Read The Butterfly Quest Page 4

  Chapter 4

  It was a large black horse. A horse that had escaped from the Royal stables when a tree had smashed through the stable wall in the storm, but not just any horse, it was her mother’s horse. It was Prinziana, and sitting on her back was Jazmyn’s guide, the Butterfly.

  Jazmyn jumped to her feet and wrapped her arms around Prinziana’s neck. She could not remember being so happy to see an animal in all her life. Prinziana snorted and lifted her head, which in turn lifted Jazmyn’s feet off the ground. The horse whinnied and lowered Jazmyn back to the ground. Jazmyn sank to her knees in the mud and muck of the forest floor and began to laugh.

  When Jazmyn finally stood back up, she found Prinziana standing waiting. The Butterfly was fluttering from leaf to leaf and slowly heading up the slope of the gully. Jazmyn placed her hand on Prinziana’s neck and said ‘May I?’ Prinziana bent her front knee and lowered herself so that Jazmyn was able to swing across her back, and then slowly they began to follow the Butterfly up the slope and out of the gully.

  At the top of the gully the forest opened up. There was an old road, now grown over with grass that ran along the ridge. To the north Jazmyn guessed that this weed covered track ran back to the river and joined the road that lay between the Garden Castle and Castle Stone in the mountains. To the south the track seemed to become even more overgrown and disappear back into the woods.

  The sun was now low in the sky. The Butterfly was sitting on Prinziana’s head and allowing the horse to lead the way. Jazmyn’s stomach was grumbling loudly. Her clothes were still damp and she could feel the evening chill beginning to set in. She would need to find a place to spend the night soon.

  Prinziana turned her head to the south and began to slowly walk along the path. After a few minutes Jazmyn could smell smoke in the air. Not a forest fire, this was the smell of a fireplace. Jazmyn patted Prinziana’s neck and the horse quickened her gait.

  Around the next corner of the path was a huge old oak tree and behind that a hedge of wild climbing roses. Smoke was rising from somewhere behind the hedge. Jazmyn tugged on Prinziana’s mane and the horse came to a halt. She climbed down from Prinziana’s back and studied the hedge looking for a way through. When she turned back around the Butterfly was gone. She spent several minutes looking up and down the path and into the surrounding woods but it was nowhere to be found.

  From behind the hedge suddenly came a noise. It was a woman singing. It was a song that felt familiar to her, as if she almost knew the words but couldn’t quite remember them. Jazmyn studied the hedge again and found a gate, where she was sure just moments ago there had been none.

  Jazmyn pushed the old wooden gate open and stepped through the hedge. A stone path weaved between smaller hedges and gardens until finally it came to a small cottage. The door was open. The smell of baking bread wafted out to greet Jazmyn and her stomach began to grumble even louder.

  “Hello my dear. You look hungry”

  Jazmyn had jumped in fright at the sound of the voice and ended up inside the cottage. She turned around and found an elderly lady standing on the path. The woman wore an apron and was holding the corners of it to create a basket. Inside the folds of the apron were half a dozen ripe apples.

  The old woman smiled at Jazmyn and said “I would invite you in but it seems you already are, but that’s alright, I quite think I will enjoy your company.”

  The woman held out an apple to Jazmyn, “Have one, your horse has already had two.”

  Jazmyn took the apple and hungrily bit into it. “Thank you”

  “You are very welcome my dear. Now let’s get inside and make us some dinner. It seems you still have quite a journey, but not before a full belly and a good night’s sleep.”

  “Journey. How do you know?”

  “My dear, this place is in the middle of the great forest. No one comes here on purpose, only in passing and from the look of your horse and your winged friend, you definitely have a purpose, even if you don’t know what it is yet.”

  “You saw the Butterfly?”

  “Yes my dear. She is resting, you will see her in the morning.”

  Jazmyn looked around the cottage. There was a huge old bed in the far corner, a wooden table, a large fireplace with a crackling fire, an old rocking chair and shelves filled with books, jars and other things that Jazmyn could only guess at.

  “You should stand by the fire young lady. Your dress looks damp and you don’t want to catch cold. Mind you that dress has seen better days, but mud will wash off.”

  Jazmyn stepped over to the fire. The cottage was warm and felt like a warm hug. For the first time in weeks Jazmyn actually felt a little better.

  Once she was warmed through Jazmyn stepped over to the table where the old woman was preparing dinner.

  “You can help if you wish my dear”

  Jazmyn grabbed a carrot and a knife and began to peel.

  “May I ask your name?”

  “My name. Oh it’s been so long even I don’t remember. People just call me Lady these days.”

  Outside Jazmyn could hear Prinziana whinny.

  “You best take her some feed. There’s a bucket of water near the door and oats on the far shelf, and I’m sure we can spare a few of these carrots. The night will be upon us soon and dinner is almost ready.”

  Jazmyn found the bucket and feed and went back outside. Prinziana still stood on the far side of the hedge. Jazmyn placed the feed and water at the base of the old oak tree and watched as the horse began to drink.

  “I think we’re safe here girl. Something about this feels so right. Like a cuddle from a friend.”

  Prinziana looked at Jazmyn for a second and then began to munch on a carrot. Jazmyn headed back inside the cottage and found Lady dishing up the meal. There was rabbit stew with lots of gravy, baked potatoes and carrot, and for dessert apple pie. After her day, Jazmyn decided that this was the best meal she had ever eaten.

  After the meal they both cleaned the table and washed the dishes. It was dark now and Jazmyn could feel the tiredness taking over her.

  “The bed is warm and plenty big enough for you. I sleep most times in my old chair these days, so sleep my dear. You will need your energy”

  Jazmyn didn’t hesitate. She climbed up onto the soft bed and snuggled into the blankets and before long she was fast asleep.

  When she woke, the sun was streaming in the door. She could smell bacon and warm milk. Lady was singing quietly to herself and sweeping the floor. Jazmyn climbed out of the bed and walked to the table.

  “Good morning Lady.”

  “Oh Good Morning my dear. Sorry if I woke you. There’s breakfast on the table and then we need to talk before you are on your way.”

  Jazmyn sat at the table and began to eat. There was bacon with potato cakes, porridge with apple and a jug of warm milk. Jazmyn ate until she was full, then cleaned the table. She washed her face in a bowl of ice cold water and then went to find Lady in the garden.

  Lady was sitting in the morning sun. Beside her on a small bench sat a leather bag with a long strap. Jazmyn sat down beside her and listened to the sounds of the forest.

  “Well young princess I hope you are rested. The journey ahead of you will not be an easy one.”

  “I am, Thank you Lady.” Jazmyn hesitated and then asked “Lady, Do I know you? Everything about you feels so familiar.”

  Lady reached over and held Jazmyn’s hand. “Well, it was a long time ago but yes, I knew you as a baby. A bundle of smiles and joy.”

  “Who are you Lady?”

  “That my dear is unimportant, what is important is what lies ahead for you, and you will need to leave soon.”

  Lady reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace. “I need you to wear this. The orange gem in the pendant is an Ember. It will help keep away those that would harm you, and this bag holds food and other essentials. Most of all you must trust the Butterfly, it is the symbol of your mother’s family and it will guide you to the one yo
u must save. Follow it Jazmyn. Much depends on you. I know you have questions but you must go. The Butterfly waits for you around the next corner of the old road.”

  “Lady, I’m just a girl I can’t.”

  “No, No, No. You are a princess, your Kingdom is depending on you, and your family is depending on you.”

  Lady wiped away a tear that had begun to run down Jazmyn’s cheek. Jazmyn wrapped her arms around Lady and said “I love you Lady.”

  “And I love you. I always have.”

  Lady lifted Jazmyn’s long brown hair and latched the necklace around the princess’s neck. They both stood and walked toward the gate. Prinziana was waiting beneath the oak tree and Jazmyn quickly climbed onto her back. Lady handed Jazmyn the leather bag and smiled.

  “Go now my dear. Your guide is up ahead.”

  Jazmyn smiled back at Lady as Prinziana began to slowly walk back onto the old road. She continued looking back over her shoulder until Prinziana finally turned the corner in the road and Jazmyn lost sight of Lady.

  Just as Lady had promised, the Butterfly was waiting. Sitting patiently on a mushroom beside the road. As soon as Jazmyn was close the Butterfly took off, flying south along the road.