Read The Child of Events! Page 9


  That night the 'charitable woman' , after being informed about this incident came at the house of the fiancee of 'dr.pagra', remained there for some hours comforting the injured and hurt women , then farewelled all of the audience and we returned back to home .

  The next day I learned that this damaged family , after the return of the father of the beautiful girl , they left the city in company of 'dr.pagra' , for some unknown destination .


  One year passed by this tragic incident . At this time , in the country I used to live , each day something bad happened to some people that I was just hearing the tale of those incidents and during the whole year I was not personally an eye-witness of them and nothing extraordinary happened to myself either , if not I would remember it , because of my sensitiveness the least unusual incident would left an everlasting effect in my soul .

  I used to live in the 'charitable woman's house and I occupied myself with my school homeworks and I was attending the second class of the primary school . On that time the conditions of my life were much better than in the past , even though all my childhood needs for affection and care were not satisfied , my life was somehow bearable in comparison to all those days when I was ignored , mistreated and despised . But what I couldn't realize was this fact that not being the biological child of the 'charitable woman' , I was deprived of all the love and attention a child needs for his survival and for his happiness , this didn't seem logical to me and a convincing reason for being discriminated and put aside as a 'stranger' , neither I couldn't understand the obstacles and the 'impossible' for the fulfillment of all my wishes and projects in life .

  The governess had left the house long ago , because she had found a lover for herself and they left definitively the city or even the country . So the 'charitable woman' was no longer provoked against me . But I noticed a general change in her character , her personality was traversing a critical state , a sort of psychological imbalance , she was showing sorta depression crisis , she was crying a lot for unknown reasons , she was or scolding her own children without any apparent cause or showing excessive love and spoiling them inappropriately , mostly she was sitting alone in a corner and plunged in some deep thoughts and was starring at a fix point , maybe she was reviewing the past and all the events during the civil war , anyway I became familiar with her new personality and I was always careful to not overpassing my limits and doing things I supposed not to be allowed provoking so her anger and hatred because of my status of a 'stranger' in that house . Although I was of a great help for all things needed in the house and was always ready to serve them in all domains , I never got the care , attention and love my soul was eager , so I felt myself a charge there and I couldn't enjoy the liberty and the audacity for playing freely and studying my courses carelessly .

  Despite of this unfavourable atmosphere , I was a good student in my class . Sherven used to come visiting me in the school and he was always recommending me to the teachers of that primary school . One of those teachers whose name was 'Mr. Solen' was very serious and trustful young man , payed a particular attention to me and showed a great interest on everything 'sherven' was telling to him about the details of my life and the tale of all the events happened to me . I noticed that he was considering me with an unconditional care and sensitiveness . In his eyes I found all the love I was looking for and all the safety I needed for my survival . So my new studying year begun with such a joy and hope .

  The civil war was almost over and a relative order and security was established , but the country was still suffering the after-effects of a devastating war and disorder . All the soldiers who returned back home alive were looking for jobs and a living and this fact increased the dimensions of the pain of an already harmed society . Not a single day was passing without hearing that some people killed each other for a piece of bread , the revenges and the personal settlement of accounts had their trend too , and here or there , these private hostilities and personal settlement of accounts were done taking different shapes and ways . As I mentioned earlier 'sherven' was the chief of a group of security guards and was still searching for the criminal organisation members and was still aware to tracking down 'gorgon' , also he had secretly designated some agents to follow the traces of him . Someday one of those came joyfully to 'sherven' and said :" we are not to far to arrest finally all these naughty criminals and taking our revenge over them , I could discover their place with the help of an old woman who noticed them nearby the forest in the eastern part of the city , apparently they live in a farmer cabin , I intend going there tonight and investigating by my own in order tomorrow we could go with more equipments and arresting them". Everyone appreciated this project and the poor guy went to accomplish his mission . He failed and he lost his life , but if he was successful in his mission , one of the biggest pirating organizations would be destroyed .


  Early in the morning of the next day , the population in different parts of the city encountered an extraordinary and unusual spectacle which terrifyied all of them because of the horror and the atrocity of the scene . At each corner of the city a box containing a part of the body of that unfortunate young security guard was put . The young man and his intention has been discovered by the criminals , so they decided to commit such an horrible act and make it spectacular in order to give a lesson to all the other ones who were intending to disturb their activities . Their main goal was to warning 'sherven' , and they committed this crime with a sophisticated skill , for example one of his hands was found in the eastern part of the city , his head in the north , another hand in the west , his tripes in the center and each one of his legs were scattered in the southern parts of the city . The most important was the box containing his eyes and his feet they threw early in the morning in the garden of the house of 'sherven' . Sherven awakened by the sound of the falling of an object in the garden , rushed forward to the garden and opened the box . By finding those parts of body of his friend , he remained moveless and astound out of shock . A piece of paper was sticked to the box with this content :"mr. sherven , I hope that this gift would please you . we send you the eyes who wanted to watch and to know all of us , and the feet which after a long walk reached our place , in order you could praise and gratifying them properly !".Sherven remained paralysed by such an horrible act . All of his friends after being informed of this event went for investigation .

  All these incidents and events are not the production of my extravagant imagination or made up by my fantasies . They are the atrocities I was personally witnessing in my young ages of childhood , when I was only eight . At this very age I knew all the craziness and all the diabolic acts humans are able to commit . Later , I learned by experience and by reading books that this dark side of the human nature had always expressed itself everywhere throughout the human history all around the world . In fact I noticed that even the 'wildest' animals in comparison with the sophisticated crimes the humans are able to commit , are just innocent creatures .

  Anyway , the whole city was in a state of astonishment after this horrible crime , and all people were stimulated to find and punish these criminals . The police officers and the young security guards have decided to pursuing severely and with toughness these criminals . But 'gorgon' was aware and clever enough to not falling into the trap of the police or the guards . They were all experimented now and were careful . They never appeared in the daylight and at nights they disguised themselves and with lot of tricks attacked some jewelleries and robbed them . So , this was the state of a society in its after-war 'convalescence' .



The world is an amazing spectacle , displaying various and different aspects. As if everything in the universe were made up of the union of the opposite sides , light and darkness , joy and sorrow , health and illness , success and failure , life and death are just some example , so I deduce that maybe all of this ,I mean the correlation of the opposites is the order of things in the world , and maybe we should accept them as they are . So it is with the human society , there are lot of egocentric people who know nothing apart their personal and private interests and the satisfaction of their own desirs to the detriment of all the others , and this sort of people made up the majority of the population around the world . Beside this majority , we could have the luck of finding or encountering a minority of people , some few ones who are brilliant like a diamond but hidden in the deepest part of the earth , priceless like a rare and unique pearl in the deep ocean . These people are meek , kind , full of compassion toward everyone , without expecting any acknowledgment , live quietly in this world , sometimes without leaving a trace of their presence and mostly without being noticed by the others for the greatness of their soul , spend life as something temporarily and bear patiently all the burden of the world somehow as unknown people , and quit it eagerly to join another world which is their real home . If I call them the angels , it would not be an hyperbole . I should mention that throughout my troubled childhood and beside all the terrible events which happened to me , I had also the luck , the happiness or the honour of having encountered this sort of people who are indeed a gem . Also I should add that I owe my life , my whole existence and all my ideals to these people , to these gems who left such an impact on my life that in all circumstances I will never forget them . All I could learn in my life , I learned from them , I saw the world by their eyes , I felt everything by their soul , and if I did something good , it was the result of their goodness , my very wish is to be a follower of this sort of people and being considered one of them in the sight of the universe . These people are good for the sake of the goodness , they are hurt by the misery of all the others , and their happiness is to make happy all the rejected ones to the price of ignoring their own private ease . If I talk about this subject it is because many years after this encounter and after all the events of those days , I realize the dimension of their goodness , all the things they did generously for me who was just a stranger child there . I still remember their angelic look and manners , a sort of human beings that we could only read the description of all their noble qualities in some novels or myths . So here I will tell how this encounter with such people happened .

  At this time I was nine , and as I mentioned earlier , my life in the house of 'the charitable woman' was spent in a way that at each moment I had the feeling that I was a charge for her . I was not anymore a naive kid and I could perfectly understand that I ought to do lot of things to 'pay my debt' to her for having gave me a shelter ,some food and provided my education in a school . So , beside all the homeworks I had to do for my school , I was working in the house like an errand boy , so at nights I was exhausted but I never ignored all the lessons and the homeworks I should prepare for the next day in the classroom . Among all the homeworks I had to prepare for my classroom , what seemed to me the most exciting and the most enthralling thing to do was to memorizing different sort of poems . Although I was not very good in writing and reading , but I never spent a single night without memorizing a poem before sleeping . The words which were put together with such a musicality , rhythm and rhym that I couldn't even understand their meaning , fascinated me so amazingly that I had the impression they were the creation of some magician . This same extraordinary attraction I had to memorizing the poems caused that I became the only student who was able to memorize and to recite the most difficult and the most sophisticated poems with a declamatory manner , by expressing with great emotion and gestures in front of an audience . My talent in this field has been noticed and discovered by 'mr. solen', the teacher I mentioned previously , and I have been encouraged and cheered up by this teacher . Later I knew that 'mr.solen' used to write poetry books and he was himself a very good poet .

  With the help , the encouragement and the advices of this nice teacher 'mr.solen' , I prepared myself for the festival of the school for the celebration of the end of the wars , I had to present multiple declamations of different poems in between of the programs of the festival . So in the afternoon when the spectacle of the festival begun , in multiple occasions , between the shows , I recited lot of declamations of some poems I even didn 't understand the meaning with such an emotion , enthusiasm and gestures , that the whole audience present in that amphitheater cheered me up with loud and long applause . From every corner I heard a loud 'bravo' and flower bouquets were thrown toward me on the scene . The joy and the happiness I felt that night was indescribable . Later I learned that all my declamation of those poems were about the praise of the goodness , and the love we should express toward our human fellows and also about all the happiness we could get as a reward for our good deeds . It seemed that my infantil tiny and serious tone of voice which expressed such a difficult and sophisticated poems , beside all the appropriate gestures I displayed during the declamation , incited such an emotion in the audience that most of the susceptible people were in tears or crying loudly .

  Anyway , it was during this night that the nice teacher 'mr.solen' has been praised by the director of the school and all his colleagues for having discovered such a talented student . One of the families present at the festival , the most susceptible one , impressed profoundly by the words of my poetic declamation , the one who cryied long and threw genuine tears for me was the family of my teacher 'mr.solen' .

  The same night , if many of the people among the audience , under the impact of some momentary emotions applaused , cheered me up or sent me flower bouquets , because they found funny that a child with his tiny shape or tiny voice is pronouncing such an awesome words or poems, as easily as they have been incited and enthralled , they forgot with the same easiness my funny voice and declamation in between their personal life and business , but it was not the case of the family of my teacher 'mr.solen'. They were so impressed by the modesty , humility , the discretion and the shyness which revealed itself through all the sophisticated words that I pronounced with emotion , and were so interested in my personality that they automatically asked their son about my identity . Later I learned that the same night when they knew the story of my life and my unusual and strange destiny 'sherven' told to 'mr.solen' , they cryied a lot . But a serious and real eagerness to see me again didn't leave their heart indifferent to my destiny and they had the intention of during a reception in their home , investigating about the possibility of adopting me as their child .