Read The Chad Solass Chronicles Page 3

Having tossed his ruined pajama’s into the bin, after a somewhat warmer shower and getting himself dressed into clothes that were in one piece, Chad had planned to spend the rest of the day shopping for some replacements when a poster which hadn’t been there the day before, caught his eye whilst on his travels.

  The newest slasher movie to be released, ‘Does You Know What You Did Last Summer?’ was now playing at the towns’ recently opened, and only, cinema that night.

  Rubbing his hands together gleefully, Chad was happier. He not only had his day planned out but now he had his plans for the evening as well!

  After an unsuccessful shopping trip around the towns stores had resulted in his failure to procure any new pajamas he had decided not to let the day be a waste and enjoyed a rare meal out, treating himself before making his way to the cinema to catch the very first showing.

  The movie theatre was jam packed as overly excited, equally oversized bodies squashed themselves into undersized seats! Built on a very tight budget, it was instantly evident where most corners had been cut! It seemed like the entire town had turned out for the big premiere as Chad cautiously made his way to his seat with his arms overflowing with treats and snacks he was determined not to lose a single piece of his mega-oversized popcorn.

  Throughout the entire ninety eight minutes of the movies’ duration Chad gorged.

  Stuffing his face with, ice creams, popcorn, peanuts and sweets as the rest of the audience sat terrified watching the cold blooded, somewhat confused, killer on the big screen go through one victim after another as he sought to discover his itinerary from the previous year’s summer holidays, Chad was beginning to feel worse than the victims in the film!

  As the film finally came to a close, the heroine, having claimed the slasher’s life and rescued her friends, rapturous cheers and applause erupted from the previously terrified audience as one man was barely able to breathe, let alone cheer!

  Chad finished the last of his snacks and sat full and bloated.

  Watching the credits roll up the screen to the screech of the awful punk rock soundtrack, the lights came on, illuminating the patrons sat either side of him. As they began to stand up to leave they found themselves buried under a mountain of wrappers and discarded containers!

  Struggling to get up for the weight of the mess while Chad tried to hold off the feeling of nausea that was beginning to overcome him, they gamely tried to leave.

  Desperately fighting their way clear of the mess that littered the aisle, many had to concede defeat and chose to scamper over the seats behind and in front of them in an attempt to escape.

  With his stomach full and his senses fully satisfied by the visual feast played out on the big screen in front of him Chad decided to make his own attempt to leave.

  Kicking away the rustling shackles of empty wrappers around his feet a terrible gurgling sound resonated throughout his digestive system with each movement every time he attempted to stand.

  The pain was becoming increasingly worse with each step as Chad held his rounded, more than usual, bulging stomach tightly as he made his way to the back of the auditorium and out of the doors.

  He wasn’t in the best of physical conditions at the best of times with skinny legs that held up the heavier top half of his body before giving way to his, frankly, weird face which comprised of beady eyes, a large, slightly crooked nose and ears that seemed bigger than his proportions should have allowed due to the absolute lack of hair above or around them. In fact he had more hair on his chest than his head!

  Being the last to leave, Chad exited the cinema to an empty street, while the cinema staff began the long task of clearing away his mess.

  The sky had darkened significantly since he’d entered the cinema and the streets had quietened surprisingly quickly since the film had finished. He knew he wasn’t the most popular person in town but the streets clearing this quickly was unusual, even when he was out normally it didn’t clear so quickly!

  The crippling pains he was now beginning to suffer from, in collaboration with the terrible sounds emanating from his insides, forced him into a slow, awkward, walk back to his apartment as his stomach gurgled viciously into his chest.

  After about fifteen minutes of stunted walking Chad had managed only about half of the journey home, it shouldn’t have taken more than ten minutes tops but due to a constant flow of stopping and starting constantly to allow the bubbling pain to ease, it was taking a lot longer.

  As he was forced to stop to once again rub away the constant cramping two men approached him from a nearby alley.

  Scruffy looking and dirty the men seemed genuinely concerned at the anonymous mans’ plight as the gentle light from the newly switched on street lamps dimly picked them out.

  “You alright mate?” one asked, patting him on the shoulder as the other man looked him up and down.

  Looking like identical twins, both heavily bearded and dressed in rags with cloth caps covering their straggled, greasy, hair, the vagabonds stood either side of him

  “Oooh, I don’t know, this is, different!” Chad breathlessly whispered as the knotting inside his stomach eased before snapping back with ever greater ferocity. Tensing and contorting his stomach uncontrollably.

  Chad looked like he was doing some kind of weird robotic dance as he jerked up and down, pain filled sound effects and weird bubbling sounds played out the beat of his movements!

  Taking hold of one arm each, in an apparently generous and selfless act of help, the men led Chad down the same grotty, rubbish covered, alley they had just appeared from.

  Looking around him, his eyes watery, indicating the pain he was in, as the pair propped him against a wall Chad realised they had made a silly, but innocent mistake!

  “I don’t live here, it’s the other way.” He smiled, his reddened face contorted and grimacing much like a newborn baby with wind as a single vein throbbed and pulsed in his temple whilst a single tear ran down his cheek!

  “Take his arms!” the greasier of the two told the other, aggressively!

  Running to the end of the alley to check up and down the street that no-one was coming he ran back to help his friend.

  Happily following his order the second vagrant grabbed Chad, locking his hands behind his back. He quickly found that he would be having to hold him upright as this forced transaction took place due to the fact that the stomach pain threatened to pull Chad over time and time again.

  “Where’s the money?” The first man asked, happy now that they would not be discovered.

  “What money?” Chad queried, slightly confused. “Are you from the cinema, I promise I paid for everything!” he smiled, the gurgling and bubbling rapidly building inside him!

  Confused at the question, the man repeated his request.

  “Where is all your money!” he venomously spat, the breath emanating from within the tramps’ mouth made Chad want to throw up there and then!

  “I don’t have any more. I spent it all on sweets in the cinema!” Chad promised them both.

  The pain was now excruciating and beginning to permanently double Chad over before he was once again held upright by the man behind him.

  “Yeah, yeah, heard it all before mate!” the men cackled as they searched through his pockets. Making sure to still restrain their captive to prevent any attempted fight back.

  Finding their bounty the men’s’ mood lightened momentarily, but were soon disgusted when their captives’ claims proved to be true.

  The wallet they found really was empty!

  Angry and outraged the vagrant threw it to the ground.

  Taking two small steps forward the man’s stinking breath was now heaving over Chad’s face, filling his nostrils and clinging deep inside his lungs!

  A crooked smile spread the man’s cracked lips back over his teeth, revealing the
food and stain encrusted teeth that were in desperate need of a good clean should they actually find any money tonight.

  Pulling back his hand he ordered his friend to hold him up straight before thumping his fist hard into Chads’ stomach.

  “Oooohhhh!” Chad sounded. Half smiling and half grimacing as his attacker looked on.

  Incensed that the penniless victim had the audacity not to fall down in pain the man again plunged his fist into Chads’ unnaturally hardened stomach.

  Again Chad smiled, his face contorted and twisted in a pleasurably, pain induced feeling of relief.

  That only worked to enrage his attackers even more!

  “Let me ‘ave a go!” the man holding Chad ordered as the pair swapped roles.

  Again and again the homeless man unloaded heavy punches into Chads’ solid stomach as the other man struggled to hold him still.

  Before very long the man holding Chad’s arms behind his back began to notice a strange and unwelcome odour.

  It seemed to be getting worse as each blow was inflicted upon their quarry!

  As blow after blow impacted into Chads’ stomach the smell intensified, accompanied by a barely audible, yet positively wet, squirting sound!

  Although blatantly obvious to the man holding him what was now happening it was sadly being missed by the man he had swapped positions with!

  He was really working up a sweat now, and seemed to be enjoying his nights work as he continued to throw hard punches, occasionally throwing a combination of blows before going back to his power punches!

  Trying desperately to warn his friend to stop as the smell became toxic, the tramp behind Chad tried desperately to shout. His mouth was quickly closed by yet another foul odour and strange squeaking sound escaping from Chad as he attempted to draw breath!

  Overcome by the terribly pungent odour the vagrants’ hold began to falter as one by one his senses were being overrun with the heavy cloud of smell rising from the back of Chad!

  Slowly beginning to wilt himself now, as the effort of releasing gaseous vapour after gaseous vapour became too much for his body to withstand.

  As Chad felt his arms becoming freer, eventually the man behind him to dropped to the ground!

  Screaming and angry the, formerly, rampaging tramp had now stopped punching and instead was ordering his friend to hold Chad up so he could continue the attack!

  Unknowingly he was the one to have released the noxious odours that had resulted in Chads’ release.

  Grabbing another lung full of dirty air that was congregating heavily along the ground as the smell seemed to have become too heavy to float away and instead was now lining the ground around their feet!

  The fallen tramp gradually made his way back up to grab hold of Chads’ arms once again.

  Too disoriented to wonder why Chad hadn’t attempted an escape since he had relinquished his grip, the man continued valiantly to hold him back.

  As punch after punch continued to reign down on his midsection Chad didn’t realise he was still continuing to smile at his attacker.

  A brief pause in the assault allowed the vagrant to see this, merely adding to his outrage.

  Encouraged to hit even harder now, the man was whipped into a frenzy!

  Again and again he launched his fist into his gurning opponents’ stomach, unknowingly exposing his friend to yet more toxic fumes as their victims stomach began to soften.

  Using his remaining strength to pull Chad back up to a standing position after the release of gases had become too much, the vagrant was close to unconsciousness!

  Having spent much of the proceeding minutes fighting it, when the punches finally stopped the unlucky tramp had exceeded his lungs capacity long ago and was again forced to breathe in the lethal stench.

  Dropping to his knees, the tramp that had been so keen to unload the punches was now completely spent void of all energy, although he was blissfully unaware of what had happened to his friend he was angry that he hadn’t held him up better.

  Clutching his bruised hands in obvious pain the tramp quietly started to whimper as Chad dusted himself off, now able to stand upright once again!

  Turning around, Chad spotted the rather green looking tramp that had been holding him was now leant raggedly against the wall.

  He had now had his trapped wind released and was feeling much better.

  Reaching out for him Chad grabbed the man’s hand, shaking it vigorously.

  “Thanks for that, sorry I couldn’t pay you but I won’t forget it!” he smiled, collecting his wallet from the ground before stepping over his fallen attackers.

  The fallen man’s eyes followed Chads’ disappearance as the tramp still left barely standing against the wall slowly dropped to his knees, sliding down the wall, spluttering and gasping for breath!

  Crawling slowly over to his whimpering friend, now laying on his side, his knees pulled up tightly into the fetal position as he kissed his sore knuckles better, the breathless vagrant managed to sum up one last ounce of energy.

  It was just enough to reach one hand around his friends’ throat before passing out amongst the rubbish while his partner in crime continued to cry.

  Unfortunately we have now reached the end of your free preview of;

  The Chad Solass Chronicles.

  The complete book is due to be released in spring of 2015 and that will be your chance to find out who the Master is, where he came from, how Chad gets his powers, what powers they are and how the most unpopular person in ‘honeyville’ becomes the only man to save the earth!

  Thank you for reading this taster of my next book and I hope you enjoyed it. I look forward to releasing the full version and answering many of the questions I am sure many of you will have about this story.

  Don’t forget you can keep up to date with all my works and specific release dates for this and my future titles by adding me on Facebook- Stuart Jones or by following me on twitter @stuartj201220

  All rights reserved. Please do not attempt to recreate or copy any of the works in this book. Failure to adhere to this will result in prosecution by the copyright owner. All characters, scenarios and events in this story are fictional and are not intended to be based on anyone, real or otherwise.

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