Read The Chuckwagon Gang Page 2

  The ranch’s event planner, Twyla, went all out for both of these affairs. Not only was the ranch’s reputation on the line, but this was her magnum opus – her great work. Besides, she did not have to work alone. All of the ranch staff, including additional seasonal help, pitched in with both the preparing and the implementing of the events.

  Excitement was the buzzword of the moment, for the excitement about the annual fall events was contagious among all the ranch hands. The preparations were not really work to any of them. It was fun. They also had the added incentive of the anticipation of the fun at the events. The Ranch Rodeo was scheduled in late September; one month later they held the Harvest Festival.

  Even Rillo was picking up on the excitement. He did not know what was going on, but it did not matter. Things were happening and he was going to be right in the middle of it all. His little doggy nose sniffed everything they brought out of storage. Sometimes he followed Tex to see what he was doing. Other times he was right at Adele’s heels or bugging one of the ranch hands.

  Tex was all the more appreciative of the fall fun and being busier than normal, as he was still in the grieving mode over the loss of his friend, Marshall. Being totally involved in all the ranch happenings and whooping with the crowds when the cowboy band played would be therapy for him. Well, that and having Rillo, too. This year’s event would undoubtedly be Rillo’s first of many. He was turning out to be one first-rate ranch dog.

  Tex had been coordinating the chuckwagon races for years. He never got to take in the rest of the rodeo, but that was all right. Tex was clueless as to how other rodeos did the prepping for the chuckwagon races, but he had his own system down. The ranch had three chuckwagons – his and two others they pulled out of storage; two more were borrowed from neighboring ranches. Sheets of pegboard were placed inside and all of the cookware was carefully tied down with wire strung through the pegboard and tied behind. They had to go to great pains to make sure everything was anchored well. A pan flying off during a race could hurt one of the drivers or one of the horses. But in Tex’s estimation taking the cookware off was not an option; it simply was not a chuckwagon without it.

  The race this year was as exciting as ever. ‘Round and ‘round the chuckwagons went on the specially prepared track. Horses panted; dust was flying. Tex generally won, but Hefty won this year. He was Tex’s relief cook. Tex joked that Hefty had been practicing while he was gone to Arlington. That had them all laughing.

  The Harvest Festival also went off without a hitch. With haystack mazes, hayrides, pumpkin carving contests, apple bobbing and other fun family activities, they declared the fall season over. Winter and the holidays were drawing nigh.

  Chapter 7 – The Extra Flag

  Rillo was sulking and rather bent out of shape for he had been shut in Adele’s bathroom for the Harvest Festival so he couldn’t get out. There were too many people on the ranch and they weren’t going to take any chances on him getting hurt, or worse yet, somebody taking him. When he finally got out, he disappeared to the barn. When he was not stalking cats (teasing, but keeping his distance), he was “hiding” in the hay. Adele and Tex laughed because they knew where he was all along. Rillo got over his sulkiness, though, and was making his rounds by late morning.

  Marshall’s mom called Tex to let him know the grave marker had arrived at Arlington. As previously arranged, he was to be there with the family when it was put in place. Tex asked Harvey and Adele for three days off; he would not be gone as long this time. The leave was approved, of course. Leaving Rillo was even harder this time, but it was essential for him to be there for the family and for himself.

  When Tex left to fly into Arlington for the second time, Rillo started sulking again. Adele was kind of concerned about him because this time he would not even leave the house except as he needed to for relief. He just lay on the area rug in front of the fireplace; he even refused to eat. The next day she had to run to town for supplies. When she got back Rillo had pooped on the rug because he was angry for being left alone. The poor dog felt abandoned. Adele tried to make it up to him by giving him some brisket. That worked for about a minute before he went back to the rug for more sulking.

  Tex was quite moved by the ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. He was already deeply touched by Marshall’s family including him, but they assured him he was family, too. However, nothing prepared him for the surprise they had for him at the airport before he departed. They had gotten two flags – one from the Fort Bragg service and one from the Arlington service. The family wanted Marshall to have one. Tears poured down his cheeks as he hugged each one good-bye and thanked them. The flag was then carefully placed in his carry-on bag.

  When Tex got home, the first thing he did was proudly display the carefully folded USA flag on his fireplace mantle. Tears came into his eyes again. He sure missed Marshall. The reality was sinking in: he would not be coming home – ever.

  When the flag had been duly displayed, Tex took off to Adele’s to claim his pup. Rillo discarded his sulky countenance immediately and did a little doggy dance welcoming routine for Tex. Adele did not have the heart to tell Tex about Rillo’s sulking or the poop on the rug. No, her grieving friend did not need any more grief. She would keep it to herself; it would be hers and Rillo’s secret.

  Chapter 8 – Lena Lou

  Blessings come in all different forms. Tex was gradually dealing with his grief and the death of his friend, Marshall. God comforted him as only God can. As Tex meditated and silently thanked God for the blessing of the flag as well, the pain of the loss eased a bit. Just as he was ending his silent prayer, he received a text from Adele asking him to come over to her place. He had no way of knowing one of the biggest blessings of his life was just around the corner.

  Rillo followed Tex over to Adele’s place. If Tex was going over there, so was he. When they arrived, Tex did not bother knocking for Adele was expecting him. Tex stopped just inside the doorway, though, because right next to Adele was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Adele smiled and introduced her, informing Tex that Lena Lou was the new lead singer for the band; she had been hired that morning. Tex reached out to shake her hand, but he could not take his eyes off of her face. Adele excused herself to go get coffee for the three of them. When Adele went out of the room, Tex struggled to find his tongue. Finally he whispered in Lena Lou’s ear, “I never believed in love at first glance until now,” stammering and stuttering until they both blushed. They were still blushing when Adele came back with the coffee. She wondered what had been said to bring on the blushes as she handed each their cups of coffee before returning to the kitchen to get her own cup, but wisely kept those thoughts to herself.

  After the coffee cups were emptied, Lena Lou headed to the bunkhouse where she would be living. She needed to get settled in. Tex’s eyes continued to follow her as she walked out the door. She was wearing a turquoise western shirt, black jeans, black cowboy boots and a black cowgirl hat. Turquoise was his favorite color. Tex was head-over-heels for this gal and they had only met a few minutes before.

  When Tex and Rillo returned to their place, all Tex could do was think about Lena Lou. He wondered if she could possibly be interested in him, too. He also wondered how he could go about courting her when she lived there on the ranch. Then he chided himself for being so presumptuous. Maybe she would not want to be courted. Maybe she already had a boyfriend. That thought bothered him a bit, but Tex went to sleep thinking about Lena Lou.

  When Tex got to the kitchen the next morning, it was difficult to stay focused. If he was not careful, he was likely to cut himself when he was chopping green peppers and onions to put in the breakfast hash browns. Tex found himself hoping Lena Lou would come in for breakfast. She did. Their eyes connected and relief settled over Tex. There was no rejection there; she was silently communicating her interest.

  Adele was grinning ear-to-ear for she had been present both times when Tex and Lena Lou locked eyes. She was one sly little
matchmaker. Lena Lou was a good singer and was going to make a great lead singer for their band. But the main reason she hired Lena Lou was because she knew in her heart that Lena Lou and Tex were made for each other – no doubt about it. Love was in the air!

  Chapter 9 – White Mountain

  For the first time Tex could remember he was chafing because he was the chef and main server for the meals. He would not be able to sit with Lena Lou. And she would not be able to sit with him for the concerts as she would be on stage. A major dilemma was facing Tex and it was eating away at him.

  Tex had never exercised any of the horses before as he was busy cooking and that was the ranch hands’ job. An astute Adele was still very much in the matchmaking mode when she asked Tex to show Lena Lou around the ranch that afternoon. She suggested they walk around to all of the buildings, and ride the horses around the perimeter of the ranch so Lena Lou could see the spread. Tex teased Adele a bit by telling her to twist his arm, winking as he said it.

  Lena Lou was glad to be shown the ranch. She was even happier to have Tex be her guide. He had been at the ranch for several years, so he knew his way around. He was also quite knowledgeable about ranch operations and filled her in while they toured the outbuildings. The best part of the tour was riding the horses and the two of them being alone together. They did not hurry. They kept their horses at a slow pace and close together so they could talk about what they saw. It was a defining moment in Tex and Lena Lou’s relationship. They were relaxed and comfortable in each other’s presence. Tex was grateful for Adele’s matchmaking nudge and his time with Lena Lou.

  Adele had no way of knowing she had inadvertently solved Tex’s dilemma for courting Lena Lou on the ranch. Tex approached her about having the relief cook take over the lunch hour responsibilities and give him some responsibility with the horses. Adele made the arrangements with Harvey; it was no problem whatsoever. It was a done deal. Now Lena Lou and Tex could eat lunch together and exercise their horses by taking them out each afternoon.

  Lean Lou was from Ruidoso, New Mexico. Tex had never been there before, but he had heard of it. It was in south central New Mexico at the base of the infamous Sierra Blanca, also known as White Mountain. Tex hoped he could arrange for some time off soon so the two of them could go to Ruidoso. He really wanted to see “her” White Mountain.

  Tex did not have to ask Adele twice. The relief cook agreed to fill in and Tex got the one day off he requested. When they were en route to their destination, Tex took his time driving as he had done when they were riding horses. Lena Lou and he conversed back and forth talking about life, their backgrounds, favorite things and pet peeves – anything they could think to mention. They had much in common. The attachment between them was magnetic.

  As they neared Ruidoso, a wide bend in the highway straightened out to reveal the most beautiful mountain Tex had ever seen. He was hard-pressed to keep his eye on the road, so Lena Lou suggested they pull off at the viewpoint on the right side where they could get a clear view of the mountain and also take some photos. It was so obvious to Tex as to why she called Sierra Blanca “her mountain.” If he had his way, it would soon become “their mountain.”

  Their time in Ruidoso was idyllic. Tex hit it right off with Lena Lou’s parents with his strength of presence and his southern cowboy courtesy. Most of all they were impressed with the way he treated their daughter. She was a pretty special girl in their eyes and deserving of a life partner who valued her worth. They were confident Tex was that person. If there was any doubt at all in their minds, all they had to do was look at their daughter to see the love in her eyes for this special young man she complemented so well.

  Chapter 10 – Sealing the Deal

  Rillo absolutely adored Lena Lou. He got used to her being with Tex and got just as excited to see her as he did with Tex and Adele. Lena Lou loved him, too. Her cousins had two Dachshunds when they were growing up; they always brought the dogs with them whenever they came to visit. Tex was amazed at how the two of them jelled. Lena Lou’s love for Rillo was a sign to him. Their relationship was enduring. He was in love.

  Sensing God’s peace and His stamp of approval, Tex called Lena Lou’s dad in Ruidoso and asked for her hand in marriage. He was determined to do things the right and proper way. Her dad called him “Son” and said he and Lena Lou’s mom would gladly welcome him into the family. Now Tex could forge ahead with his proposal plan – as soon as he asked Rillo his thoughts about the matter.

  Rillo gave his seal of approval, too. Oh he did not understand all of the words, for sure, but he most definitely picked up on Lena Lou coming to stay with them and he thought that was a right good idea. The deal was sealed with one of Rillo’s kisses. Tex was free to proceed with his plans.

  Lena Lou was in love, too. Her music had brought her here to the ranch, but the love of Tex was going to keep her here. She dreamed about their future together. With much anticipation – and a little impatience – she waited for Tex’s proposal. She knew it was coming, but not when or how. The waiting would not be easy for her.

  When they took their horses out for an afternoon run the next day, Tex led them to the top of a ridge overlooking the ranch. It was a beautiful El Paso mid-winter day. The sun was bright in the sky, but it was no match for the brightness in Tex’s heart right now. He asked Lena Lou to dismount so they could rest their horses a bit after their trek up the ridge. After a slight hesitation, he gently grabbed Lena Lou’s right hand as he fell to one knee. In his own clumsy, cowboy way Tex shared his love for her and asked this gorgeous lady to marry him, quickly informing her of her dad’s approval. Lena Lou did not have to wonder or wait any more. She was ready with her “yes” answer. He put the engagement ring on her finger and gently kissed her, asking her not to wait too long for the wedding. He wanted them to get married as soon as it could be arranged. Lena Lou simply nodded her head; she was speechless.

  Rillo was duly informed upon Tex and Lena Lou’s return to the ranch. Lena Lou picked Rillo up to tell him she was going to be his new mom and would be moving in soon. Rillo excitedly planted a few kisses on her face showing his “approval” of bringing her into the family. He was still in Lena Lou’s arms when they got to Harvey’s and Adele’s place to share the exciting news with them. Now they could move forward with their wedding plans. Their smiles were as big as the State of Texas!

  Tex normally slept quite soundly at night after his full days on the ranch. However, the night before the wedding he was as restless as a willow branch in a Texas wind rush. It was not only because of being anxious about his wedding to Lena Lou and their honeymoon, but he found his thoughts drifting back to his friend, Marshall. His friend would have been quite thrilled to see Tex getting married after all this time. Also, Marshall would have moved heaven and earth to be at his side as the Best Man. Tears welled up as memories of Tex’ best friend flashed through his mind. As he tossed and turned in his bed he brushed the tears aside and said a brief prayer, again thanking God for their friendship and the great times they had shared. Finally Tex drifted off to sleep with a smile and thoughts of Lena Lou, the wedding, the honeymoon and their life together on the ranch.

  Lena Lou and Tex had a small, intimate ceremony on the ranch with Harvey, Adele, the ranch hands, Lena Lou’s band, their families and a few close friends. They took a short honeymoon to San Antonio before returning home together. Rillo did not sulk this time for he was getting a new mom out of the deal. He was one happy dog!


  Other books by Stella Dillenbeck:

  Grover, the Feisty One,

  Uncle Trucky’s Sidekick,

  Sir Walter Raleigh,

  Gold Rush,

  Finding Gold,

  Modoc Point Pups,

  A Salute to Sparky,

  Deserted in the Desert,

  Sherman, the German,

  From Tears to Triumph,

  The Dream Team,

  In the Eye of the Storm,

  Out of this World,

  Reaching the Last Frontier,

  Once Upon a Shining Star,

  The Tough Lumberjack Dog,

  From Splinters to Splendor,

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