack.

  But Alex just stood there, pointing his blade. His wings stretched to their full length; his broken one healed. “This is your last chance, Gabriel,” Alex warned - his eyes flickering with fire - “Surrender now and you will live. I won’t be able to stop her when she arrives.”

  A barking laugh broke through Gabriel’s white, thin, fear-filled features. Just as quickly the humour died in his throat, his eyes turning as hard as coals. His lips peeled back into a hideous, feral half-smile and his eyes glinted with madness. Raising his sword he launched into a run. Gabriel froze six paces into it and his eyes glazed. A cold shiver ran through his form and he looked down. A dark spot spread out from the centre of his chest, from the silver slither that protruded through it. He coughed, hot blood running from his mouth; sword slipping from numb, limp fingers. “What?” he asked, clutching a shaking hand to his heart, piercing it on the sword point that had been driven through him. The fallen angel coughed again, looking for his brother with searching eyes. The last thing Gabriel saw was his brother’s blade circling toward him. It took his head clean off.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Michael rushed to the town gate, John and Christopher at his heels. His face was one of thunder. “What have you done?” he demanded.

  Alexander regarded the archangel coolly as he approached. Hayley hesitated, lingering behind her partner. “We ended this madness, that’s what we’ve done,” Alex replied.

  Michael’s eyes narrowed. “You knew your orders,” he said quietly, chillingly.

  Alex didn’t blink. “I was following them. I protected my soul mate as I was sworn to do. She has now ascended and those orders are redundant.”

  “You killed Gabriel without my leave,” Michael growled, leaning closer to the smaller angel so only inches separated them.

  The lines around Alex’s mouth tightened. “One,” he said, holding up a finger. “We killed one of them. He’s split himself into two.”

  “And how do you know that?” Michael demanded. His voice was so loud it drew stares from dozens of travellers and townsfolk alike.

  Alex was about to answer but it was the angel behind him who spoke instead. “We could sense the other one.”

  Michael and
Alex turned to look at the young, winged woman with the softly spoken voice. She stared at them with big blue eyes, uncertain of herself. Her sparkling orbits and perfect features were framed by cascading locks of honey brown hair that tumbled over her shoulders. Two, small white wings peaked above her back. She wore a beige wrap dress that stopped just above the knees of her skinny legs. The woman before them was reminiscent of Hayley Foster if the girl had been a dream. But where Hayley had been beautiful in a freckled way, the angel’s skin was flawless and glowed. She also stood a little taller and a little lighter on her bare feet.

  Michael checked himself and straightened. With a soft smile he sketched a bow. “It is all right, little one. I did not mean to frighten you.”

  She stared at him, reluctant to move any closer. “Then don’t speak to Alex like that. He was only trying to protect me,” she said. “Besides, I am the one that killed Gabriel. My blade pierced his heart.”

  “He would have killed both of us if he had got the chance,” Alex said, not unkindly.

  Michael stared at the old soldier for a long moment, but his eyes had grown soft. He gave a slight, accepting nod. “I apologise, I should not have spoke to you in such a way without knowing all the facts.” He lowered his voice and drew closer to Alexander, “but it is imperative that we recapture his other form.”


  Michael looked around at the staring crowds. “Best this is explained back at my tower.”

  Alex nodded and with that the archangel turned away. Alex reached a hand out to Hayley and she gingerly took it. Christopher and John fell in beside them as they walked past. Both men looked at Hayley with curious glances, but both had the grace to not say anything.


  Hayley looked John’s way. The teenager had been quietly staring at her for a few minutes. He sat on the chair directly opposite her in Michael’s study. Hayley tipped her head to one side, gazing at the youngster curiously. “Is there something you want to ask me?” she said softly.

  John, suddenly remembering himself, flushed with embarrassment and looked away. “I’m sorry,” he apologised, feeling the heat rushing to his cheeks.

  Hayley smiled and she righted her head. “It’s fine, John. I was only teasing you but you were staring at me.”

  He dared a glance back her way. “I know. I shouldn’t have been staring. I didn’t realise I was doing it. I just…” John sighed and shook his head. “You’re an angel,” he finally said, as if giving the words voice would confirm what he could not believe.

  Hayley smiled again, amused. “I was the last time I checked.”

  “What’s it like?” John asked, sitting forward.

  “Being an angel?”

  “No…the other thing…”

  Hayley was about to answer but Alex cut in as he walked between them, “You’ll find out when you die.” He took a seat on the couch beside Hayley.

  John sat back and looked away. Christopher and Michael joined them, the two angels taking the remaining empty seats.

  “I imagine this must be difficult to come to terms with,” Mike said, casting sable eyes John’s way.

  John shook his head but did not meet the archangel’s gaze. “No, why would it be?”

  “It is all right, John,” Michael began gently. “You do not have to pretend to be brave with us. It is a strange situation you find yourself in.”

  John met his gaze and the angel saw the youth was unmoved. “I’m fine,” he said flatly.

  Michael regarded the young man but said nothing. He simply nodded and turned his attention to the assembled angels. “Much has changed. Hayley has ascended and will need to be blessed and swear her fealty before the throne. Her body will also need to be laid to rest.” His face turned sad. “It pains me to say but all that must wait until Gabriel has been recaptured.” He gave Alexander a hard look, saying something that the archangel would not give words to.

  “What is the best way of handling this?” Christopher asked, getting Mike’s attention.

  “We must draw Gabriel out and get to him before Lucifer finds him.” His face turned ashen and he looked at Hayley. She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. “I hope you can forgive me for what I’m about to ask you to do.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Hayley Foster woke screaming. Cold, terrified and heart pounding, she found herself surrounded in darkness. Hayley lashed out with aching, clumsy hands, tearing at it. Her nails caught something smooth and plastic and she tried to dig them in. But they kept sliding off the impervious, invisible film again and again. Panic gripped her heart and she clawed at it in a renewed frenzy. Then, suddenly, the material tore. Hayley pushed her head out first, drawing long ragged breaths, free from its suffocating embrace. The air was cold and stabbed at her lungs. She felt like she had been drowning. Her head darted this way and that. Shiny metal trolleys lay to either side of her, each carrying a body bag. Screaming, she tore herself free and tried to jump from the trolley - only to land face first. Hayley winced - her badly bruised body aching in protest at hitting the cold, hard floor. She screamed at the top of her lungs for help. For anyone.


  Jake Foster burst through the doors to the hospital room. He stared at his daughter, eyes wide as saucers, his skin as white as milk. Without word he rushed to her, scooping the crying girl up in his arms. He cried too, tears of relief, tears of joy. Hayley’s mother, Joyce, remained by the door, hands clasped over her mouth in shock.


  Several hours later, once the doctors had finished all their tests and put her to bed, Jake took his little girl’s hand into his own and squeezed it. Hayley looked at him, her gaze returning from the distance. It was the first time since her miraculous awakening that they had been alone together.

  Jake opened his mouth to speak but the words would not come. Finally, he shook his head and gave up.

  “It’s ok, Dad,” Hayley said, with a soft smile.

  He looked at her with moist eyes. “Is it? Darling, you…” he swallowed hard.

  Hayley closed her tired eyes and slowly shook her head. “The doctors got it wrong.” The look on his face told her that he could not believe it.

  Tears fell from his eyes and he reached across the bed again to hug her tightly. “I don’t care what happened,” he whispered, “I’m just glad you’re still here.”

  Hayley held her father tight but did not shed a tear herself. When they parted she lay back and squeezed his hand again. “Dad, I’m pretty tired, do you mind giving me some time to myself, please?” She shut her eyes for a long moment.

  “Of course,” he cried, smiling with relief. Leaning forward, he kissed her delicately on the forehead. He squeezed her hand one last time. “I’ll just be outside. You call me if you need anything,” he whispered with a forced smile. “Anything at all.”

  “Ok,” Hayley said, smiling tiredly. Her father quietly stood. He lingered for the longest time at her side before finally turning to the door. When he reached it he cast one last long look back at her, smiling. He waved goodnight and so did she.

  Once the door was shut again Hayley pulled herself up, her expression turning dark. “I hope Michael is proud of himself,” she said bluntly. Alex appeared by her bedside, wings draped behind his long, black jacket.

  “You know I did not like this plan any more than you did,” he whispered, his face as hard as flint. He knelt beside the bed so they were eye level. “I do not want you to go along with this any further.”

  “We needed bait and it wouldn’t have been right or fair asking John to do it. He still has the chance of a normal life. Mine is over.”

  “I know that. You’ve said this all already. But is it fair on them?” Alex asked, nodding towards the door. “They think you’ve came back from the dead. Imagine how they’ll feel when they lose you again.”

  “That’s enough,” Hayley growled, pointing a finger at him. A heartbeat later and she faltered, tears coming to her eyes. “But you’re right, it??
?s not fair on them…” she whimpered, choking back a sob. Alex reached out to her but Hayley held a hand out to him. Rejected, the angel shied away.

  Wiping at the corners of her eyes, Hayley looked back to her guardian. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  Alex hesitated for a minute. At the last, he straightened, readjusting the two swords that swung from either hip; one his, the other Hayley’s. Folding quiet wings he turned away, melting into thin air.

  Hayley sighed and settled back into her bed. Her eyes quickly found the white tiles on the ceiling, but it was a long time before sleep found her.


  Sunlight exploded across John’s field of vision, chasing away the darkness that had consumed him the moment they had left Glasgow. The sun spun to his right and he knew he was falling. John met the ground face first. He jolted his right arm a split second later as his shoulder collided with the floor. The rest of him hit the ground like a toppled bag of potatoes. He groaned, lifting his head. He tasted soil in his mouth. It stung his right eye and he had to swipe clumps of it away to see. It wasn’t until he spat out a mouth of dirt that he realised there was someone standing in front of him. They were silhouetted by the sun and it took his eyes a few moments to adjust to see them. When they did, he found a dumpy, frightened, middle-aged gardener pointing a pitchfork at him. The woman regarded him with hunted eyes. She shivered despite the heat of the day. That was the first time John heard others running towards them. He heard the shouts and the scuff of boots in the dirt before they appeared in his field of vision, encircling him.

  “Who are you?” one of them demanded - John could not see who.

  “What?” he asked, his head reeling.

  “I said who are you?” a fat, greying woman shouted from his immediate right, kicking at his arm.

  John cried out and wrenched away. “My name’s John! All right!” he yelled back through gritted teeth.