Read The Carrier - Episode Three Page 3

Slumped in her throne. Izalie was bored. Her twin had had her daily gift, and she hers. She felt dissatisfied and very agitated. She recalled the conversation from the night before,

  'Your power is growing because it is time' Izalie remembered scowling at the old woman as she rocked in her chair, and then asked 'And this man, why is the desire so strong?'. The older woman had laughed so maniacally that it had made her blush with embarrassment and then in a nonchalant tone simply replied 'because some roots like others more'. That had made her angry and she had stormed out of the room vowing to never talk to that woman again.

  Izalie nodded as the last of her councillors and scholars were leaving. The oldest of the six remained; he was a funny looking old man. Izalie and Daon had often teased him as children. He had seemed hundreds of years old when they were young. She eyed him as he shuffled towards the table, if he had a long white beard Izalie mused he would be almost wizardly, instead his neatly kept head of remaining hair was parted to the side, his attire was orderly. The way it must be when one is in service to the crown.

  ‘I still don’t understand why the alignment will reveal everything?’

  The old man slowly turned to her, his face fixed in seriousness. Did he ever smile? Izalie doubted it.

  ‘All will be revealed in time Majesty, as I said.’

  Izalie raised her hands in exasperation, ‘That still doesn’t explain anything. You infuriate me old man’

  The scholar turned toward the table and grabbed the last of his papers and charts, and returned to look at his Queen.

  ‘It simply means what it does, I cannot truly translate the stars, but I can gather insight into events to come. There is no predicted date for it to begin – it simply does, and it is then if we read the signs correctly that we know we will face trials that will determine the balance of power. Scholar Matthew has sought your audience to discuss these matters.’

  Translate the stars, balance of power – all Izalie could do to contain the frustration growing inside was watch the old man’s lips move and think of something else, she had had enough. She had been listening to lectures for the past hour. She shooed him out, and he bowed and shuffled to the doors.

  Izalie finally smiled as the door opened. Standing waiting to enter was the Commander of Luia. Izalie felt the heat in her cheeks, it had been many a day since she had last seen him. He looked tired and the traces of the beard only accentuated his facial features. He bowed as the old man left and waited till he was allowed to approach, she gestured him in.

  ‘Commander Lee. Are you well?’ he moved towards her steadily, and knelt to one knee. As he looked up, his eyes stripped her naked. She was his to command.

  ‘I am sorry to interrupt Majesty; your brother suggested I speak with you’

  Izalie noted to herself that she must thank Daon later.

  ‘What can I do for you Commander?’

  He stood and looked straight into her eyes; she was mesmerised. It made her feel uncomfortable. She liked it.

  Jacob steadied himself, reminding himself that he was here for one purpose. But her gaze, her face, everything about her was making him feel very uncomfortable. Taking a breath he slowly began.

  ‘Chev, the injured woman has woken’ the Queen nodded ‘His Highness, suggested I speak with you, she has had an interesting experience, and I’m not too sure where else to turn. Your brother said that you might be able to shed some light on it. He mentioned you were more attuned to this sort of thing.’

  Izalie sat up her interest suddenly sparked ‘Attuned to what?’

  Jacob did not know where to begin, he didn’t entirely believe what Chev had told him, and he was unsure how the Queen would react.

  ‘Your brother mentioned you may be attuned to things spiritual – he mentioned your mother.’ Jacob paused, waiting for a response, the Queen did not react – she merely sat looking at him. Taking a deep breath he continued, ‘Chev believes that she and our friend …Teanne’ the mere mention of her name shot a pain in his heart,

  ‘She believes they were visited by a woman in a chamber below our temples,’ Jacob fought the words leaving his mouth; they seemed so surreal, so meek in her presence. The Queen still did not react. There was no trace of emotion on her face. She looked like a statue, sitting firmly on her throne.

  ‘Majesty, I’m sorry I feel like I am wasting your time.’ Izalie rose from her throne and slowly walked towards Jacob, he felt his breath catch as she arrived in front of him, and quietly she urged him on ‘Please, continue’.

  Jacob sighed and looked down at the floor, noticing the ornate decorations for the first time throughout the marble flooring, and laughed in his mind at the seemingly stupid distraction. The Queen moved towards the windows overlooking her city. Jacob loved to watch her walk; clearing his throat he continued.

  ‘It would seem that our friend, Teanne, was engulfed in fire and lightning and then after the altercation - disappeared’ Izalie slowly turned to Jacob her eyes now filled with suspicion. Jacob continued,

  ‘Chev was somehow trapped, and watched as this woman and our friend argued. She then went on to describe a series of confusing events, from a dark pit to falling through the air.' Jacob paused waiting for a reaction – nothing.

  'What I really need to know is if these events she mentioned happened, or are a part of the dreams she is currently experiencing?’

  Izalie looked at Jacob, she knew there was more, Jacob finally concluded.

  ‘I need to know if Teanne still lives’ he finally added.

  Izalie sighed and asked almost in a whisper 'what do you know of this chamber?'

  'Nothing Majesty, I never knew such a place existed.'

  Izalie returned to looking out the window, 'how is it that the Commander of Luia does not know of such a place?'

  Jacob hesitated 'I do not know' he replied feeling foolish, the Queen slowly turned and folded her arms, her eyes darker,

  ‘Why were your friends in this chamber?

  Jacob began carefully ‘she was asked to retrieve some stones by the late Head Elder Elite’

  ‘Do you know what stones she was asked to retrieve?’

  ‘No. not exactly – Chev mentioned there were four.'

  'Do you know why she was asked to retrieve these stones?'

  Jacob moved toward the Queen but stopped remembering where he was 'No. Only that Teanne was asked to retrieve them. Chev too was not made aware of the exact reason why.'

  Jacob knew the Queen wanted more details but he was sceptical to give any, only because he was not sure if he truly believed what he had been told.

  'These stones your friends were asked to find, you say that there were four?' Jacob nodded 'and that they were in a chamber underground?' Jacob nodded again.

  'The only possibility then is that they were sent to retreive message runes. But as far as I am aware there are none of those stones around... these days.' Jacob grew agitated as he watched the Queen turn away from him again, 'the question you need to ask yourself, is why would she need these stones?' Jacob felt embarrassed standing there with no answers.

  'Do you know what message runes are for Commander?'


  'In the old times they were used to communicate between the four lands. A means to an end. They were used to govern from central locations that existed in each land. However when the Order Lords brought in the new time, they were outlawed, no one is exactly sure why to this day – but the law was upheld and obeyed. But there were still a few that used them to communicate, and when this was discovered, the stones were destroyed.'

  'Those found to be possession of these stones were deemed traitors to the Order Lords. There were factions that did not believe in the new ways.'

  Iszalie finally turned around and looked at Jacob, 'these factions believed that the Order Lords, and their ways must be destroyed.' Jacob looked at the Queen cautiously. 'It would be a dangerous venture for your friend if she was indeed seeking these stones. And interest
ing, that it was your Head Elder that sent her to find them.' Jacob finally understood what the Queen was alluding to.

  'Your majesty, are you saying that the Head Elder was involved with these factions?'

  Iszalie smiled, 'No, Commander, of course not. I am just curious as to why she would be sent to get these stones. Why would she need them?'

  Jacob pushed his hand through his dark hair, and moved to the large table, noisily dragging a chair from it to sit down.

  'What of Chevs dreams?' Jacob asked, needing to change the subject. The truth in the Queens’s accusations and questions made him feel uncomfortable, and he needed to answer one question at a time.

  'What you describe is very similar to what my mother went through, but that did not have anything to do with the message runes.' Iszalie crossed the chamber and seated herself opposite Jacob, clasping her hands in front of her and looked at Jacob coldly, 'is there anything else you need to add, Commander?'

  'In order for me to help you?' Iszalie added dryly.

  Jacob looked at her and searched her eyes for any hint that would reveal her mood. Nothing. He sighed. ‘My friend was in possession of an artefact.’ he finally added.

  Izalie tilted her head to the side, ‘An artefact, what kind of artefact?’

  Jacob had a sudden tinge of suspicion that the Queen already knew, ‘a stone Majesty, one that is believed only in myth.’

  Jacob watched as the Queens shoulders moved more authoritatively, a slight smile came to her lips.

  ‘The Estrus. Perhaps?’

  ‘What do you know of the Estrus?’ Jacob tried to contain the frustration rising in him, and reached across the table taking the Queens hand; she looked at his hand then him,

  ‘You know you could be punished for touching me like that.’

  Jacob quickly lifted has hand off, and fixed the Queen with a stern look, ‘What do you know of the Estrus?’

  The Queens face flashed anger, and ignoring him she stood and moved back towards her throne where she tapped the armrest, when she turned back her calmness was now replaced with anger.

  ‘You are certain she has the Estrus Commander?’ Jacob nodded then watched her look to the doors. The Queen did not ask any further questions, and stayed near her throne watching the door. Jacob was too nervous to remain seated so stood and began moving toward the Queen when suddenly the doors to the chamber opened. Jacob looked at the old man who wore an ash grey cloak over what he couldn't see, but the man’s eyes darted from the Queen to him, he was an odd looking fellow, long unruly white hair that made him look like a beggar in the streets of the palace grounds. But the way he carried himself surprised Jacob, he must be close to one hundred turns, but still moved like a man half his age.

  ‘You summoned me Majesty?’ Jacob looked curiously at the Queen. How did she summon him?

  Izalie turned to Jacob ‘The Commanders friend has disappeared – he wants to know if she lives. She was asked to retrieve message runes from an underground temple and is in possession of the Estrus.’

  The old man lifted his head, and looked at Jacob, trying to conceal a small smile. Jacob was slightly taken aback by the Queen’s sudden change in demeanour; she seemed to cast off all pleasantries.

  ‘The Estrus Majesty?’ she nodded not taking her eyes from Jacob. The scholar paused then continued, 'are you sure Commander?' Jacob nodded quickly.

  'If the Estrus has returned Majesty, then it confirms that the alignment has begun!' Iszalie finally lifted her gaze from Jacob and looked at the scholar venomously,

  'The Commander is only interested in one question needing to be answered Matthew.'

  The scholar looked at his Queen, then nodded and turned to face Jacob,

  'It is written that the Estrus is a force that contains the spirit of life.’ Jacob was growing impatient and angrily interrupted, ‘I know the history old man. Your Majesty what relevance is this?’ The Queen motioned the scholar to continue, casting a cold look at Jacob before returning to the scholar. ‘The Estrus is believed to be death to those who possess it and life to those who do not, it is said that those around it slowly go insane. It is also believed that when it reveals itself an old one will come to return it to its rightful owner, and an ancient law will be broken.’

  Jacob let out an exasperated sigh; the man was speaking in riddles.

  ‘Your pardon; Commander. If the Estrus has indeed returned and your friend is in possession of it – she is more likely to be gone – I am sorry.’

  'How can you be certain?' Jacob asked, hearing his voice catch in his throat. He looked at the scholar who returned his gaze to the Queen, and looked to almost be waiting for permission to continue. Iszalie nodded her head.

  'The Estrus was once in the possession of the Queen's mother, and...' Matthew waited on the Queen again, she nodded once more. 'The Estrus is what killed the Queens mother.'

  Jacob froze and looked at the Queen; her stance had not changed but her eyes challenged him, he now understood why she was being so formal.

  Izalie stood and moved to the windows. 'It would seem your predictions of the alignment were correct Matthew.' The scholar shuffled his feet, and simply replied 'Yes.'

  ‘You can leave’ Iszalie said quietly. The old man hesitantly bowed and slowly made for the door. Jacob rushed to him, stopping the old man,

  ‘Wait, I need to know more’ the old man ignored the plea and continued for the door, Jacob panicked and turned to the Queen, ‘Majesty please. You must make him stay.’

  Izalie slowly turned to Jacob and cocked her head to the side. She looked at him until he slowly lowered his gaze.

  ‘I’m sorry Commander. That is all we know, that stone your friend carries, if she does indeed carry it, is evil. The only other information I can share with you is that it carries a death wish to anyone who has it - it took my mother and drove her mad. I’m sorry for your friend, but I would hope that she found a quick death. I would not wish the fate of my mother on anyone. And to answer my brother’s presumption – I cannot help you anymore.’

  Jacob went to push for more information, but he knew that he would not get anymore. Lifting his head high he moved to the door, turned, bowed and left the chamber.

  Looking around the hallway Jacob tried to quell the anger rising inside him, he wasn’t sure if it was the coldness of the Queen or the fact she confirmed what he had already feared that made him angry. The old scholar had not given him anything that he could grasp, that he could reason, Teanne couldn’t be dead.

  ‘Jacob? Well fancy seeing yous here’ Jacob looked over at Wilfred approaching ‘what’s got you in a moods?’ he asked looking at Jacobs scowl. Jacob walked over to Wilfred falling into step as they left the hallway, he sighed deeply, ‘I’m fine Wilfred, and what brings you up here?’

  Wilfred chuckled and slapped Jacob on the shoulder, ‘Oh I was just visiting someones’.

  ‘Wilfred, do you know where the old scholars reside?’

  Wilfred eyed Jacob sceptically ‘and why would you want to go see them, sonny?’

  Jacob looked at his friend who smiled his toothless grin, ‘I have a few unanswered questions.’