Read The Circus in Me Page 24

“Briggs!” His name being called for the 4th time. Focus shifted toward me, eyes in obsessive blazes of purpose. “You want to take a break? You zoned out there for a couple moments.” Study notes to the side. Book slammed to an abrupt close.

  “Yeah. I’m good. It’s just, there is something I am in need of telling you.” Maneuvered folded legs to crisscross over mine.

  “Go on…”

  “You will tell me the truth, the whole truth, so help you God!”

  “OK!” Intrigued by the game he wanted to play.

  “Do you wish you didn’t open that door on Halloween, when I came knocking?” A slight grin grew on his face.

  “Yes. Instead of opening it, I wish I busted it down to see your handsome face sooner.” Two can play at this childish game.

  “Good answer. Next question. Have you always had this quirky interpretation about you?” His pointer finger tapping the edge of his chin.

  “I could pledge foolishness. Yes, final answer. My mother would gasp at the attraction you have for me, dear Briggs.”

  “Noted. How long did it take you to realize I’m the one for you?” Grinning wildly.

  “The committee members are tending to their gardening. Looks like we may need to wait and see on that result.”

  “Trae Lae Livingston do you hold resentment for the fact I left and went back to your home town without your blessing or permission?” Eyes fierce letting me know the seriousness of inquiries.

  “I did. I do not now.”

  “You understand I only obligate your best interest in mind, right?”


  “Good! I am in calamitous need of explaining something to you, you see about your brother…” The connection of momentary happiness suddenly gone in a whirl wind of sibling rivalry.

  “Please! Enough, Briggs. The game was fun, although I am in no mood to converse about lifeless matters.” Almost chocking as a quoted to my brother as lifeless matter.

  “Trae Lae, wait I have to tell you this, he is… I mean Malachi is…” Briggs gently rubbed up on the edges of elbows.

  “He is a figment brother of an imagination of a life I once lived at a different time. Nothing more.” My stern voice leading his eyes to quiver and ripple with water.

  “Okay, Trae.” Agreed to disagree. His wallowing spirit to rescue something I hid far enough away even I could hardly remember all the facts and evidence offending me most of all.

  “Let’s make a new journey to somewhere we’ve ceased to come upon. Our toes the compass showing us where our heads have not led us. In our minds we can follow the heartbeats of our true loves steps. Taking us far away from harm and hurt. The silhouette of our beings glowing in the moonlight against sandy shores and desolate islands yet to be discovered. Come with me Briggs and let us be our own captain, with the treasure map to life scrawled on the blankets of our beds. A voyage awaits in my hand I’ll lead you to the vessel. In time we will find ourselves old souls amongst the waves of young adults, wondering where the time has gone. Wishing for easier moments, like chores in the old country; building houses, baking bread, quilting for visitors.” I assured him of the best possible scenario. He loved the tales I told him about adventures like this. Every moment making memories and interpretation of dreams we wish to convey openly.

  The past may have destroyed the ideas of who I once was. Presently, my reality had little to do with fate or matter of fact. The future, oh how the future smelled so sweetly of daisies and warm honey.

  Briggs stood aglow in the florescent lights in the media center. How he believed every word I wished to tell him. Hardly wondering how we would make our grand voyage together. Not worrying about specifics, but mainly believing in the possibility that one day not far off, we would have our chance to sprint freely together.

  “I love the way you speak to me. Your words flow at me like butterflies, so gentle and kind most of the time.” We smiled in accuracy to our romance.

  Making today a dot in time to recollect.
