Read The Circus in Me Page 9

  Branch President Bleu inquired about me and asked for a meeting. His office stood on the same level as the food court. A wide variety of good nutrients, everyone’s taste acutely catered. Munching on my quesadilla as friendly strangers walk by wanting to make acquaintances. Flipping my 49er cap backwards, I was open for friendships.

  Everybody could use a friend or two.

  The next fellow who came up to me preaching about Family Advocacy turned my cold blooded being into a boiling pot of hate potion.

  “Would you like to join our society we are trying to inform other individuals to take into account of the births and cohabitation outside of marriage?” His lengthy demeanor made it hard for me to get past what he had quoted.

  Did he not realize the war going on? Was there not anything better to educate and waste other people’s time with than spilling facts about abortion on food trays? What did it matter anyway? Lovers and partners no matter the gender, would do exactly what they wanted despite how numerous times you objected.

  The look I gave him scared him enough to drop a flyer and leave my surroundings. I find it hard to not yell at him. To insist not to challenge the doctrine he is an active advocate for. Did he really know about those things personally? I on the other hand had those categories of expertise in my bloodlines.


  Trae Lae sensed my intentions on avoiding her. I in fact avoiding the sight of line. Honestly, I stood behind her wondering to myself how to figure out exactly how to approach. If in reality there insisted of an approach plan. She turned toward me, her face faded from its glow as I gave an awful glare. I switched directions going the other way. Spying over my shoulder she stood amazed at my actions. I could damage her self-image by playing these mind games, tricking her into thinking that it was her to blame for us always bumping corners.

  I checked my watch 12:40 p.m. Determined to make my entrance late as possible. Fib to him that my class schedule would start earlier than promised, thanking him for his belligerent time and leave without a word from his position on my choices.

  Rapping on his oak barrier, he shouted at me to enter the domain.

  “Hello, Briggs! How have you been? Take a seat! Be right with you in one moment.” Taking my hand for a firm shake. I nod at his request.

  Several minutes later his cell phone is turned off, a signal not to be interrupted. Oh no I’m in some pretty heavy shit. I’ve gone through these stages of disapproval before. Technology and electronics placed in the rearview mirror for better attentive perspective from the accuser.

  “Briggs, how are you liking it here at BYU-I?” Fingers intertwined and white knuckles exposed.

  Expulsion stood by for reinforcement.

  “I like it okay.” Short and sweet, let’s get on with the charges.

  “I’ve been seeing you around campus with a collection of very eligible girls. Too many options for a young man like yourself could be quite confusing.”


  “Yes, Brother Bleu. Is it against school regulation to commence in such activities? Is that not the main goal of all of us being sent to private religious universities’; to marry inside the religion we were raised in?”

  Branch President smirked at me through his yellowing teeth and receding hairline. His gut almost perfect shape for a beer belly.

  “Briggs, you’ve got all the answers don’t you? The problem with your generation is you think none who’ve come before you could ever have any information to your likings.” Nodded carelessly as his words evaporated from my vision.

  “Listen here Mr. Byington I’ll make it short and sweet and to the point, so you can go on with your monumental existence.” I could have sworn he meant miserable, meaningless, and scarce in immaculateness.

  Finally, rolling my cascading eyes, get on with the punishment, Brother!

  “I have a daughter here at the university. You may have met her previously. The roommate to your latest acquaintance. Now what was her name again Tracey Liz?”

  “Tracey Aliza. Nickname Trae Lae.” Confirmation.

  “Yes that’s the one. As I was saying my daughter, Ashlee wouldn’t be very interested in the likes of you. If you would keep an appropriate distance between the two of you than that would make us more comfortable.” A tooth had gone missing the last time I met glances with him.

  Honestly, he looked sincerely normal, no yellow fangs or bald spots. He was just a man worried about his daughter’s well-being. Since the new information, I now stood very concerned for his daughter as well. Might have to pay her a visit after my meet and greet with dear old dad.

  “More comfortable for you?” Agreements in succession.

  “Do I pronounce clarity to you, Briggs?” Branch President’s arm outstretched for an approval of shakes.

  “Like fire and ice, sir.” Fist clenched and the man’s hand unshaken.

  Let me go find myself a new daughter to torture with my appearance. Finding one would not be a problem, he had so kindly gave up the location and name of the target in mind.

  Now just for the execution.

  Convincing Trae Lae I didn’t want her made the strong desires of my core cease to ignite. Plain, but certainly punctual I fondled the idea of going into her aroma once more. In quick motions I remember why I left.

  Ashlee was her name. Today I am delighted she’s entered the game.

  Hello Beautiful!
