Read The Chase of the Golden Plate Page 6


  Dick arose and offered his left hand to Mr. Randolph, who calmly ignoredit, turning his gaze instead upon the reporter.

  "I had hoped to find you alone," he said frostily.

  Hatch made as if to rise.

  "Sit still, Hatch," Dick commanded. "Mr. Hatch is a friend of mine, Mr.Randolph. I don't know what you want to say, but whatever it is, you maysay it freely before him."

  Hatch knew that humour in Dick. It always preceded the psychologicalmoment when he wanted to climb down someone's throat and open anumbrella. The tone was calm, the words clearly enunciated, and the facewas white--whiter than it had been before.

  "I shouldn't like to----" Mr. Randolph began.

  "You may say what you want to before Mr. Hatch, or not at all, as youplease," Dick went on evenly.

  Mr. Randolph cleared his throat twice and waved his hands with anexpression of resignation.

  "Very well," he replied. "I have come to request the return of my goldplate."

  Hatch leaned forward in his chair, gripping its arms fiercely. This wasa question bearing broadly on a subject that he wanted to mention, buthe didn't know how. Mr. Randolph apparently found it easy enough.

  "What gold plate?" asked Dick steadily.

  "The eleven pieces that you, in the garb of a Burglar, took from myhouse last Thursday evening," said Mr. Randolph. He was quite calm.

  Dick took a sudden step forward, then straightened up with flushed face.His left hand closed with a snap and the nails bit into the flesh; thefingers of the helpless right hand worked nervously. In a minute nowHatch could see him climbing all over Mr. Randolph.

  But again Dick gained control of himself. It was a sort of recognitionof the fact that Mr. Randolph was fifty years old; Hatch knew it; Mr.Randolph's knowledge on the subject didn't appear. Suddenly Dicklaughed.

  "Sit down, Mr. Randolph, and tell me about it," he suggested.

  "It isn't necessary to go into details," continued Mr. Randolph, stillstanding. "I had not wanted to go this far in the presence of a thirdperson, but you forced me to do it. Now, will you or will you not returnthe plate?"

  "Would you mind telling me just what makes you think I got it?" Dickinsisted.

  "It is as simple as it is conclusive," said Mr. Randolph. "You receivedan invitation to the masked ball. You went there in your Burglar garband handed your invitation-card to my servant. He noticed youparticularly and read your name on the card. He remembered that nameperfectly. I was compelled to tell the story as I knew it to DetectiveMallory. I did not mention your name; my servant remembered it, hadgiven it to me in fact, but I forbade him to repeat it to the police. Hetold them something about having burned the invitation-cards."

  "Oh, wouldn't that please Mallory?" Hatch thought.

  "I have not even intimated to the police that I have the least idea ofyour identity," Mr. Randolph went on, still standing. "I had believedthat it was some prank of yours and that the plate would be returned indue time. Certainly I could not account for you taking it in any othercircumstances. My reticence, it is needless to say, was in considerationof your name and family. But now I want the plate. If it was a prank tocarry out the role of the Burglar, it is time for it to end. If the factthat the matter is now in the hands of the police has frightened youinto the seeming necessity of keeping the plate for the present toprotect yourself, you may dismiss that. When the plate is returned to meI shall see that the police drop the matter."

  Dick had listened with absorbed interest. Hatch looked at him from timeto time and saw only attention--not anger.

  "And the Girl?" asked Dick at last. "Does it happen that you have ascleverly traced her?"

  "No," Mr. Randolph replied frankly. "I haven't the faintest idea who sheis. I suppose no one knows that but you. I have no interest further thanto recover the plate. I may say that I called here yesterday, Friday,and asked to see you, but was informed that you had been hurt, so I wentaway to give you opportunity to recover somewhat."

  "Thanks," said Dick drily. "Awfully considerate."

  There was a long silence. Hatch was listening with all the multitudinousears of a good reporter.

  "Now the plate," Mr. Randolph suggested again impatiently. "Do you denythat you got it?"

  "I do," replied Dick firmly.

  "I was afraid you would, and, believe me, Mr. Herbert, such a course isa mistaken one," said Mr. Randolph. "I will give you twenty-four hoursto change your mind. If, at the end of that time, you see fit to returnthe plate, I shall drop the matter and use my influence to have thepolice do so. If the plate is not returned I shall be compelled to turnover all the facts to the police with your name."

  "Is that all?" Dick demanded suddenly.

  "Yes, I believe so."

  "Then get out of here before I----" Dick started forward, then droppedback into a chair.

  Mr. Randolph drew on his gloves and went out, closing the door behindhim.

  For a long time Dick sat there, seemingly oblivious of Hatch's presence,supporting his head with his left hand, while the right hung downloosely beside him. Hatch was inclined to be sympathetic, for, strangeas it may seem, some reporters have even the human quality ofsympathy--although there are persons who will not believe it.

  "Is there anything I can do?" Hatch asked at last. "Anything you want tosay?"

  "Nothing," Dick responded wearily. "Nothing. You may think what youlike. There are, as I said, several things of which I cannot speak,even if it comes to a question--a question of having to face the chargeof theft in open court. I simply _can't_ say anything."

  "But--but----" stammered the reporter.

  "Absolutely not another word," said Dick firmly.