Read The Chance Page 1

  What Readers Are Saying About Karen Kingsbury’s Books

  “Karen Kingsbury’s books inspire me to be a stronger follower of Jesus Christ, to be a better wife, mother, sister, and friend. Thank you, Karen, for your faithfulness to the Lord’s gentle whisper.”

  —Tamara B.

  “It’s as simple as this: God’s heart comes off these pages—every line, every word. You can feel the love and redemption of Christ through every character’s life in each book. The message is a message of hope, hope in the One who has saved us and reigns victorious!”

  —Brenae D.

  “Karen’s books are like a personal Bible study—there are so many situations that can be applied directly to the truths found in God’s Word to help strengthen and encourage me.”

  —Laura G.

  “I have read many of Karen’s books, and I cry with every one. I feel like I actually know the people in the story, and my heart goes out to all of them when something happens!”

  —Kathy N.

  “Novels are mini-vacations, and Karen Kingsbury’s novels are my favorite destination.”

  —Rachel S.

  “Karen Kingsbury’s books are amazing! They are inspirational, encouraging, heart-touching, and definitely life-changing. Thank you, Karen, for sharing your gift with us.”

  —Lisa M. P.

  “The best author in the country.”

  —Mary H.

  “Karen’s books are like chocolate—very addicting! You can’t eat just one piece at a time, you have to eat the whole thing—you can’t read just one chapter at a time, you have to read the whole book!”

  —Sarah M.

  “Karen truly has a God-given talent. I have laughed, cried, and rejoiced with your characters as if they were real people! Please keep writing, Karen. I can’t put your books down! God bless you!”

  —Rebekah H.

  “The stories are fiction; their impact is real.”

  —Debbie L. R.

  “It was my lucky day when a friend introduced me to Karen Kingsbury’s books! A day without KK isn’t complete . . .”

  —Bette O. J.

  “My daughter and I ‘fight’ to read Karen’s books first. She has even said, ‘Mom, I’ll do dishes. You go read the latest Karen Kingsbury book!’”

  —Terry S.

  “Recently I made an effort to find good Christian writers, and I’ve hit the jackpot with Karen Kingsbury!”

  —Linda O.

  “Karen Kingsbury books are like my best friends; they make me cry, laugh, and give me encouragement. God bless you, Karen, for using your talent for Him.”

  —Tammy G.

  “Every time I read one of Karen’s books I think, ‘It’s the best one yet.’ Then the next one comes out and I think, ‘No, this is the best one.’”

  —April B. M.

  “Karen Kingbury’s books are fantastic! She always makes me feel like I’m living the story along with the characters!”

  —Courtney M. G.

  “Karen’s books speak to the heart. They are timely, entertaining, but, more important, they speak God’s love into hungry souls.”

  —Debbie P. K.

  “Whenever I pick up a new KK book, two things are consistent: tissues and finishing the whole book in one day.”

  —Nel L.

  “When I was in Iraq, Mrs. Kingsbury’s books were like a cool breeze on a hot summer day, and they made the hard days a bit easier to bear. By the end of my tour, all the ladies in my tent were hooked!”

  —Olivia G.

  “These books are the best! I have bought every one of them. I love getting my friends ‘hooked’ on Karen Kingsbury!”

  —Dana T. C.

  “Not only do Karen Kingsbury books make you laugh and cry, they will leave you begging for more. I stay awake all night when a new one comes out, reading by flashlight while my family sleeps!”

  —Hellen H.

  “Reading a Karen Kingsbury book is like watching a really good movie. I just can’t get enough of her books.”

  —Esther S.

  “The lady who orders books for our church library shakes her head and laughs when I tell her, ‘OK, Karen Kingsbury has a new book out! I get first dibs when you get it!’”

  —Jeannette M. B.

  “Each new Karen Kingsbury book is like a visit home. Nothing beats time with family and friends, which is just what Karen’s characters are!”

  —Erin M.

  “As someone who has struggled with health issues over the last two years, Karen’s books have been such an encouragement to me. They remind me that God is with me and will never leave me. Please keep writing; I need that reminder.”

  —Carrie F.

  “Pick up a Karen Kingsbury book, and I guarantee you will never be the same again! Karen’s books have a way of reaching the deepest parts of your soul and touching places of your heart that are longing for something more.”

  —Becky S.

  “Karen Kingsbury’s books make a way for God to get ahold of your heart and never let go!”

  —Jessica E.

  “Karen Kingsbury really brings fiction to life, and I’m longing to read the next segment. Real men really do read KK!”

  —Phil C.

  “God’s love, mercy, and hope shine through every one of Karen Kingsbury’s books. She has a passion for the Lord and it shows in every story she writes. She is amazing!”

  —Kristi C. M.

  “It is hard for me to walk out of a bookstore without a Karen Kingsbury book in my possession. I am hooked.”

  —Shilah N.

  “Karen Kingsbury is changing the world—one reader at a time.”

  —Lauren W.

  “Karen writes straight from the heart and touches each of her readers with every new story! Love, loss, family, faith, all the struggles we each face every day come to life in the characters she creates.”

  —Amber B.

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  ‘Fifteen Minutes’ Excerpt

  About Karen Kingsbury

  To Donald:

  Another year behind us, and already Tyler has nearly finished his second year at college while Kelsey is coming up on her one-year wedding anniversary, married to the love of her life. I’ll never forget watching you walk our sweet girl down the aisle. Hard to believe that precious wedding planning season has come and gone. Isn’t our Lord so faithful? Not just with our kids but in leading our family where He wants us to be. Closing in on two years in Nashville, and it’s so ve
ry clear that God wanted us here. Not just for my writing and to be near Christian moviemaking and music, but for our kids and even for us. I love how you’ve taken to this new season of being more active on my staff, and helping our boys bridge the gap between being teenagers and becoming young men. Sean and Josh will graduate in just a few weeks and I can only wonder—the way I’ve done so often along the way—where the time has gone. Now that you’re teaching again, I’m convinced that we are both right where God wants us. Thank you for being steady and strong and good and kind. Hold my hand and walk with me through the coming seasons—the graduations and growing up and getting older. All of it’s possible with you by my side. Let’s play and laugh and sing and dance and together we’ll watch our children take wing. The ride is breathtakingly wondrous. I pray it lasts far into our twilight years. Until then, I’ll enjoy not always knowing where I end and you begin. I love you always and forever.

  To Kyle:

  Kyle, you and Kelsey are married now, and forevermore we will see you as our son, as the young man God planned for our daughter, the one we prayed for and talked to God about and hoped for. Your heart is beautiful in every way, Kyle. How you cherish simple moments, and the way you are kind beyond words. You see the good in people and situations, and you find a way to give God the glory always. I will never forget you coming to me and Donald at different times and telling us that you wanted to support Kelsey and keep her safe—and ultimately that you wanted to love her all the days of your life. All of it is summed up in one simple action: the way you look at our precious Kelsey. It’s a picture that will hang forever on the wall of my heart. You look at Kelsey as if nothing and no one else in all the world exists except her. In your eyes at that moment is the picture of what love looks like. Kyle, as God takes you from one stage to another—using that beautiful voice of yours to glorify Him and lead others to love Jesus—I pray that you always look at Kelsey the way you do today. We thank God for you, and we look forward to the beautiful seasons ahead. Love you always!

  To Kelsey:

  My precious daughter, you are married now. I think about the dozens of books where I’ve written about you in these front pages, how you have literally grown up in these dedications. The days when you were in middle school and high school, then college and engaged. All of it has been detailed in the dedications of my books. And now you are Kelsey Kupecky. Your wedding was the most beautiful day, a moment in time destined from the first thought of you and Kyle in the heart of God. Kyle is the guy we’ve prayed for since you were born. God created him to love you, Kelsey—and you to love him. He is perfect for you, an amazing man of God whose walk of faith is marked by kindness, integrity, determination, and passion. We love him as if we’ve known him forever. Now, as you two move into the future that God has for you, as you seek to follow your dreams and shine brightly for Him in all you do, we will be here for you both. We will pray for you, believe in you, and support you however best we can. With Kyle’s ministry of music and yours in acting, there are no limits to how God will use you both. I rejoice in what He is doing in your life, Kelsey. He has used your years of struggle to make you into the deeply rooted, faithful young woman you are today. Keep trusting God, keep putting Him first. I always knew this season would come, and now it is here. Enjoy every minute, sweetheart. You will always be the light of our family, the laughter in our hearts, the one-in-a-million girl who inspired the Bailey Flanigan Series. My precious Kelsey, I pray that God will bless you mightily in the years to come, and that you will always know how He used this time in your life to draw you close to Him and to prepare you for what’s ahead. In the meantime, you’ll be in my heart every moment. I love you, sweetheart.

  To Tyler:

  It’s hard to believe you’re almost already finished with your second year of college, ready for the next season of challenges and adventures. Your blog, Ty’s Take, is being followed by so many of my readers longing to know how God is working in your life while you’re in college. What’s incredible is how you have become such a great writer in the process. I know you are planning to make a ministry-related career out of singing for Jesus on stages across the world, but don’t be surprised if God also puts you at a computer keyboard, where you’ll write books for Him. Oh, and let’s not forget your gift for directing. So many exciting times ahead, Ty. I can barely take it all in. I still believe with all my heart that God has you right where He wants you. Learning so much—about performing for Him and becoming the man He wants you to be. You are that rare guy with a most beautiful heart for God and others. Your dad and I are so proud of you. We’re proud of your talent and your compassion for people and your place in our family. However your dreams unfold, we’ll be in the front row cheering loudest as we watch them happen. Hold on to Jesus, son. Keep shining for Him! I love you.

  To Sean:

  You’ve almost reached graduation, Sean, and we see God’s hand at work in your life constantly. You have taken up drumming, and most days you spend three hours perfecting your gift for music. I love your confidence when you say that you’ll be the best drummer ever, and then a decade after that you’ll open your own restaurant. Nothing like passion and a plan! You are growing up and listening to God’s lead, and in the process you are taking your studies and your homework so much more seriously. God will bless you for how you’re being faithful in the little things. Be joyful, God tells us. And so in our family, you give us a little better picture of how that looks. Stay close to us, Sean. Remember, home is where your heart is always safe. Your dream of playing drums as a professional musician is alive and real. Keep working, keep pushing, keep believing. Go to bed every night knowing you did all you could to prepare yourself for the doors God will open in the days ahead. I pray that as you soar for the Lord, He will allow you to be a very bright light indeed. You’re a precious gift, son. I love you. Keep smiling and keep seeking God’s best.

  To Josh:

  Soccer was where you started when you first came home from Haiti, and soccer is the game that God seems to be opening up for you. We prayed about what was next, whether you would continue to shine on the football field and the soccer field, or whether God would narrow your options to show you where He is leading. Now we all need to pray that as you continue to follow the Lord in your sports options, He will continue to lead you so that your steps are in keeping with His. This we know—there is for you a very real possibility that you’ll play competitive sports at the next level. Even with all your athleticism, I’m most proud of your spiritual and social growth this past year. You’ve grown in heart, maturity, kindness, quiet strength, and the realization that time at home is short. God is going to use you for great things, and I believe He will put you on a public platform to do it. Stay strong in Him, and listen to His quiet whispers so you’ll know which direction to turn. I’m so proud of you, son. I’ll forever be cheering on the sidelines. Keep God first in your life. I love you always.

  To EJ:

  EJ, I’m so glad you know just how much we love you and how deeply we believe in the great plans God has for you. With new opportunities spread out before you, I know you are a bit uncertain. But I see glimpses of determination and effort that tell me that with Christ, you can do anything, son. One day not too far from here, you’ll be applying to colleges, thinking about the career choices ahead of you and the path God might be leading you down. Wherever that path takes you, keep your eyes on Jesus and you’ll always be as full of possibility as you are today. I expect great things from you, EJ, and I know the Lord expects them, too. I’m so glad you’re in our family, always and forever. I’m praying you’ll have a strong passion to use your gifts for God as you head into your junior year. Thanks for your giving heart, EJ. I love you more than you know.

  To Austin:

  Austin, you are now in high school, and I literally wonder every day how the time has passed so quickly. This past summer as you grew to six foot five, we learned about your high blood pressure, how your congenital heart defect had become
congenital heart disease. But rather than grumble and complain, you listened and learned and worked with us to adjust every aspect of your life. You eat differently, sleep more, drink water all day long, and you know the fruits, vegetables, and supplements that lower blood pressure. The results have been amazing! From that first day you stepped onto the high school football field, you have given one hundred percent of your special heart to every single play, and we couldn’t be more proud of you! Austin, I love that you care enough to be and do your best. It shows in your straight A’s, and it shows in the way you are tackling your health. Always remember what I’ve told you about being a warrior. Let your drive and competition push you to be better, but never, ever let it discourage you. You’re so good at life, Austin. Keep the passion and keep that beautiful faith of yours. Every single one of your dreams is within reach. Keep your eyes on Him, and we’ll keep our eyes on you, our youngest son. There is nothing sweeter than cheering you on—from the time you were born, through your infant heart surgery, until now. I thank God for you, for the miracle of your life. I love you, Austin.

  And to God Almighty, the Author of Life, who has—for now—

  blessed me with these.

  Chapter One

  Summer 2002

  Her mom didn’t come home for dinner—the third time that week.

  That was the first hint Ellie Tucker had that maybe her father was right. Maybe her mother had done something so terrible this time that their family really would break in two. And no one and nothing would ever put them back together.

  Ellie was fifteen that hot, humid Savannah summer, and as the Friday afternoon hours slipped away, as six o’clock became six thirty, she joined her dad in the kitchen and helped him make dinner. Tuna sandwiches with a new jar of mayonnaise, warm from the cupboard. They worked without talking, her mother’s absence weighing heavy in the silence of the passing minutes. The refrigerator didn’t have much, but her dad found a bag of baby carrots and put them in a bowl. When the food was on the table, he took his spot at the head, and Ellie sat next to him.