Read The Cattle Society. Page 2


  It took a period of two months for sita to win the trust and faith of mother goats. Using her prudence she was now a part of loyal circle of goat mothers. The next morning was going to be a great event of her life, she will be taking a vow and become a part of royal preachers’ society.

  The ceremony of goatinization.

  It was a feast like morning, everyone was happy, they were going to attend a holy ceremony but sita’s parents were upset, they would be losing their only daughter; she has chosen the path of sainthood, leaving these two old goats lonely.

  We all were present, the ceremony began, mantras were enchanted, prayers were made, in the midst of the ceremony there is a custom where the goat mother ask the preacher... Does she have a last wish, before moving away from this materialistic world?

  The goat mother asked the same question in the same manner to sita,

  Goat mother 1 – Do you have any last desire, any unfulfilled wish or need?

  Sita – Yes mother, I do.

  The entire farm was shocked because for the first time in a goatinization ceremony they heard a goat having a wish. Normally goats who are to be goatinized are being trained to deny any such desire in front of all the other members but this time it was sita, mentally prepared to unveil the truth of deceiving goat mothers. Goat mothers were equally bewildered by the act of sita; to maintain their dignity and the decorum, goat mother 1, the supreme of all, said, “Yes my child, make a wish.”

  Sita – O Mother…!!!! I have my full faith in your divinity. Since childhood I have heard stories about your might and power. Dear mother you are omnipotent and omnipresent. You are our savior.

  Goat mother 2 (confidently and proudly) - we know it all child. We can read your every thought. Don’t procrastinate and make a wish.

  Sita – please pardon me mother for the delay. I have the desire to see you taking rebirth; I want to see your reincarnation. We cattle know that our goat mothers are born with all the powers.

  O holy mother, you are boundless but it is my pure desire to see the magic with my own eyes.

  Crowd was happy they will see the miracle of resurrection.

  Goat mothers were under trouble. The horrible predicament was standing in front of them -sita, their loyal and faithful follower.

  I exclaimed, from the crowd – yes goat mothers, we want to see reawakening of your great souls; this will enhance our faith by leaps and bounds.

  Crowd started to yell, slogan- rebirth, rebirth …goat mother’s rebirth……!!!!

  Reincarnate, reincarnate …goat mothers reincarnate……!!!!

  This was an earthquake for goat mothers. They had no idea how to tackle a crowd which believed that these hypocrites can actually kill themselves and take a birth again.

  Goat mother 3 (shouted) – quiet everybody…!!! Sita , you are disrespecting your mothers, I am asking you for the last time , do you want to complete the ceremony or not.

  Bholi – Goat mother, we are not interested in your tantrums ; sita has made a genuine wish, you must reincarnate and proof that you are god.

  God mother 2 – This is impossible.

  Bhuvan (an old bull from the crowd) – why??

  God mother 1 - You are testing my patience.

  A sheep (from the crowd) - Nooo… we want to experience your power.

  God mother 2 – I deny to sacrifice myself.

  An angry cow, from the crowd hailed – why?? When you are boundless almighty, why can’t you comply with a trivial desire of your true follower?

  God mother 3 (lost her control) - because we are not gods.

  It was a landslide in the Cattle world of the Verma farm. The flood of truth took away the corrupt soil of superstition. Angry mob wanted to kill those greedy hypocrites who played with their innocent emotions for so many years. Me, my friends and a few strong mature bulls and buffalos protected mother goats from the outrage of the naive citizens.

  Rakaa(My father) - control everybody…control yourself. Cattle don’t kill cattle. We will punish them but let’s not kill them.

  Kancha (kalu’s father) – by killing these witches, we too will become devils. Let’s leave them at the mercy of God. Peace…everyone ….peace….!

  It was a day of our victory, Truth alone Triumphs. We were glad that finally the regime of fraud witches came to an end. Hypocrites were thrown away, but kancha uncle and my father (the leaders of our herd) were upset; they were fooled by their own family members, the faith of all Verma cattle was shattered. A sense of insecurity, hopelessness and doubt spreads along the domain of Verma farm. It was a night of independence from superstitions and myths but a night favoring atheism.


  I could not see my family members so sad, I wanted to do something but had no idea how to raise the morale of a family who have lost their god. My angel, priyanka came with her very smart phone, entered the gaushala(cow-shed). She was about to update a status – she was uttering it loudly…..where…their ….is a will…. There is a ….. Way.

  Priyanka Verma-

  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  -Anonymous – status updated.

  There was something awesome about everything priyanka posted on her wall. It always provided me inspiration; maybe I should become her disciple and accept her as my god mother. Anyways, jokes apart.

  I met shuvayu in the noon and told him the scenario of the farm, he came with me to our farm and requested my father and kancha uncle, to meet his grandpa, he being an old wise man can provide the best guidance in this situation of ambiguity. Since the rumor of cow slaughter was promoted by goat mothers, it lost its credibility as soon as the truth about their hypocrisy was revealed. It was easy for shuvayu to convince our elders to meet the eldest man of their farm.

  We all met in the pasture of our village, one family was sad and depressed and the members of other family were providing all their support, empathy and sympathy. On the arrival of gajju kaka, the personal conversations came to an end, the entire herd was curious to hear from the wise man.

  He took us to the holy banayan tree, we all followed him silently.

  Gajju kaka – There was an erudite pundit (saint) who meditate under this tree, he preached to his followers a Sanskrit shloka (verse) –

  Vidhya dadati vinayam;

  Vinayadyati patratam II

  Patratvaddhanamapnoti ;

  Dhanaddharma tatah sukham II

  It means knowledge leads to discipline, discipline leads to worthiness, worthiness is responsible for wealth and prosperity, the ethical usage of this wealth for social welfare will lead to happiness.

  To conclude in simple words, knowledge is the mother of happiness. Allow your children to educate themselves, to experience and experiment their learned notions. God is always with you, if you are ethical. Honesty, Simplicity and innocence have a very unique charm of its own but do not forget to explore.

  If you have seen the bad that doesn’t ensure that the good doesn’t exist. Don’t stop searching. It is not your fault, everything happens, happens for good. Just accept and move on. Burn the bridges behind and step into a positive future – a new day.

  The advice of the old man filled every heart with new hopes and aspirations. After a bad experience faith often shackles but wisdom says not to fall apart in pieces, recollect the courage and move ahead. It was the beginning of the era of friendship between the cattle of Sharma farm and the Verma farm, dawn of trust, understanding, mutual respect and faith. The school at Verma farm became open for all the cattle. Education became mandatory, we all were privileged to learn, gain the knowledge and increase our understanding about the world.


  After all this mishaps and turns and twists of our farm, One fine morning, while I was regurgitating my food (
don’t make faces, it is a part of ruminants life.) sitting next to priyanka , who was reading a book in the farm backyard, I really felt like telling to my sophisticated friend-

  It’s neither the human society nor the cow society which are complicated. Actually, it is the word – society, which complicates everything around us. Society is a mixture of people catering varied thoughts, intentions and actions which bifurcates them into angels and demons. Of course, there are few neutral people who observe everything and become narrators like me, readers and listeners who have the intellectual ability to understand the depth of the narrator’s thought. These narrated stories have no end; they always lead to a new beginning, in a new mind, at a new place, at a different situation. I wish if I could speak and share my thoughts with my favorite Homo sapien-the most sensible creature ever born on earth.

  Priyanka looked at me, she smiled and took her phone out of her pocket, log in to her facebook account.

  Priyanka Verma –

  Sir William Shakespeare quoted:

  ‘Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.’

  All‘s well that ends well….! – Status updated.

  Sometimes I wonder, is she born with the ability to read my mind? Well, that’s how friendship is defined in our world. You understand me before I say it to you. Alright … lovely people, I have something special for you.


  On the auspicious occasion of my daughter’s wedding

  “Radha Verma” weds “Shuvayu Sharma”,

  The grandson of gajju kaka; you are cordially invited with your family.

  Come and bless the bride and the bridegroom on their very special day and make it, the most happening wedding of the year.

  Please don’t forget to bring some fresh grass from your country…!


  Father of the bride: RSVP -

  Rakka Verma kancha and kalu Verma

  Waiting for your arrival, the entire Verma and Sharma cattle family and this is me yours giggling and blushing bride- Radha.

  Moooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww…….!!!!!!!!!   







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