Read The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns Page 13

  'So, you can now see where another prophecy has been fulfilled during Jesus’ time on this earth. Not only the amount that Jesus was sold for, but how it was used when Judas refused to keep it. The money is buying a potter’s field, just as it was predicted in our Scriptures.'

  Again amazement filled the room. It made Jesus more real to them as the Messiah. And knowing that hundreds of years before Jesus was born, before His death and His resurrection, it was all predicted in the Jewish Scriptures, they agreed how fortunate they were to be able to be part of this phenomenon of prophecies.

  'So there are a lot more than ten prophecies,' Marcus said thoughtfully.

  Rae-dona agreed. 'A lot more.'

  Chapter 44

  The disciple John looked around the room. His gaze stopped at the women. 'Ladies, we must be leaving. Many people will be gathering at our home soon.'

  'Yes,' Salome said, 'let’s clean up here and be on our way. John is right, our home will soon be filled with many of God’s children. And prayerfully, some who are not, will go home with our Lord Jesus in their hearts.'

  Marcus said, 'Please leave the clearing up to us men. It will give us something to do while we’re waiting for the fellowship to begin. We’ll bring whatever food is left over with us. You ladies please go. You have lots to do to prepare for tonight.'

  The women agreed that it would be best if they went and left the work to the men. They said their goodbyes, and Marcus walked Rae-dona to the door. It was all he could do. He wanted to take her hand but thought against it as he could feel Antony’s eyes following him. They thanked John for enlightening them once more of the Scriptures.

  The men, with the twins and Antony, went back into the house and prayed for the meeting. They cleaned up the home, then sat around the table talking about Judas and how they were sure none of them would be a traitor to Jesus, no matter what the cost.

  Marcus had noticed that all through the conversation Antony stayed remarkably silent. It was not like his son at all.

  They cleared up quickly and decided to leave a little earlier and help the women at John’s house get ready for the company to arrive. They were sure that they could use their help.

  Suddenly Antony pulled Marcus to one side. 'What happens at a crucifixion?' he asked. 'A boy at school said he’d been to one. Can I go to see one soon?'

  Marcus gave a long sigh. 'My son, crucifixion is a terrible thing. I never want you to witness such cruelty.'

  'But, Father, you were there. I’ve been worrying about it. Did you help nail Jesus’ hands and feet to the cross?'

  Marcus sat on the grass and pulled Antony down to sit with him. 'What I did on that day will live with me forever. No, I didn’t hammer the nails into Jesus’ hands and feet, but I gave the orders to my men to do it.' He could feel sweat on his forehead as he relived that day. He wiped it away.

  'Do you think Jesus will ever forgive you for what you did?' Antony asked.

  'I heard Jesus tell one of the two criminals who were crucified next to Him that He would take him straight to Heaven. And I heard Jesus ask His Father in Heaven to forgive us all, because we didn’t know what we were doing.'

  'So has Jesus forgiven you, Father?'

  'Oh, my son, I know He has. I know that Jesus will forgive anyone who comes to Him and asks for forgiveness.'

  Antony looked up, excitement on his face. 'Will He forgive me for everything I’ve ever done wrong?' he asked.

  'Antony, Jesus will not only forgive you, He will make you part of God’s family, one of His children. It will be like being born again. That’s what Jesus promised.'

  'Then, Father, I’d like to ask Him now. Will you kneel here and pray with me?'

  Chapter 45

  When they arrived at John’s house, they were put to work right away. It was fun, and an exciting time working together and getting ready for the guests.

  Before they knew it, it was time for the people to gather, and time for sharing, singing and testimonies. Marcus shared first and thanked everyone for their prayers. Then he told of the events of his arrest, his rejection by the legion commander who had been a friend, and how the Lord had healed his son Antony. Marcus then explained the circumstances of why he finally gave up the crown of thorns, after hearing the Lord’s voice.

  Then Diana’s parents gave their testimonies of when Jesus came to their village and of the words He spoke and how they became His followers.

  After that, John stepped forward and everyone became quiet. Marcus knew by their reactions that they had all enjoyed his sharing and the other testimonies, but now the feeling in the room was different. The group of people seemed more reverent, awed, as they waited to hear the words of John.

  John stood in a room that was filled with love for him. He didn’t have to quiet the people. They were waiting with great hope to hear his message about God’s love, and His Son Jesus Christ.

  John looked at everyone, paused for a moment, smiled, and began his teaching. 'I hope you remember the last time we met, when we talked about God’s commandment of the love He wants us to have for each other. I told you that we’re now children of God, and that God loves His children. Everyone here who has this new birth is a brother and sister in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  'If you’re born of God, your faith will be the stronger than the things of the world that try to drag you away. You’ll get the victory through your faith. How? You’ll get it because you believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

  'Let me warn you. Already there are people who say that Jesus could not have been a man, that he must have been a spirit or he would not have been able to rise from the dead. I can assure you that Jesus came by water and blood. In other words, a natural and painful birth through His earthly mother -- Mary, whom many of you know. Look, she’s here now.'

  Mary raised a hand rather shyly in acknowledgment.

  'There is also water, and the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross. Water and blood. The Holy Spirit tells us that this is part of God’s plan for salvation. You’re going to hear me and other disciples talking about what we’ve learned from Jesus. What we have to tell you is good, but what God has to tell you is greater, because He is the Creator of all. Why am I telling you this? It’s because I want you to know for sure that if you believe in the Name of Jesus, who is God’s Son, you will have eternal life. Don’t doubt it, for it is sure and certain.'

  Marcus could see people all around him nodding enthusiastically. This meeting went far beyond his expectations, as John continued.

  'I want you all to have confidence that what I’m teaching you now is true, and your forgiveness and safety in heaven are secure because you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. Jesus is ready to answer our prayers. The more you get to know Him, the more certain you can be about what you should be asking for. If you do this, you can be sure that He will hear you.

  'Be careful, for you are still like little children in the faith. See, I’m still thinking of you as children who have much to learn as you grow up in this new life. Be careful where you put your trust. Don’t trust in the things of this world, but trust in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Be warned, don’t trust in idols. I’m not thinking here of the stone idols that some people worship. The idols I’m talking about are the things -- many of them things that in themselves are good -- that take our minds away from God.

  'I remember when we were with Jesus and a young rich man came up and asked Jesus how he could be sure of eternal life. The man told Jesus that he’d kept all the commandments for as long as he could remember. So he asked if there was anything else he should be doing. Jesus told him that his wealth was getting in the way, and he should sell everything he had and give it to the poor.

  'Jesus then said that it was easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than it was for a rich man burdened down with the cares of the world. Of course, that made us all wonder how anyone could be saved. It all comes down to putting Jesus first, and not trying to make
our own way to Heaven by thinking that good behavior is all that’s needed.'

  John continued for a little longer, telling things that Jesus had said and done. When he finished his teaching he smiled and sat down, ready to answer questions and clarify things he had said.

  Everyone agreed that the time was going too fast and that even with the time for questions and answers, John’s message was much too short. It was soon time for fellowship and getting to know each other. There was still much excitement in the air as the evening continued, with John moving around between the small groups that had formed.

  When the meeting was finally over, Marcus put his arm around Rae-dona. 'You’re very quiet. Are you thinking about what John said?'

  'I’ve been thinking about the water and the blood he mentioned,' she said.

  'You mean, to show that Jesus came from a human mother, and was born in a natural way when the waters broke and blood came?'

  'Uh huh. I understand that, Marcus, but what do you think John meant when he then talked about the Spirit, the water, and the blood? Do you think it was the water of baptism and the blood on the cross?'

  'Yes, it could be. But I was there with John at the cross, so John may have been thinking of something we both saw at the crucifixion. I ordered one of my soldiers to put his spear into Jesus’ side to prove that He was dead.' Marcus closed his eyes as he recalled the unpleasant event. 'Water came out. Water and blood. Perhaps that’s what John meant, but please don’t think of me as one of your clever Jewish theologians. There’s just so much I don’t understand.'

  'I certainly don’t understand it all, Marcus, but what I do know is that it’s through Jesus’ blood that we’re forgiven.'

  'Yes, because Jesus died on the cross to take the punishment for my sins. He bled and He died for me. And for you. For the sins of the past, and … well, the sins of the future.'

  'Blood,' Rae-dona said.

  Marcus had to agree. 'I wonder what other people at the meeting thought.'

  Rae-dona laughed. 'Marcus, I wouldn’t be surprised if people had all sorts of different ideas!'

  Marcus took her gently by the arm. 'There’s John, and he’s on his own. Let’s go and ask him.'

  Chapter 46

  After the fellowship ended and on their way back to where the men and boys were staying, the conversation between Marcus and Ametrius was about what they’d be doing next.

  Marcus had been thinking about it for a long time, and decided that since he was no longer in danger, he and Antony should return to their home in Jerusalem.

  Ametrius said that he and Diana were talking about doing the same thing with Justina. They had asked Diana’s parents to join them, assuring them that they had plenty of room. So it was agreed by all that the next day they would journey back to their respective homes, with Rae-dona traveling with them as far as her own village where she was living with her uncle Jairus.

  Antony said he was so very happy that he and his father would be returning to their home. He knew that it would just be the two of them there, and he had questions he wanted to ask his father.

  On the way back, the five of them stopped at the same place where Marcus and Rae-dona had stopped before. They enjoyed the basket of food that Salome and Mary had prepared. It was a fun time, and Antony and Rae-dona waded in the small river, laughing as they splashed each other with water.

  The conversation on the journey was about the previous night, and the teachings of John. They all vowed that they would return soon for more of John’s teachings and for the fellowship time. They agreed that it was the highlight of their trip, and were anxious to meet again with John and the others.


  When Marcus and Antony opened the door to their home, they had mixed memories of their last time there together. They talked about Ramona, and Marcus assured his son that his mother had loved him. Even though Marcus was not sure that she had, he wanted Antony to have a memory of his mother in a positive way. They talked at length about the crown, both of them wishing it was still in their possession and hanging on the wall in their bedroom.

  They felt exhausted from the journey and went to bed early. Before they fell asleep, Marcus said, 'Antony, tomorrow we have other things we must talk about. I have some questions I want to ask you. After breakfast let’s go for a walk. We can stop off at the little garden close by, relax and enjoy each other’s company. It’s been a long time since just the two of us have been together to talk. Does that sound all right with you?'

  'Yes, Father, I was hoping we could talk. I have some questions that I want to ask you, if that’s all right.'

  'Antony, you can ask me any questions you like.'

  Antony felt happy. For a long time he had wanted to talk to his father alone. He knew what his questions were, but he wasn’t sure of his father’s.

  Marcus was going to ask what his son thought about Rae-dona. Antony’s question was, 'Is Rae-dona going to be my new mother?'

  Chapter 47

  They both slept much later than they expected. Marcus suggested they buy some food at the shop not far from their house. Antony said that would be good, as he loved the little bread loaves that were freshly made every morning.

  Antony was so excited in the shop that he had to tell the shop owner where they were going to enjoy his food. 'We’re going to the little garden across the way.'

  Marcus had brought a blanket, and the first thing he did was spread it over the grassy area so they could enjoy their morning breakfast.

  After they had eaten, they discussed John and his household, and how they all felt so welcome there. Marcus told his son that the believers called it the gift of hospitality.

  Antony said, 'They must be a little like Jesus. Don’t you think so, Father? They have so much love for everyone who was there last night. I really enjoyed myself and hope we’ll be able to return soon. Justina says she wants to be a follower of Jesus too.'

  'Antony, it was a wonderful night, and just think -- some of them had met Jesus face to face. Well, my son, now that we’re through eating, do you want me to ask my question first, or do you want to ask yours?'

  'You go first, Father. I’ve been wondering what your question is.'

  'It’s very simple, so please be completely honest with me. All right?'

  'I will. What’s your question? I’m really curious.'

  'Truthfully now, what is your honest opinion of Rae-dona?'

  Antony paused a long time before replying. 'I like her. She’s very nice and we did have a good time together in the river where we stopped on the way home yesterday. She was fun to be with. Why do you ask?'

  Before Marcus could answer, Antony added, 'Is she going to be my new mother?'

  Marcus took a deep breath of surprise. 'I’m not sure, but if and when it does happen, you can be sure it won’t be right away. After all, your mother only passed away a short time ago. But before I would marry Rae-dona, or anyone else, I’d want to make sure that the person who would be your mother, as well as being my wife, is someone you like. I hope someday, if it is Rae-dona, that you’d love her as your mother. So whoever I marry would have to be approved by you.'

  'Thank you, Father, that makes me feel good. I do like Rae-dona, but I only just met her. It’s too soon for me to say. I feel good knowing nothing will happen for a while yet. I’ll try to get to know her better. I’ve been very quiet lately because I’ve been worried about it. But I’ll stop worrying now. I do have another question though.'

  'What is it Antony?'

  'Do you love her?'

  'Yes, I do.'

  'Does she love you?'

  'Yes, she does.'

  Chapter 48

  Before they had time to further discuss the last two questions, they heard someone calling out Marcus’ name.

  'Look, its Rae-dona,' Antony said. 'Over here, we’re over here!' He waved frantically at her.

  Rae-dona sounded breathless as she ran over to them, carrying a basket in her arms. With excitement in her v
oice she began to tell them, 'I’ve been searching everywhere for the two of you, and then the man at the shop told me he thought you were here. The disciple John has sent a messenger to us, inviting us to return to his village. The risen Jesus Himself will be there with His disciples tomorrow at midday. He’s invited us to come and hear Him.'

  'Oh, Father, can we go? I do so want to meet Jesus. Please can we go?'

  'Of course we can. I also want to meet Jesus and hear what He’ll be teaching the fellowship. It sounds exciting.'

  Turning to Rae-dona, Marcus asked, 'Can we invite Ametrius and his family?'

  'They’ve already been invited. I called there first. Also Uncle Jairus and his family will be going with us. John’s messenger said to invite whoever we wish. They expect many from the surrounding villages to come. It will be a big event. Many of them saw Jesus crucified and heard Him pronounced dead by the solders. But now He’s alive, so they all want to be there. This will be something that we believers will never forget. I can’t wait to see Jesus again. I’m not sure if He’ll recognize me, but I know I’ll recognize Him.'

  'Where will we meet everyone? Will we all go together?'

  'Yes, Marcus. We’re collecting together at my uncle’s home tomorrow morning. I’ll see you there. Now I must hurry home. Oh, here.' She handed Antony the basket. 'I’ve prepared dinner for the two of you.'

  Rae-dona scurried off, leaving them holding the basket.

  Marcus smiled and turned to his son. 'Just think, tomorrow we’ll see Jesus. It will be a miracle, because He died and rose from the grave just as He said He would. That just has to be another prophecy fulfilled. I wish we had the crown of thorns to take with us.' They sat on the blanket, deep into conversation about seeing Jesus. Eventually they fell asleep, Antony cuddling up close to his father. The excitement of the past few days had exhausted them.

  Marcus woke up by a tapping sound. He looked up and saw a sparrow tapping on the basket that Rae-dona had brought. He moved slightly to get a better look, accidentally waking Antony.

  They watched the sparrow for a long time until Marcus whispered into his son’s ear, 'There must be some crumbs on the top of the basket.'

  When the bird seemed to be satisfied that there was nothing left to eat, it looked around and flew away. Marcus told his son that Rae-dona had told him that Jesus said that because He looks after each sparrow, how much more He will look after us.