Read The Carrier - Episode One Page 7

As the sun made its way to the West, Iszalie looked over her shoulder at the man asleep beside her. His wounds had been tended and the blood cleaned away. She lightly drew the covers under his chin and crossed her bedchamber towards the window and looked out over her city.

  The people below looked like little specks of dirt, but these specks of dirt were busily going about their duties, for the good of Aelia, for the good of their Queen. She turned and began removing her uniform. She removed the singlet of chain mail – a mere symbol of her title as general of the guards, and threw it to the floor, her mood darkened.

  Turning to look at the ornate gold mirror hanging from the wall, she moved in front of it, and looked at the reflection, it was unrecognisable.

  Raising her hand, and giving her wrist a small twist; the mirror began to slowly move and shift to the side. Iszalie squinted at the bright light escaping from behind the mirror. She watched as the figure stepped down into the bed chamber and lifted her head and smiled. It was a wicked smile.

  ‘Thank you for my gift,’ the woman whispered.

  Iszalie hissed, ‘Did you have to be so vicious? He almost died.’

  The woman, identical to Iszalie, glided across the room towards the window and looked out over the city; her voice was thick with malice, ‘I was only playing, and I was merely getting him ready for you. We both get a treat.’

  Iszalie roughly grabbed her twin and pulled her around to face her,

  ‘I don’t need your cast off’s’ Iszalie retorted and her twin lowered her head. Quietly, under her breath, her twin replied, ‘You are my cast off, Majesty.’

  ‘What did you say?’ Iszalie spat back. Her twin lifted her head defiantly then shrugged her shoulders, her face suddenly filled with excitement and pleasure. Iszalie followed her gaze toward the man lying in her bed, he was watching the two women argue, his face filled with confusion and fear.

  ‘It seems our little gift is awake.’

  Angrily, Iszalie raised her arm—a shimmering glow began to swirl around her outstretched hand, she gathered it slowly and threw it toward the man. In an instant he was engulfed in light, and a crackling noise filled the room. Then the man was gone, in his place only a pile of ash. The wave of power washed over Iszalie and her twin, they both breathed in deeply, Iszalie venomously turned to her twin, who was smiling.

  ‘Well, well. It seems you have a few new tricks Iszi.’ Iszalie gathered the light in her hand and flung it toward her twin; who smiled wickedly and disappeared.

  Launching towards the door, Iszalie pulled it open and yelled for Teresa. Promptly the young girl came and cowered at the angry look from her Queen.

  Pointing to the bed, Iszalie shouted ‘Clean that mess up and draw me a bath.’

  Teresa bowed and walked towards the bed―ash, always ash—she often wondered why there was always ash in the Queen’s bedchamber recently. She jumped as she heard the door slam shut.

  LUIA -Dusk