Read The Boys of Summer (The Summer Series) (Volume 1) Page 11


  Ellie had threatened that she wanted to know all the details of this Toby crush the next day, as we couldn't exactly get into the details with Ellie's dad in the front seat. It was hysterical watching Ellie desperate to ask, but biting her lips together in front of her dad. Dads were a girl-talk-free zone.

  After I had showered the sweat, grease and smoke away, I removed the remnants of my poor, melted French polish. I thought back to Toby's expression as he shook my hand. It was subtle, but obvious, that something had run through his mind.

  It bothered me. I'm pretty sure my hand wasn't clammy or gross. The nails, it had to be my nails. I cringed, I didn't want to even think about it.

  Before I slipped into a coma for the night, I dragged myself from my bed to my desk for my nightly ritual: to check my email.

  To: tessmcgee

  Toby Morrison eh?? You little Minx! Talk about must have made a good impression?

  I want to know everything!!! I have a plan. Operation Toby?? (Don't stress just an idea)

  ME first, which sounds better? Operation Sean? Or Operation Stan?

  Decisions! Decisions!

  Sender: ellieparker

  To: ellieparker

  Go to bed! Talk tomorrow. NO OPERATION TOBY! Do I make myself clear??


  P.S Operation Stan!! I like his dance moves

  Sender: tessmcgee

  I was set for bed when I saw an email from Adam.

  To: tessmcgee

  Do you still love me???

  How did you go tonight? I spoke to Chris, he said you smashed it! I take it he is not referring to a plate and assume you did well? Go you!! I knew you would do good. That is why I hand picked you, you know?

  Seriously Tess, that's really great. I better go, Nan's telling me Matlock is on. Oh goody!

  Sender: Adam I can jump puddles Henderson.

  To: Adam I can jump puddles Henderson

  How can I stay mad at you? I don't want to run the risk of your feelings being as delicate as your bones.

  And I will have you know I did totally smash it!

  In the kitchen!!!

  I think it's just as well you hurt yourself, because I have found my calling in life. I am the Messiah of dish pigs!

  Don't cry for me though. It kills me to admit this, but I didn't totally hate it. But if you repeat that I will just deny it.

  Enjoy Matlock!!

  Sender: tessmcgee