Read The Carrier - Episode Four Page 3

Teanne found herself back in front of Empes door, feeling nervous. Taking a deep breath she knocked, and heard the familiar sound of shuffling behind the closed door, hearing the lock turn she felt her breath stop. Robert looked at her and smiled, without saying a word he gestured her in.

  The room was again filled with a soft natural light; it was so inviting and comfortable. Taking a deep breath she moved to the seat Robert had pulled out for her, and he moved to the table and returned to reading his book and sipping his tea.

  Empe finally entered, and smiled at Teanne. She moved over to Robert and lightly kissed the top of his head. Teanne watched as the old woman struggled towards her seat and settled heavily into it.

  What can I do for you Teanne?’

  ‘How do you know so much about everything that is going on Empe’? The old lady smiled. Teanne always felt nervous whenever Empe smiled, she thought there was so much more behind each smile and felt Empe only revealed as much as she wanted, no more no less.

  Empe rose slowly and walked to the bookshelf, and pulled a book from the shelf. Teanne noticed it was the same one from the previous week, she felt herself flinch as Empe handed it to her and recalled the feelings at their last encounter.

  ‘This belonged to the woman that found the Estrus, only a few people can read her words’ Teanne lightly rubbed her hand over the cover, it was still warm.

  ‘Open it.’

  Teanne slowly opened the book and ran her fingers across the opening text, the message appeared once again.

  Look to the map.

  Carefully she turned the first page, the same handwriting began filling the page; and she began reading the words. It was a journal, a diary of thoughts. Teanne wondered who the writer was, and who she was writing to. She looked up to Empe.

  ‘Who is the writer?’ Teanne could have sworn she saw Empes eyes well up with tears,

  ‘She was my mother’ Teanne shut the book and looked up at Empe.

  ‘But this was written over a hundred years ago – how is that possible’?

  Empe smirked and replied nonchalantly ‘mother earth provides sweet child’

  ‘All right, I will deal with that one another time’ Teanne looked over to Robert who was giggling ‘may I take this? Apparently I have much to learn and remember.’ Empe nodded and gently placed a kiss on Teannes head.

  ‘The book is yours Teanne’.

  Teanne spent over an hour walking along the sand dunes, looking out over Luia. Her heart surged at the sight; it was a truly beautiful land. She looked around and moved to the top of a sand dune and sat down.

  Taking in a long breath, she sighed as the warm air filled her lungs and took a handful of red sand and let it filter through her fingers. This was now all gone. Her home, as she knew it was nothing more than a pile of rubble. The thought brought a tear to her eye. Turning her hand over, she rubbed the glow from the Estrus.

  ‘What do you need me to do?’ she smiled as a short pulse of light came from her open palm. Opening the journal, she waited until the writing slowly appeared.

  ‘Today I tried another potential, I truly believed that she was the one, her power was deep within the roots, am I fooling myself – is all this really worth the sacrifice. Tomorrow I head to Aelia, they have always been a friend but I fear that this new Queen will make a deal with the powerless ones – I fear I am running out of time…

  Teanne skipped to the end – as a child she had always loved finding out the ending before it was time, a sharp pain struck her wrist, and she looked down, a fierce glow was emitting from her hand, she whispered to herself,

  ‘All right, so no skipping to the end’ the glow subsided. Teanne shook her head in exasperation, and picked a random page somewhere toward the middle, she waited for the burning sensation – nothing.

  Four roots, four elements – Why did she separate them?

  Was it her choice? Why won’t the answers come?

  ‘Why indeed’? Teanne looked up from the journal and stared out across the dunes. For the first time in ages, her mind was clear. She laid back and looked up at the sky, the first thought as always, was of Jacob and she smiled as she recalled his lopsided smile. It had been so long since she had last seen him, and she wondered what adventures he was having in Aelia. Teanne lifted her arm up and looked at her hand, she could almost see through her palm. She smiled.

  ‘I’m glad you are with me my little friend’ her wrist glowed almost in response. Teanne giggled to herself.

  ‘You know talking to yourself is the first signs of madness’

  Teanne covered her eyes from the suns glare and smiled up at Lin.

  ‘Possibly, but I need to have at least one intelligent conversation a day’ Lin smiled and sat down next to Teanne, she looked out over the desert.

  ‘It’s beautiful out here’ Lin said looking at Teanne who nodded and sat up ‘What are you doing up here?’

  ‘Thinking’ Teanne waited for a smart retort from Lin, it didn’t come ‘Are you all right?’

  Lin turned back to Teanne. It was the first time since their meeting that Teanne noticed Lin looking troubled. Lin smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

  ‘Yea, I guess. It’s just a lot has happened since you arrived. It will take some time to fully process everything.’

  Teanne gently laid a hand on Lin's shoulder; and hoped it would offer her some comfort,

  ‘I’m sorry I got you involved in all this Lin, you have been a great friend’.

  Teanne wasn’t sure but she thought she felt a shiver run through Lin. She looked at Teanne and got to her feet. Wiping the sand from her clothing, she casually looked toward the temples in the distance.

  ‘I think I was the one who got you involved actually, remember?’ Teanne smiled. Lin was right; it was her, well the older version, who had set her out on this path.

  ‘Come on, we ought to head back, it’ll be dark soon.’

  Teanne looked at the sky confused; it surely was no later than noon. She leapt to her feet, and looked to her friend ‘Are you sure you are all right’?

  Lin smiled brightly and started walking down the dune ‘I’m great’ she replied sarcastically ‘come on I’ll race you to the temples’

  Teanne watched as Lin started racing down the dune, smiling she raced after her.

  Lin and Teanne reached the temple walls at the same time. Both were laughing and trying to catch their breath.

  ‘I have to run an errand for one of the elders. I’ll meet up with you later, at dusk?’

  Teanne nodded, still trying to catch her breath, ‘Could you put this in my chamber. I’m going to go and find Alexander’ Teanne handed the journal to Lin, who hesitated, then took the book and nodded.

  Teanne watched Lin walk toward the Sister Temple. She knew that she didn’t know Lin's moods, but something didn’t feel right.

  ‘Sister Kera!’

  Teanne turned and watched as four temple guards approached.

  Now she knew something wasn’t right.

  There they were sitting in a line looking at her; their faces were masked in nothingness. The Mother Sovereign entered, and moved quickly to the table, and turned and fixed her gaze on Teanne.

  ‘Where is the stone?’ Teanne faltered at the Mother Sovereigns’ tone.

  ‘It is safe’ Teanne looked around at all the sisters, their demeanour made her feel uncomfortable. She jumped as the door behind her opened loudly, two guards stood awaiting instructions.

  ‘Were you outside the walls today?’ Teanne carefully looked at the five women sitting looking at her. She nodded. ‘Why?’

  Something was definitely wrong.

  ‘I was taking a walk, enjoying the view’ Teanne smiled to herself when she noticed two of the sisters’ move angrily in their chairs.

  ‘Did you meet with anyone, whilst on your walk?’ Another of the Sisters asked. Teanne flinched as a shooting pain ran up her right arm. She covered her hand protectively and sat straight in her c

  ‘Exactly who would I be meeting? Nobody lives beyond the temple walls.’

  Teanne watched the Mother Sovereign stand and move toward the window. She could see the anger emanating from her figure. Teanne felt the two guards move to stand behind her.

  ‘You have been found to be coercing with an enemy of Luia, this is a punishable offence’

  ‘Who?’ Teanne replied angrily. The Mother Sovereign turned and looked at her daughter viciously.

  ‘How could you do this to me?’

  ‘Mother, I have no idea what you are talking about’ Teanne tried to remain calm as she watched the Mother Sovereign cross the room toward her,

  ‘How much does she know?’

  ‘Who?’ Teanne yelled as she stood meeting the Mother Sovereigns gaze. Teanne squealed as the two guards suddenly grabbed her from behind and bound her arms. The Mother Sovereign, walked closer, her face was unreadable.

  ‘My own child’ she whispered venomously.

  Teanne tried to throw one of the guards off her arm, but his grip tightened, she turned violently, but it was no use the two guards had a firm hold. Another sudden shooting pain raced up her right arm. What was the Estrus trying to tell her?

  Suddenly the Mother Sovereign slapped her hard across the face, Teanne looked up at her angrily, the pulse of power from the Estrus feeding her drive to strike out; she settled herself and stood straight. The Mother Sovereign slapped her again, she didn’t move, but licked the trickle of blood from her lip and met her gaze firmly. It was the Mother Sovereign who finally lowered her gaze and turned to the sisters. Teanne could see the strain in her posture, she wanted to reach out and strangle the woman, but thought better of it.

  ‘Kera, daughter of the Mother Sovereign, you have been convicted of treason. Take her to the cells’

  Teanne looked over to the elder who had stood to deliver the verdict, although slightly taken aback Teanne was sure this had to do with Empe.

  ‘Wait!’ The guards stopped as the Mother Sovereign spoke, not turning she continued ‘Where is the Estrus’?

  Teanne paused. It was the first time she had heard the Mother Sovereign call the stone by its name. She decided to play the innocent victim, and whispered, ‘It is in my chamber mother.’

  The Mother Sovereign waved her arm directing the guards to take her; she turned and looked at her daughter ‘use this time to think about your actions child’.

  Looking up at the window high in the wall, Teanne could just make out the setting sun, it would be night soon. She looked around the room, there was a single bedroll set in the corner and next to it a candle and a bowl. There was no table or chair. She started pacing across the room, it was nine footsteps to the other side, she lightly touched the walls; they were damp; that explained the mouldy smell. Teanne smiled as she recalled the deflated face of her mother as the elder sister gave the verdict – she didn’t know why but it amused her.

  ‘Teanne?’ She looked up to the small window. Lin was peering through. Teanne smiled brightly, ‘They have Alexander too.’ Teanne moved to the wall and tip toed grabbing Lin’s outstretched arm tightly. Lin pulled her hand back and whispered softly ‘What is going on?’

  Teanne stood back so she could get a better view.

  ‘I’m not sure, but I think it has to do with Empe. Have you seen any sign of her?’ Lin looked around to make sure no one saw her and shook her head.

  ‘I went to the cottage after I heard you were taken to the great study. They have gone – there is no sign of them anywhere.’

  Teanne scratched her head, hoping that was a good thing, ‘Have you spoken to Alexander?’

  Lin shook her head again. ‘I can’t stay long I just wanted to see you were all right’ Teanne chuckled as she thought of her obvious predicament. ‘Here… I managed to get this away before the guards returned to your chamber’ Lin slowly lowered the journal through the window. Teannes mood brightened.

  ‘Thank you Lin’ she hugged the book to her breast, it warmed. She looked back up, ‘How did you get away?’

  Teanne saw Lin's face flash fear, she whispered ‘I don’t truly know, I’ll come back later tonight we’ll try and work something out’

  ‘Be careful’ Teanne whispered as she saw her friend quietly move away. Teanne lowered herself onto the bedroll and rested her head against the wall, and smiled. She put the journal onto her lap and casually glanced around her new accommodations, a little different to the finery she was fast becoming accustomed to. She leant her head on her shoulder and watched the last ray of light move across the wall. It was going to be a long night.

  Aelia – Night