Read The Clock Strikes Thirteen Page 18


  "Oh, Mrs. Van Cleve! You've been cheated!"

  The signing of the papers had taken Penny so by surprise that she did notweigh her words before speaking. Too late, she realized that her fathernever would approve of revealing the facts in such blunt fashion.However, having said so much, she was determined to go on.

  "My dear, what do you mean?" inquired Mrs. Van Cleve, troubled by theunexpected accusation.

  "Any money paid for this land will be lost! My father has just learned--"

  "I resent such loose talk!" Mr. Blake broke in irritably. "Mr. Bowman,whom I represent, has taken a substantial loss on the property."

  "And who is Ben Bowman?" Penny challenged. "You can't produce him, norprove that he owns the land. The title is faulty. Neither you nor BenBowman has any right to sell it!"

  "This isn't true?" Mrs. Van Cleve asked the real estate man.

  "Certainly not! You may be sure that if there is the slightest flaw inthe title, I shall return your cheque."

  "Perhaps, considering the uncertainty, it might be wise to postponepayment until I have talked again with Mr. Parker," Mrs. Van Cleve saiddiffidently.

  The real estate man made no attempt to hide his annoyance. "My dear Mrs.Van Cleve," he said, "the deal already has been completed. I have triedto remain patient, but really this is too much."

  On the table lay several typewritten papers. Clipped neatly to theuppermost one, was the cheque endorsed by Mrs. Van Cleve. Mr. Blakereached to take possession of it, but his move was deliberate. Actingimpulsively, Penny darted forward and seized the bit of paper. To thehorror of everyone in the tent, she tore the cheque into a dozen piecesand tossed them into the air.

  "There!" she announced, a trifle stunned by her own act.

  "Penelope, you shouldn't have done that," Mrs. Van Cleve reproved, butshe smiled faintly.

  "You are an outrageous child!" Mr. Blake exclaimed, losing his temper."What do you expect to accomplish by such a stupid trick? Mrs. Van Clevewill merely write out another cheque."

  "Well, under the circumstance, it might be better to wait," the clubwoman demurred. "I really shouldn't have acted without consulting Mr.Parker."

  "Unless the transaction is completed now I shall have nothing to do withthe dedication," Mr. Blake declared. "I shall decline to make my speech."

  Penny's broad grin made it clear that she thought the loss would not be agreat one.

  "Furthermore, I shall ask that my recent donation be returned," Mr. Blakeresumed severely. "I shall withdraw this property for sale--"

  "_You_ will withdraw it!" Penny caught him up. "I thought you merely wereacting as the agent for Benjamin Bowman!"

  "I mean I shall make such a suggestion to him," the real estate manamended.

  Penny waited anxiously for Mrs. Van Cleve's decision. To her relief, thesociety woman seemed annoyed by the attitude Mr. Blake had taken.

  "I am sorry," she said coldly. "If you don't wish to make the dedicationspeech, we will manage to do without your services. As for the cheque, Icannot make out another until I have discussed the situation with Mr.Parker."

  The argument went on, but Penny did not remain to hear it. Louise tookher forcibly by the arm, fairly pulling her outside the tent.

  "Haven't you caused enough trouble?" she demanded disapprovingly. "Such amess as everything is in now!"

  "I don't care," Penny replied. "I saved the Camp Fund money. Mrs. VanCleve was glad I tore up the cheque too! She just didn't dare say so."

  "There will be no dedication. What will everyone think?"

  Disconsolately, Louise gazed toward the area which had been roped off forcars. Although it was half an hour before the formal program was tostart, hundreds of persons had arrived. On a platform, built especiallyfor the occasion, an orchestra played spritely selections. There werepicnic tables and a stone fireplace for outdoor cooking.

  As the girls wandered slowly toward the river, a bus loaded with orphansarrived from the Riverview Home. With shrieks of laughter, the childrenswarmed over the grounds, taking possession of swings, sand pile, andslides.

  "It seems a pity," Louise remarked again.

  By ten o'clock the grounds were jammed with visitors. Penny knew that herfather must have arrived for the exercises, but although she searchedeverywhere, she could not find him. In roving about, she did meet Mr.Blake, who pretended not to see her.

  How matters had been arranged, the girls did not know. However, promptlyat ten-thirty, the dedication exercises began, exactly as scheduled. Mr.Blake occupied the platform with other members of the board, and at theproper time made a brief and rather curt speech.

  "Everything seems to have turned out rather well," Louise remarked inrelief. "Mr. Blake may not be such a bad sort after all."

  "Don't you believe it," Penny returned. "He's just clever enough never toput himself in a bad light if he can help it. I only hope Mrs. Van Clevedidn't give in to him and sign another cheque."

  Following the dedication exercises, a portion of the crowd dispersed, butmany persons remained to enjoy picnic lunches. Penny and Louise ate theirown sandwiches, and then watched the orphans at play.

  "The new camp director seems very efficient," Louise remarked, her gazeupon a young man who supervised the children.

  Presently, as the girls watched, the camp supervisor announced that hewould take several boys and girls for a sail on the river. The boat, atwelve-foot dinghy, had been the gift of a well-to-do Riverviewdepartment store owner.

  Immediately there was a great clamor from the children, for everyonewanted to take the first ride.

  "Only six may go," the director said, and called off the names.

  Penny and Louise wandered down to the water's edge to watch the loadingof the boat. Adelle had been one of the orphans chosen, and they wavedreassuringly to her.

  The camp director shoved off, and quickly raised the sail. There weresqueals of delight from the children as it filled, causing the craft toheel over slightly.

  "The breeze is quite uncertain today," Penny remarked anxiously. "I hopethat young man knows what he is about."

  The boat sailed a diagonal course across the river, turned, and came backon another tack. Then as the breeze died, it seemed to make no progressat all. Losing interest, Penny and Louise started to walk on down theshore.

  Scarcely had they turned away than they were startled to hear screamsfrom the river. Whirling around, they saw that the camp director was inserious trouble. A sudden puff of wind had caught the boat when it didnot have steerage way. Unable to drive ahead, it slowly tilted sideways.

  "It's going over!" Louise screamed.

  Already Penny had kicked off her shoes. Without waiting for theinevitable result, she plunged into the river. When her head emerged fromthe water, she saw the boat on its side. Two children were clinging toit, the camp director was frantically trying to support two others, whileanother girl and boy struggled wildly to keep from sinking.

  Swimming as rapidly as she could, Penny reached the overturned boat. Herfirst act was to help the camp director who was being strangled by thetwo children who clung to him. Drawing the trio to the craft, she thenseized a struggling boy by the hair, and pulled him to safety.

  "Adelle!" the camp director gasped. "Get her!"

  The little girl had been carried a considerable distance from the boat.Penny started to swim toward her, but she saw that it would not benecessary. From the forest close by had emerged an unshaven man in rough,soiled clothing. Diving into the water, he seized Adelle, and swam withher to shore.

  Penny did not return to the overturned boat for several men had waded outto tow it to land. Concerned regarding Adelle, she followed the child'srescuer.

  The man bore the orphan in his arms to a grassy spot on shore. Stretchingher out there, he hesitated an instant, and then before the crowd couldsurround him, darted quickly away toward the wood

  "Wait!" Penny shouted, wading through the shallow water.

  The man heard, but paid no heed. He entered the forest and was lost toview.

  "That was Clem Davis!" Penny thought tensely. "I'm sure of it!"

  Before she could reach Adelle, other persons had gathered around thechild. Clyde Blake pushed through the crowd.

  "What is this?" he inquired. "What has happened?"

  As the man bent over Adelle, the little girl opened her eyes, gazingdirectly into his face. For a moment she stared at him in a bewilderedway. Then, struggling to a sitting position, she pointed an accusingfinger.

  "You are the one!" she whispered shakily. "You're the man whose carkilled my Mother and Daddy!"