Read The Buffalo Runners: A Tale of the Red River Plains Page 16



  It was daybreak when Fergus McKay galloped into camp with the startlingnews that an attack by hostile Indians might be expected that day or thefollowing night. He was, of course, unaware of the fact that thepeace-making Okematan had been unwittingly following his tracks at amore leisurely pace.

  Some readers may think that the Indian, with his traditional power offollowing a trail, should have observed and suspected the fresh track ofthe hunter, but it must be remembered that some hundreds of buffalorunners had passed over the same track a day or two previously, and thatHawkeye, or Pathfinder himself, would have become helpless in the midstof such trampled confusion. Besides, Okematan had no reason to suspectthat he had been followed; still less that the camp of the war-party hadbeen accidentally discovered.

  "Now, boys," said Fergus, after detailing his adventures during thenight, "we will hev to give up all notion o' buffalo runnin' this dayan' putt the camp in a state o' defence."

  There was a good deal of grumbling at this, especially among some of theyounger men; for they were very keen to commence the sport, and had notmuch belief in the power of a small band of savages to do them harm.Some of them even suggested that half of their number should remainbehind to guard the camp while the other half should go after thebuffalo. This proposal, however, was not received with favour, as itwould certainly be a matter of disagreement which half was to go out,and which to remain behind!

  "Where is Kateegoose?" asked Dechamp at this crisis.

  "Stuffin' 'imself, of course!" said Fred Jenkins, amid a general laugh."I've noticed, since we set sail on this trip, that Kateegoose alwaysturns out at daybreak, lights the galley fire, an' begins the dooties o'the day by stuffin' 'imself."

  "Ay, and I've noticed," observed one of the young hunters, "that ittakes a deal o' stuffin' to fill him out properly, for he keeps on at itmost part o' the day."

  "Except," remarked another, "when he stops to smoke what o' the stuffin'has been already shoved down."

  "Moreover," added the seaman, "I've noticed that Francois La Certealways keeps 'im company. He's a sympathetic sort o' man is Francois,fond o' helpin' his mates--specially when they're eatin' an' smokin'."

  At this moment Kateegoose, having been called, came forward. He was anill-favoured savage, with various expressions on his ugly visage whichwere not so much Nature's gifts as the result of his own evil passions.Jealousy was one of them, and he had often turned a green eye onOkematan. There were indications about his mouth and fingers, as hecame forward, that justified the commentaries on his habits, andbetrayed recent acquaintance with fat pork.

  "You hear the reports that have just been brought in?" said Dechamp.

  "Kateegoose hears," was the laconic answer.

  "Kateegoose is a Cree," continued Dechamp; "he knows the spirit thatdwells in the hearts of his tribe. What does he think?"

  "The thoughts of the Indian are many and deep. He has for many moonswatched the behaviour of Okematan, and he has long suspected that theheart of the serpent dwells in the breast of that chief. Now he issure."

  "But what about your people?" demanded the camp-chief. "They are not atwar with us. Are they all villains because one among them turns out tobe bad?"

  Kateegoose drew himself up with a look of dignity, and pouted his greasylips as he replied--

  "The Crees have always been a brave and true and upright people. Theynever attack friends until, by their conduct, these friends have becomeenemies. But the Crees are human. They are not perfect--neither arethe Palefaces. There are bad men among them--a few; not many--as wellas young men and foolish. Sometimes, when on the war-path, a clever badman can reason with them till he blinds them, and they are ready to dowrong. It may be so now. Okematan is clever. Kateegoose does not knowwhat to advise."

  "Kateegoose was not asked to advise," returned Dechamp sternly. "He mayreturn to his tent."

  Thus summarily dismissed, this hanger-on or camp-follower returned tohis pork and pipe with a feeling that somehow he had failed to make theexact impression on the leader that he desired. La Certe, however,consoled him, and helped him to continue the duties of the day.

  "Come with me, McKay," said Dechamp, after giving all needful directionsregarding the safety of the camp. "I don't believe that rascalKateegoose. He's a greedy idler, something like La Certe, but by nomeans so harmless or good-natured. Moreover, I find it hard to believethat Okematan has turned traitor."

  "I agree with you," said Fergus. "It iss ferry hard to believe that aman who has been so long among us, and got such a good character, shouldsuddenly turn against us--an' that, too, without provocation. But whatwill you be sayin' to what Taniel and myself has seen with our twoeyes?"

  "It looks bad, I confess," answered Dechamp, as they paced to and fro ina retired part of the camp; "but you must remember that your two eyesare not your two ears, and that you heard nothing that you couldunderstand."

  "Fery true, Dechamp. But the language of the eye is sometimes as clearand understandable as the language of the ear. No wan could mistake themeanin' o' some o' the warriors when they scowled an' pointed in thedirection of our camp here, an' gripped the handles o' their scalpin'knives and tomahawks. Moreover, Okematan also pointed in the samedirection, though I am bound to say he did not grip his knife. Whetherhe scowled or not I do not know, for he was standin' wi' his back tous."

  "Well, I cannot tell. I'm not willin' to believe Okematan a traitor;but what you have seen is enough to make me put the camp in defenceinstead of startin' out to hunt--"

  At that moment the sharp click of a gun was heard as a neighbouringsentry put his piece on full cock.

  Dechamp and Fergus hastened towards him.

  "Have a care, Andre; don't be too quick with your gun," said the former."I see only one man coming. He can do us no harm."

  As the approaching figure drew near, it was seen to be that of an Indianon horseback. He rode carelessly at a jog-trot.

  "It looks like Okematan!" said Dechamp, glancing at his companion insurprise.

  "It iss Okematan," returned Fergus.

  Before another word could be spoken, a shot was heard in the camp, andhorse and man were seen to roll upon the ground. The latter roseimmediately, but the horse lay stiff--evidently shot dead. For a fewseconds profound silence followed the incident, as if men were too muchtaken by surprise to think and act. Then, when the dismounted Indianwas seen to walk leisurely, as if unhurt, towards them, there was ahubbub in the camp, while men, women, and boys ran towards the spotwhence the shot seemed to have been fired, but no one was to be foundthere. Only a very faint puff of smoke overhead told where the marksmanhad stood. It had been a well-chosen spot, where a low bush or twomingled with several carts that had been rather carelessly drawn up, andseveral horses had been picketed together. These had affordedconcealment enough for at least a few moments.

  The tent of La Certe was not far from this corner. At the time the shotwas heard, the self-indulgent half-breed was inside, recumbent on hisback in the enjoyment of a pipe.

  "That's odd," he said to Slowfoot, who was seated opposite to her lordscraping the remnants of something out of a tin kettle with the point ofa scalping-knife. "Somebody's gun gone off by accident, I suppose. Ihear some one at our fire. Look out, Slowfoot, and ask what hashappened."

  Slowfoot finished the scraping of the kettle before obeying; then liftedthe curtain that closed the opening of their tent, and peeped out.

  "It is Kateegoose--loading his gun, I think."

  La Certe got up, with a sigh of regret at the necessity for exertion,and, lifting the curtain-door, stepped out.

  "What are they firing at, Kateegoose?"

  The Indian did not know. Some one, he thought, might have let off hisgun by accident. He thought it wise, however, to be ready, and had justsent the ramrod down the barrel of his gun to make sure that it wasloaded with ball. To make still surer that all was
ready, the Indianshook the priming out of the pan of his gun, wiped it, and re-primed.Then he laid the weapon down by his side, and resumed the pipe which hehad apparently laid down to enable him to perform these operations moreconveniently, and, at the same time, with more safety.

  At that moment Dechamp walked smartly towards the fire in front of LaCerte's tent.

  "Does Kateegoose know who fired that shot?" he asked with a keen glance,for his suspicions had been aroused.

  "Some one over there," answered the Indian languidly, as he pointed inthe right direction.

  "It does not need a medicine-man to tell me that," said Dechamp,sternly. "I heard the shot, and saw the smoke. Have you any idea whofired it, La Certe?"

  "I have not," replied the half-breed. "I was lying in my tent when Iheard it. Kateegoose was smoking beside the fire. We both thought itwas an accident, or some one trying his gun, till we heard the shoutingand running. Then I jumped up, seized my gun, and sprang out to seewhat it was all about. I found Kateegoose equally on the _qui vive_.He was shoving his ramrod down to make sure his gun was loaded when youcame up. What is it all about?"

  "Only that the horse of Okematan has been shot under him by some one,and that there is a would-be murderer in the camp."

  "Okematan! Has the traitor ventured to return?" exclaimed Kateegoose,with an expression of surprise that was very unusual in an Indian.

  "Ay, he has ventured," responded Dechamp, "and some one has ventured tofire at him with intent to kill. By good luck he was a bad shot. Hemissed the man, though he hit and killed the horse. But I shall findthe rascal out before long--he may depend on that!"

  So saying, the commandant left the spot.

  "Do you know anything about this?" asked La Certe, turning full on theIndian.

  "Kateegoose is not a medicine-man. He cannot be in two places at once.He knows nothing."

  For a sly man La Certe was wonderfully credulous. He believed theIndian, and, returning to his tent, lay down again to finish theinterrupted pipe.

  "Kateegoose was trying his gun to see if it was loaded," he said to hisbetter half.

  "That's a lie," returned Slowfoot, with that straightforward simplicityof diction for which she was famous.

  "Indeed! What, then, was he doing, my Slowfoot?"

  "He was _loading_ his gun--not trying it."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Am I sure that our little child loves tobacco?"

  "Well, I suppose you are. At any rate, the child often asks you for apipe, and gets it too. Hm! if Kateegoose fired that shot he must be abad man. But our chief is sure to find it out--and--it is no businessof mine. Fetch me the tobacco, Slowfoot."

  That same morning, Archie Sinclair was seated beside his brother, LittleBill, in the tent that was shared by Fred Jenkins and several younghalf-breeds. He was alone with his brother, Jenkins having gone outwith the blunderbuss to assist, if need be, in the defence of the camp.He was manufacturing a small bow for his brother to amuse himself withwhile he should be away "seein' the fun," as he said, with the hunters.The instant the sailor left, however, he looked at Billie mysteriouslyand said, in a low voice--

  "Little Bill, although you're not good for much with your poor littlebody, you've got a splendid headpiece, and are amazing at giving advice.I want advice just now very bad. You've heard what they've all beensaying about this shot that was fired at Okematan, and some o' the mensay they think it must have been Kateegoose that did it. Now, Billie, Iam _sure_ that it was Kateegoose that did it."

  "Oh!" exclaimed Little Bill, making his eyes and mouth into three roundO's. "How d'ye know that? Did you see him do it?"

  "No--it's that that bothers me. If I had seen him do it I would havegone straight and told Dechamp, but I didn't quite see him, you see. Iwas in Lamartine's cart at the time, rummagin' about for a piece o' woodto make this very bow, an' the moment I heard the shot I peeped out, an'saw--nothing!"

  "That wasn't much," remarked Little Bill, innocently.

  "Ay, but I soon saw something," continued Archie, with increasingsolemnity; "I saw Kateegoose coming slinking round among the carts, asif he wanted not to be seen. I saw him only for a moment--gliding pastlike a ghost."

  "It's a serious thing," said Little Bill, musing gravely, "to charge aman with tryin' to kill another man, if that's all you've got to tell,for you know it's a way the Red-skins have of always glidin' about as ifthey was for ever after mischief."

  "But that's not all, Little Bill," returned his brother, "for I'm almostcertain that I saw a little smoke comin' out o' the muzzle of his gun ashe passed--though I couldn't exactly swear to it."

  Archie had overrated his brother's powers in the way of advice, for,although they talked the matter over for some time, they failed toarrive at any satisfactory conclusion.

  Meanwhile Okematan, having entered the camp, was met by Dechamp, and ledby him to a retired part.

  "You have an enemy here, Okematan," he said, inquiringly.

  "It would seem so," returned the Indian gravely. "Friends do not shooteach other's horses; and if the poor horse had not tossed his head whenthe shot was fired, his rider would have bit the dust."

  "I fear it looks something like that," said Dechamp; "but I hopeOkematan believes that _I_ know nothing of the matter--nor can I tellwho the cowardly villain is that did it."

  "Okematan knows that," answered the Indian, sternly. "No half-breedfired the shot."

  "There is no Indian in the camp but Kateegoose," rejoined the other,quickly; "surely you don't think that a man of your own tribe would tryto kill you?"

  "I know not. Kateegoose hates me. No other man in the camp hates me."

  "It is strange--unaccountable," returned Dechamp. "If the Indian didit, he shall forfeit his horse and leave the camp. But tell me,"--herethe half-breed commandant turned a searching gaze on his companion, "whydid Okematan leave us, and spend all night alone on the prairie? Did hespend the night in conversation with the buffalo--or in the company ofhis departed forefathers?"

  No sign of surprise, or of any other emotion, was visible on thecountenance of the Red-man as he replied: "Okematan went out to meet aparty of his tribe on the war-path."

  Dechamp was not so successful in concealing his own surprise at thisanswer.

  "Does the Cree chief," he asked, with something of doubt in his tone andlook, "choose the hours of night to consult with warriors about secretassaults and surprises on friends?"

  "He does not!" answered the Indian, decidedly but calmly--though he wasunquestionably astonished at being questioned so pointedly and correctlyas to his recent proceedings, and felt that he must have been followed.He was not the man, however, to betray his feelings, or to commithimself in any way; therefore he took refuge in silence.

  "Come now, Okematan," said his companion in a confidential tone. "Don'tlet a misunderstanding arise between you and me. What is this that Ihave heard? You spent last night, as you admit, with a party of Creeson the war-path. You were seen and heard, and the men of the camp thinkyou have turned traitor, and they are even now expecting an attack fromthis war-party. Is it true that we are to be attacked?"

  "You say I was _heard_," answered the Indian, looking the half-breedstraight in the face. "If so, those who heard must know what I said."

  "Nay, they did indeed hear, but they did not understand, for they knownot your language; but they know the language of signs, and, by thelooks and gestures of the warriors, they guessed what was said andplanned."

  "Is it likely," asked the Indian in a low voice, "that Okematan wouldreturn to your camp alone, and put himself in your power, if an attackwas intended?"

  "True, true," returned Dechamp with a hearty air; "and, to say truth, Imyself did not--do not--believe you false. If you tell me the truth,Okematan, and give me your word that this report is a mistaken one, Iwill believe you and trust you."

  The Indian seemed pleased with the assurance thus heartily given, butstill maintained his dignified gravity,
as he said--

  "Okematan _always_ tells the truth. He had hoped that the folly of someyoung braves of his tribe should never have been known to any one; butsince it has been found out, he will tell all he knows to his pale-facedbrother."

  Hereupon he related all that had transpired at the council of war, andthe final success of his own speech, with that of the old warrior, inproducing a peaceful solution.

  "But are you sure they will follow your advice?" asked Dechamp.

  "Yes, Okematan is quite sure."

  "Well, then, as I said, I will trust you," returned Dechamp, extendinghis hand, which the Indian gravely grasped; "and I will give youundeniable proof, by giving my young men orders to start after thebuffalo at once--without further delay."