Read The Carrier - Episode One Page 9

‘I’m coming with you Teanne, and that’s final.’

  Chev stood defiantly with her hands on her hips. They had argued for an hour as Teanne packed a satchel and gathered supplies.

  ‘I can’t ask you to come, Chev. I don’t know what I’m walking into. The Mesi may still be in the temple surrounds.’

  Chev was about to continue but simply grabbed her satchel and threw it over her shoulder, glaring at Teanne. The argument, it seemed, was over. Chev would be joining her. Jacob entered the tent, he looked so tired and weary, his shoulders slumped forward; Teanne wished she could carry some of his burden. He gently kissed her forehead.

  ‘Are you ready to go?’ Teanne nodded. ‘I will come with you as far as the outer dunes, but I will have to come back and lead the trek through the Aakash Mountains.’ Jacob paused and looked intently into her eyes. ‘I don’t like this!'

  ‘At least now you can enjoy the other women without me peering over your shoulder.’

  Jacob looked hurt, and shifted his weight uncomfortably; Teanne smiled.

  ‘I was only joking Commander, don’t you dare. And stay away from Alliva.’

  Jacob grabbed Teanne in a tight embrace. ‘You really need to work on your humour, sweetheart.’ She pressed her face against his chest. Jacob let her go and lifted her pack over his shoulder,

  ‘You will still not tell me what you are doing?' Jacob asked and Teanne shook her head.

  'Elder Lin instructed me to allow you to do this. It doesn’t mean I have to like it.’ Jacob grabbed Chevs pack and threw it over his other shoulder. ‘Promise me you will not take too long, and head to the Aakash mountains as soon as you can, we will be moving slower than you will be, so you should be able to catch us quickly!’ Teanne crossed the room toward him and looked up into his eyes, his beautiful light eyes, a feeling of sadness and dread filled her, and she drew a long breath and kissed his lips, whispering, ‘I promise.’

  Teanne watched Jacob walk away until he disappeared into the distance, and then turned toward her friend. ‘Ready?’

  Chev nodded authoritatively, Teanne smiled. Chev was a little taller than her, and epitomised the norm of Luia woman; tanned, with striking scarlet hair and beautiful. She had always seemed innocent and childlike shying away from adventure, often accusing Teanne of getting her into trouble. Tonight, however, she held her head high, ready for whatever was to come. Teanne was glad of the company.

  Looking behind her as Jacob disappeared into the distance, Teanne drew breath and looked up at the imposing sand dunes. The red sand was radiant in the light of the moons, she took a step – there was no turning back now. Teanne looked at Chev and they began the climb.

  The large dunes were eerily silent; no noise even from the fine red sand moving underfoot, the stillness was unsettling. A sudden burst of laughter ahead halted the pair. They crouched and waited. Teanne listened to three distinct voices; the language was unfamiliar, she quietly lifted her finger to her lips advising Chev to remain silent and stay put, then crept quietly to the top of the sand dunes and peered ahead. Three men laughed and slapped each other’s backs and moved towards a carriage - they were leaving. She couldn’t make out their faces or clothing, but she knew they had to be part of the attacking force. Teanne looked back to Chev and motioned her to follow.

  Keeping low, Teanne crept toward a large pile of stones, and carefully felt her way along to find a foothold. She stood and looked out over what remained of the Temple surrounds, her heart fell. Chev finally joined her atop the stone wall. Teanne heard the breath catch in her throat.

  ‘Praise Mother.’

  LUIA – Night