Read The Case of the Photo Finish Page 6

  “Give me room,” he said. He helped Cheryl up onto the tiled edge of the pool. Eric, a few feet away, was snapping one photo after another.

  “Where’s Steve when I need him?” someone near Nancy muttered. She glanced over and saw Barbara writing hastily in a little notebook. Helga and Marta were standing where they had been, not far from the pool’s edge, near the diving boards. Eric, with two cameras around his neck, stood off to one side, taking pictures. Annelise and some of the other athletes stood in a circle, talking in hushed voices.

  “This didn’t look like an accident, Nancy,” Barbara said.

  Nancy didn’t think so, either. But once again, there were almost too many suspects to choose from. Somehow she had to narrow down the list.

  “Do you mind telling me where you were standing when the lights went out?” Nancy asked Barbara.

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” Barbara returned. “You don’t really think I had anything to do with this business, do you?”

  “I was hoping you might have seen something, that’s all,” Nancy replied evenly.

  “Sorry,” Barbara told her. “I’m afraid I didn’t see anything unusual.”

  Cheryl was on her feet when Nancy went over to her. “Are you all right?” Nancy asked.

  “More or less,” Cheryl said shakily. She rubbed a red mark on her left shoulder. “I must have hit the lane marker when I dived in. And I think I swallowed a couple of gallons of water. What happened, anyway?”

  Nancy gave her a concerned glance. “Somebody flipped the switches,” she said. “I’m afraid this wasn’t an accident.”

  Cheryl’s face tightened. She looked around the room and focused her gaze on Marta and Helga. Marta looked frightened, but Helga’s face was closed and stern.

  Reassured that Cheryl was all right, Nancy made her way back to the spot where she had been standing when the lights went out. She began to create a mental image of where everyone had been. Marta and Helga had been near the edge of the pool before the lights were turned off. Either of them might have had enough time to get to the switches, but Nancy had to admit to herself that she couldn’t be sure of that. Her attention had been on Cheryl, not on the area near the door where the switches were. Willy and Annelise had also been present.

  Still, the incident had narrowed the field of suspects a little. Ramsay Roberts was probably still out on the field. Unless he was conspiring with someone else, he was obviously innocent. And Cheryl herself could be crossed off the list. She couldn’t have staged this incident, although it was still possible that she was responsible for the phone calls to Marta.

  Cheryl started to walk over to the bench where she had left her towel and sweatshirt, but she stopped herself. “I came here to swim,” she announced. “And that’s what I’m going to do. What about you, Nancy?”

  “I’ve changed my mind,” Nancy replied. “I’ll just watch.” Something told her she should keep a sharp eye on things.

  Nancy noticed that Marta had gotten into the pool and was doing slow laps. Cheryl apparently noticed at the same time, because a tight smile flashed across her face and she stepped over to a free lane right next to Marta’s. She dove in, surfaced, and started down the length of the pool in a strong, fast crawl stroke. She drew even with Marta, then easily passed her. A moment later Marta noticed, and she picked up her stroke to keep pace with Cheryl.

  By the time the two rivals drew close to the far end of the pool, they were both swimming full-out. After a quick racing turn, they were on their way back to the end where Nancy was standing. Cheryl still held a lead, but Marta was narrowing it.

  Everyone had stopped along the side of the pool to watch the match. Some of the athletes were cheering. Helga was shouting, too, but the flood of German sounded angry, not encouraging. Nancy couldn’t tell if the anger was directed more at Cheryl or at Marta.

  The two swimmers reached the point in front of Nancy at exactly the same instant. For one moment, Cheryl and Marta grinned at each other, but then the grins faded.

  Helga, hands on hips, had come over and was talking sternly to Marta in German. Then she turned to Cheryl.

  “You will never be a great athlete without self-control,” Helga said. “You and Marta have an important contest this afternoon. You know this. It is the reason you came here. Yet you risk everything to put on a childish show. You should both be ashamed. Marta, come!”

  Her face bright red, Marta climbed out of the pool and followed her trainer in the direction of the locker room.

  Cheryl watched them silently, a sober, sheepish look on her face. Hoisting herself out of the pool, she walked over to the bench where Nancy sat.

  “Helga’s right,” Cheryl confided, picking up her towel and drying off. “If my coach back at school had just seen what had happened, she’d probably suspend me from the track team. I guess I got carried away.”

  Nancy gave her a sympathetic look. “You’ve been under a lot of strain,” she pointed out.

  “A big meet is always a lot of pressure,” Cheryl replied, rubbing her hair with the towel. “And it doesn’t help to have to keep looking over my shoulder, wondering who’s out to get me. But what if my dream comes true, and I get the chance to compete in the Olympics? There’d be hundreds of millions of people from every part of the world watching me. I’d have to be able to handle that.”

  She pulled on her sweatshirt and added, “No, Helga’s right. I’ve got a lot of growing up to do.”

  Willy came over. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “Wiped out,” Cheryl told him. “But I’ll get over it.”

  “I must go. The fifteen-hundred-meter run is coming up.”

  “But that’s your best event,” Cheryl wailed. “And I haven’t been thinking about anything but me!”

  Willy smiled. “Neither have I,” he said. “But there’s still plenty of time to warm up.”

  “Could I ask you a couple of questions before you go?” said Nancy.

  “Oh, not right before his event,” Cheryl exclaimed. “Can’t it wait?”

  Willy held up his hand. “It’s all right, Cheryl.” Then, turning to Nancy, he said, “You are trying to find the one responsible for all these accidents, yes? I will help however I can.”

  “Thanks,” Nancy said. “Do you remember where you were standing when the lights went out?”

  He furrowed his brow. “I think I was near the end of the bench, over there.” He pointed. “Yes, that is right, I remember.”

  Nancy looked around and began to feel a slight stirring of hope. Anyone who wanted to get to the light switches from the pool area would have had to go past Willy first.

  “Who was standing near you?” she continued.

  “Ah, that is more difficult.” He fell silent. Finally he said, “No, I am sorry. People were moving around so much. You understand.”

  “Do you recall seeing Marta? Helga?”

  He shook his head, then said, “Wait, Marta I remember. I saw her at the edge of the pool before Cheryl started to dive.”

  “You’re sure? Did you see which way she went?”

  “That I cannot say.” He frowned. “I think I wondered if she was leaving the pool, so she might have been toward the door. But I cannot be sure.”

  He glanced at his watch and added, “I am sorry, I really must go to the track to warm up.”

  “Thanks, you’ve been a great help,” Nancy said. “And good luck in the fifteen hundred meters.”

  As Willy strode away, Cheryl turned to Nancy and said, “Marta’s the one, isn’t she? That innocent look of hers is a lie!”

  “Well . . .” Nancy hesitated. “If Willy’s recollection is right, it means that she could have turned off the lights. It doesn’t mean that she did. A lot of other people were here, too. And whether Marta had a part in any of the other incidents, we just don’t know.”

  “Maybe you don’t,” Cheryl said grimly, “but I do. And I’m not going to take it lying down!”

  She pulled her swea
tshirt over her head and stormed off toward the locker room. Nancy hurried after her. Mr. Hornby was counting on her to head off trouble, and right now Cheryl was like a bundle of dynamite looking for a place to explode.

  Cheryl pushed through the locker-room doors, with Nancy right behind her. Inside they found Annelise sitting on a bench in front of an open locker whose door was beat up and dented. Annelise looked up, startled. She was in her shorts and jersey, and a folded pair of white warm-up pants was lying next to her on the bench.

  “Have you seen Marta?” demanded Cheryl.

  “She and Helga were here a few minutes ago,” Annelise told her. “She changed into running clothes and left. I think you will find her at the track.” She stood up and pulled on the white pants.

  “Hey!” Cheryl said. “How’d you rate a fresh warm-up suit? You must know somebody!”

  “It is so stupid,” Annelise replied, looking embarrassed. “I spilled some juice on my pants. It is a guava juice I always drink when I am in training or competition, and it made a bright pink stain.” She gestured toward the open locker. “I tried to get it off, but it looked dreadful. So I told the man in the supply room, and he gave me these new pants.”

  Cheryl nodded distractedly. “Well, I’d better change and get over to the track. I need to have a talk with someone.”

  She reached in the pocket of her sweatshirt for, the key to her locker. “What—?” she murmured, pulling a piece of paper from her pocket.

  “What is it?” Nancy asked.

  Cheryl unfolded the paper, and the color drained from her face.

  A second later, she handed the sheet to Nancy.

  “Go home now,” the note read, “before it’s too late.”


  Marta’s Confession

  Nancy reread the threatening note, then asked, “This wasn’t in your pocket before, was it?”

  Cheryl blinked. “No, no. I would have found it when I dropped my locker key in, wouldn’t I?” She fell silent for a moment, then burst out, “Who’s doing this? Who’s after me? I’ve never done anyone any harm. Why does somebody want to hurt me?”

  “I don’t know,” Nancy admitted. “But I’m going to do everything I can to find out.”

  Holding the note by the corners, she studied it closely. The words in the message had apparently been cut from a glossy magazine. But what kind of magazine?

  “What is it?” Cheryl asked.

  “Nothing,” said Nancy. “Not yet, at least. I wish I had a pair of tweezers with me.”

  “Tweezers?” Annelise asked. “One moment.” She reached in her locker, withdrew a cosmetic bag, and rummaged around inside it. “Here,” she said, holding out a pair of tweezers.

  Nancy took them from Annelise. “Thanks.”

  With one blade of the tweezers, she carefully pried up the edge of “before,” the longest word in the note, and peered at the underside. “I can make out what looks like part of a drawing of a cigarette,” she announced. “The name of the brand starts with W-e-e. ‘Wee’? I never heard of it.”

  “In Europe there is a brand of cigarettes called Weekend,” Annelise said. “American words are very stylish in many European countries.”

  “That might be what it is,” Nancy said thoughtfully. “If so, whoever constructed this note used words from a European magazine.”

  “But all the words are English,” objected Cheryl. “Would you find them in a foreign magazine?”

  “It might be from England,” Nancy pointed out.

  Annelise said, “Also, in Switzerland, we have magazines in English, you know.” She sounded slightly offended. “Even very popular magazines, for men, for women, even for fans of sports. You will find magazines in English much more easily in Europe than I will find magazines in German or French here in your country.”

  “Oh, I’m sure you’re right,” Cheryl said hastily. “But doesn’t that mean that whoever made this note must have brought the magazine from Europe?”

  Nancy shook her head. “Not necessarily. I’ve seen some foreign magazines right here in River Heights. There are a few newsstands that sell them.”

  Nancy gave Annelise back her tweezers, then carefully folded the threatening note and put it in the side pocket of her gym bag. “I’ll take a closer look later, when I get home,” she explained. “Right now I want to go back to the track and ask some questions.” She sighed. “I just wish I felt sure of getting answers.”

  • • •

  Nancy showed her host family pass to the guard at the entrance to the field, and he waved her through. Bess spotted Nancy and came rushing over.

  “Isn’t it wonderful?” Bess exclaimed. “Marie-Laure placed in the preliminaries! That means she’ll be in the finals tomorrow.”

  “That’s great,” Nancy said. She shot her friend a curious smile. She’d never seen Bess so enthusiastic about a sports event. Ordinarily, Bess’s reaction was a politely suppressed yawn.

  “Hey, is anything wrong?” Bess asked. “Anything new, I mean? I saw that girl who’s staying with George a few minutes ago. She looked really upset.”

  Nancy raised her eyebrows. “Marta? Which way did she go? I want to ask her a few questions.”

  Bess waved down the field. “Over that way, I think. Listen, I’m going to go watch the discus throw, okay? What did you say that guy’s name was, the Canadian? I’m planning to be his cheering section.”

  “Ramsay,” Nancy told her with a laugh. “Ramsay Roberts. I’ll see you later, Bess.”

  As she walked alongside the track, she heard the announcer give the last call for the 1500-meter run. That was Willy’s event, she remembered. The competitors were gathered near the starting blocks, stripping off their warm-up suits. The starter and his assistant had taken up their positions on either side of the track. A whistle blast sounded from the judges at the finish line, and Willy and the seven others moved onto the track and stood near their starting blocks.

  “Runners,” the starter shouted, “to your marks!” He raised a pistol over his head. The runners crouched down with one knee on the surface of the track, leaning forward so that part of their weight was on their hands.


  They pushed themselves up into a position that looked impossibly hard to hold. At last, the sharp pop of the pistol rang out, and the runners exploded off the starting blocks.

  “Pretty impressive, isn’t it?” came a voice.

  Nancy looked around and found herself face-to-face with Barbara.

  “Watching these guys makes me feel a little guilty for being such a creampuff,” the reporter added.

  Nancy smiled but didn’t say anything.

  “Listen,” Barbara said. “I want to help you on your case. And not just because it might make a terrific story. I saw what happened back at the pool. Whoever’s doing this stuff has to be stopped before someone gets badly hurt.”

  “I agree,” Nancy said. “But—”

  “You’re thinking about this morning, aren’t you? But I really didn’t know what was going to happen. If I had, I would have warned Cheryl.” She looked earnestly into Nancy’s face. “Okay, so you don’t trust me,” she said. “I can’t really blame you. But I’m going to see what I can dig up just the same. And if I get anything useful, I’ll pass it on to you. Deal?”

  Barbara was right. Nancy didn’t trust her. Except for pushing Cheryl off the stands, Barbara had been nearby every time Cheryl had had an accident. She could easily have made the calls to Marta, too, and she certainly seemed willing to go to a lot of trouble to get a good story. Nancy had no proof, but maybe Barbara herself would provide some. As long as Nancy kept a careful eye on her, it might be helpful if the reporter thought that she and Nancy were on the same side.

  “Deal,” Nancy told her.

  Turning her attention back to the track, Nancy saw that the runners were rounding the last turn and entering the homestretch. Willy wasn’t in the lead, she could see that. But as the pack drew closer, she spotted him in th
ird or fourth place.

  “Go, Willy!” she shouted. “Go!”

  He couldn’t possibly have heard her amid all the cheering, but he seemed to put on an extra spurt of speed a moment later. In the last few yards he drew almost level with the runner in second place. From where she was standing, Nancy couldn’t tell whether he actually passed him or not, but at the very least he had come in third. That would guarantee him a spot in the finals.

  “Whew!” Nancy let out the breath she had been holding and tried to shake some of the tension out of her shoulders. When George had asked if she would be one of the hosts for the athletes, she had agreed, but she hadn’t expected to become so involved in the competitions.

  “Okay, I’ll catch you later,” Barbara said. “Wish me luck.”

  “Sure, Barbara,” Nancy replied with a smile. And I’ll double-check any facts you give me, she added to herself.

  As Nancy turned away, she saw Marta a few feet away. The German girl was staring to her left with a desolate look on her face. Nancy followed the direction of Marta’s gaze and saw Willy talking to some of the other competitors from the 1500-meter run.

  Marta—and Willy? Nancy snapped her fingers. Of course! She strode quickly over to Marta and said, “That was you at the country club last night, wasn’t it?”

  Marta’s blue eyes widened. “I was at the country club, yes,” she said carefully. “We all were.”

  “You saw Cheryl and Willy taking a walk on the terrace,” Nancy pressed. “You followed them. I saw you. What were you planning to do? Simply spy on them? Or attack them with a chair, the way you attacked me?”

  “I . . . I . . . This is madness! What are you saying?” Marta backed away defensively. “I would never do such things to Willy! I love Willy!”