Read The Cat's Dowry and Other Short Stories Page 15

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  Her parents entered the house calling her name. The Sharkton's called the police as soon as they saw the destruction and the broken window.

  "Brittany, sweetheart, where are you?" Rose's voice riddled with panic called out as she went from room to room.

  The muffled sounds of sobbing drew them to the hall closet. Brittany, frozen in place, could not move. Her father pried her from her cocoon and carried her to the living room couch. Brittany refused to let go of her father's arms.

  "Sweetheart, the police are here. I'm going to talk to them. Your mother is right here. She won't leave your side. We promise."

  "Oh, my darling, I'm so sorry. I will never leave you at home again by yourself. What have they done to my precious daughter?" Rose hugged her daughter and Brittany hugged back for dear life while sobbing into her mother's breast. Brittany could not talk yet to tell them what had happened, but her sobs started subsiding and her mother rocked her in a calming motherly rock, as she did as a baby. The two assumed that position until Henry came over and sat down next to them.

  "The police officer said it would be alright if we wait until tomorrow for Brittany to give her statement. I told them she was too upset." Henry took over for Rose's arms so she could answer some questions about her stolen phone.

  After the police left, Rose slept with Brittany. She knew her daughter was still in shock, but Brittany refused to go to the hospital. Rose knew she was strong and consented. She knew she would be okay.

  The next day her parents escorted her to the police station. Once they had signed in a sergeant greeted the family, escorted them to an open desk with two folding chairs. It was an open airy venue where a person could see everything that was going on. While they waited for the sergeant to return with a third chair they watched the hustle and bustle of the wheels of a well run police station. Rose kept her arm around her daughter in a simulated effort to protect her. Henry stared in amazement as a woman of the night flirted with him from the next desk.

  Brittany had no idea what to expect at the interview. The sergeant came back with a third chair and a woman detective.

  "We thought your daughter would respond better to a woman. This is Detective Greene." Introductions made, Detective Greene took out a yellow pad and a pen and asked Brittany to explain in detail the events of the night in question. When Brittany finished, the detective asked:

  "Do you think you would recognize either of the perps if you saw them again?"

  "I don't believe so." She hated lying. She wasn't good at it and she hated lying to her parents, let alone the police.

  "Did they speak at all?" The detective asked.


  "Can you remember what they said?"

  "Some of it."

  "Tell me what you remember." The detective was being patient and understanding. It was obvious that Brittany was not comfortable with reconstructing the events.

  "If we did a lineup, Brittany, do you know what a lineup is?" Detective Greene queried.


  "Do you think you could pick these two out of a lineup?"

  Rose took over for her daughter who was tearing up. "Officer, keep in mind she described them as wearing caps and blackened faces. I would like to end this interview now so she can get some rest."

  "Certainly. Here is my card if there is anything else you can add in the future. Everything you have described so far leads us to believe these two are the ones that have been terrorizing the town for the last month."

  The family left the station and headed home. Brittany took a week off from school but continued working on her report and kept up her studies. Over the months that followed, Brittany stayed sheltered in her house. She wouldn't see her relatives, hoping not to see Jack and her parents agreed to her reasonable request. Eventually the nightmares subsided and in time, the flashbacks went away. Life did go on, it usually does, but Brittany could not get over the secret she bore. She cried inside each time she thought about it.