Read The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns Page 15

  'I’ll be first in line to read it,' Marcus whispered to Rae-dona.

  Jesus smiled at Marcus and then addressed the whole crowd again. 'Since rising from the dead, I have been spending a lot of time with My disciples, reminding them of the things I have been teaching and doing during My ministry. I have been telling them these things time and time again, word by word, to be sure that they know everything by heart.

  'Some of you have been following Me from place to place, and others have only seen Me perhaps only once before, or maybe not even at all until now. Those of you who have seen and heard Me many times must join My disciples in passing on to your families and friends what you have seen and heard.

  'I have told parables about farmers sowing seeds, shepherds caring for sheep, landowners with hired hands who don’t behave well, kings with good and bad servants, and many other stories. I try to make these stories varied, but they all point to My Heavenly Father.

  'I have laid hands on people who were sick, and healed them, and raised the dead. But here is something that is even more important, so please listen carefully. Although you believe in God My Father, you must also believe and trust in Me. John has tried to reassure you that there is no need to be anxious about the future, because I promise to be with you always. Through My Holy Spirit I will live within you.

  'Even if you’ve heard Me say this before, listen to Me again when I promise you that where My Father lives, there are places reserved especially for each one of you. I wouldn’t be telling you this if it wasn’t the truth. Very soon now I am going ahead to prepare a place for you. Don’t be afraid that I’m going, because I’ll be coming back to receive you. So remember that where I am, you will be there with Me. And I want you to know the way to where I’m going.'

  Thomas, one the disciples sitting on the platform with the others, said to Jesus, 'I know You’ve told us disciples all this before, Lord, because I asked you that same question. But please tell everyone here how they can find the right way to where You’re going.'

  Jesus nodded slowly, then looked at the people sitting on the grass. It was obvious that they wanted to hear what Jesus had to say about this.

  'You need to understand that I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. Listen, each one of you. If you want to go to the Father, you must go through Me. If you know Me, then you already know My Father. So from now on, you who know Me have seen the Father.'

  A man in the front said, 'If you show me the Father, that will be enough for me.'

  Someone whispered to Marcus that it was a man who had been following Jesus and the disciples for more than a year.

  Jesus said, 'Some of you have been listening to Me for a long time, yet you’ve not come to really know Me. Listen carefully now to what I’m saying. Those of you who have seen Me, have actually seen the Father.' Then He added gently, 'So how can anyone here say ‘Show me the Father’? Tell Me, do you believe that I am in the Father and He is in Me?

  The man stayed silent, as did everyone.

  'What I’m saying are not the words of one of your religious leaders. The words I speak are not My own. The Father who lives in Me does all the work. So believe Me when I say I am in the Father and that He is in Me. If you’re having trouble believing My claims, just look at the things I’ve been doing. Ask My disciples what they think.

  'Now, when you hear of all the things I’ve done, I want to tell you something really exciting. Everything I have done, you will be able to do. Indeed, you will be able to do greater things through the Holy Spirit whom you will shortly receive. John has already told you that if you ask for things you believe I want you to have, and you ask in My name, I will do it so that the Father will be glorified in the Son. This is a promise. Ask Me anything in My name, and I’ll do it. You will be able to prove your love to Me by keeping My commandments.'

  'You said You’re sending the Holy Spirit to help us,' Marcus called out boldly when Jesus paused, for this teaching was all new to him. 'Please tell us more about the Holy Spirit.'

  'The Holy Spirit is the Helper. The Helper I’m asking the Father to give you will be with you forever. The Helper is the Spirit of Truth. There are many in the world who won’t be able to receive Him, because they’ve closed their eyes and their minds. They won’t see Him, or know Him. But you’ll know Him because very soon now He’ll be living in you, and will always be with you.'

  'Excuse me for interrupting, but are You really leaving us now that You’ve risen from the dead?' Marcus asked, feeling even more confident to ask important questions after his previous success.

  'I have to go back,' Jesus said, addressing the whole crowd. 'But I don’t want any of you to worry about it. You are now God’s children, although you may feel like orphans when I go back to the Father. But I’ll always come to you. Yes, the people who don’t know Me won’t see Me anymore, but I promise that one day you will see Me. Because I’m alive again, you will have eternal life with Me. Whatever happens, I want you to know that because I am in My Father, you will be in Me, and I will be in you.'

  Marcus shook his head slowly, not fully understanding what Jesus meant. From the murmur around him, he sensed that he was not alone.

  Jesus smiled. 'You don’t have to understand everything I’m telling you straight away. The Father is sending the Holy Spirit in My name to be your Helper. When He comes in power, He will be the One who will help you understand all the things I’ve been telling you.

  'Soon I have to leave you to join My Father in Heaven. But before I go, I want to give you My peace. This isn’t the sort of peace that the world gives. That sort of peace doesn’t last. This is My peace that will last forever.

  'Let me repeat what I’ve already said today, and what I’ve said many times as I’ve traveled around. You have no reason to be troubled or afraid. Yes, I’m going away, but I promise to come back to each one of you by the Holy Spirit. If I stay here with you as you see Me now, you will only be able to see Me and hear Me by meeting Me in places like this. But through the Holy Spirit living within you, I will always be with each one of you, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. That is why you should be glad that I’m going to be with My Father.

  'I’m telling you all this as now, before it happens, so that you’ll understand and believe when the time comes. The time is almost ready for all of you -- all of you who are My followers and who love Me -- to go out into the world to share the love of My Father.'

  The smile came on His face, just like John’s smile when Marcus knew that he was through. 'I’m staying for your fellowship time. In a few minutes you will go and fill your plates. By the look of the baskets of food there is plenty to eat. And, Marcus, I want you to come here to Me. We need to discuss the crown of thorns.'

  Chapter 56

  As Marcus walked up to Jesus he wondered how he should greet Him. He wasn’t sure if he should shake His hand or give Him an embrace.

  When he was face to face with the Messiah, he automatically fell on his knees. Jesus reached down, put His hand on Marcus’ head and asked the Father to bless him. Then He took Marcus by the hand and helped him up.

  As Marcus stood, he handed Jesus the crown.

  'No, Marcus, the crown is not for me. I don’t need its power.'

  'Then tell me, Lord, to whom should I give it?'

  'Look around, Marcus. Let the Holy Spirit whom I have been teaching about today lead you to the person He wants to receive the crown.'

  Marcus looked around, wondering. Some of the people looked at him and others looked away when their eyes met.

  Marcus paused, looked at Jesus questioningly, and said, 'I can’t see anyone to give it to.'

  Jesus said, 'Keep looking, Marcus. Remember to pray first, then seek and you will find.'

  Marcus, taking the Lord’s advice, closed his eyes and asked for direction to find the next recipient of the crown of thorns. When he opened his eyes, he earnestly sought to find the person whom God wanted to receive the crown.

  One man was cr
ying uncontrollably, yet looking at Marcus with great peace. Marcus felt that the Holy Spirit was speaking to both of them at the same time. He stepped off the platform and walked directly to the man who was crying, the man with the look of peace on his face. Marcus had no doubt that he was the one. He looked back at Jesus who nodded His head in approval.

  'Here, Fabius, the crown is now yours.'

  As Marcus handed the crown of thorns to Fabius they both felt the power flow through them. Marcus said, 'Use the crown wisely, Fabius. Protect it with your life. And whatever you do, and whatever the crown is used for, always give the glory to God.'

  'Thank you, Marcus. You’ll always be an inspiration to me. I’ll always seek you out whenever I need human counseling with my walk with the Lord.'

  They both embraced.

  Then the people broke out with praises, thanking God for another great moment of knowing that the Spirit of God was there amongst them.

  After a while Jesus quieted them down, saying it was now the time for fellowship with each other. 'After you fill your plates, please sit in groups of thirty or more as I have said. I believe this will make about twelve groups. My disciples will move among you, and I will visit each group before I leave. Choose a leader between you, and then go over the things I’ve taught you today. When you’re through, get to know each other.'

  The people were already forming into groups, and no one was excluded.

  Chapter 57

  There was a buzz in the air as they broke into different groups and started to eat. There was much laughter throughout the olive grove as people were getting to know each other and the disciple who was with them, and waiting for the Lord to visit their circle.

  Just as Jesus promised, He visited each group in turn. The last one He visited had only nineteen people. They were Marcus, Antony, Rae-dona, Ametrius and Justina his daughter, and his wife Diana and her family, Jairus, his daughter Anna whom Jesus had raised from the dead, and Jairus’ wife Miriam. Also with them was Fabius, his wife, and the four Roman soldiers who would no longer be secret followers of Jesus.

  When Jesus arrived at their group, He looked at each one, taking a few seconds gazing into their eyes. As He did, He smiled while nodding his head, making each one know that they were very special to Him.

  'Jairus, my friend, we meet again.' Turning to Anna He asked. 'And you, Anna, how are you?'

  'I’m fine, Jesus, but I never did get to thank You for bringing me back to life. So I want to thank You now from the bottom of my heart.'

  Jesus waved His hand, as though thanks were not needed. 'You look like a fine young girl. Go and tell the people about My Father and what He did for you. Be a witness telling the non-believers that they need to come to Me with a simple faith, trusting, like little children. My Father and I have made salvation for the world very simple.'

  He called to Antony and Justina. 'Come, my children, sit next to Me.'

  Then He looked again at each one in the circle in turn. 'It’s true, if you and others want to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you must become like little children. If you humble yourselves like these children you will be great in My Father’s Kingdom.'

  He reached down as He spoke, and put His arms around Antony and Justina.

  'Whoever comes to Me like these two, in My name, will receive Me. But if someone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, and I’ve said this before, it would be better for them to have a heavy millstone around their neck and be thrown in the depth of the sea. It’s easy to be in the Heavenly Kingdom. Just think as a child. Some of you seem to make your faith in Me so complicated.'

  Jesus turned to Marcus. 'I know it was hard for you to surrender the crown to Fabius. But don’t worry, you will do great things for Me and My Father. And, Fabius, your future is bright. Keep Marcus’ advice close to your heart. That is, that whatever you do, do it for the Glory of My Father. All of you in this circle will make a great team for Us.'

  He turned to Antony who was sitting next to Him. 'Antony, keep this in your mind. Rae-dona will be a good mother for you some day. She will love you, take care of you, and teach you many things about Me, and about the prophecies of the Scriptures.'

  Jesus stood up. 'Well, it’s time for Me to leave.'

  As He stood, the whole group stood with Him. They thanked Him for taking the time to talk to them and for His encouraging words.

  As they looked around, the other groups where standing also, applauding Jesus as He mingled through the crowd, and once again went up onto the platform with His disciples.

  'My friends, I must be going. My disciples and I have lots of traveling to do. Starting tomorrow, and for the remainder of the forty days that I am staying on this earth, we will be going as far as we can. We will be sharing with everyone we see how they can receive the kingdom of God. Thank you again for being here today.

  'I will ask My Father to bless all of you. For now you have a new agreement, a new covenant. It is My Father’s new arrangement. It is My blood that has been poured out for the forgiveness of your sins.'

  As Jesus and His disciples were leaving, the crowd started to sing a hymn, waving their hands and shouting out their goodbyes to Jesus, knowing that some day just as He promised, they would meet Him again in the safety of Heaven, for eternity.


  Forty days after Jesus rose from the tomb, He returned to Heaven. Before going, He said to His followers, 'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.' Ten days later (or nine days later, depending on how the days are counted), at Pentecost, Jesus filled each believer with the Holy Spirit. No longer restricted to one place at a time, Jesus could be in every believer’s heart.

  It didn’t take young Antony long to fall in love with Rae-dona, just as Marcus had been praying for.

  One day, while Antony was alone with Rae-dona, he said to her, 'May I ask you a question?'

  'Of course, Antony. You can ask me anything you want. What’s your question?'

  'Do you really love my father? I know that he loves you because he told me so.'

  'Yes, I love him very much, and I love you very much too. Is that your question?'

  'Not exactly. I was wondering …' Antony paused. Then he asked, 'When can I start calling you Mother?'

  Rae-dona was unable to hold back the tears. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. She picked Antony up, swung him around in a circle, and said, 'Today, Antony. How about today?'

  One Year Later

  The wedding will take place after two more Sabbath days. Marcus and Rae-dona are looking forward to that day. John, who is called an apostle, will officiate over the ceremony. Ametrius and Antony will both act as the best men. Rae-dona’s witness will be her Aunt Miriam.

  The wedding will be small, but the gathering in the evening, to help celebrate the joyful day, will be larger. Many will come bringing their favorite dishes to share, wishing the newly married couple much happiness and giving them their blessings. It will indeed be a great party for everyone.

  The crown of thorns during the past year has been passed on to many recipients. No one keeps it for long. It has been used in many ways to glorify God and His Son, and the people who receive it have had life-changing experiences. Each one after giving the crown up has gone out and served the Lord, bringing many of the unsaved to Him.

  Right after the wedding, Marcus, Antony and Rae-dona will be moving to the village where John lives. Marcus has started to travel with John, evangelizing in many places where they feel the Lord is sending them.

  The Roman army still gives the Christian soldiers hard times for not bowing down to Roman gods and goddesses, but the believers are growing stronger and stronger each day. Soldiers and believing Jews and Gentiles stand firm and continue to come to the village square to hear John when he is there. When John is gone, others, whom John has trained, give a messag
e from the Scriptures.

  Marcus gets excited each time John invites him to share with the people. He loves to travel with John whenever possible. He has become a good speaker and often tells the story how he was the first one to receive the crown of thorns. He also tells of the many healings he was blessed to take part in.

  John wants to introduce Marcus to a new man who has been sharing Christ in a mighty way with Greeks and Romans. He is called an apostle because he was ministered by Jesus himself after Jesus had returned to His Father.

  There is some dispute over this with a few of the followers, because they are convinced that Jesus came only for the Jews. But John has met this apostle and has told Marcus that it will be a great opportunity for him to travel with him as he preaches to the Gentiles. Since Marcus is a Gentile, John thinks it would help reach those who are not Jews as he travels sharing Christ.

  Marcus is looking forward to this new adventure, and he trusts John’s decision completely. Both he and Rae-dona believe after much prayer that it would be good for Marcus to expand his ministry and be able to minister to people like himself. It sounds exciting to both of them.

  John has set up a time for the two of them to meet him at his home. Marcus is anxious for the meeting to take place. The name of new apostle, who was born in Tarsus is … Paul.

  O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,

  To every believer the promise of God;

  The vilest offender who truly believes,

  That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.

  To God be the Glory

  Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)

  The Prayer

  If you are looking for a blessing, then please continue to give your whole life to Jesus by letting all that you do glorify Him and God our Father.

  If you haven't already, please say the following prayer inviting Christ into your life. You will be glad you did.

  'Dear Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and that You died to take the punishment for all of my sins. I believe You rose from the dead just as You said You would. I now want to invite You to come into my life, to wash me clean and give me eternal life with You. Amen.'

  If you said this prayer, have faith that Jesus came into your life immediately, as He refuses no one.