Read The Circassian Chief: A Romance of Russia Page 6

poured out a coolingdraught, which she tendered to Ivan, who gladly drank it off, and againcomposed himself to sleep.

  Thaddeus had but a short time before thrown himself on his rude couch,and was fast wrapped in slumber, when Hagar took her seat by hisfriend's side. Commencing in a low soothing chaunt, she continuedsinging till she observed that his eyes were closely sealed in slumber.

  The words she sang, or rather chaunted, were to the following effect;but being in the Zingani language, which is known to few beyond theirown people, it is difficult to render their literal meaning; most of thepredictions she uttered whilst dressing Ivan's wound, were in the sametongue, so that he remained perfectly ignorant of the fate she hadprophesied for him.

  Spirits, I summon ye; Spirits of air, Come round this stranger, Watch him with care.

  Come, come ye misty shapes, Whence far ye stray, Shunning the glaring beams Of the bright day.

  Come from dark Egypt's land, Spirits who dwell 'Neath the vast pyramids' Deep hidden cell;

  And who were worshipp'd in Temples of old, When priests of stern Apis Men's fates foretold;

  From whence in middle earth Fearless ye dwell, Through its fierce fires, List to my spell.

  Come whence the northern blasts Furious blow, Fly on your whiten'd wings From frost and snow.

  Ye, who 'neath ocean roam, Through coral caves, Or in the sparkling foam, Sport o'er the waves:

  Ye, who on tempests ride, When the fierce blast, Driving the hapless bark, Rives the stout mast:

  Ye whose loud shriek is heard 'Mid ocean's roar, When the doom'd bark is hurl'd On the stern shore:

  Come, come, attend my will, I summon all; Haste through the elements, Come at my call.

  After a profound sleep of some hours, Ivan awoke with parched lips and afeverish thirst, which he sought to allay with more of the samerefreshing beverage before presented to him. He begged for it, and ontaking the cup, could not help fancying that the hand which offered it,was not that of the aged nurse who had previously tended him.

  He spoke, to satisfy his doubts, but receiving no answer, and drowsinessagain returning, he turned on his couch to recompose himself to sleep,when by the dim light which now issued from the lamp, he fancied that hesaw a light airy figure gliding from the tent. Yet fully aware of hisown feverish state, he attributed the idea to a delusion of the brain;nor had he much time to think on the subject ere he again sank into asound and balmy slumber.

  Volume 1, Chapter III.

  Daylight was streaming brightly through the opening of the tent, whenIvan was awakened by the cheerful voice of his host in conversation withhis friend, who had already risen. To their inquiries, he declaredhimself well nigh, if not entirely recovered, since he was able to riseand dress without feeling any inconvenience from his wound; nor did heconsider it necessary to call in again the assistance of Hagar, soefficacious had been her remedies. He was soon, therefore, on his feet,and accompanied Thaddeus and their host into the woods surrounding theencampment; the latter carrying his gun, his constant companion heinformed them, in case any game should cross the path.

  "So, my worthy host," said Thaddeus, "your camp has escaped an attackfrom our enemies."

  "I little feared them," answered the Gipsy, "as I considered that theCount Erintoff, and his myrmidons lacked the courage to attack us,however powerful his inclination to possess himself of my daughter, forthey knew that we should be prepared for them. Let them do their worst;we, the outcasts of society, and despised of men, fear them not. Thusit is, Sirs, in this unhappy country, where the haughty nobles trampleon, and oppress the soulless, and therefore helpless people; but letthem not suppose that we are of the same mould as those over whom theytyrannise! No, if we cannot oppose them by open force, we can summon toour aid our wit and stratagem.

  "They have to learn also that a day of dreadful retribution is at hand;that it will come, when least they expect it. The people will soon beaware of their own strength, however ignorant they may now be of it, andwill then no longer submit to bear the chains of servitude, to whichthey now patiently offer their necks. But your pardon, noble Sirs, youyourselves are of the privileged order, and it may not please you tohear your equals thus spoken of with disrespect; though I deem you bothvery different in nature from those I have described, and consequentlyknow that I can trust in you, or I would not thus unburden my tongue."

  Ivan was surprised to hear a man, whom he imagined to be a wild,unlettered Gipsy, give utterance to ideas so similar to those which hadbeen passing through his own mind; but still unwilling to express hisown sentiments to a stranger, he merely assured him that what he hadsaid, gave no offence, either to his friend or to himself; and hestrengthened the assurance by warmly wringing the Gipsy's hard hand ashe spoke.

  Thaddeus added, as he sauntered onwards, picking the wild flowers, thathe considered it a grievous pity, that there were not a few more honestmen like him in the world; as then there would be but little to complainof.

  "Sir," answered the Gipsy, "thousands of bosoms beat with impulsessimilar to my own, and wait but for the time and opportunity to freethemselves from bondage. It will be a dreadful crisis, for what powercan place bounds to an infuriated and desperate populace, when once theyhave received the frenzied impulse. Let those, who have been the firstcause of the insurrection, attempt to quell it; it would be as vain tohope to check the mighty torrent rushing from the before pent upglacier, when it has burst its icy bonds. But enough of this, Sirs. Iwarn you that even now, a storm is gathering which will ere long burstover this country; and may you be prepared to meet the danger when itshall come. More I may not, dare not say, and thus much gratitude, andthe certainty that I may fully trust you, have impelled me to speak,that you may benefit by the warning."

  As they retraced their steps in silence towards the camp, Ivan'sthoughts reverted to the expressions which the Gipsy had let fall.

  "And can there," he mused, "be a chance of the regeneration of thiscountry; when slavery shall no longer exist; and all men shall haveequal lights, and equal justice! Oh, how ardently do I wish that Icould be instrumental in bringing about so happy a consummation!"

  On their arrival, they found a repast laid out in front of the tent,consisting of wheat cakes, and bowls of milk. In the places assigned tothe two visitors, were laid bunches of wild flowers; that of Ivan beingdistinguished by a wild rose, with the pure morning dew yet glisteningon its delicate tinted leaves.

  "These flowers," said the Gipsy, "are my daughter's gift to her guests,though she herself cannot appear before them."

  They both expressed their thanks for the delicately marked attention,and on finishing their simple, but plentiful meal, they mentioned theirwish to resume their journey to Tver.

  The Gipsy chief endeavoured to prevail on them, in his rough, but openand manly way, to tarry another day at his camp; but they excusedthemselves on the plea of their servant being in waiting for them, andIvan declared himself fully capable of undergoing the fatigues of thejourney.

  "If we may not then keep you longer with us," replied their hospitablefriend, "we will, at least, accompany you on your way as far as theVolga; on the banks of which rapid stream, we are about to form our nextencampment, for after the occurrence of yesterday, I have deemed itprudent to move at once."

  The young men gladly accepted of his escort thus far on the road, and heaccordingly gave orders to strike the tents without delay. The orderwas obeyed most expeditiously; men, women, and children moving aboutwith the greatest alacrity in its execution. Some dismantled the tents,and rolled up their covers; others stowed their goods away in chests,each undertaking his task according to his strength. The different rudevehicles used to transport the baggage were thus quickly laden, and inthe course of a few minutes, on the spot where lately the skin-coveredvillage stood in tranquil repose, was to be seen a moving mass of noisyhuman beings; the black marks o
f their fires on the grass being the solevestiges of their transitory abode. Two wild-looking boys, whose elflocks hung down on their shoulders in tangled masses, and whose eyessparkled with intelligence, led forward the strangers' horses from asheltered spot, where they had been picqueted and well taken care of,the chief of the tribe insisting himself on holding their stirrups,while his guests mounted, as he repelled the wild-looking creatures, whogathered round to perform the office.

  Bestriding a strong built cob, which seemed fully able to perform a longday's journey, he gave the signal, and the whole caravan was set inmotion, proceeding at as rapid a pace, as the horses could drag forwardthe well piled baggage-carts.

  The horsemen led the van, while Azila, the chief's wife, and some of themore aged and feeble of the women, followed in a covered conveyance, ofrather better construction than those which conveyed