Read The Burning Claw Page 8

  “Is that really your decision to make?” the voice of reason that was her mate asked. “You aren’t the Fates to determine the outcome of a person’s life, beloved,” Lucian continued. “As much as it hurts, sometimes you just have to let go.”

  Peri could have kept it together if he’d stopped at the question. But no, he just had to keep pushing. Her power was swelling as her anger rose and she knew light would be pulsating around her. Lucian had stepped around her and her patients so that he stood directly in front of her—bad move on his part.

  Peri knew that her power would have driven most men to their knees, but her mate was a dominant male. He was powerful in his own right. So instead of falling to his knees, he gritted his teeth and continued to meet her stare.

  “Mate,” he breathed. “Perhaps, you should let—”

  “I WILL NOT LET THEM GO,” she bellowed and the force of her power behind her voice shook the windows and sent a shudder through the foliage surrounding them in the garden room. “Ask me to give up my immortality, ask me to give up the chance to bear children, ask me to give up my own life. Ask me anything else, but do not ask me to give up on them!”

  “Who are you to decide such a fate?” Lucian repeated, growling at her now. “Who are you to decide life and death, yours or anyone else’s?” He took a step closer.

  Brave man, Peri thought to herself.

  “Who are you to tell the Fates that they got it wrong and that you know better?” Another step closer.

  He must have a death wish. Peri’s eyes narrowed and she could feel the heat of her power growing with his every word.

  “Who are you—”

  That was it. She couldn’t control the amount of power that rushed out of her. It poured out of her hands, her eyes, and her soul, causing the entire room to flare with so much light that Lucian had to put a hand over his eyes.

  “I AM PERIZADA, HIGH FAE AND AMBASSADOR,” she roared and light shot from her mouth as well. The windows shattered and the wind from outside whipped through the room blowing the plants around so that their branches looked like arms hailing the woman before them. “I have lived thousands of lifetimes! I have served thousands, saved thousands, fought thousands, and still I stand! I will not turn away from those under my care! I will not stop fighting for them!”

  A resounding silence fell upon the room. The wind was suddenly gone, the bright light from her body slowly fading. She stared directly at Lucian. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she whispered, “Until death’s kiss steals the breath from my lungs and its withered hand stops my ancient heart, I will not give up on them.” Lucian felt the power of these words, more mighty even then when she’d yelled, as a thunderous blow, finally staggering him. The light was gone and all that was left was a quiet rustling of the leaves from the windows that no longer had glass in them. Peri’s chest rose and fell as she attempted to regain control. It was in between those huffing breaths that she heard a soft groan.

  She glanced down from her mate to Jacque and Fane. Her clenched jaw fell open and she felt what little breath was inside her rush out. They were moving—eyelids were beginning to open, chests were rising and falling, pulling air into their lungs. Their hearts were beating. They were alive.

  Peri looked back up to Lucian who had a small crooked smile on his radiant face.

  “You baited me,” she accused though her words were gentle.

  He shrugged. “I never doubted your power, love. It simply needed a little push. Just so happens, I am a wolf who thoroughly enjoys pushing you.” He closed the distance between them and raised her chin with his hand, holding her there. “I am proud of you. I love you.” Lucian pressed a soft kiss to her lips and then stepped back.

  Peri had never realized how much she’d needed to hear those words: I am proud of you. Her mate found her as a woman of worth and that touched her to her very soul.

  “Alston will take me back to our house. I expect to see you soon.” His eyes narrowed and began to glow. “Very soon, Perizada. My wolf misses his mate. And I am in agreement with him.” He turned and walked from the room before her tongue could form words. She waited until he was no longer visible before finally stepping back and looking at the mated pair. They were both nearly sitting up. They seemed weak and were slowly pushing their bodies upright with their arms. Peri wanted to help, but she also wanted them to do it on their own, to prove to her that they were really alive.

  Jacque’s head gradually rose and her eyes met Fane’s. It took two heartbeats before he had lurched forward. Probably meant to lunge, but, hello, he’d been almost dead so lurching was good. His arms reached for his mate and, just as he reached her, his legs gave out and he fell face first into her chest.

  “Umph,” Jacque breathed out. She looked down at him; he wasn’t moving but he was still breathing. Then Jacque looked up at Peri. “Well, this just got awkward.”

  Peri laughed and it felt so, so good. “I don’t care if he strips you and ravishes you this instant.”

  “Don’t tempt me,” Fane’s voice came out muffled as he interrupted.

  Peri just continued. “As long as you both keep breathing, by all means have at it.”

  Jacque breathed in Fane’s unique scent. It washed over her and calmed her anxious wolf. They were alive. She didn’t know how, but all that mattered was that they were alive and would be there for their baby.

  Her head snapped up. “Baby,” Jacque sputtered out and pushed Fane aside, not concerned that he fell face first into the shallow water. She jumped to her feet, her adrenaline pulsing through her body. “Where’s my baby?”

  “Our baby,” Fane’s voice quickly followed as he stood, only much slower.

  Jacque waved a hand at him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Where’s our baby?” she asked again, staring at Peri. Jacque was able to ignore the pain she felt in her lower body. She was able to find energy where none had been. She could probably shove aside a mountain if it meant she could get to her child.

  Before Peri answered her, the high fae made a motion with her hand and muttered under her breath. The water was suddenly gone and they were in new, dry clothes. It was good to have a high fae as a friend.

  “Thank you,” Fane said as he stepped closer to Jacque.

  “Let’s get you more comfortable and then I will bring him to you.” Peri placed her hands on each of them and flashed them to their suite. She pointed at the couch and told Jacque to sit.

  “Sit on her if she won’t keep her butt on that cushion,” she barked at Fane and then disappeared.

  “I love you,” Fane said as he sat down beside her.

  Jacque turned to look at him and it finally hit her that they’d almost died, that she might never have been able to see that face again. Tears fell from her eyes as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Fane’s arms went around to her back and his strong hands pulled her tightly against him.

  “I love you back,” she whispered against his neck where she’d tucked her face. His skin was warm against her own and her wolf rumbled with the satisfaction of finally touching their mate. Fane held her as they waited for Peri to bring their child to them. He murmured a few things in Romanian to her and she blushed when he sent the visual images of those words through their bond to her mind. He was trying to distract her and it was mostly working.

  “Jacque.” She turned as she heard her mother’s voice. Her heart leapt at seeing her mom but then her eyes fell to the wrapped bundle in Lilly’s arms, and Jacque was sure her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She stood up and walked over slowly, feeling as though she needed to be quiet so that she wouldn’t scare him.

  “He’s beautiful.” Lilly’s smile beamed at her.

  Jacque held out her hands and her mom transferred the little boy to her arms—the boy that she and Fane had created. And he was beautiful.

  “Fane,” Jacque said, not wanting him to miss anything. She sucked in a sharp breath as the small child opened startling blue eyes that
seemed to warm as he stared up at her. “Do you recognize my voice?” she asked. He continued to gaze at her intently and Jacque felt as though he was as mesmerized as she was. She wasn’t just seeing him for the first time, he was also just seeing her for the first time—the owner of the voice that he’d heard the entire time he’d been growing inside of her.

  “Say something,” she said looking quickly up at Fane and then back to their baby.

  “Slate,” Fane said softly. “Your name is Slate Lupei.”

  Jacque looked at him from the corner of her eye. “I like it.”

  “I’m going to step out and let you guys spend some time with your little one,” Lilly said as she patted Jacque affectionately. “We can talk later.” She paused and stared silently at her. “I am so glad you are alright.” Jacque could tell that her mom wanted to say more but she was trying to give her and Fane time to meet the child they nearly never knew.

  “Love you, Mom.” Jacque smiled at her and then looked back down at Slate. She didn’t hear the door open or close. Her focus was solely on her little boy. She carried him over to the couch and sat down. Fane sat next to her.

  “He’s strong,” Fane said as they watched their son try to hold his head up.

  “He’s trying to look at you.” Jacque grinned. “Here” —she held him out to Fane— “you hold him.”

  Fane took the child in his large arms. Her mate’s huge frame made their child look as tiny as a doll. She watched in awe as her strong mate was reduced to a babbling, love struck man as he talked to Slate. It was the best thing she’d ever seen—her love, holding their child.

  Jacque simply observed, wanting the moment to last forever. Several minutes later a bright light flashed in the room and then dimmed to a less intense white glow. That glow surrounded a glorious sight.

  “Great Luna,” Fane said reverently. He clutched Slate to his chest as he slid from the couch onto one knee and bowed his head. Jacque followed suit. Her heart was pounding almost painfully in her chest as she waited to see what the goddess would say.

  “This is the second child to be born to my wolves in eighteen years.” Her voice was soothing and as warm as the glow coming from her body. “Rise, Jacquelyn and Fane,” she instructed.

  Both Jacque and Fane stood, raising their heads at the same time to look at her. The Great Luna walked toward them until she stood a foot away. Her eyes were on their child and her face held all of the love that Jacque felt toward Slate.

  The goddess reached out her hand and laid it on the child’s forehead. She closed her eyes and spoke in a soft voice “You are marked for greatness, Slate Lupei, son of Fane and Jacquelyn Lupei, grandson of Alphas Vasile and Alina Lupei, grandson of Queen Lilly of the Warlocks, and Alpha Dillon Jacobs of the Colorado pack. Change is here. It begins with your parents but will be continued by you and your future mate. I bless you as a child of mine. I have created you and I love you. Stay on the path set for you and I will not let your feet falter. Remain true to the purpose I have for you and you will be victorious. Your plight will not be free of hardship or pain. Your journey will be wrought with trials, enemies, and temptations. Do not be swayed. Do not give up. Do not back down. I have gone before you, I have seen what is behind you, and I will always be with you. Be strong, little one.”

  Jacque felt tears on her cheeks as she stared in awe at the Great Luna. She was speechless. Her mate was, thankfully, able to talk for both of them.

  “Thank you for blessing us with a child,” Fane said reverently.

  “Fane and Jacquelyn, you have already faced so much. You have fallen many times, only to get back up again. Never stop getting back up. You still have much to do in this world. I am with you. I will hear you when you call. I love you both more than you can understand.”

  Jacque felt that love wrap around her and she let out a calming breath. There was another flash of light and then the goddess was gone.

  “Do you feel stronger?” Jacque asked her mate.

  Fane nodded. He walked back over to the couch and sat back down. He seemed to be at a loss for words. Jacque sat next to him, her body no longer weak from the near death experience. Whatever the Great Luna had done, it had restored their bodies.

  “That was intense,” Fane’s voice rumbled as he stared, wide-eyed, at their son.

  “Understatement, wolf-man. Major understatement,” Jacque said softly.

  There was a soft knock at the door, interrupting their shock.

  “Come in,” Fane said.

  Alina pushed the door open and stepped inside. She looked strong and regal, as always, but Jacque could see the fear, joy, and love all mixed together in her eyes.

  “He’s beautiful,” she told them. “I got to spend some time with him while you—” She paused, the words too much for her to say. She smiled and then said, “He’s a good baby. Like his father.”

  Alina was looking at Fane as though the moon and sun rose and fell at his feet. Fane saw it too. He took several large strides and, just as Alina’s tears began to fall, he wrapped her in his arms.

  Alina had told herself that she would be strong. She’d told herself that when she saw him she would not be a blubbering idiot. It was why she’d waited to come see him. When Vasile told her that Fane and Jacque were awake, her first instinct was to run to him, grab him, and never let him go. But she was no longer the first woman in his life. It was not her job to hold him first. She wanted to let Jacque be what she was—his mate. Then she’d get to hold him. Vasile was choked up as well and only shook his head when she’d asked if he was coming to see his son. “I will speak with him soon,” was the Alpha’s reply.

  Alina knew that he’d already gone to their room, right after Lilly had left. But he hadn’t gone inside. He’d simply stood outside their door, leaning with his back against the wall and crying at the sound of their voices. He was giving them their time as a family. He would give Alina her time and respect as the woman who’d carried their son for nine months, bore him, held him, and nursed him. Her mate was a man of high character with the ability to lead by serving. In this, he was serving her.

  As Fane released her from the hug, he pulled back and looked at her. “Want to talk?”

  She laughed through the tears. “That would be good.”

  Fane looked over at Jacque and she smiled. “Please, go,” Jacque said. “I’m good; we’ll be here when you get back.”

  He turned back to Alina and then led her from the room. They walked in silence, the sounds of their feet hitting the floor echoed off the walls. As they rounded the first corner, Alina knew he was taking her to the Serbian pack library. Usually, he would have taken her to the garden room, but at the moment the garden room didn’t hold the greatest memories.

  He entered first, as was a custom of their species and she followed him. When they were both seated, Alina looked at her son, really looked at him. He had grown into a strong young man, with good character, compassion, and the ability to serve when needed. One day he would be a pack Alpha and he would be a great one.

  “There is nothing,” she began, willing her voice to be steady, drawing on the calm, unwavering strength of her wolf, “in this world that a parent wants for their child more than to see them grow into healthy, vibrant, respectful, kind, loving, giving, and merciful adults. This world is filled with just the opposite and I can only hope that your father and I have taught you these things. But even if you had turned out to be a terrible person, if it meant you’d be alive, then I’d take you.” She let out a shuddering breath as she remembered his body, laying lifeless on a table. “There is nothing worse than a child dying before a parent. It isn’t right. Watching you, wondering if you would pull through, wondering what I would do if you didn’t, was the worst kind of torture. Without being too sappy” —she laughed and wiped from her eyes the tears that hadn’t fallen— “I just want you to know how much we love you, regardless of who you once were, who you now are, or who you will become. You will always be ours.”

bsp; Fane wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. He whispered words to her in their native tongue and pulled her even tighter when a small sob finally broke through the armor she’d put in place.

  “I couldn’t have asked for better parents,” he told her. “And you, mama, will always be mine. You will always be the first woman to have owned my heart. I know it must be hard to watch your only son leave your den for another and lose the bond we once had.”

  She shook her head and pulled back to look at him. “No. We didn’t lose our bond, it simply changed. It morphed into what it is supposed to be when you find your true mate. Once upon a time, you looked up at me as if I was the most wonderful thing you’d ever seen. You raised your arms up to me so I would hold you close. You came to me for every injury, every victory, every joy, and every loss. And that was as it should be, but now…” She pulled out of his embrace completely and held one of his hands in both of hers. “Now you belong to another. You have a different bond. You go to her with open arms to offer comfort and love. You go to her for every injury, victory, joy, and loss. She is the one who should be the salve to your soul. And I am so very thankful that you have found her. Does it hurt to have our relationship as mother and son change? Yes. But is it worth it? To see my son love his mate just as I’ve been trying to teach you for all those years through the love I gave, freely, without expectations and unconditionally, it is more than worth it. It is incredible and no words can truly describe it.”