Read The Carrier - Episode Four Page 7

Brushing the hair from her face, Jacob felt lost. It had been almost five days since she had collapsed in the royal chamber. Nothing made any sense and now Chev was again in a deep sleep. Was Matthew right, were the runes speaking through Chev, and what did her message mean?’ Jacob moved slowly to the door and went out into the courtyard and looked up at the night sky. The two moons were shining down brightly and there was a slight mist in the air that felt cool against his face, at least this made him feel somewhat alive.

  ‘Jacob’? He turned to see Daon approach from the shadows ‘How is she doing?’

  Daon’s concern for Chev had taken Jacob by surprise. Daon had not left her side since varying her from the chamber after she collapsed. Jacob liked this side of him.

  ‘She is all right I think – but I can’t really tell – she’s still asleep’ Daon shrugged his shoulders and silently asked permission to enter the room, Jacob smiled, ‘Can you watch her, I need some air’ Daon nodded and left.

  Running his hand through his hair he looked over to the entrance to the crypt – he wondered how many people knew about it, and he wondered how many knew of the old woman that lived beneath them.

  Slowly he crossed the courtyard and headed to the archway that led to the stairs, he needed to get out of the palace, although it was beautiful it was slowly suffocating him. He decided to walk and clear his head. He needed space to think, to plan, he was after all the Commander of Luia.

  Inhaling, Jacob drew the scents of the surrounding flowers deep; this was truly the most majestic place he had ever seen. He leaned over and pulled his boots off and stepped into the river – a feeling of bliss swept over him instantly – he felt rejuvenated and refreshed

  ‘Mother earth provides’ he quietly chuckled to himself as fully clothed he sank to his knees. Succumbing to the urge Jacob went below the water – and opened his eyes. The sting of the water almost making him rise up, but finally adjusted he allowed himself to look around, the purity and clearness of the water was intoxicating, a feeling of calm filled him. He smiled and watched the bubbles from his mouth move to the surface – he was at peace.


  Turning around quickly, he searched the darkness of the water, he was still submerged but the voice was as clear as if they were standing directly in front of him


  He turned again creating a whirlpool. As he looked around a figure slowly moved through the water toward him, his heart soared at the sight of her


  ‘Jacob’ he reached for her; she was right there he could almost touch her

  ‘It’s all right Jacob, I love you’

  A sudden sensation of being pulled backward and through the water started. Jacob fought the pull; he had to stay with her. She needed him.

  ‘Sonny wakes up! Jacob!’

  He needed to return to her.

  ‘Open yas eyes’

  Jacob looked up at Wilfred. ‘Wilfred, did you find her. Is she all right’?

  Wilfred looked back at the river, and then turned back to Jacob ‘There’s no one there sonny, who yas talking about’?


  Wilfred sat Jacob up as he spat a mouthful of water out, and gently patted his back,

  ‘Was a trick of the light Jacob, no one is in there with you’ his tone hardened ‘what the hells ya doing in there anyways?’ The realisation that it could only be a trick of his mind made Jacob angry and he shook his head and laid back down looking up at the sky, he angrily wiped the tears from his face.

  ‘Nothing, I just wanted a swim’

  Wilfred giggled ‘Well it be a good night for it’ Jacob covered his face with his arm. He was so sure she was there with him – he rose to a sitting position and leant his arms on his knees

  ‘You know you couldas drowned there if I didn’t happen by – you ignored me even after I threw a stone straight at yas head’

  Jacob looked over to Wilfred and smiled his appreciation. Ignoring the feeling of bliss he had just experienced.

  ‘Well I best be off, got some people to visit’

  Jacob noticed a bunch of the rivers flowers sitting on the bank

  ‘Who you off to see then, someone special?’ Although it was dark, Jacob could see Wilfred blush

  ‘Ahh just going to see the wife’ Wilfred stood and patted Jacob on the shoulder ‘you going to be alright’? Jacob nodded. Satisfied Wilfred gathered the flowers and headed back toward the stairs ‘no more swimming tonight alls right?’ He smirked as he watched Wilfred head through the vines and bushes.

  Jacob walked for over an hour, following the river edge trying to calm himself. He needed to understand what had happened, but was finding it hard to make any sense. Teanne seemed so real. He wondered why she had come to him there, in the water. Trying to weigh his options, he thought of returning to Luia to search for Teanne, but he was needed here. He thought of sending a scout troupe, but that was a waste of resources. Was his mind trying to tell him to let go, he wished something or someone would come and smack him across the head with answers. It had been over a month perhaps it was time to accept she was truly gone.

  A sudden snap of branches brought Jacob to his knees. Silently he pushed aside a low hanging vine to see what the noise was. There was nothing but darkness, and the thickness of the shrubs and vines made it hard to see through. Another snap of a branch diverted his attention behind him, this time a low whisper accompanied it.

  Two men were pushing their way through the bushes towards him. Jacob reached to his side, no sword – he had left it with Chev. Cursing himself for his stupidity, Jacob tried to cover himself by moving under a low hanging vine. He heard the two men stop. They were on the other side of the bush he was hiding in. He heard them discuss something, but they were talking too low, and the language was foreign, but it did sound familiar – he realised suddenly where he had heard it. Mesi.

  Moving on, the two passed him and headed along the river edge and quietly Jacob started after them. He was glad the shrubbery had blocked the moons light; he was not used to the growth underfoot and was finding it difficult to manoeuvre amongst the bushes and vines. Luia was a desert. He wished he were there now.

  Looking over a bush Jacob spotted the two Mesi scouts kneeling behind a tree, discussing their next approach. One man signalled the other to move to the left, he nodded and slowly moved away, Jacob looked ahead. Breaking through the dense forest was a beautiful pond with steam rising from its surface, it was the Life pond of Luia – Wilfred had told him about it but had not come close to describing its beauty. He slowly snuck up behind the Mesi scout who remained – he had to think fast – should he tackle him or should he wait till they revealed their intent. A splash in the pond beyond drew Jacobs attention – there she was rising from the water – her dark hair clinging to her skin, the moonlight overhead shone down covering her – her skin glistened as she rose and stood, and the water hugged her hips. He watched bewitched as she submerged under the water and rose. He felt his throat constrict as he saw the scars across her back contrast against her white skin – whip marks from her shoulder blades to the base of her spine – the marks were deep enough to still look new. She turned as if sensing someone behind her – her eyes were glowing from the reflection of the moons and water. He had the sudden urge to go to her, shaking his head he looked back to the where the Mesi scout was – he was gone.

  Jacob crept to the edge of the bushes and looked around the edge of the pond – he willed his eyes to adjust to the low light – and then he saw them approaching from both sides – heading straight toward her.

  ‘ISZALIE LOOK OUT!’ He heard his voice echo around the pond.

  One Mesi scout looked toward him, and the other was fixed straight on the Queen. Iszalie stood and looked toward Jacob, as he pointed to both sides. As if in slow motion she turned to her left then right sighting the approaching men. Jacob decided to head the man off coming from her left, he jumped into the pon
d – it was hot. The sudden heat stopped Jacob in his tracks and he looked down and noticed small bubbles coming to the surface.

  A scream filled with pain echoed through the still night. Jacob looked up to see one of the scouts disintegrate before him – a gust of wind carried the remaining ash away. Jacob looked at the remaining scout – he was hovering in mid air his hands pulling at his neck – he looked at Iszalie – she had her arm extended toward the man, as if she was the one holding him. Jacob felt a chill run up his spine as the Queen smiled at the man and squeezed her hand shut into a fist. He was gone – ash and remaining viscera dropped into the pond.

  Jacob felt like stone, he couldn’t move. Iszalie had destroyed the two men without any effort. He urged his legs to move but they wouldn’t. Looking up he saw Iszalie lower her arm and look around. She turned and fixed her gaze on him. The smile that a moment ago was filled with so much rage and wickedness softened as she slowly moved toward him. He felt his face heat as he inadvertently looked at her body – taking in her hips her stomach – he diverted his eyes away. She stopped at arm’s length and lowered herself beneath the water – Jacob breathed with relief – he heard her softly giggle.

  ‘Thank you Commander – you saved my life’

  Jacob ran his fingers through his hair trying to avoid her eyes

  ‘I think you can handle yourself fine without me Iszalie – How did you do that?’ He felt the water move around his legs. His eyes still firmly fixed on the water. He felt her move in front of him and slowly rise from the water, and then he lifted his gaze and met hers.

  Every fibre in his body reacted to her closeness, to her naked flesh. Before he knew what he was doing he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her toward him – the soft sigh that came from her made his skin tingle. Gently he lowered his lips to hers and kissed her – flashes of Teanne filled his thoughts. He stopped and moved away slightly – it was too late – she lifted her arms and rested them on his shoulders, and pulled him slowly toward her – the kiss sealed his fate.

  Jacob lay resting his head on one arm and looked down at Iszalie – she was so peaceful – almost unworldly. He moved a stray hair away from her face, and she stirred and rolled over facing away from him. The night they had spent together was more than he could have expected – it was as if every time she touched him, it ignited another level of passion. He lightly traced the scars across her back – how could something so violent happen to someone so strong. He pushed the nagging thoughts and images of Teanne away – she was gone. He would love her forever but now his fate seemed to lay with the woman beside him. He smiled down at her as she turned and opened her eyes. He could get lost in those eyes.

  Iszalie smiled and lightly ran the back of her hand down his face stopping to scratch his beard. He playfully slapped her hand away and leant down – her body moved beneath him as he passionately kissed her lips then her neck. He stopped and looked down at her

  ‘How did you get those scars on your back?’

  Iszalies eyes flashed anger – momentarily stunning Jacob. She moved her face away from his and closed her eyes. He turned her face back toward him, ‘How’?

  ‘They were a gift from the Order Lords’

  Jacob rose on one arm and looked down at her. ‘Gift – how can that be a gift?’

  Her smile settled him slightly, but the thought of her being whipped made his anger rise.

  ‘A story for another time – now come here’

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  You can also download previous episodes here:

  Episode One

  Episode Two


  Episode Three

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