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  Praise from Readers of

  The Bridge

  “The Bridge is a reminder that all things aren’t as they seem. That things really do work together for good. That God is in control even when we can’t see it. Karen’s books make you laugh, cry, and leave you wanting more! Her characters are so real you feel like you know them and want to be friends with them. Once I read the first page of The Bridge, I couldn’t put it down. I read the entire book in one day!”

  —Hellen (Annette) H.

  “Karen Kingsbury once again uses her beautiful talent to illustrate God’s awesome love and grace for us! Each new story speaks to so many hearts across the world. Karen’s gift is certainly a loving legacy that I share with others!”

  —Cyndi A.

  “Gripping from the beginning, The Bridge is an amazing story where we learn even in tragedy or loss that God is the God of second chances, and we should learn to treasure the miracles He sends our way.”

  —Chris V.

  “Karen Kingsbury’s newest book, The Bridge, will tug at the heartstrings of old-time bookstore lovers everywhere! Blend in a little romance with the timeless principle of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you have a classic story built around classic books!”

  —Annette W.

  “The Bridge is a story of friendship, love, forgiveness, and God’s amazing grace. Join Charlie, Donna, Molly, and Ryan on an adventure of never-ending friendship in this wonderful story showing that God will never leave us and always protect us.”

  —Hope P.

  “Karen Kingsbury has done it again with The Bridge. She is more than an author. She is a vessel that God has used to minister to myself, as well as to her other readers. She is a passionate and inspirational woman of God. I am grateful for her faithfulness and obedience to write when God gives her a story. Thank you, Karen, for your faithfulness. Your stories have touched my life more than you could ever know.”

  —Tami D.

  “Once again, Karen writes strong characters that draw such deep emotions, you feel like you are right there, a part of the story. The Bridge is a beautiful love story intertwined with many types of love. You will be truly moved and inspired by this story. Have the tissues ready!”

  —Renette S.

  “The Bridge is an incredibly heart-warming collection of love stories—the story of a young couple in love, the story of an older couple who love each other and their business, and the love of a community coming together for one of its own. I could not put The Bridge down because I was captivated by the events and anxious to read ‘the rest of the story’! Inspirational! A beautiful story about second chances!”

  —Lisa H.

  “The Bridge will be a bridge to your heart. It is a heart-warming story of second chances that you will not want to put down until you finish. You will fall in love with the Bartons and their wonderful store and ministry, as well as with Molly and Ryan. This is a must-read. God does give second chances and answer our prayers.”

  —Marnie M.

  “The enduring message of The Bridge generates hope for second chances. This powerful love story is guaranteed to tug at your heart, remind you of the essence of friendship, and leave you yearning for God’s unfailing love.”

  —Becky S.

  “A story of forbidden love, friendship, loyalty, and God’s amazing grace. A must-read for everyone.”

  —Donna K.

  “The Bridge has appealing characters, and was a true love story not only with people but also with books! Being an avid reader, I understand that there is nothing like the smell and feel of books. In a world that is so rife with technology, it is refreshing to see that the love of a good book and the people that they touch will never be replaced!”

  —Kim F.

  “I found the story in The Bridge to be relatable to my college days when I, too, walked away from a man who loved me. I was rooting all the way for Molly and Ryan to find a forever love. The power of prayer and the community of friends remained the focus of this book’s story. A dying man, a bookstore on its deathbed, and a long-ago lost love. Karen did it again as she kept me reading from one chapter to the next.”

  —Gigi M.

  “Karen Kingsbury’s The Bridge renews your faith by showing the love of a community for a man who is tragically injured. His obedience to God results in a life of service and compassion for his community through a bookstore, and this book will start you on a path of serving God with obedience.”

  —Jennifer S.

  “The Bridge by Karen Kingsbury reaffirmed my belief in the God of second chances! I want to sit in the bookstore with Charlie and Donna as they share their story. Thank you, Karen, for letting God speak through your book and touching my heart. You gave me a moment at The Bridge!”

  —Jessica E.

  “The Bridge brings to mind the feeling of coming across a neighborhood bookstore and exploring it for the first time—the enchanting charm of stories yet unread and people unknown except for their shared love of reading. The Bridge reminds me of the power and potential of miracles.”

  —Shannon K.

  “‘Life-Changing Fiction™’ is a profound definition of Karen Kingsbury’s books. God has placed the words of this book in her heart with her readers in mind. Through the powerful words and Karen’s testimony, don’t be surprised if you open your heart a little wider to let God write the story of your life.”

  —Caitlyn C.

  “The whole time you are reading The Bridge, not only are you right there in the story, but you also want to get in your car and drive to the bookstore and see this place for yourself! Karen Kingsbury has a way when she writes to help you visualize every aspect of this quaint historical bookstore along with the characters. Long after you have finished reading this book, you will find yourself thinking about The Bridge. (I still want to get in my car!) Another fantastic book by Karen Kingsbury!”

  —Betty W.

  “Moving, inspiring, thought-provoking. A story about finding your way back. Once you start reading, you don’t want to put the book down. A story that demonstrates real feelings and shows the consequences of decisions that are not made in faith. It is a reminder that miracles can happen with belief and love. There are amazing messages in this story for everyone as long as you are open to them.”

  —Natasha D.

  “The Bridge is an excellent example of God’s grace that is extended to us time and again despite our own shortcomings. Karen has created a touching and challenging story yet again.”

  —Nicole S.

  Other Life-Changing Fiction™

  by Karen Kingsbury






  9/11 SERIES

  One Tuesday Morning

  Beyond Tuesday Morning

  Remember Tuesday Morning


  Even Now

  Ever After


  Above the Line: Take One

  Above the Line: Take Two

  Above the Line: Take Three

  Above the Line: Take Four


  Oceans Apart

  Between Sundays

  When Joy Came to Stay

  On Every Side


  Like Dandelion Dust

  Where Yesterday Lives

  Shades of Blue


  Coming Home—The Baxter Family



















  Gideon’s Gift

  Maggie’s Miracle

  Sarah’s Song

  Hannah’s Hope


  Waiting for Morning

  Moment of Weakness

  Halfway to Forever


  A Time to Dance

  A Time to Embrace


  A Thousand Tomorrows

  Just Beyond the Clouds

  This Side of Heaven


  Let Me Hold You Longer

  Let’s Go on a Mommy Date

  We Believe in Christmas

  Let’s Have a Daddy Day

  The Princess and the Three Knights

  The Brave Young Knight

  Far Flutterby


  A Treasury of Christmas Miracles

  A Treasury of Miracles for Women

  A Treasury of Miracles for Teens

  A Treasury of Miracles for Friends

  A Treasury of Adoption Miracles

  Miracles—a Devotional


  Stay Close Little Girl

  Be Safe Little Boy

  Forever Young: Ten Gifts of Faith for the Graduate

  Thank you for purchasing this Howard Books eBook.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen


  Reading Group Guide

  The Chance Excerpt

  About Karen Kingsbury

  To Donald, my Prince Charming . . .

  Another year behind us, and already Tyler is almost finished with his first year at Liberty University while Kelsey is taking wing—acting in films that glorify God. Isn’t our Lord so faithful? Not just with our kids, but in leading our family where He wants us to be. Closing in on a year in Nashville, and it’s so very clear that God wanted us here. Thank you for being so steady and strong and good and kind. Hold my hand and walk with me through the coming seasons . . . the graduations and growing up and getting older. All of it’s possible with you by my side. I love you always and forever.

  To Kyle, my newest son . . .

  Kyle, you and Kelsey are married now, and forevermore we will see you as our son, as the young man God planned for our daughter, the one we’ve prayed for and talked to God about and hoped for. Your heart is beautiful in every way, Kyle. How you cherish simple moments and the way you are kind beyond words. You see the good in people and situations, and you find a way to give God the glory always. I will never forget you coming to me and Donald at different times and telling us that you wanted to support Kelsey and keep her safe . . . and ultimately that you wanted to love her all the days of your life. All of it is summed up in the way you do one simple action: The way you look at our precious Kelsey. It’s a picture that will hang forever on the wall of my heart. You look at Kelsey like nothing and no one else in all the world exists but her. In your eyes at that moment is the picture of what love looks like. Kyle, as God takes you from one stage to another—using that beautiful voice of yours to glorify Him and lead others to love Jesus—I pray that you always look at Kelsey the way you do today. We thank God for you, and we look forward to the beautiful seasons ahead. Love you always!

  To Kelsey, my precious daughter . . .

  What a joy to see you blossom here in Nashville, Kels! How grateful I am that this is a season of love and laughter and friendship like you’ve never known before. As you said, God is faithful. Live for Him and watch how He will bless you. How great that you are experiencing that firsthand, newly married to Kyle, the man of your dreams. So glad that in this season you’re close to home, still the light of our family, the laughter in our hearts. I pray God will bless you and Kyle mightily in the years to come. In the meantime, you’ll be in my heart every moment. And wherever you sing and dance and act for Him, we’ll be in the front row! I love you, sweetheart.

  To Tyler, my lasting song . . .

  Some of my favorite moments since you left for college are when we gather around the kitchen computer and talk to you on Skype. I love that in those moments you slip into your funny self, making us laugh until we cry and pretending to be every cut-up character that comes to your mind. But while you can still make us laugh, you are growing into such an amazing godly young man. Your blog, Ty’s Take, is being followed by readers who long to know how God is working in your life while you’re at college. Your dad and I are so proud of you, Ty. We’re proud of your talent and your compassion for people and your place in our family. However your dreams unfold, we’ll be cheering loudest as we watch them happen. Hold on to Jesus, son. I love you.

  To Sean, my happy sunshine . . .

  You are growing up and listening to God’s lead, and in the process you are taking your studies and your homework so much more seriously. God will bless you for how you’re being faithful in the little things, Sean. He has such great plans ahead for you. Remember, home is where your heart is always safe. Keep working . . . keep pushing . . . keep believing. Go to bed every night knowing you did all you could to prepare yourself for the doors God will open in the days ahead. I pray that as you soar for the Lord, He will allow you to be a very bright light indeed. You’re a precious gift, son. Keep smiling and keep seeking God’s best.

  To Josh, my tenderhearted perfectionist . . .

  Soccer was where you started when you first came here from Haiti, and soccer is the game that God seems to be opening up for you. In a number of ways God is showing you that through soccer, you can be a very bright light for Him. But as proud as I am of your athleticism, I’m most proud of your growth this past year. You’ve grown in heart, maturity, kindness, quiet strength, and the realization that time at home is short. God is going to use you for great things, and I believe He’ll put you on a public platform to do it. Stay strong in Him, and listen to His quiet whispers so you’ll know which direction to turn. I’m so proud of you, son—I’ll forever be cheering on the sidelines. Keep God first in your life. I love you always.

  To EJ, my chosen one . . .

  EJ, I wish you could know just how much we love you and how deeply we believe in the great plans God has for you. One day not too far from here, you’ll be applying to colleges, thinking about the career choices ahead of you, the path God might be leading you down. Wherever that path takes you, keep your eyes on Jesus, and you’ll always be as full of possibility as you are today. I expect great things from you, EJ, and I know the Lord does, too. I’m so glad you’re a part of our family, always and forever. I love you more than you know. I’m praying you’ll have a strong passion to use your gifts for God as you move through your sophomore year. Thanks for your giving heart, EJ. I love you so.

  To Austin, my miracle boy . . .

  Austin, I love that you care enough to be and do your best. It shows in your straight A’s and it shows in the way you treat your classmates. Of course, it absolutely shows when you play any sport. Always remember what I’ve told you about that determi
nation. Let it push you to be better, but never, ever let it discourage you. You’re so good at life, Austin. Keep the passion and keep that beautiful faith of yours. Every single one of your dreams is within reach. Keep your eyes on Him, and we’ll keep our eyes on you, our youngest son. There is nothing more sweet than cheering you boys on—and for you, that happened from the time you were born, through your heart surgery until now. I thank God for you, for the miracle of your life. I love you, Austin.

  And to God Almighty, the Author of Life,who has—for now—blessed me with these.

  C HA P T E R O N E

  She should have said something.

  Even now, seven years later, with Thanksgiving dishes put away and another lonely December rushing up at her, Molly Allen knew the truth. Her year, her life, her Christmas . . . all of it might be different if only she’d said something.

  The possibilities plagued her that Black Friday. They walked with her through the front door of her Portland, Oregon, private foundation office, hovered beside her over lunch at P.F. Changs, and distracted her every time she stopped in to see the cats and dogs at her animal rescue shelter.

  This was Video Day. Molly’s day after Thanksgiving.

  Everyone else in the greater Portland area spent the day hunting bargains and stopping in at her shelter to see if the gift they wanted might be in a cage instead of a Walmart. But now, as the day wound down, while shoppers unpacked their bags and counted their savings, Molly would snuggle beneath a blanket by herself and watch the video.

  The way she did every year on this day.

  She tucked a strand of long blond hair behind her ear and stooped down to the oversize cage on the bottom row. The room echoed with a dozen different barks and whimpers and cries for attention. A chorus of unrest and slight concern from the animals rescued this month to her shelter, one arm of the Allen Foundation’s efforts.

  “Okay, Buster.” She unlatched the cage and welcomed a curly-haired gray terra-poo into her arms. “It’s your lucky day. Yes, it is.” She snapped a leash to Buster’s collar. The dog was a two-year-old, stuck at the shelter for three weeks. Longer than usual, considering this was Christmastime, and the cute dogs usually went first. She scratched the dog just above his ear. “Let’s get you to your family.”