Read The Carrier - Episode One Page 2

The warm breeze sent the red sand into the air; she pulled her legs in closer, resting her chin on her knees. Looking down toward the desert plains, that surrounded her home, she angrily brushed a tear off her cheek - nothing looked the same, nothing was the same. Everything that was familiar beyond the walls was in ruins. She could see small fires still burning throughout the village, and the only thing that seemed untouched and recognisable was the mother temple. Everything else was being concealed by the drifting smoke and the red sand rising from the surrounding desert.

  It was only four days ago

  It was odd. Everything below on the plains seemed so peaceful, and yet she knew that behind her there were many scorched by fire, people writhing in anguish, but she could not sense any of it, only the gentle breeze. Closing her eyes, she stood and brushed down her clothes, kicking dirt off her boots and turned around.

  Like a sharp slap, the noises flooded her senses, she squeezed her palms against her ears to block out the noise; covered her nose from the flooding stench. She wanted to scream. Desperate to catch her breath she turned back and looked down at the village – and felt her heart tear in two.

  The veracious memory of what had happened left her dazed for a few moments, and then, filled with fury she clenched her fists.

  Teanne exhaled slowly and fixed her gaze on an approaching crowd, she recognised them as they drew closer as the last of the Sisters of the Flame. They epitomised the power of Luia, but today they looked like beggars, beaten down, broken. Their usual immaculate clothing was torn; each Sister was wearing an injury of her own. She watched as they made their way past the multitude of people, ignoring their pleas, ignoring the cries of their people.

  A hand suddenly gripped her shoulder from behind, Teanne turned and looked into the deepest blue eyes; she tried to step away but could not move. The man was shrouded in a black cloak that concealed most of his face, but his eyes pierced right through her, he leaned into her ear and whispered:

  'The time will come child. Do not fear the time will come.'

  Teanne finally was able to move and stepped back, blinking. The man was gone. She looked around frantically but could not see him; a sudden chill ran through her, shuddering she pulled her cloak around her shoulders.

  ‘Teanne, Teanne! O, praise be, is it you child?’ Teanne turned, and watched as the small woman made her way through the crowd, she tried to smile but could only manage a courteous nod as the older woman moved her frumpy frame, weaving in and around the wounded. She finally arrived at Teannes side and leant on her for support, grunting while she tried to catch her breath.

  ‘Sister Nai, I am pleased you are safe.’ The woman looked up at Teanne, but only managed another grunt as she finally caught her breath.

  ‘Have you found anyone else from our dormitory, child?’ Teanne shook her head sadly and the older sister lowered her head, ‘Well I guess those cowardly bastards did what they set out to do; finished us good and proper they did.’ Sister Nai stretched and put her hands on her hips, slowly shaking her head, 'Have you heard the news? The emissary has sent word; looks like we are heading to Aelia, Mother help us all.'

  Teanne nodded and looked back out over the gathering crowd. She watched as supplies were piled onto wagons, the trek toward the Aakash mountains and then Aelia was about to begin. She shivered at the thought.

  ‘And what of Jacob have you any news?’ Teanne looked down at Sister Nai dumfounded, she had not even thought of him, she didn’t even know if he was alive.

  ‘I… ’ She stumbled for words, her forehead creased. ‘I don't know, Sister’. The older woman gripped Teannes arm, ‘Well I hope he is well … for your sake’. Anger flashed across Teannes face, she knew what the Sister implied.

  The people of Luia were a striking race, tall, graceful and their women beautiful. Teanne was not unpleasant to look upon, but she did not share many of the Luian traits. Paler than most, her hair was a shock of white, unruly and cropped short—a stark contrast to the scarlet-dyed hair of the others. She often wore trousers and a loose fitting shirt, opting not to wear the uniform of the Sisters of the Flame, for which she was an initiate. Her fellow sisters were always immaculate in their long black dresses, with hair pulled back tightly in a knot at the base of their necks, Teanne stood out amongst her peers, but her most distinguishing feature were her eyes, black as night. She often grimaced when many turned away to avoid her piercing gaze.

  ‘Come, child. Let us try and find the others.’ Teanne watched as Sister Nai moved ahead of her.

  Reluctantly, she began to follow.

  Stepping over many of the injured Teanne followed Sister Nai, and thought of Jacob. She couldn’t believe that she had not thought of him until now. She admonished herself; he was her betrothed, her best friend, and the most important person in her life. Shaking her head she found herself feeling lost. The Sister’s angry tone suddenly woke her from her thoughts.

  ‘Are you listening to me? Mother be, child, where is your head?’

  ‘I’m sorry Sister Nai. I was thinking about Jacob.’ Sister Nai attempted a sympathetic look and gently squeezed her arm. 'I am sure he is fine child. He is probably with the other men gathering supplies.’ Teanne nodded hopefully.

  Jacob, tall and ruggedly handsome, was a member of the City Guards. She loved everything about him—the way his dark hair fell into his light eyes, his crooked smile and ridiculous laugh that often had her in fits. He was well-respected by all he stood with, and lusted after by many of the other women. They were the odd couple, and many never shied from expressing their thoughts on the matter.

  Jacob’s father, Arthur, had taken Teanne in after the death of her mother. It was no surprise they were to be married— Jacobs’s father had designed the union, and such arrangements were the way of Luia. There was no denying the love between them or but many of her fellow sisters did not hide the fact that they felt Teanne was below Jacob’s station—she was a white haired, pale girl. An Initiate. A Fire Carrier, Jacob on the other hand was being groomed to become the Commander of Luia, the first in a thousand turns.

  ‘TEANNE! Oh, praise be. You are safe!’ Teanne looked up and finally allowed herself to smile as she watched the woman running towards them.

  ‘Chev. Am I ever so…’ Teanne started, but before she could finish, Chev threw her arms around her and squeezed the breath from her.

  ‘I am so happy you are safe. I was so worried especially after I heard the Sister Temple had fallen, and I couldn't find you anywhere.’ Teanne grabbed her friend in a tight embrace. Sister Nai moved on towards a group of Sisters.

  ‘Are you hurt? How many did you see fall? Where’s Jacob? Have you any news of the Head Elder?’ Chev had begun to rant. Teanne smiled lovingly at her friend,

  ‘Which question would you like me to answer first Chev?’ The younger woman stopped short and giggled, Teanne smiled, it was nice to hear laughter again.

  'I’m sorry. I have been so worried, it’s been days and...’ Teanne put a comforting arm around her friend’s shoulder,

  ‘I’m fine Chev, I do not know where Jacob is and I know nothing of the Head Elder, but I did see her being carried off somewhere, she looked badly hurt’. Chevs hand flew to her heart.

  ‘Teanne, Chev!’

  Both turned at their names. Walking toward them, tall and proud in all her glory strode Alliva. The first Sister to the Head Elder Elite, Alliva represented the perfection of Luia women, her dress clung to her curves, her hair was always perfectly kept and even after the events of the past few days she still carried herself regally. She was a sight, and she knew it. The crowd parted as she walked towards them, Alliva did not need to walk around or step over anyone. The people simply made way. She placed her hands on both women’s shoulders and looked at them with forced concern. Even her voice was like silk and her smile angelic. Teanne held her head high attempting to meet Alliva eye-to-eye, but it was no use. She was at least a head shorter.

  ‘I am happy you are safe Alliva, p
raise be’ Teanne said purposefully, trying to stand taller.

  ‘Praise be’ Chev repeated. Teanne looked at her friend, it was rare to ever see awe in Chevs eyes, but it was there whenever Alliva was present.

  ‘And to you both, praise be,’ Alliva replied as she leaned in to Teanne, ‘I see recent events have not given us respite from that old woman. I could live a better life without hearing her constant grunts of disapproval.’ Teanne looked over to Sister Nai who now had close to forty people surrounding her. ‘She’s a tough one; I will give her that, but...' Alliva sighed dramatically 'she is stuck in the past, this is a time for the young, and there is no room for the likes of her.’

  Teanne interrupted Alliva. ‘And it’s not your place to say such things about one of our elders, especially after all that has happened.’ Alliva looked like a child scorned and shrugged her shoulders. ‘It’s not only my opinion; surely you too are sick of…’

  ‘Enough Alliva. Enough.’ Teanne knew that in any other situation, she would have been punished for arguing with a Sister. Alliva was the First Sister to the Head Elder, and was one of the highest ranking amongst their sisterhood; only Chev outranked her, and that was because she was a turn older. Teanne turned to Chev who had lowered her eyes, and was twirling a strand of hair between her fingers, pretending not to hear. Why did Alliva intimidate her so much?

  Teanne thought of the night four moons ago when the force of the Order Lords, and the Mesi army attacked while Luia slept. The attack was swift and brutal. She knew that she was lucky to have survived, but still struggled with the reason why after a thousand turns Luia would be so brutally targeted. What could the Order Lords gain for breaking the one law? She thought about asking Alliva, maybe she would know.

  ‘Where’s Jacob?’ Alliva asked shyly, interrupting her thoughts, Teanne sighed. She knew that Alliva had always desired Jacob. She did not try and hide it.

  ‘I believe he is with the other guards,’ Teanne replied, she was growing agitated, and flinched as Alliva laid a hand on her shoulder; it was all she could do not to shrug it off.

  ‘He’s strong, and able, I’m sure he is fine.’ Teanne turned and took Chev by the arm leading her towards Sister Nai. She called softly over her shoulder to Alliva,

  ‘Stay safe Alliva, Mother be with you.’

  AELIA –Dawn