Read The Carrier - Episode Three Page 5


  The old scholar turned to the large figure filling the doorway, and returned to the parchments and scrolls laid out before him,

  ‘Wilfred, it has been a while, what can I do for you’?

  Wilfred moved inside the door ‘I have a friend who wishes to ask you some questions.’

  Matthew turned and watched as Wilfred and his companion entered; the light from the window revealed his face, Matthew smiled, ‘Commander. Curiosity is a dangerous thing.’

  Jacob approached the man ‘Not knowing is more dangerous to you sir'.

  Matthew studied Jacob’s eyes and smiled, he slowly shuffled towards a chair and sat down, and looking at Wilfred then sighed ‘So it never seems to end does it? Another generation, more questions.’

  Wilfred cleared his throat and looked at Jacob then back to the old scholar, ‘Yes Matthew, it would seem so’.

  The old man gestured the two to sit and Jacob felt his right leg bounce in place. He was anxious to start, but Wilfred had requested that he allow the scholar to begin, or he would find it difficult getting any answers.

  The old man relaxed in his chair and looked at Wilfred, ‘How is your wife?’

  Wilfred avoided the scholars’ eyes and whispered his response ‘She is the same.’

  The old man smiled. Jacob was growing more annoyed at the ambiguous banter between to the two men. The scholar chuckled at Jacob, ‘a piece of advice Commander, do not dismiss anything said, there are always paths in every word spoken.’ Wilfred nervously moved in his chair coughing as if to change the subject.

  ‘A cup of tea first, then I will be in a better mood for visitors’ Matthew replied.

  Wilfred rose and began preparing the drink. Jacob impatiently looked around the room. It was vastly different from the rest of the palace. Unlike the marble buildings within the palace and its surrounding city, this room was made entirely from wood from floor to ceiling -it was small, but cosy. Hanging from every available space on the walls were pictures of mountains, pictures of the palace and maps outlining the cityscape. From the ceiling hung branches. Jacob wasn’t sure if they were decoration or part of the structure itself. They covered the entire room; the little twigs growing from the branches ran off in all directions.

  Filling the countless bookshelves were scrolls and parchments, and a multitude of bottles with multicoloured liquids - there was hardly an empty space throughout the room. Jacob did notice the only place not filled with clutter was a small table next to a window. Four stones were laid out atop a piece of red velvet.

  ‘It is not like the palace Commander, but it's home’.

  Jacob smiled as he replied ‘I find it comforting Matthew, may I call you Matthew?’ the old man nodded and smiled.

  ‘So my boy, what did you want to ask?’ Jacob sat up straight as he looked at the man. He started cautiously.

  'I need to know if Teanne.... my friend still lives'

  Matthew sipped on his tea and looked over the rim of the cup. He lowered the cup and his gaze,

  'If your friend is truly in possession of the Estrus, then it is doubtful she still lives.'

  Jacob felt the lump in his throat, and turned to Wilfred who looked at him sorrowfully. Jacob stood and walked around the tiny room, he could not accept what he was being told; no he would not accept it.

  'But...' Matthew added matter of fact; Jacob stopped and looked at the scholar,

  'Many of the tales surrounding the Estrus are merely fairy tales, created to scare children, and there are other legends to consider.'

  ‘So she could be alive then?’

  The old man lowered his gaze once more, ‘I doubt that very much Commander, but we never know everything that is set in motion. Things can be one thing and then they can be another.’

  Jacob’s mouth opened to respond but stopped when Wilfred coughed. He angrily looked at him. Wilfred raised his hand and looked at the old man, ‘Enough riddles Matthew, stop playing with the poor boy’.

  The old man slowly rose from his seat and moved to the table with the stones, he gently moved them around. Lifting his hand above them, they moved back to the same spot they were originally. Jacob sat wide eyed as he watched the man move them again and again, and each time they returned to their original spot. A long sigh left the old scholars mouth, and he turned to Jacob.

  'The Queen mentioned your friend was asked to retrieve message runes?' Matthew asked looking over his shoulder,

  'I believe so. Yes.'

  'Interesting' Matthew said almost to himself 'and I thought all the sets had been destroyed, apart from this one.' Jacob looked at the stones then back to the scholar, who motioned Jacob to sit down. He reluctantly did so.

  'How much of the history of the Estrus do you know Commander?'

  Jacob looked at Matthew angrily 'What does that matter? That stone is nothing more than a myth.'

  'Then why is your friend not here with you?'

  Jacob stood and moved towards the old man, but Wilfred blocked his path. ‘Calm down sonny.’ Jacob tried to push past Wilfred again,

  ‘Wilfred, he’s…’ Wilfred pushed Jacob back into his seat not letting go until he felt Jacob relax. Jacob watched as the old man returned to his seat and lift his gaze to him.

  'The Estrus is more than a myth, my boy – it is the foundation of everything we are today.'

  Jacob sat back in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair, that statement alone proved they had chosen the wrong commander – he had no idea what the scholar meant.

  'Please bare with me. It is important that you understand the relevance of this stone'.

  'Matthew!' Wilfred said trying to break the tension.

  'I apologise Commander, I spend too much time with my books and scrolls, and I forget most people are not privy to my teachings' Jacob simply shrugged. 'You know of the ancient law?'

  Jacob nodded exhausted.

  'Be careful Matthew' Wilfred said harshly, Matthew smiled and winked at Wilfred,

  'None but a few believe my tales Wilfred, I'm an old man, remember?' Wilfred shook his head and motioned Matthew to continue, 'on one hand there is the ancient law, and on the other... well there is a treaty, that was signed by certain lands, and the Order Lords'

  'What do you mean the Order Lords?' Jacob said sitting upright, Matthew waved Jacob back in to his seat,

  'There is a treaty that exists that states that if the Estrus is ever revealed and not returned to the Order Lords... well, that land will be deemed treasonous and destroyed.'

  'Elaborate!' Jacob demanded, looking at the scholar suspiciously.

  Matthew stood and returned to the table in the corner, moving the stones like before,

  'That stone is dangerous, it often predicts bloodshed and destruction. If the Order Lords discovered that the Estrus had returned, it could explain why your land was destroyed, Commander.’

  ‘Are you saying that Head Elder Lin, and that stone were responsible for the destruction of Luia?’

  ‘It is a plausible explanation, although I doubt your Head Elder purposefully revealed its existence.’

  'Are you saying that Luia is bound by some secret treaty?' Jacob added standing to move toward Matthew, Wilfred stood defensively but stopped when Jacob waved him back. Matthew simply nodded.

  'Who else is bound to this idiotic treaty?'

  Matthew grimaced then replied softly, 'Luia and Aelia'.

  Jacob stopped short and looked at Matthew suspiciously, and then turned to Wilfred who had returned to his chair and had his eyes firmly fixed on the floor.

  'Wilfred?' Jacob almost shouted, but he didn't respond.

  'You had better get a couple bottles of the good stuff out Wilfred; I think we will be here for a while.' Matthew said finally breaking the tension 'Sit down Commander, please make yourself comfortable'.

  Jacob caught himself as he almost fell out of the chair. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up and looked around the room. Matthew had retired to his sleeping qu
arters, and Wilfred was lounged in a chair snoring, still holding onto the last of his drink. Jacob pressed his forehead trying to massage out the headache – he grimaced as he kicked a bottle at his feet, the bottle loudly clunked into another which stirred Wilfred who moved then continued snoring.

  Jacob wasn't sure if it was the obvious alcohol poisoning or what he had learnt the night before that was making his stomach turn. Either way he was feeling sick to the stomach. He moved around the small room and looked directly at the four stones sitting on the velvet cover. Matthew had briefly spoken on them, but had avoided discussing them completely. Jacob reached carefully toward the stone at the top; he jumped and turned as Matthew spoke,

  'The rune of the north – it’s a powerful stone, you can tell just by where it is positioned.'

  'You never fully explained these last night.' Jacob responded sheepishly, Matthew nodded and moved toward the empty bottles picking them up,

  'I think I revealed more than enough last night Commander, one thing at a time' he chuckled to himself.

  'Everything you told me, you believe whole-heartedly?' Matthew didn't respond, and kept busying himself straightening up the room, 'Matthew?'

  'I believe what I do, but not everyone does.' Jacob knew Matthew was referring to the Queen. 'Now if you will excuse me, Commander. I must attend to my morning duties. Please make yourself at home, feel free to stay as long as you like.'

  Jacob simply replied 'Thank you' as he watched Matthew leave.