Read The Child of Events! Page 11

  But my wrong-doings and caprices haven't been limited only to this event . As it is usual and ordinary with all children who have a great and vast imagination , and because children live in a sort of fictive world which doesn't know any border , and the impossible has no meaning in such a fantastic world , they sometimes do amazing and surprising things which are usually incomprehensible for the adult and mature people , although all the mature and adult ones have the experience of the childhood with all its dreams and fancies . One of the things I did at a summer day when I was idle and was creating for myself some imaginary games , because I had no playmate or because there was not any children around me and each day of the summer I might create a new play and a new game for myself , suddenly I noticed the white horse of the big brother of my teacher . I will never forget this event I produced in that lovely family , and all the troubles and anger it had caused for them . The white horse was very beautiful and sometimes , the big brother of my teacher brought me with himself on that mount for some horse riding and walk . The horse was familiar with me . On that afternoon , after caressing his head and his svelte body and after looking at his quiet and innocent eyes , suddenly I noticed his long and thick tail which moved in all directions at each second . I starred for few moments the strong swing , shake and move of the horse's tail . I really don't how and why this long and white tail recalled me a shoe brush . I remembered that few days ago when I went visiting 'sherven' , he was complaining to his fiancee about the uselessness of his shoe-brush which wasn't good anymore to produce brilliance on his shoes . At the moment I felt sad that 'sherven' hadn't a good shoe-brush , so when I considered the thick tail of the horse , I thought that I could make a very good shoe-brush for 'sherven' . Full of enthusiasm I found some scissors and cut a half of that long tail and gathered all the hairs , then I tried to find a good piece of wood and after finding it I decided to start my creative work , but I realized that I didn't have something to stick the hairs on the wood , while I was thinking about finding a solution , suddenly the horse keeper appeared , after caressing the horse and caring about it , suddenly he noticed the cut tail of the horse and out of surprise began shouting , he couldn't believe his eyes , he observed carefully once again the cut tail and then noticed my presence with all the hairs in my hands , he shouted again and went informing the family members . Everyone run toward the horse . When the big brother saw the ugly cut tail of his horse , shouted out of anger and threw his hat on the ground and said:" oh my god , my poor crippled unfit horse ! how would I ride this unfit horse again ?" , he was so full of anger that he didn't know what to do or what to say , at this moment the 'sweet-uncle' appeared and began consoling and comforting his nephew and was still repeating :"but nothing very important happened , the horse tail is a bit slimer , that 's all , and this is just a child and doesn't realize all things , what is done can't be undone ". Meanwhile the 'grand-ma' took me in her arms and brought me away , she was afraid that something bad happens to me because of the angry people there . After a while when the critical situation was over , I heard that the 'sweet-uncle' was saying :" thank god that the wild horse didn't trample the child ". The 'sweet-uncle' was right because the horse was a bit fidgety and it was said that they have noticed that the horse had unexpected reflexes when for example a cat was jumping , he began move about or trampling . After the decrease of this crisis , the big brother went out and everyone was talking about this incident , anyway the 'danger' was over .

  At this time I couldn't realize or appreciate the dimension of their magnanimity and the greatness of their forgiveness capacity in reaction to such a 'sabotage' I was the author . Because later in my life when I encountered lot of people who without any logical reason have mistreated or insulted me and showed such a meanness and vile reactions and hurt me in a way that all its after-effects still burn my heart forever, and also after all I have seen later and all the things which happened to me in the future , I could realize and acknowledge the greatness and the magnanimity of that dignified family .

  Two days after this incident , when in a summer afternoon I went at the 'sweet-uncle' store to spend some time , I noticed that he was very cheerful and was laughing a lot , then with his usual gentle tone of voice he asked me :"my dear child , I really can't understand what caused you who are so intelligent and full of discretion doing such a strange and uncomprehensible thing , does someone asked you to do that ?" . I was so surprised by his question that I replied quite simply that I just projected to make a shoe-brush for 'sherven' . Sweet-uncle laughed a lot after hearing my explanation and then sent me home . The next day , he put in front of my eyes a very beautiful white shoe-brush and said :" my dear child , since then each time you intended doing something just consult me and after our discussion over your project you can realize that , now take this shoe-brush and offer it to 'sherven' .



  The next day , in the morning , I put the shoe-brush in a very beautiful box the 'sweet-uncle' provided and went to 'sherven''s home. I already knew that in such a summer morning while the university is closed , he spent his time at home working on his projects . He was a student of the engeineering university and his field of study was naval engineering . Although he finished just the first year of his studies , but he was full of creative projects on this domain , for example he had the project of creating such a submarine for the naval forces which could not only work under or on the surface of the ocean but also flying if necessary . He had such an amazing and original imagination , and such a nature that never an ordinary life or some high position in the society would satisfy him , he could never put a limit or condition for his works or life . He wanted to be useful in every aspect of the social life , because he believed that he had such a potential for doing all sort of works that the society might use all his talents , on the other hand , beside all his projects about the creation of an extraordinay navy or submarine , he wished having some power as a ruler or commander in order to provide the extreme well-being for all the population of the society . Obviously he was an enthusiastic character but at the same time he was very pure and simple and considered life in a very simple way, he was always in the side of the goodness and justice and was always working for the cause of the oppressed and discriminated people , he hated most of all the hypocrisy and the injustice , he had in fact very noble principles and usually exposed his own life to protect the weak and helpless people , that's why each time he noticed some injustice and oppression , he automatically involved himself in the battle to defend the injured ones and to punish the criminals . For the same reason , and because of such a personality that he joined the young security guards in the period of the civil war , and only god knows that how many nights he spent alone confronting the most dangerous thieves and criminals and putting in danger his own life for the defense of all the ones he even didn't know them . But finally he didn't succeed finding his old enemy 'gorgon' or arresting him after that bloody fight in 'dr.pagra' s fiancee house and after that spectacular crime committed by the gang of 'gorgon' by cutting up the body of his fellow security guard and the dispersion of the parts all around the town and in his own garden . Since then it was said that 'gorgon' appeared in the city with disguised look in a way that no one could recognize him , and I was always scaring that someday I encounter him and being once again a subject for his criminal fancies .


  On my way toward 'sherven''s home , I was aware and looking around to avoid such an unpleasant encounter and I was pressing 'sherven''s shoe-brush to my chest and was afraid of losing such a priceless gift 'sweet-uncle' provided for me to offer to my old protector and friend . I reached 'sherven''s home and I rung the door bell cheerfully . After a few moment 'sherven' appeared at the door
with his happy smiling face and after seeing me shouted out of joy and took me in his arms and then lifted me up for some seconds and then put me on the ground . We entered the garden of his home and befor closing the door , a young man , breathless appeared behind us and said :"sherven , don't waste a second , the prey we were awaiting for it all this time , fell in the trap by his own , , he is in a cafe-bar in the sailors quarter , taking beverage with his buddies , my car is ready , if you hurry up we would be able to arrest him ". Sherven , after a short pause of astonishment , moved quickly to one of the rooms , took his gun and got in the car, the german-shepherd of 'sherven' joined them , also because no one was at home , I joined them necessarily in the car .

  My very concern and disappointment was that I couldn't find a good moment to offer my gift to 'sherven'. Few minutes later our car stopped in front of a big cafe-bar . We entered and my friends looked all around expecting that 'gorgon' was sat somewhere there and they could arrest him automatically , but they found not any trace of him . Meanwhile , in a corner of the lounge , beside the cash box , some people were gathered and were disputing violently over few missing gold coins . The owner of the cafe-bar had apparently lost four of his gold coins and out of anger was inculpating all the clients for the thievery . At this moment we all heard a harsh voice of a man leaned to the bar table shouting :" it seems that you 're not able to recognize and to respect the people with whom you have affair...!" , this voice and the coarse tone of the interjection stupefyied all of us , me ,'sherven' and his friend . The voice pertained to no one else apart 'gorgon'. Sherven seemed out of himself and was pressing his jaws . The owner of the cafe-bar who wouldn't calm down and leave the dispute , although very angry whispeared :" of course I know you well , one of the most dangerous people: robber, pirate and pocket-thief....". Gorgon's collaborator who was a fat bald man and apparently a drunk one , contracting his eyes , taking an arrogant attitude said :" that's true , we are pirates, thieves and robbers , but don't be confused , we are robbers of banks and jewelleries , we don't need the few dirty coins of a miserable barman..." , 'gorgon' whispeared :" idiot , what are you talking about , just shut up...". At this moment 'sherven' didn't wait long and with a hand on his waist said with a loud voice which broke the silent atmosphere of the bar :"that's true , these 'gentlemen' have nothing to do with small business , neither with the tiny coins , because their masterpiece is attacking , robbing innocent people's house , raping and killing the young ones , cutting up in pieces the body of the children and so and so , these are indeed great men because they only commit great crimes ..." . Gorgon , surprised by such an unexpected encounter , returned his face toward the place where the voice was heard . I could see his face , I couldn't recognize him , he looked a bit fatter and heavier and some beard and moustache was covering his wild and wicked face . Out of anger his face colour turned to yellow and suddenly with his belt in his hand he struke the bar table and forgetting completely the barman and his missing coins , said with a suffocated angry voice :" you again ! moron kid ! I'm sure that one of these days you 'll lose your cheap life because of your stupid boldness and silly intervention in affairs which are not your business , idiot nosy , it seems that right now your life is a useless bothersome burden for you..." , he said that and in a wink he beat with his belt 'sherven''s neck so strongly that the sound of the beat shaked all the people present in the bar . In a second the two opponents attacked each other , furious , roaring like wild animals , beating on the face , boxing in the chest , rolling along on the ground , anyway a genuine deadly fight . Meanwhile some idle people out around the bar-cafe , after hearing the noises in the bar , just entered and some fearless giant sailors involved themselves in this fight . They absolutely didn't know the issue over it they were fighting and didn't care what was the cause of that fight ,quite simply some of them liked the look of 'sherven' so they begun fighting for him and some others prefered the harsh look of 'gorgon' and fought the opponent's partisans . At this time one of the seamen who till then was watching indifferently the spectacle , having an impressive fat and tall shape , raised his sleeves , showing his fat and thick arms and frowning his eyebrow , threw a chair away , took few steps , shouted with an imperious tone of voice and said :"all the neutral people out ! no one has the right of intervention , the fight is between these two fellow !" . Automatically everyone moved away , in disagreement they whispeared some complain but didn't dare disobey the giant sailor , because all knew him . Then the giant sailor with a sort of self-confidence added :" this is the best way to solve a conflit , we seldom notice that in the 'magnificent' lounge of the assize courts with all the judges, advocates, attorney and witnesses and with all its protocols , the defense of righteous and innocent people could be performed and we seldom know that in such places the justice and righteousness could be really established , let these two people settle their accounts"... The giant sailor after his 'speech' continued watching the fight in a sort of absolute carelessness . The spectacle was developping quite fastly . In a second I saw 'sherven' on the ground crushed under the punches of 'gorgon', groaning . The audience after seeing the unexpected fall of 'sherven' on the ground , they took for certain his defeat , but after a second of stillness , he rose his knees till his stomach and by a springing move of his feet , struke so strongly 'gorgon' that this one has been thrown toward the entering door of the bar where I was stood up paralyzed by fear . Gorgon was roaring out of anger and in a wink , the shining blade of his knife appeared and he threw it toward 'sherven' , this one with a fast reflex took automatically a chair before himself and neutralized the shot of the knife . Sherven till that moment intended arresting 'gorgon' alive and surrending him to the justice to decide for his crimes and punishing him , but when he noticed that 'gorgon' had really the intention of killing him took his gun and shouted :"don't move if not I will shoot you , I want arresting and surrender you to the justice court", he said that and then moved forward for some steps . Gorgon was standing up moveless for some seconds and then looking around as if he was searching something for his protection and suddenly noticed my presence , with a fast move he jumped toward me , grasped me and like a shield put me in front of the canon of the gun and with a tricking voice shouted :" now you can shoot as much as you like " . When I found myself once again in the cruel claws of 'gorgon' , I was about losing consciousness and meanwhile the box of gift I had in my hands thrown away , breathless I tried to release myself but in vain . Sherven remained astound. This endeavour of 'gorgon' incited such an anger among the audience that even the 'calm' and indifferent giant sailor protested :" this is the extreme cowardness and villainy to hide yourself behind the kids ", he said that and moving forward took 'gorgon's neck . In between I was trying hard to release myself from his hands , and the audience were so angry of such a villainy that they were looking for a mean to release me , but 'gorgon' progressively moved backward and reached the exit door and then souted :"if any of you approches , I will strike this kid and will crash him on the ground..", after hearing this threat , I considered myself already lost , and I was feeling that I was in a sort of nightmare . The audience , scared by the wild and harsh attitude of 'gorgon' realized that the threat was really serious and he is ready to do that , so no one dared moving forward. The german-shepherd of 'sherven' showed lot of agitations but by a sign of his master he remained calm and moveless . A strange silence has been established , a silence which could bear my death or somebody else one's . Everyone was upset . Suddenly an awesome and terrifying sound broke the silence and the echo of the eclat filled the atmosphere of that cafe-bar . Everyone looked toward the north part of the lounge , the thick glass of the big window of the bar collapsed and its eclat was just like the bursting of a bomb . Apart me no one noticed that it was the work of that fat and drunk collaborator of 'gorgon' who threw a heavy bottle of beverage to that side . It seemed that the gang were so experimented that they knew what to do in some cr
itical circumstances. Gorgon used this opportunity to leave the bar and reaching outside while he was still pressing my flimsy body to himself as a shield . His collaborator did the same and reached the oustside of the bar. Sherven automatically released his dog and this one in a wink , roaring attacked 'gorgon'. Gorgon , surprised , left me and got into an open roof car stopped there , the dog was barking non-stop and wanted to attack the collaborator who got into the car at his turn and 'gorgon' strived the starting of the car and before the wheels began turning , one of the fight 'partisans' of 'sherven' who was a huge young man took the back of the car in his hand and lifted it . The wheels were turning in the air and 'gorgon' looked back to see the cause of the obstacle . Lot of people were gathered to watch such a spectacular test of muscular force , and everyone were laughing at the ridiculous look of the two criminals in the car . Meanwhile a police officer arrived and because he already knew 'sherven' who was a member of the security guards in the past helped him to take 'gorgon' among the crowd and we all got into the police car in the direction of the police office . Sherven kept me beside himself in the car and most of all I was sorry and disappointed for my failure in offering my gift to 'sherven', anyway it has been lost in the cafe-bar . Gorgon didn't looked upset or disturbed by this arrestation , it seemed that he had some reasons for his self-confidence . When we arrived at the police office , the officer led all of us directly to the bureau of the watch-officer . I was sure and certain that this time 'gorgon' would be punished by the authorities as he deserved , and I would get rid of him forever . I was sure that his punishment would not be lesser than the death penalty and maybe if by any chance he could get some reduction , he would be imprisoned for life . Some people were still in the bureau of that officer , so we had to wait for a while outside , where through the window we could see the inside of the bureau . Once 'sherven' noticed that who was the watch-officer , shouted out of joy and said to his friend :" today we are really lucky because the watch-officer is one of our old buddies , he is close to me like a brother , not only my father helped him for his study expenses , but few years ago I rescued him from a certain death , now I'm sure that he would cooperate perfectly with us concerning 'gorgon' s punishment .