Read The Chainbearer; Or, The Littlepage Manuscripts Page 58


  "There is a pure republic--wild, yet strong-- A 'fierce democracie,' where all are true To what themselves have voted--right or wrong-- And to their laws denominated blue; (If red, they might to Draco's code belong.)"--HALLECK.

  Such was my haste in quitting the church, that I did not turn to theright or the left. I saw the light, but well-rounded form of Mary Warrenloitering along with the rest of the party, seemingly in waiting for meto join them; and crossing the road, I sprang upon the stile, and thenceto the ground, coming up with the girls at the next instant.

  "What is the meaning of the crowd, Hugh?" asked my sister, pointing downthe road with the stick of her parasol, as she put the question.

  "Crowd! I have seen no crowd. Everybody had left the church before Iquitted it, and all has gone off peaceably. Ha! sure enough, that doeslook like a crowd yonder in the highway. It seems an organized meeting,by George! Yes, there is the chairman, seated on the upper rail of thefence, and the fellow with a bit of paper in his hand is doubtless thesecretary. Very American, and regular, all that! Some vile project ishatching, I'll answer for it, under the aspect of an expression ofpublic opinion. See, there is a chap speaking, and gesticulatingmanfully!"

  We all stopped, for a moment, and stood looking at the crowd, whichreally had all the signs of a public meeting about it. There it hadbeen, the girls told me, ever since they had quitted the church, andseemingly engaged much as it was at that moment. The spectacle wascurious, and the day being fine, while time did not press, we lingeredin the fields, occasionally stopping to look behind us, and note whatwas passing on in the highway.

  In this manner, we might have walked half the distance to the Nest,when, on turning to take another look, we perceived that the crowd haddispersed; some driving off in the ever-recurring one-horse wagon, someon horseback and others on foot. Three men, however, were walking fastin our direction, as if desirous of overtaking us. They had alreadycrossed the stile, and were on the path in the field, a route rarely ornever taken by any but those who desired to come to the house. Under thecircumstances, I determined at once to stop and wait for them. Firstfeeling in my pocket, and making sure of the "revolver," which isgetting to be an important weapon, now that private battles are foughtnot only "yard-arm and yard-arm," but by regular "broadsides," starboardand larboard, I intimated my intention to the girls.

  "As these men are evidently coming in quest of me," I remarked, "it maybe as well, ladies, for you to continue your walk toward home, while Iwait for them on this stile."

  "Very true," answered Patt. "They can have little to say that we shallwish to hear, and you will soon overtake us. Remember, we dine at two onSundays, Hugh; the evening service commencing at four, in this month."

  "No, no," said Mary Warren, hurriedly, "we ought not, _cannot_, quit Mr.Littlepage. These men may do him some harm."

  I was delighted with this simple, natural manifestation of interest, aswell as with the air of decision with which it was made. Mary herselfcolored at her own interest, but did not the less maintain the groundshe had taken.

  "Why, of what use can we be to Hugh, dear, even admitting what you sayto be true?" answered Patt; "it were better for us to hurry on to thehouse, and send those here who can assist him in such a case, than standby idle and useless."

  As if profiting by this hint, Miss Coldbrooke and Miss Marston, who werealready some little distance in advance, went off almost on a run,doubtless intending to put my sister's project into execution. But MaryWarren stood firm, and Patt would not desert her friend, whatever mighthave been her disposition to treat me with less consideration.

  "It is true, we may not be able to assist Mr. Littlepage, shouldviolence be attempted," the first remarked; "but violence is, perhaps,what is least to be apprehended. These wretched people so little regardtruth, and they will be three to one, if your brother be left alone;that it is better we stay and _hear_ what is said, in order that we mayassert what the facts really were, should these persons see fit topervert them, as too often happens."

  Both Patt and myself were struck with the prudence and sagacity of thissuggestion; and the former now came quite near to the stile, on which Iwas still standing, with an air as steady and resolute as that of MaryWarren herself. Just then the three men approached. Two of them I knewby name, though scarcely in person, while the third was a totalstranger. The two of whom I had some knowledge, were named Bunce andMowatt, and were both tenants of my own; and, as I have since learned,warm anti-renters. The stranger was a travelling demagogue, who had beenat the bottom of the whole affair connected with the late meeting, andwho had made his two companions his tools. The three came up to thestile, with an air of great importance, nor could the dignity of theirdemeanor have been greater had they been ambassadors extraordinary fromthe Emperor of China.

  "Mr. Littlepage," commenced Mr. Bunce, with a particularly importantphysiognomy, "there has been a meeting of the public, this morning, atwhich these resolutions was passed. We have been appointed a committeeto deliver a copy of them to you, and our duty is now performed byhanding you this paper."

  "Not unless I see fit to accept it, I presume, sir," was my answer.

  "I should think no man, in a free country, would refuse to receive a setof resolutions that has been passed by a meeting of hisfellow-citizens."

  "That might depend on circumstances; the character of the resolutions,in particular. The freedom of the country it is, precisely, which givesone man the same right to say he cares nothing about your resolutions,as it does you to pass them."

  "But you have not looked at the resolutions, sir, and until you do, youcannot know how you may like them."

  "That is very true; but I have looked at their bearers, have seen theirmanner, and do not quite like the assumption of power which says anybody of men can send me resolutions, whether I like to receive them ornot."

  This declaration seemed to strike the committee aghast! The idea that_one_ man should hesitate to submit himself to a yoke imposed by a_hundred_, was so new and inconceivable to those who deem majorities allin all, that they hardly knew how to take it.[29] At first there was anobvious disposition to resent the insult; then came reflection, whichprobably told them that such a course might not prove so well, the wholeterminating in the more philosophical determination of getting alongeasily.

  [Footnote 29: The prevalence of the notion of the omnipotence ofmajorities, in America, is so wide-spread and deep, among the people ingeneral, as to form a distinctive trait in the national character. It isdoing an infinity of mischief, by being mistaken for the governingprinciple of the institutions, when in fact it is merely a necessaryexpedient to decide certain questions which must be decided by somebody,and in some mode or other. Kept in its proper sphere, the use ofmajorities is replete with justice, so far as justice _can_ be exercisedamong men; abused, it opens the highway to the most intolerable tyranny.As a matter of course, the errors connected with this subject varythrough all the gradations of intellect and selfishness. The followinganecdote will give the reader some notion how the feeling impressed astranger shortly after his arrival in this country.

  A year or two since the writer had in his service an Irishman who hadbeen only two years in the country. It was a part of this man's duty tolook after the welfare of certain pigs, of which one occupied theposition of a "runt." "Has your honor looked at the pigs lately?" saidthe honest fellow, one day. "No, not lately, Pat; is there any change?""That there is, indeed, sir, and a great change. The little fellow isgetting the _majority_ of the rest, and will make the best hog of 'emall!"--EDITOR.]

  "Am I to understand, Mr. Littlepage, that you refuse to accept theresolutions of a public meeting?"

  "Yes; of half a dozen public meetings put together, if those resolutionsare offensive, or are offered offensively."

  "As to the resolutions, you can know nothing, having never seen them. Ofthe right of any number of the people to pass such resolutions as theymay think proper, I pr
esume there can be no question."

  "Of that right, sir, there is a very great question, as has been settledwithin the last few years, in our own courts. But, even if the rightexisted, and in as broad a way as you seem to think, it would not form aright to force these resolutions on me."

  "I am, then, to tell the people you refuse even to read theirresolutions, 'Squire Littlepage?"

  "You can tell them what you please, sir. I know of no people, except ina legal sense, and under the limited powers that they exercise by law.As for this new power, which is rising up in the country, and has theimpudence to call itself the people, though composed of little knots ofmen got together by management, and practised on by falsehood, it hasneither my respect nor dread; and as I hold it in contempt, I shalltreat it with contempt whenever it comes in my way."

  "I am, then, to tell the people of Ravensnest you hold them in contempt,sir?"

  "I authorize you tell the people of Ravensnest nothing, as coming fromme, for I do not know that the people of Ravensnest have employed you.If you will ask me, respectfully, as if you were soliciting a favorinstead of demanding a right, to read the contents of the paper you holdin your hand, I may be willing to comply. What I object to is a handfulof men getting together, setting themselves up as the people, pretendingto authority in that capacity, and claiming a right to _force_ theirnotions on other folks."

  The three committee-men now drew back a few paces, and consultedtogether apart for two or three minutes. While they were thus employed,I heard the sweet gentle voice of Mary Warren say at my elbow--"Taketheir resolutions, Mr. Littlepage, and get rid of them. I dare say theyare very silly, but you will get rid of them all the sooner by receivingthe paper." This was woman's advice, which is a little apt to err on theside of concession, when her apprehensions are aroused; but I was sparedthe pain of not complying with it, by the altered tone of the trio, whonow came up to the stile again, having apparently come to a finaldecision in the premises.

  "Mr. Hugh Roger Littlepage, junior," said Bunce, in a solemn voice, andin a manner as precise as if he were making some legal tender that wasof the last importance, and which required set phrases, "I now ask you,in a most respectful manner, if you will consent to receive this paper.It contains certain resolutions, passed with great unanimity by thepeople of Ravensnest, and which may be found to affect you. I amdirected respectfully to ask you, if you will accept this copy of thesaid resolutions."

  I cut the rest of the speech short by receiving the proffered paper, andI thought all three of the worthy ambassadors looked disappointed at myhaving done so. This gave a new turn to my ideas, and had they nowdemanded their resolutions back again, they should not have had them, solong as the revolvers could do their duty. For a moment, I do believeBunce was for trying the experiment. He and his companions would havebeen delighted to have it in their power to run up and down the countrycrying out that the aristocrat-landlord, young Littlepage, held thepeople in contempt, and had refused even to accept the resolutions theyhad deigned, in their majesty, to pass. As it was, however, I hadsufficiently rebuked the presumption of these pretenders to liberty,avoided all the consequences of their clamor in that behalf, and had anopportunity to gratify a curiosity to know what the leaders of themeeting had been about, and to read their resolutions. I say, theleaders of the meeting, for it is very certain the meetings themselves,on all such occasions, have no more to do with the forming orentertaining the opinions that are thus expressed, than if they had beenin Kamtschatka the whole time. Folding the paper, therefore, and puttingit in my pocket, I bowed to the committee, saying, as I descended thestile on the other side of the fence--

  "It is well, gentlemen; if the resolutions require any notice, they'llbe sure to receive it. Public meetings held of a Sunday are so unusualin this part of the world, that this may have interest with that smallportion of the State which does not dwell at Ravensnest."

  I thought the committee was a little abashed; but the stranger, or thetravelling demagogue, caught at my words, and answered as I walked away,in company with Patt and Mary Warren--

  "The better day, the better deed. The matter related to the Sabbath, andno time so suitable as the Sabbath to act on it."

  I will own I was dying of curiosity to read the resolutions, but dignityprevented any such thing until we had reached a spot where the path ledthrough a copse, that concealed us from observation. Once under thatcover, however, I eagerly drew out the paper, the two girls drawing nearto listen, with as lively an interest as that I felt myself in theresult.

  "Here you may see at a glance," I cried, shaking open the folds of thepaper, "the manner in which the _people_ so often pass theirresolutions! All this writing has a very school-master air, and has beendone with care and a deliberation, whereas there was certainly noopportunity to make a copy as fair as this of anything out in thehighway where the meeting was actually held. This proves that mattershad been cut and dried for the sovereign people, who, like othermonarchs, are saved a great deal of trouble by their confidentialservants."

  "I dare say," said Patt, "two or three men down at the village preparedeverything, and then brought their work up to the meeting to be read andapproved, and to go forth as public sentiment."

  "If it were only honesty approved by even those who heard it read, itwould be another matter; but two-thirds of every meeting are nothing butdough-faces, that are moulded to look whichever way the skilful managermay choose. But let us see what these notable resolutions are; we maylike them, possibly, after having read them."

  "It is so extraordinary to have a public meeting of a Sunday in thispart of the world!"

  I now set about reading the contents of the paper, which, at a glance, Isaw had been very carefully prepared for publication, and no doubt wouldsoon figure in some of the journals. Fortunately, this business has beenso much overdone, and so many meetings are held that flatly contradicteach other, though all represent public sentiment, fire is made soeffectually to fight fire, that the whole procedure is falling intocontempt, and the public is actually losing the great advantage which,under a more temperate use of its power, it might possess, by makingknown from time to time, as serious occasions offered, its true opinionsand wishes. As things actually are, every man of intelligence is fullyaware that simulated public opinions are much the most noisy and activein the country, and he regards nothing of the sort of which he hears orreads, unless he happen to know something of the authority. It is thesame with the newspaper press generally; into such deep discredit has itfallen, that not only is its power to do evil much curtailed, but it hasnearly lost all power to do good; for, by indulging in licentiousness,and running into the habit of crying "wolf," nobody is disposed tobelieve, were the beast actually committing its ravages in the flocks ofthe nation. There are but two ways for a man to regain a position fromwhich he has departed; the one is by manfully retracing his steps, andthe other is by making a circuit so complete that all who choose towatch him may see and understand all sides of him, and estimate himaccordingly. The last is likely to be the career of demagogueism and thepress; both of which have already gone so far as to render retreat nextto impossible, and who can only regain any portion of public confidenceby being satisfied with completing their circuit, and falling in therear of the nation, content to follow those whom it has been theircraving ambition to lead.

  "At a meeting of the citizens of Ravensnest," I began to read aloud,"spontaneously convened, June 22d, 1845, in the public highway, afterattending divine service in the Episcopal meeting-house, according tothe forms of the established denomination of England, on the church andstate system, Onesiphoras Hayden, Esquire, was called to the chair, andPulaski Todd, Esquire, was appointed secretary. After a luminous andeloquent exposition of the objects of the meeting, and some most pungentstrictures on aristocracy and the rights of man, from DemosthenesHewlett and John Smith, Esquires, the following expression of publicsentiment was sustained by an undivided unanimity:--_Resolved_, That atemperate expression of public opinio
n is useful to the rights offreemen, and is one of the most precious privileges of freedom, as thelast has been transmitted to us in a free country by our ancestors, whofought and bled for free and equal institutions on free and equalgrounds.

  "_Resolved_, That we prize this privilege, and shall ever watch over itsexercise with vigilance, the price of liberty.

  "_Resolved_, That, as all men are equal in the eyes of the law, so arethey much more so in the eyes of God.

  "_Resolved_, That meeting-houses are places constructed for theconvenience of the people, and that nothing ought to be admitted intothem that is opposed to public sentiment, or which can possibly offendit.

  "_Resolved_, That, in our judgment, the seat that is good enough for oneman is good enough for another; that we know no differences in familiesand races, and that pews ought to be constructed on the principles ofequality, as well as laws.

  "_Resolved_, That canopies are royal distinctions, and quite unsuited torepublicans; and most of all, to republican meeting-houses.

  "_Resolved_, That religion should be adapted to the institutions of acountry, and that a republican form of government is entitled to arepublican form of religion; and that we do not see the principles offreedom in privileged seats in the house of God."

  "That resolution has been got up as a commentary on what has beencirculated so much, of late, in the newspapers," cried Mary Warren,quickly; "in which it has been advanced, as a recommendation of certainsects, that their dogmas and church-government are more in harmony withrepublicanism than certain others, our own Church included."

  "One would think," I answered, "if this conformity be a recommendation,that it would be the duty of men to make their institutions conform tothe Church, instead of the Church's conforming to the institutions."

  "Yes; but it is not the fashion to reason in this way, nowadays.Prejudice is just as much appealed to in matters connected withreligion, as with anything else."

  "_Resolved_," I continued to read, "That in placing a canopy over hispew, in St. Andrew's meeting-house, Ravensnest, General CorneliusLittlepage conformed to the spirit of a past age, rather than to thespirit of the present time, and that we regard its continuance there asan aristocratical assumption of a superiority that is opposed to thecharacter of the government, offensive to liberty, and dangerous as anexample."

  "Really that is too bad!" exclaimed Patt, vexed at heart, even while shelaughed at the outrageous silliness of the resolutions, and allconnected with them. "Dear, liberal-minded grandpapa, who fought andbled for that very liberty about which these people cant so much, andwho was actively concerned in framing the very institutions that they donot understand, and are constantly violating, is accused to being falseto what were notoriously his own principles!"

  "Never mind that, my dear; there only remain three more resolutions: letus hear them. _Resolved_, That we see an obvious connection betweencrowned heads, patents of nobility, canopied pews, personaldistinctions, leasehold tenures, land-LORDS, days' works, fat fowls,quarter-sales, three-lives leases, and RENT.

  "_Resolved_, That we are of opinion that, when the owners of barns wishthem destroyed, for any purpose whatever, there is a mode less alarmingto a neighborhood than by setting them on fire, and thus giving rise toa thousand reports and accusations that are wanting in the great meritof truth.

  "_Resolved_, That a fair draft be made of these resolutions, and a copyof them delivered to one Hugh Roger Littlepage, a citizen of Ravensnest,in the county of Washington; and that Peter Bunce, Esq., John Mowatt,Esq., and Hezekiah Trott, Esq., be a commitee to see that this act beperformed.

  "Whereupon the meeting adjourned, _sine die_. Onesiphoras Hayden,chairman; Pulaski Todd, secretary."

  "Whe-e-e-w!" I whistled, "here's gunpowder enough for another Waterloo!"

  "What means that last resolution, Mr. Littlepage?" asked Mary Warren,anxiously. "That about the barn."

  "Sure enough; there is a latent meaning there which has its sting. Canthe scoundrels intend to insinuate that I caused that barn to be set onfire!"

  "If they should, it is scarcely more than they have attempted to do withevery landlord they have endeavored to rob," said Patt, with spirit."Calumny seems a natural weapon of those who get their power byappealing to numbers."

  "That is natural enough, my dear sister; since prejudice and passion arequite as active agents as reasons and facts, in the common mind. Butthis is a slander that shall be looked to. If I find that these menreally wish to circulate a report that I caused my own barn to be set onfire--pshaw! nonsense, after all; have we not Newcome, and that otherrascal in confinement, at this moment, for attempting to set fire to my_house_?"

  "Be not too confident, Mr. Littlepage," said Mary, with an anxiety sopointed that I could not but feel its flattery--"my dear father tells mehe has lost most of his confidence in innocence, except as One above allweaknesses shall be the judge: this very story may be got up expresslyto throw distrust on your accusations against the two incendiaries youhave taken in the act. Remember how much of the facts will depend onyour own testimony."

  "I shall have _you_ to sustain me, Miss Warren, and the juror is notliving, who would hesitate to believe that to which you will testify.But here we are approaching the house; we will talk no more on thesubject, lest it distress my grandmother."

  We found all quiet at the Nest, no report of any sort having come fromthe red-men. Sunday was like any other day to them, with the exceptionthat they so far deferred to our habits as to respect it, to a certainextent, while in our presence. Some writers have imagined that theaborigines of America are of the lost tribes of Israel; but it seems tome that such a people could never have existed apart, uninfluenced byforeign association, and preserved no tradition, no memorial of theJewish Sabbath. Let this be as it may, John, who met us at the door,which we reached just after my uncle and grandmother, reported allquiet, so far as he knew anything of the state of the farm-buildings.

  "They got enough last night, I'se thinking, Mr. Hugh, and has found outby this time, that it's better to light a fire in one of their owncook-stoves, than come to light it on the floor of a gentleman'skitchen. I never heard it said, sir, that the Hamericans was as muchHirish as they be Henglish, but to me they seems to grow every day morelike the wild Hirishers, of whom we used to hear so much in Lun'un. Yourhonored father, sir, would never have believed that his own dwellingwould be entered, at night, by men who are his very neighbors, and whoact like burglariouses, as if they were so many Newgate birds--no. Why,Mr. Hugh, this 'Squire Newcome, as they call him, is an hattorney, andhas often dined here at the Nest. I have 'anded him his soup, and fish,and wine, fifty times, just as if he was a gentleman, and to his sister,Miss Hopportunity, too; and they to come to set fire to the house, atmidnight!"

  "You do Miss Opportunity injustice, John; for _she_ has not had theleast connection with the matter."

  "Well, sir, nobody knows anything nowaday--I declare, my eyes be gettingweak, or there is the young lady, at this very instant!"

  "Young lady! where?--you do not mean Opportunity Newcome, surely?"

  "I does though, sir, and it's she, sure enough. If that isn't MissHopportunity, the prisoner that the savages has got up in the cellar ofthe old farm-house, isn't her brother."

  John was quite right; there was Opportunity standing in the very path,and at the very spot where I had last seen her disappear from my sight,the past night. That spot was just where the path plunged into thewooded ravine, and so far was her person concealed by the descent, thatwe could only perceive the head, and the upper part of the body. Thegirl had shown herself just that much, in order to attract my attention,in which she had no sooner succeeded, than, by moving downward a fewpaces, she was entirely hid from sight. Cautioning John to say nothingof what had passed, I sprang down the steps, and walked in the directionof the ravine, perfectly satisfied I was expected, and far from certainthat this visit did not portend further evil.

  The distance was so short that I was soon at the verge o
f the ravine,but when I reached it Opportunity had disappeared. Owing to the thicket,her concealment was easily obtained, while she might be within a fewyards from me, and I plunged downward, bent only on ascertaining herobject. One gleam of distrust shot across my mind, I will own, as Istrided down the declivity; but it was soon lost in the expectation andcuriosity that were awakened by the appearance of the girl.

  I believe it has already been explained, that in this part of the lawn adeep, narrow ravine had been left in wood, and that the bridle-path thatleads to the hamlet had been carried directly through it, for effect.This patch of wood may be three or four acres in extent, following thecourse of the ravine until it reaches the meadows, and it contains threeor four rustic seats, intended to be used in the warmer months. AsOpportunity was accustomed to all the windings and turnings of theplace, she had posted herself near one of these seats, which stood in adense thicket, but so near the main path as to enable her to let me knowwhere she was to be found, by a low utterance of my name, as my treadannounced my approach. Springing up the by-path, I was at her side in aninstant. I do believe that, now she had so far succeeded, the girl sunkupon the seat from inability to stand.

  "Oh! Mr. Hugh!" she exclaimed, looking at me with a degree of nature andconcern in her countenance that it was not usual to see there--"Sen--mypoor brother Sen--what _have_ I done?--what _have_ I done?"

  "Will you answer me one or two questions, Miss Opportunity, withfrankness, under the pledge that the replies never shall be used toinjure you or yours? This is a very serious affair, and should betreated with perfect frankness."

  "I will answer anything to _you_--any question you can put me, though Imight blush to do so--but," laying her hand familiarly, not to saytenderly, on my arm--"why should we be _Mr._ Hugh and _Miss_ Opportunityto each other, when we were so long Hugh and Op? Call me Op again, and Ishall feel that the credit of my family and the happiness of my poor Senare, after all, in the keeping of a true friend."

  "No one can be more willing to do this than myself, my dear Op, and I amwilling to be Hugh again. But, you know all that has passed."

  "I do--yes, the dreadful news has reached us, and mother wouldn't leaveme a moment's peace till I stole out again to see you."

  "Again? Was your mother, then, acquainted with the visit of last night?"

  "Yes, yes--she knew it all, and advised it all."

  "Your mother is a most thoughtful and prudent parent," I answered,biting my lip, "and I shall know hereafter how much I am indebted toher. To _you_, Opportunity, I owe the preservation of my house, andpossibly the lives of all who are most dear to me."

  "Well, that's something, any how. There's no grief that hasn't itsrelief. But, you must know, Hugh, that I never could or did suppose thatSen himself would be so weak as to come in his own person on such anerrand! I didn't want telling to understand that, in anti-rent times,fire and sword are the law--but, take him in general, Sen is altogetherprudent and cautious. I'd a bit my tongue off before I'd got my ownbrother into so cruel a scrape. No, no--don't think so ill of me as tosuppose I came to tell of Sen."

  "It is enough for me that I know how much trouble you took to warn me ofdanger. It is unnecessary for me to think of _you_ in any other lightthan that of a friend."

  "Ah, Hugh! how happy and merry we all of us used to be a few yearssince! That was before your Miss Coldbrookes, and Miss Marstons, andMary Warrens ever saw the country. _Then_ we _did_ enjoy ourselves, andI hope such times will return. If Miss Martha would only stick to oldfriends, instead of running after new ones, Ravensnest would beRavensnest again."

  "You are not to censure my sister for loving her own closest associatesbest. She is several years our junior, you will remember, and wasscarcely of an age to be _our_ companion six years ago."

  Opportunity had the grace to color a little, for she had only used Pattas a cloak to make her assaults on me, and she knew as well as I didthat my sister was good seven years younger than herself. This feeling,however, was but momentary, and she next turned to the real object ofthis visit.

  "What am I to tell mother, Hugh? You will let Sen off, I know?"

  I reflected, for the first time, on the hardships of the case; but felta strong reluctance to allow incendiaries to escape.

  "The facts must be known, soon, all over the town," I remarked.

  "No fear of that; they are pretty much known already. News _does_ fly_fast_ at Ravensnest, all must admit."

  "Ay, if it would only fly _true_. But your brother can hardly remainhere, after such an occurrence."

  "Lord! How you talk! If the law will only let him alone, who'd troublehim for this? You haven't been home long enough to learn that folksdon't think half as much of setting fire to a house, in anti-rent times,as they'd think of a trespass under the old-fashioned law. Anti-rentalters the whole spirit."

  How true was this! And we have lads among us, who have passed from theirtenth to their eighteenth and twentieth years, in a condition of societythat is almost hopelessly abandoned to the most corrupting influence ofall the temptations that beset human beings. It is not surprising thatmen begin to regard arson as a venial offence, when the moral feeling ofthe community is thus unhinged, and boys are suffered to grow intomanhood in the midst of notions so fatal to everything that is just andsafe.

  "But the law itself will not be quite as complaisant as the 'folks.' Itwill scarcely allow incendiaries to escape; and your brother would becompelled to flee the land."

  "What of that? How many go off, and stay off for a time; and that'sbetter than going up north to work at the new prison. I'm not a bitafraid of Sen's being hanged, for these an't hanging times, in thiscountry; but it is _some_ disgrace to a family to have a member in theState's prison. As for any punishment that is lasting, you can see howit is, as well as I. There've been men murdered about anti-rentism, but,Lord! the Senators and Assemblymen will raise such a rumpus, if you goto punish them, that it won't be long, if things go on as they have,before it will be thought more honorable to be put in jail for shootinga peace-officer, than to stay out of it for not having done it. Talk'sall; and if folks have a mind to make anything honorable, they've onlyto say so often enough to make it out."

  Such were the notions of Miss Opportunity Newcome, on the subject ofmodern morals, and how far was she from the truth? I could not but smileat the manner in which she treated things, though there was a homely andpractical common sense in her way of thinking that was probably of moreefficiency than would have been the case with a more refined and nicercode. She looked at things as they are, and that is always somethingtoward success.

  As for myself, I was well enough disposed to consider Opportunity, inthis unfortunate affair of the fire, for it Would have been a cruelthing to suffer the girl to imagine she had been an instrument indestroying her brother. It is true, there is no great danger of arogue's being hanged, nowadays, and Seneca was not sufficiently agentleman, though very tenacious of the title, to endanger his neck. Hadhe been a landlord, and caught lighting a fire on the kitchen-floor ofone of the tenants, the State would not grow hemp enough for hisexecution; but it was a very different thing to catch a tenant at thatwork. I could not but ask myself, how many of the "honorable gentlemen"at Albany would interfere in _my_ behalf, had matters been reversed? forthis is the true mode of arriving at the "spirit of the institutions;"or, rather, I have just as good a right to affirm such is their"spirit," as any one has to assert that the leasehold tenure is opposedto them; the laws and institutions themselves being equally antagonistto both.

  The results of the interview I had with Opportunity were: firstly, Ikept my heart just where it was at its commencement, though I am notcertain that it was in my own custody; secondly, the young lady left memuch encouraged on the subject of the credit of the Newcomes, though Itook very good care not to put myself in her power by promising tocompromise felony; thirdly, I invited the sister to come openly to theNest, that evening, as one of the means to be employed in attaining herends--as respects Seneca,
be it remembered, not as respects _me_; andlastly, we parted just as good friends as we ever had been, andentertaining exactly the same views as regards each other. What thoseviews were it may not be modest in me to record.