Read The Career of Katherine Bush Page 1

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  "'After all, I understand you--and I forgive you.'" [PAGE 204]]








  Printed in the United States of America


  "'After all, I understand you--and I forgive you'" _Frontispiece_ FACING PAGE "'You must ... go on and make something of your life, as I mean to do.'" 50

  "'No man is an impossible husband if he is a Duke.'" 102

  "'You are ready for the great adventure?'" 274



  Dusk was coming on when Katherine Bush left the office of the Jew moneylenders, Livingstone and Devereux, in Holles Street. Theirs was a modestestablishment with no indication upon the wire blind of the only streetwindow as to the trade practised by the two owners of the aristocraticnames emblazoned upon the dingy transparency. But it was very well knownall the same to numerous young bloods who often sought temporary reliefwithin its doors.

  Katherine Bush had been the shorthand typist there since she wasnineteen. They paid her well, and she had the whole of Saturday toherself.

  She sat clicking at her machine most of the day, behind a half-highglass screen, and when she lifted her head, she could see those who cameto the desk beyond--she could hear their voices, and if she listenedvery carefully, she could distinguish the words they said. In the threeyears in which she had earned thirty shillings a week sitting there, shehad become quite a connoisseur in male voices, and had made numerousdeductions therefrom. "Liv" and "Dev," as Mr. Percival Livingstone andMr. Benjamin Devereux, were called with undue familiarity by theirsubordinates, often wondered how Katherine Bush seemed to know exactlythe suitable sort of letter to write to each client, without beingtold. She was certainly a most valuable young woman, and worth the risethe firm meant to offer her shortly.

  She hardly ever spoke, and when she did raise her sullen greyish-greeneyes with a question in them, you were wiser to answer it without toomuch palaver. The eyes were darkly heavily lashed and were compellingand disconcertingly steady, and set like Greek eyes under broad brows.Her cheeks were flat, and her nose straight, and her mouth was full andlarge and red.

  For the rest she was a colourless creature, with a mop of ashen-huedhair which gleamed with silvery lights. She was tall and slight, and shecould at any moment have been turned by a clever dressmaker andhairdresser into a great beauty. But as it was, she gave no thought toher appearance, and looked unremarkable and ordinary and lowermiddle-class.

  She had wonderful hands--Where they came from the good God alone knew!with their whiteness and their shape. They were strong, too, and perhapsappeared boyish rather than feminine. She did not inherit them from thatexcellent mother, retired to a better world some ten years before; norfrom that astute auctioneer father, who, dying suddenly, had left thatcomfortable red-brick semi-detached villa at Bindon's Green, Brixton, asa permanent home for his large family.

  But from whence come souls and bodies and hands and eyes?--and whitherdo they go?--Katherine Bush often asked herself questions like these,and plodded on until she could give herself some kind of answer.

  Not one single moment of her conscious hours had ever been wasted. Shewas always learning something, and before she had reached sixteen, shehad realised that power to rule will eventually be in the grasp of theman or woman who can reap the benefit of lessons.

  She had enjoyed her work at the night schools, and the wet Sundays,curled up with a book in the armchair in the tiny attic, which shepreferred to a larger bedroom, because she could have it alone unsharedwith a sister.

  Her mind had become a storehouse of miscellaneous English literature, agood deal mispronounced in the words, because she had never heard itread aloud by a cultivated voice. She knew French grammatically, but heraccent would have made a delicate ear wince. Her own voice wassingularly refined; it was not for nothing that she had diligentlylistened to the voices of impecunious aristocrats for over three years!

  For the moment, Katherine Bush was in love. Lord Algy had happened toglance over the glass screen upon his first visit to Liv and Dev to beaccommodated with a thousand pounds, and his attractive blue eyes hadmet the grey-green ones.

  He had spoken to her when she came out to luncheon. But he had done itreally intelligently, and Katherine was not insulted. Indeed, accustomedas she was to weigh everything in life, she accorded him a mead ofpraise for the manner in which he had carried out his intention to makeher acquaintance. She had flouted him and turned him more or less insideout for over a month, but she had let him give her lunch--and now shehad decided to spend the Saturday to Monday with him.

  For the scheme of existence which she had planned out for herself, shedecided her experience must be more complete. One must see life, sheargued, and it was better to make a first plunge with a person ofrefinement, who knew the whole game, than with one of her own class whowould be but a very sorry instructor.

  Heavens! To spend a Saturday to Monday with the counterpart of herbrothers Fred and Bert! The idea made her shudder. She disliked them andtheir friends enough as it was--and the idea of marriage in that circlenever entered her level head. Of what use would be all her studies, andthe lessons she had mastered, if she buried herself forever at Brixtonwith Charlie Prodgers or at Clapham with Percy Watson?

  At this stage no moral questions troubled her at all, nor had shebegun really to apply the laws of cause and effect in their fullmeasure--although she was quite aware that what she proposed to do wasthe last thing she would have considered wise or safe for another womanto attempt. Rules of conduct were wisely made for communities she felt,and must be kept or disaster must inevitably follow. But in her owncase she was willing to take risks, thoroughly believing in her owncool discrimination.

  The outlook for her should always be vast.

  Lord Algy was passionately devoted, and it was wiser early in life toknow the nature of men. Thus she argued to herself, being totallyunaware that her point of view was altogether affected because her heartand her senses pleaded hard, being touched for the first time in hertwenty-two years.

  She was quite untroubled by what the world calls morality--and she hadno scruples. These were for a later date in her career.

  The path looked clear and full of roses.

  She had not been in the habit of consulting her family as to hermovements, and had many times gone by herself for holidays to theseaside. No questions would be asked her when she returned on theMonday. If the matter could have created scandal, she would not havegone--to create scandal was not at all part of her game.

  Lord Algy had arranged to take her to Paris by that Friday night'strain. They would have all Saturday and Sunday, and then return onMonday night. Liv and Dev had granted her a holiday until the Tuesday.She had put on her best blue serge suit that morning, and had taken asmall valise with what she considered necessary things. And now herheart beat rather fast as she turned into Oxford Street in the gatheringOctober dusk.

  For a few moments she wondered what it would have been like if she hadbeen going to marry Lord Algy--before all the world. Quite a greatpleasure no doubt for a month or two--But then?--He was the fourth sonof a stingy Welsh marquis, and nothing would ever induce his f
amily topardon such a mesalliance. Of this she was well aware. It was thebusiness of "Liv" and "Dev" to make themselves acquainted with a gooddeal about the peerage, and whatever her employers knew, Katherine Bushknew.

  Life for her held no illusions. Her studies had convinced her that to bestrong and perfectly honest were the only two things of any avail, andto acquire a thorough knowledge of human beings, so as then to be ableto manipulate these pawns.

  Lord Algy she believed was only a most agreeable part of her education,but of no vital importance. She would have been horrified if anyone hadtold her that she was mixing up sentiment in the affair!

  To get everything down to its bedrock meaning had been her endeavour,ever since she had first read Darwin and Herbert Spencer.

  "I shall have the experience of a widow," she said to herself, "and canthen decide what is next to be done."

  Lord Algy was a Guardsman--and knew, among other things, exactly how tospend an agreeable Saturday to Monday! He was piqued by Katherine Bush,and almost in love. He looked forward to his brief honeymoon withdelight.

  He was waiting for her in a taxicab at the corner of Oxford Circus, andwhen she got in with her little valise, he caught and kissed her hand.

  "We will go and dine at the Great Terminus," he told her in his charmingvoice, "and don't you think it would be much nicer if we stayed thereto-night, and went on by the morning train?--It is such a miserable hourto arrive in Paris otherwise--you would be knocked up for the day."

  He was holding her hand, and the nearness of him thrilled her, in somenew and delicious way. She hesitated, though, for a moment--she neveracted on impulse. She crushed down a strange sensation of gasp whichcame in her throat. After all, of what matter if she stayed--or startedto-night?--since she had already cast the die, and did not mean to shirkthe payment of the stakes.

  "Very well," she said, quite low.

  "I hoped you would agree, pet," he whispered, encircling her with hisarm, "I meant to persuade you, and I am going to make you so awfullyhappy--I sent my servant this afternoon to take the rooms for us, andeverything will be ready."

  This sounded agreeable enough, and Katherine Bush permitted herself tosmile, which was a rare occurrence; she would spend hours and dayswithout the flicker of one coming near her red lips.

  In the uncertain light, Lord Algy felt it more than he actually saw it,and it warmed him. She was, as he had confessed to his best friend inthe battalion, an enigma to him--hence her charm.

  "She treats me as though I were the ground under her feet at times," herecounted to Jack Kilcourcy. "I don't think she cares two damned strawsfor me really, but, by Jove! she is worth while! She has no nonsenseabout her, and she is so awfully game!"

  He had taken good care never to let Jack see her, though--or tell himher name!

  It was not long before they reached the hotel, and Katherine Bush was alittle angry with herself because she felt a quiver of nervousness whenthey were in the big hall.

  Lord Algy knew all the ropes, and his air of complete insouciancereassured her. A discreet valet stepped forward and spoke to his master,and they were soon in the lift, and so to a well-lighted and warmedsuite.

  "These colours and this imitation Chippendale are rather awful, aren'tthey," Lord Algy said, looking round, "but we must not mind, as it isonly for one night; the Palatial in Paris will be different--I am gladHanson saw to the flowers."

  Huge bunches of roses stood upon the table and mantelpiece. KatherineBush thought it a splendid place, but if it appeared rather "awful" tohim, she must not show her admiration.

  "Tea will come in a moment--I mean chocolate, pet--and I think we shallbe as jolly as can be. In there is your room; they will have brought upyour valise by now, I expect."

  Katherine Bush moved forward and went through the door. A cheery firewas burning, and the curtains were drawn, and on a chair there was a bigcardboard box. She looked at it, it was addressed "Mrs. Rufus."

  "Who--is that--?--and what is it for?" she asked, in a voice deep as awell.

  "It is just a fur-lined coat, darling," Lord Algy answered, as he pulledundone the string, "and a little wrap--I thought you would be so awfullycold on the boat--and probably would not have been able to bring muchluggage."

  A slight flush came into the young woman's white cheeks, something inher loathed taking presents.

  "Thanks awfully--I'll be glad to have you lend them to me for thistrip--but why is it addressed 'Mrs. Rufus'?--Mr. Devereux has got asister of that name."

  Lord Algy laughed.

  "Well, you see, I could not have it 'Fitz-Rufus,' because every oneknows that is the Merioneth name, given us poor devils by the Normans,because we were such a red-headed lot, and I bet they found our own toodifficult to pronounce!" He began pulling out the coat and a soft pinksilk dressing-gown from the box. "I always am just 'Rufus' when I comeout like this." He laughed again a little constrainedly; it had juststruck him that the latter part of his sentence was perhaps not veryfelicitously expressed--since he knew Katherine Bush was no chorus lady,accustomed to temporary wedded appellations!

  She looked him straight in the eyes with her strange, disconcertinglysteady grey-green ones--and then she smiled again--as the Sphinx mighthave done before being set in eternal immobility of stone.

  Lord Algy felt stupidly uncomfortable, so he folded her in his arms witha fond caress, a far better plan he had always found than any argumentor explanation with women.

  Katherine Bush realised the joy of it. She was ready for every grade ofpleasure as well as experience. This was how things were done in LordAlgy's world, then--So be it.

  Together they looked at the coat and wrap, and he helped her to take offher hat and jacket, and try them on. They were very friendly, and LordAlgy suggested that as the dressing-gown was almost a teagown and wasfairly pretty, she might wear it for dinner, which they would have inthe sitting-room.

  "You'll look sweet in pink, darling," he lisped, as he kissed her ear,"and it will be so soft and cosy."

  Then the waiter knocked at the door and said the chocolate was ready, sothey went back to the sitting room.

  He was quite adorable as he assisted her to pour in the cream--butKatherine Bush now decided she would keep him at arm's length for awhile; the game was really so entertaining, and its moves must be madeto last as long as possible.

  Lord Algy enjoyed fencing, too, so they talked in a more matter-of-factway for an hour or more, and then she told him she would go and changefor dinner, as it would be ready in twenty minutes.

  "I'll have to be your maid, darling--I make an awfully good maid--Inever bungle with the beastly hooks--and I should love to brush yourhair!"

  His eyes shone with light-hearted passion, and his good-looking face wasclose to her own.

  "You shall perhaps--to-morrow," Katherine Bush retorted--and slippinginto the room beyond she shut the door.

  Lord Algy flung himself into an armchair, lit a cigarette and laughedsoftly. He had never had such an experience as this.

  "She is a wonder!" he said to himself. "Astonishing for her class--forany class--She reminds me of some French heroine--what's hername--fellow wrote jolly nice stuff--oh--er--_Mademoiselle de Maupin_,of course! By Jove! I believe I am going to have a time like that chaphad--only she won't go off into limbo on Monday night!--Confound it, Ibelieve I'm in love!"

  Then he threw away his cigarette end, and went round through the outerpassage to his room beyond hers, where he found his servant turning onhis bath in the bathroom which divided their apartments.

  "Madame did not seem to require it--yet," Hanson said respectfully, "soI have turned on Your Lordship's first."

  And in a few minutes Lord Algy was splashing in the Lubin scented water,while he gaily whistled a tune.

  And Katherine Bush heard him as she was sponging her white face--andstopped and listened surprisedly.

  "Whatever can he be having a bath for at this time of day," she said toherself, "and it is not Saturday!"

p; Then the thought came, it might be the custom of his class to bathebefore dinner! A scarlet spot grew in each cheek--she must never forgetto learn and profit by her lessons, so she deliberately went and knockedon the communicating door and called out:

  "Algy! you are mean to take the first!--When you have finished, turn onmine."

  And then she stood and trembled for a minute, while she piled up hergreat mass of ashen hair.

  "All right, darling!" he called back. "Only I must have my reward!"

  "When _I_ please!" the young woman said to herself. "And not until."

  At dinner, she looked quite pretty, the pink suited her pale skin, andthe unusual feminine fluffiness of the garment altered her rather sternappearance. She had not yet begun to employ any art whatever, or toalter the rough bundling up of her hair, but now, out to enjoy herselfunder the most propitious and rose-coloured circumstances, her strange,sullen eyes shone with a subtle fascination, and her deep voice hadtones in it which seduced the ear.

  She had never dined with him before, only lunched, and now it behoovedher to observe the ways of things, as she was quite ignorant of the artof dining out. Mr. Benjamin Devereux had made advances to her in herfirst year at Liv and Dev, but she had annihilated him, and withered hisproposals for unlimited dinners and a generous settlement with scorn.There had never been a moment when she had contemplated her charms beingwasted upon anything but an aristocrat, from whom she could acquire"tone."

  No denizen of Bindon's Green--no friend of the family--no companion inthe morning train had ever had so much as a kind word, much less the tipof one of her strong white fingers. She was as a bunch of grapes withperfect bloom retained.

  She was taking in every line of Lord Algy as she sat there sipping hersoup. She had refused oysters, and had watched him as he devoured hiswith the joy of an epicure. She had not been quite certain as to whichwas the right implement to employ. She supposed it was that little forkwith the three prongs--but she determined to make no mistakes.

  It was easy enough to gobble oysters soused in vinegar and red pepper,with huge slices of bread and butter, and a bottle of stout, as herbrother Fred was wont to enjoy them at supper on Saturday nights. Orthey could be pulled about in the mincing fashion in which his fiancee,that genteel Mabel Cawber, treated them, with little finger daintilycurved, and the first and the thumb only in use! but before she,Katherine Bush, swallowed one, she would ascertain exactly how they wereeaten in Lord Algy's world! No good out of this trip should be wasted.

  As dinner advanced, he began to make more ardent love to her--and thechampagne elevated both their spirits. He reproached her for herhardness in not having allowed him to play the part of maid, after all.She was a capricious little darling, but surely did not mean to go onbeing unkind?

  No; she did not--but she had suddenly realised, while dressing, thatsome of her garments were not fine enough for the situation, and must bekept out of sight!

  She did not tell him this, however, but continued to enact the role ofcondescending queen, while quietly she watched him as a cat watches amouse.

  She loved the way his hair was brushed--how different from CharlieProdgers!--she loved the finely cut back of his head. She was perfectlyaware that he showed outwardly every mark of breeding in his weak,handsome face, and lean well-drilled figure. These things pleasedher--especially the breeding; it was so very far from what she ever sawat Bindon's Green!

  Lord Algy had the easy, pleasant manner of his kind, with a strongpersonal attraction, amply balancing absence of brain for generalpurposes, and he was versed in every art for the cajoling of women.

  The dinner grew more and more agreeable, until when coffee and liqueurscame, Katherine Bush felt exalted into a strange heaven. She hadanalysed almost all emotions in the abstract, but not their possibleeffects upon herself. She found the ones she was experiencing nowpeculiarly delightful! To be twenty-two and in love for the first timein life, with an extremely delectable specimen of manhood--to be free asair--answerable to no one--untroubled by backward or forward thoughts,unworried by tormenting speculations as to whether the affair was rightor wrong--wise or unwise--This was a state of things which made the cupworth drinking, and Katherine Bush knew it.

  No possibility of bitter dregs to follow the last sip entered hercalculations.

  The imp gods laughed, no doubt, and Lord Algy's blue eyes were full ofpassionate delight!

  Thus with all things _couleur de rose_, Katherine Bush began her briefhoneymoon.