Read The Bungalow Mystery Page 4

  At that very moment father and daughter heard a car stop outside. Two policemen rushed in.

  “Where’s the burglar?”

  “Right here,” Mr. Drew confessed. “I forgot my house key. Sorry to put you to this trouble.”

  The policemen grinned and one said, “I wish all our burglary cases were solved this easy!” A few minutes later the officers left.

  Mr. Drew explained to Nancy that he had hesitated about ringing the doorbell and disturbing Mrs. Gruen and Nancy. Recalling that one of the windows in the library did not close completely and needed repair, he removed the screen and opened the window.

  “I’m sorry I scared you. I flew home tonight rather unexpectedly and didn’t have a chance to let you know, Nancy.”

  “Has there been a new development in your embezzlement case, Dad?” she inquired.

  Mr. Drew nodded. “Yes, but since it’s late I suggest we both go to bed. We can talk about it in the morning.”

  Nancy stifled a yawn. “Good idea,” she agreed.

  Father and daughter turned off the lights and went upstairs. Both slept soundly until eight o’clock the following morning when Nancy was awakened by Hannah.

  “Get up, sleepyhead!” said the housekeeper. Teasingly she prodded Nancy’s foot with the tip of a wooden crutch while leaning on another one. “It’s a beautiful day!”

  Nancy jerked awake, rubbing her eyes. “Hannah!” she gasped. “What are you doing up?”

  The housekeeper smiled. “One day of staying off my feet will keep me well for a year,” she declared. “Besides, I feel fine this morning.”

  “But Dr. Darby said—” Nancy began.

  “Stuff and nonsense!” Hannah replied tartly. “He left me these crutches to use and that’s what I intend to do with them. Nancy, is your father home? I noticed his door is closed.”

  “Yes, Hannah.” Nancy related the burglar scare.

  The housekeeper smiled in amusement. Then, with a swish of her skirt, she turned and clumped out of the room. She paused at the door, winked at Nancy, and said:

  “Pancakes and sausage at eight-thirty—and you tell your dad that I’m going to squeeze some extra-juicy oranges.”

  Mr. Drew was awake also. Nancy could hear the buzz of his electric razor! It was good, she thought, for the little family to be home again.

  In half an hour they were seated in the cheerful breakfast room. As they began to eat, Mr. Drew caught up on the latest news and listened with concern to the story of Nancy’s two storm adventures.

  “I’m grateful that you’re here safely beside me,” he said gravely.

  When the lawyer heard about Laura Pendleton and the Aborns, he frowned. “I agree with you, Nancy, it does sound strange,” he said. “But you should not interfere with Laura and her guardians unless she asks you to. They may turn out to be very nice people.”

  “I agree,” said Hannah, then added pointedly, “But if things should prove otherwise, Mr. Drew?”

  “Then I’d be happy to help Laura have another guardian appointed by the court,” the lawyer replied. “In the meantime, Nancy, let’s invite Laura to spend a few days with us very soon.”

  Nancy beamed. “Thanks, Dad. That’s just what I wanted to do.”

  When the meal was finished and the dishes had been put in the washer, Mr. Drew and Nancy went to his study, a comfortable room with book-lined shelves, deep-seated leather chairs, and a wide, highly polished mahogany desk.

  Nancy sat down in a yellow club chair, then said eagerly, “Come on, Dad, don’t hold out on me any longer about this case of yours.”

  Mr. Drew smiled, and absently fingered a glass paperweight. Sitting down, he began to talk.

  Mr. Drew’s client, a Mr. Seward, was the president of the Monroe National Bank in Monroe. It had branches throughout the country, including one in River Heights. During a recent audit, many valuable securities had been discovered missing from the main bank’s vault. Most of the securities were bonds which read “Payable to Bearer.”

  “How dreadful!” said Nancy. “It means that whoever has the bonds can cash them.”

  “That’s right.” Mr. Drew said that the bonds belonged to various bank clients throughout the country. In all cases the clients had inherited money and had asked the bank as custodian to invest it for them. A Mr. Hamilton was put in charge. This was a very common bank procedure: the bank made the investments and paid the dividends to the individual, thus relieving the person of handling his own transactions.

  “I was called in on the case,” Carson Drew said, “by Mr. Sill, manager of our River Heights branch, when Mr. Seward advised him that a number of the missing securities belong to residents in our community. Mr. Seward felt this was an odd coincidence.”

  “It is,” Nancy agreed. “Have you any idea who might have taken the property?”

  Mr. Drew said no. So far the evidence pointed to Mr. Hamilton, although the man was a highly trusted officer.

  “What about the people who work in the vault?” Nancy asked, wrinkling her forehead.

  “They’re being checked on now. Most of these employees have worked for the bank a long time, however. At present two of them are on vacation, so the investigation may take some time.”

  “Couldn’t you find out where they went?” Nancy asked.

  “We’ve tried that,” her father replied, “but they’re not at their homes and the neighbors don’t know where they’re vacationing. We’ll just have to wait until the men get home.”

  “I see,” Nancy agreed.

  “The main thing is,” said Mr. Drew, “that Mr. Seward doesn’t want any publicity about the theft. The bank will continue to pay dividends to the security holders, of course. My assignment is to find the missing property and the guilty person.”

  “A big order,” said Nancy. “How are you going to do this?”

  Carson Drew said he was presently checking on employees other than Hamilton who worked in the custodian department. Also, he was trying to find out if there might be a tie-in between the thief and one or more of the persons whose property was missing.

  “There must be several people behind this theft,” the lawyer explained. “It’s pretty difficult in these times to rob a bank, with all the security measures they employ. Nothing is impossible, however, if a plan is well worked out.”

  “Sounds like an exciting case, Dad,” said Nancy. “What can I do to help?”

  In reply Mr. Drew gave Nancy a slip of paper with four names on it and their corresponding River Heights addresses. They were: Mrs. William Farley, Mr. Herbert Brown, Mrs. John Stewart, Mr. Stephen Dowd. None of the names was familiar to the young detective.

  “These are the local people whose securities are missing,” Mr. Drew said. “Think of some reason to meet these people,” he directed. “See what kind of homes they have, and try to get an insight into their characters. This is a very vague assignment, but I feel you may find out something incriminating about one of them—you see, we have to be very careful not to arouse suspicion in a case of this type.”

  “I’ll do my best,” Nancy assured him.

  “The out-of-town names I’ll check myself,” her father explained. “They live in various large cities around the country, so I’ll have to be away a good bit during the next few weeks.”

  “I’ll get busy on these names right away,” Nancy said. She gave her father a quick hug. “You’re an old dear to let me help you!”

  “Promise me you’ll be careful,” the lawyer warned. “An embezzler can be a dangerous person. And in this case whoever is behind the thefts is playing for big stakes.”

  The young sleuth said she would take every precaution. As Nancy stood up, the telephone rang.

  “I’ll get it, Dad,” she offered, and hurried to pick up the receiver of the hall phone.

  A low-pitched feminine voice said tersely, “Nancy? Nancy Drew?”

  “Yes. This is Nancy speaking.”

  As she held on, waiting for the caller’s identif
ication, she heard sounds of a scuffle on the other end of the receiver. This was followed by a cry of pain and a loud crash!


  An Invitation to Sleuth

  “WHO is this?” Nancy asked.

  But the caller had cut off the connection. What had happened to her? Nancy wondered. Certainly she had sounded very distressed. Nancy hung up and waited for a second call, but the phone did not ring.

  “Who was it?” Mr. Drew asked, coming into the hall.

  Nancy told what had occurred.

  “You didn’t recognize the voice?” he remarked.

  “No, so I can’t call back. Oh dear, someone is in trouble, I just know it. And here I stand helpless to do a thing! It’s maddening!”

  “It certainly is,” her father said. “Well, dear, I must run down to the office.” Presently he left the house.

  After seeing that Hannah was comfortable, Nancy went to her bedroom and thoughtfully opened the closet door.

  “This is as good a day as any to start Dad’s investigation,” she thought.

  Nancy took out a two-piece navy-blue dress which made her look older than her eighteen years. Next, she found a pair of comfortable low-heeled pumps.

  For several minutes Nancy experimented with various hair styles. She finally chose a simple off-the-face arrangement. Nancy put on tiny pearl earrings, dusted her nose lightly with powder, and finally added a dash of lipstick.

  After she had changed her clothes and given herself a final appraisal, Nancy went to Hannah’s room to tell her she was going out for a while.

  “Gracious, Nancy,” said the housekeeper, giving the girl a sharp glance, “you look awfully businesslike today. Where are you going?”

  “Dad asked me to look up something for him,” she said. “I’ll be back in time for lunch.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” said Hannah. “I can get around. Have a good time, dear.”

  When Nancy left the house she consulted the list Mr. Drew had given her. Mrs. William Farley, the first name on the paper, lived on Acorn Street, seven blocks from the Drew residence.

  Nancy set out at a brisk pace, rehearsing in her mind the approach on which she had decided. One of the girl’s favorite community projects was a recreational youth center located in downtown River Heights. The center always needed volunteer helpers as well as entertainers for the children.

  “A good way to find out something about Dad’s suspects,” Nancy decided, “is to see how they will respond to a needy cause. And I’ll be telling the truth when I say that I’m working for the organization.”

  This resolved, Nancy soon reached a modest white house which was set back from the street a short distance. The front walk was outlined with pink and white petunias and the grass was well tended.

  Nancy rang the bell. The door was opened almost immediately by an elderly woman with wavy white hair and the greenest, most alert, eyes Nancy had ever seen.

  “Yes?” she inquired pleasantly.

  Nancy introduced herself, then explained the purpose of her call. She was invited inside.

  “Please be seated,” said the woman, sitting down herself. Nancy chose a Duncan Phyfe rocking chair covered with a black floral print.

  The hostess smiled. “I’d be glad to help you with your project, my dear,” she said, “although I have no talent. Also, I don’t leave this house very much. I’m a recent widow, you see, and I haven’t been too well lately.”

  Nancy expressed sympathy and said she understood completely. She liked this friendly little woman on first sight.

  “Would a small check help your cause?” the widow asked. “Perhaps you could buy some equipment for the children.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Nancy said. “But I’m not soliciting funds.”

  Mrs. Farley smiled shyly. “I realize this,” she said. “But there’s so little I can do to help others. Mr. Farley left most of his estate, which was modest, in trust. And I have only a tiny income to live on.”

  The woman arose, and despite Nancy’s protests, went to the desk where she wrote out a check.

  Nancy thanked her profusely, for she realized that this was a sacrifice on the widow’s part.

  “I’m glad I can help,” said Mrs. Farley. “Please come see me again and tell me how the youth center is coming along.”

  Nancy promised to do this. After a few more minutes of conversation, she bade Mrs. Farley good-by and left the house.

  “If I’m a judge of human nature,” thought Nancy, “that woman never did a mean thing in her life!”

  When she reached the sidewalk, Nancy took out Mr. Drew’s list from her handbag. Thoughtfully she crossed out Mrs. Farley’s name.

  Herbert Brown, the next suspect, lived in River Heights Estates, a rather exclusive housing area located on the outskirts of the city.

  “It’s kind of a long walk,” Nancy told herself. “But it will do me good.”

  As Nancy strolled along, she was so engrossed with her thoughts that she failed to notice a tan sedan whose driver cruised by, honked the horn, then pulled over to the curb.

  As the door opened, a good-looking young man about eighteen called, “Hi, Nancy!”

  To her surprise, she saw Don Cameron, who had been a fellow student in River Heights High School. Nancy had, in fact, gone to the Spring Prom with the tall, black-haired boy.

  “Hello, Don,” she said. “What are you doing home? I thought you were working on your uncle’s farm this summer before going to college.”

  Don grinned engagingly. “I’ve been picking string beans and berries and hoeing potatoes for nearly a month,” he replied. “But I have a leave of absence to attend my sister’s wedding this Friday.”

  Nancy had read of Janet Cameron’s wedding plans in the River Heights Gazette two weeks before. “Jan must be excited!” she exclaimed.

  “Everyone at home is going ’round in circles,” Don stated, laughing. “Bill Bent, my brother-in-law-to-be, is no better.

  “By the way, Nancy,” Don continued, “I intended calling you later today. If you’re free Thursday afternoon and evening I’d like to have you go to a barbecue party with me. It’s being given in honor of Jan and Bill.”

  “I’d love to,” said Nancy. “Where will it be?”

  “At the Herbert Browns’ home in River Heights Estates,” Don said. “Their daughter, Lynn, is Jan’s maid of honor.”

  Herbert Brown! One of the possible suspects in the bank security theft! Nancy could scarcely conceal her excitement. Although she did not like the idea of spying on a host, here was an excellent chance for her to find out what Mr. Brown was like.

  “What time does the barbecue begin?” Nancy asked.

  “I’ll call for you at four,” said Don.

  He offered to drive Nancy home, and she hopped in beside him. When the young sleuth entered the house, she found Hannah in the living room.

  “My goodness,” the housekeeper exclaimed, “you haven’t solved the mystery already!”

  “I gave up,” Nancy teased.


  With a grin Nancy told why she had postponed her trip. “I’ll get some lunch for us,” Nancy offered, “and then drive to the other two places on the list.”

  Hannah chuckled. “Since you said you’d be home,” she said, “I prepared a fresh fruit salad—it’s in the refrigerator. And rolls ready to pop into the oven.”

  “You’re a fine patient!” Nancy scolded.

  “I feel better keeping busy,” Hannah countered.

  Nancy asked whether there had been any telephone calls in her absence.

  “No. But you did get a post card in the mail.” Nancy went to the mail tray in the hall and recognized Helen Corning’s writing. The message read:

  Dear Nancy:

  Aunt June and I have decided to take a week’s automobile trip up North. Will return directly to River Heights. Plan to stop and see Laura Pendleton on our way. Hope Hannah is better.



  Nancy read the card aloud and commented, “I hope Helen lets me know how everything is at the Aborns’ home. Anyway, I’m going to call Laura myself in a few days to find out how she is and make a date with her to come here.”

  “Do you think her guardian will let her leave his care so soon?” the housekeeper asked, as she reached for her crutches.

  When there was no reply, Hannah looked out toward the hall. Nancy’s normally rosy complexion was deadly white. She looked as if she were about to faint!


  A Startling Assignment

  “NANCY! Nancy! What’s wrong with you?” Hannah cried out, as she tried to hurry to the girl’s side.

  As the housekeeper limped toward her, Nancy snapped to attention. “I’m all right, Hannah,” she said. “But Helen’s post card—it brought back the phone call I had this morning—”

  Nancy told Mrs. Gruen about the call which had ended so abruptly with a cry of pain. “The caller’s voice sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place it,” she explained. “Now I think I know who it was.”

  “Who?” said Hannah.

  “Laura Pendleton! I believe someone was trying to stop her from talking to me!”

  “Mercy!” Hannah exclaimed, sinking weakly into a soft chair. “Do you think it was one of the Aborns, Nancy? And why would they do such a thing?”

  Nancy shrugged. “I’m going to call the Aborn home right now.”

  While Hannah listened nervously, Nancy picked up the phone and dialed Information. When the operator replied, Nancy asked for Jacob Aborn’s number.

  The operator cut off for a minute, then reported, “I’m sorry, miss, but that number has been temporarily disconnected!”

  “Can you tell me when this was done?” Nancy requested tersely.

  “I’m sorry. I have no further information.”

  Nancy thanked the operator and hung up.

  “It sounds suspicious,” Hannah remarked, “but, Nancy, the Aborns may have changed their plans and gone away with Laura for a vacation somewhere else.”