Read The Chocklit Shoppe Page 1

Chapter one

  "Oh no! I dislike fruit cake!" Gina complained. "Well, you ain't eating it! Go and serve that meal!" Burly instructed her. "Whatever you say, Captain Doofus." she muttered. Gina snatched the tray and went to serve the meal. After that she came back and entered the kitchen. "When will I get a raise?" she demanded. "When you stop being a slow poke, now get out there and back to business!" Burly ordered. Gina sighed and left the room.

  "Lord, please give me patience." Gina silently prayed. "Excuse me, I would like to make an order." a male voice spoke up. Gina raised her head and meets a good-looking guy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. "Welcome to the Chocklit shop. May I take your order?" Gina said, grimly. "I will have the French toast and the fruit cake." he ordered. "I suggest you shouldn't take the fruit cake, it can give you poison ivy." Gina warned him. The guy laughed. "I will take my chances. Hi, I am Adam." he introduced himself. "I am Gina. Nice to meet you." she said. "I will deliver your order and don't say I didn't warn you." Gina said and entered the kitchen. Adam chuckled.


  "WENDY! Where is the report?!" Wendy's manager called Marie demanded. "Cool down, alligator." Wendy thought. Wendy entered the office and handled out the report. Marie snatched it from her with a satisfied grin. "Now you can go. Your next assignment will be e-mailed to you." Marie said and Wendy left. "One of these days, I am gonna explode and piss her off!" Wendy thought, furiously.

  Chapter two

  "Hi again." Adam said. Gina smiled at him." Same order as usual." Gina said and she went to deliver his order and came back."What's going on?" Gina asked. "Nothing new, just taking pictures." Adam replied. "Lucky you! You are a photographer. You get paid more than me." Gina muttered. "How much?" he asked. "$100 dollars a month." she replied. "Ouch. I am sorry." he said. "You don't need to. I want to buy this cafe and run it. I have great ideas to help this place improve. I have to pay $200 000 dollars for this place. People may think I am crazy trying to buy this place which will like never. "Gina admitted.”Don't give up. God can make things possible if you continuing praying and having faith in him. Your time will come." Adam assured her. "You are a Christian. That is nice to hear. So am I." Gina told him. Adam laughed."Same for me too." he said. Soon, their eyes locked in a contact. Gina blushed. "I have to attend to my duties." she excused herself, feeling weirdly strange. "Good luck." Adam said. Gina nodded and went to the kitchen in a daze.


  "It is good you are always on time on deadlines." Marie said. "Why is my work different from the others?" Wendy asked."It is for our boss, he loves the reports I send to him." Marie replied. "Wait, you are the credit for my work?" Wendy spoke in a stern tone. "Keep your mouth shut or you are fired." Marie warned her. "Then that will be your loss." Wendy finished and left the office room. "Tomorrow is your deadline!" Marie called after her. "Don't remind!" Wendy thought, angrily.


  Cora finally reached her apartment at 9am. She collapsed on the green sofa and groaned. She noticed her note. Cora took it and read;

  Dear Cora,

  Gina and I had to leave for work early. I have left some fried bacon and eggs on a plate with toast and glass of fresh lemonade. I have left some turkey meat in the microwave in cas e you are still hungry.

  P.S Remember to read your Bible. You missed two devotions.



  Cora smiled and put the note down. She went to the kitchen, devoured her meals and then went to her bedroom. She washed up and dressed. Cora took out her Bible and opened tot he Book of Job and began to read.

  "One of these days! I AM GOING TO BEAT THAT WOMAN!"Wendy vowed and she dropped on the sofa. "And you will get fired and we won't pay the bills." Gina told her. "So not funny." Wendy said. "I am not joking either." Gina shot back. "Enough quarrels." Cora cut in as she entered the hall. "We have been busy too much with our job problems. We will just have to continue praying." Cora said. Gina and Wendy agreed.

  "We haven't gone out in ages. Tonight, let's have a girls night out." Wendy suggested. "With what money?" Gina asked. "With my money. Now get your coats and let's head to Chocklit shop." Wendy urged them. "Oh no! Not where I work." Gina groaned. "Oh, yes! Either you come and eat or else, because I ain't cooking any supper tonight." Wendy told her. "Fine, I am in." Gina gives in. The girls went to get their coats and take a cab.


  "This is truly the best night ever!" Cora exclaimed. "This food is delicious. Just need some extra flavor." Wendy commented as she ate her sandwich. "Sure, if you say so." Gina muttered. "This place is really nice! It is where we first met." Wendy explained. "Yeah, I remember too. This Chocklit shop was the first place we became very good friends." Gina said, remembering. "Cheers! To us." Cora said and Wendy and Gina joined in. "Too bad Burly can't order me around, because this time I am his guest." Gina joked and the girls laughed.


  "Well, we have to go back home. We have jobs." Gina said, after the girls spent some few hours chatting about the past times. "You are right! At least, this night was worth it." Wendy said and the girls agreed. They paid Burly and took a cab home, almost half-asleep.

  "i HATE this job!" Cora muttered to herself. Mark came behind her. "Happy birthday!" Mark said. Cora jumped in alarm. "Today is my birthday?" Cora asked, stupidly. "Yes and I am taking you for a birthday treat. Mark dragged her away.


  Gina was chatting with Adam and she realized something. "Today is my friend's birthday. Wait, excuse for some time." Gina told him and left. She made a few calls and then went to talk to Burly. She came back to Adam. "Well, are you gonna come with me to pick up the birthday cake?" she asked, taking her coat."Yeah." he replied and followed her out of the shop.


  Later in the evening, Mark escorted Cora back to her house. When they entered, there was a huge surprise. A crowd of people were there, including Wendy and Gina. "Happy birthday!" they chorused. Cora grinned and hugged her friends. The party was a success. Adam, Greg and Mark were introduced to each other. Soon all of them became friends. Wendy prepared the meals and everybody commented that her meal was tasty. Wendy blushed red.


   Cora enjoyed the party. The party finally ended. The girls cleared up the mess and went to sleep.


  The next day was bright for both women. Wendy was being pushed around by Marie and Cora had double work that she didn't even get to spend time with Mark. Gina had her troubles at the shop.

  She was explaining her troubles to Adam. "I got something to cheer you up." Adam told her. He brought out a magazine and flipped to a particular column. He handled it to Gina. Gina collected and had a look. She became red in the face. "You rather used me. You took a picture of me so that I will fill women who are in a lowly class?!" Gina exploded. "I didn't mean you are that way. I am sorry." he told her. "You knew I will fit the bill. You are annoying!" Gina finished and went to the kitchen. She threw the magazine behind her. Adam caught it and felt very guilty.


  "Men! Who needs them?!" Gina bellowed as she arrived at her flat from work that evening. "Not all men are that bad." Wendy told her. Wendy was typing on her laptop. "I get, you have Greg and Cora has Mark, but Adam is now history." Gina said. She told Wendy what he had done. "Ii know it was wrong, but give him a second chance." Wendy pleaded. "I will pray about it." Gina said. "Good, now Cora will be out late. I am gonna prepare your favorite meal." Wendy told her. Wendy got up and entered the kitchen.


  Gina dropped n the sofa and relaxed. She sighed, heavily. "If only, I could get that Chocklit shop. I will feel better." Gina thought.

  The next day, Wendy was in Marie's office. Marie was blasting her again. Wendy sighed heavily. "Marie! Shut
up! You are very annoying and you have a bigmouth! You so BOSSY AND FRUSTRATING!" Wendy exploded. "You make glued to the laptop like some bee to the honey! You treat like your slave which I am NOT!"Wendy bellowed. "I QUIT! I AM LEAVING!" Wendy fired and stormed out of the office. She bumped into Greg. He smiled in surprise." Hi, Wendy. You work here?" he asked. Marie entered in and she saw Greg. She quickly put on a grinning face.

  "Hi, Boss." Marie said. Greg nodded in greeting. "Wait, you are my boss?!" she exclaimed. "And you must be the journalist who writes those reports! Your work is awesome now. Is it true you are quitting?" he asked. "Yes, for two reasons. Number one was because of Marie and second one is that I rather love cooking than any other thing. I want to help my friend, Gina to buy the Chocklit shop." Wendy told him. "I understand, I can help you and your friends buy the shop. We will surprise Gina." he said. Wendy smiled. "Thanks."Wendy told him. "That also includes you shall go out with me." he added. Wendy laughed. "Of course." she replied. "Good, now let's head out." he said. Wendy and Greg left the room, leaving Marie, frustrated and jealous.


  "Cora, quit this job. I have an idea of how you can get a better job. I have been planning it for months." Mark told her when they were having their lunch date. "Really?!" Cora exclaimed. "Yup. I will show you when you are done with the afternoon news." Mark told her. Cora grinned at him.

  Gina was exhausted as she cleaned the tables that evening in the Chocklit shop. Burly was cleaning the kitchen. Then Wendy, Greg, Mark and Cora came in. Gina was surprised. She approached them.

  "What are you guys doing here?" she asked in surprise. "Wait and we will tell you." Wendy told her. Mark and Greg went to talk to Burly in the kitchen. Some minutes passed, Burly came out with a grin on his face. He removed his apron and threw it behind him. He shook hands with the surprised Gina and he left the shop.

  Mark and Greg came back with smiles on their faces. "You are now the official owner of Chocklit shop!" Cora blurted out. "What?!" Gina exclaimed in shock. "We bought it for you. Now, I am your new cook and Cora can be your manager." Wendy informed her. "Both of you quit your jobs?" she asked in surprise. Wendy and Cora nodded at the same time. " I quit my job today."Wendy said. "I did my own this evening." Cora explained. "And somebody else helped." Wendy added. "Come in, Adam." Cora called and he entered inside the shop.

  "I am really sorry about what happened." he apologized. Gina smiled and walked up to him. She threw her hands and hugged him. Adam was surprised and he hugged her back. "You guys are the best. I thank God He has answered my prayers."Gina said. Her friends grinned at her.

  Three months later,

  Gina patted her bobby blonde hair; her green eyes watched the waitresses serve the guests in her Chocklit shop. She entered the kitchen and saw a black-haired woman with blue eyes cooking dishes, it was Wendy. Then a woman with chestnut curly hair with gray eyes came inside the kitchen, it was Cora. Gina grinned at her friends.

  "Our prayers have been answered and our dreams have come true." Gina said. The girls agreed and hugged each other.

  Cora’s phone rang, playing a famous tune. She excused herself and the first thing the girls was ‘Hi, Mark’ from Cora and they all smiled. Cora and Mark had been going out for months and they seem to be hitting the love lane. “So, there will be marriage,” Gina pointed out and both girls giggled. “Hey, Gina!” a male voice called and both girls turned to meet Adam. He jogged towards them and blushed in embarrassment. “Your outburst can be heard from miles away and I am guessing Gina is the reason,” Wendy teased and he blushed deeper. “You truly love her, don’t you?” Wendy asked, quietly and Gina sent her scowling look, but Wendy ignored it. Adam glanced left and right. Gina felt uncomfortable about the silence. “You don’t need to answer,” Gina broke the silence and Wendy sensed her disappointment. “I do!” he blurted out and averted his eyes from Gina. Gina froze and Wendy smiled. “I glad to hear that, besides she loves you too, since she has been telling me about it,” Wendy told him. Adam raised his head and stared at the blushing Gina. “Really?” he asked and Wendy walked away. “Really,” Gina confessed quietly in embarrassment. Adam just grinned and pulled her into her arms and embraced her. “God will lead us from here,” Adam whispered to her and Gina nodded and closed her eyes and leaned into his embrace, feeling peace.

  “What a busy lovely day,” Wendy spoke out loud as she washed the dishes. “And it gets better,” a male voice spoke and she turned to meet Greg smiling and holding bouquet of lilies which is her favorite. She run to hug him and took the flowers from him. She beamed at him. “Ready to go for a picnic in New Jersey?” he asked and she frowned. “But I am still working,” she protested. “Don’t worry,” he assured and snapped his fingers. A tall mid-thirtyish man appeared in a chef’s outfit and bowed before the couple before setting to go and take over Wendy’s job. “You did this for me?” she said in surprise. “Of course, you are special,” he told her and she blushed. “Unlike Adam, you are so direct with your feelings,” she informed him and he laughed. “Come on, I have the driver and limo waiting for us,” he urged her. “You are really a funny person,” she said and followed him. Greg linked arms with her. “I am so blessed by God to have you,” he whispered. “Me too,” she replied and grinned.