Read The Clock Strikes Thirteen Page 9


  Both Penny and Jerry regretted the incident, feeling that they had beenat fault because they had driven into the play area at such high speed.

  "Maybe I can send the kid a box of candy or make it up to her in someway," the reporter remarked.

  Roving about the yard, he and Penny talked to many of the orphans. Nearlyall of the children answered questions self-consciously and had little tosay.

  "We'll not get much of a story here," Jerry commented in an undertone."These youngsters are as much alike as if they had been cut from onepattern."

  "Adelle was different," Penny returned with a smile. "Almost too muchso."

  In a short while, Miss Anderson, the young woman who had taken the childaway, returned to the play yard. Penny and Jerry immediately inquiredabout the little girl.

  "Oh, she is quite herself again," the young woman responded. "The upsetwas only a temporary one."

  "Is Adelle easily frightened?" Penny inquired curiously.

  "Unfortunately, she is terrified of automobiles," responded MissAnderson. "I am afraid it is becoming a complex. You see, about a yearago both of her parents were killed in a motor accident."

  "How dreadful!" Penny gasped.

  "Adelle was in the car but escaped with a broken leg," the young womanresumed. "The incident made a very deep impression upon her."

  "I should think so!" exclaimed Jerry. "How did the accident occur?"

  "We don't know exactly, for Adelle was the only witness. According to herstory, the Hanover automobile was crowded off the road by anothermotorist who drove at reckless speed, without lights. The car upset,pinning the occupants beneath it."

  "It seems to me I remember that story," Jerry said thoughtfully. "Thehit-run driver never was caught."

  "No, according to Adelle he stopped, only to drive on again when he sawthat her parents were beyond help."

  "The man must have been heartless!" Penny declared indignantly. "Howcould he run away?"

  "Because he feared the consequences," Miss Anderson answered. "Had hebeen apprehended he would have faced charges for manslaughter, andundoubtedly would have been assessed heavy damages."

  "I take it the child has no property or she wouldn't be at thisinstitution," Jerry said soberly.

  "Adelle is penniless. Her parents were her only relatives, so she wasbrought to us."

  "It's a shame!" Penny declared feelingly. "Wasn't there any clue as tothe identity of the man who caused the fatal accident?"

  "No worthwhile ones. Adelle insists that she saw the driver's faceplainly and could recognize him again. However, she never was able togive a very good description, nor to make an identification."

  Having heard the story, Jerry was more than ever annoyed at himselfbecause he had caused the child needless suffering.

  "Miss Anderson, isn't there something I can do to make amends?" he askedearnestly. "What would the little girl like? Candy, toys?"

  "It isn't necessary that you give her anything."

  "I want to do it," Jerry insisted.

  "In that case, why not make some small bequest to the institution, orsend something which may be enjoyed by all the children."

  "Jerry, I have an idea!" cried Penny impulsively. "Why not give a party?Would that be permissible, Miss Anderson?"

  "Indeed, yes. The children love them, and outings away from theinstitution are their special delight."

  "Let's give a watermelon party!" Penny proposed, immediately consideringherself Jerry's partner in the affair. "We could take the children to anearby farm and let them gorge themselves!"

  "The children would enjoy it, I'm sure," Miss Anderson smiled. "Cantransportation be arranged? We have sixty boys and girls."

  "I'll take care of everything," Jerry promised. "Suppose we set tomorrowafternoon as the date."

  "Oh, can't we have the party at night?" Penny pleaded. "There will be afull moon. A watermelon feast wouldn't be much fun by daylight."

  Miss Anderson replied that she thought the children might be allowed toattend such a party, providing it were held early in the evening. Pennyand Jerry talked with her about various details of the plan, and thendrove away from the institution.

  "Well, you certainly got me into something," Jerry chuckled as the carturned into the main road. "Where are we going to throw this party?"

  "Oh, any melon farmer will be glad to let the children invade his patch,providing we pay for the privilege," Penny answered carelessly. "Youmight turn in at the next farm."

  Her confidence proved to be ill-founded, for Mr. Kahler, the farmer whomthey accosted, would not consider the proposition.

  "The children will trample the vines, and do a lot of damage," hedeclined. "Why don't you try the Wentover place?"

  At the Wentover farm, Jerry and Penny likewise were turned down.

  "No one wants sixty orphans running rampant over his place," the reporterobserved in discouragement. "We may as well give up the idea."

  "It's possible Mrs. Davis would allow us to hold a muskmelon party at herfarm," Penny replied thoughtfully. "Now that her husband has skipped, shemust be in need of money."

  The chance of success seemed unlikely. However, to please Penny, Jerrydrove to the Davis property. To their surprise they found the placehumming with activity. Professional melon pickers were at work in thepatch, and Mrs. Davis, dressed in overalls, was personally supervisingthe laborers.

  "I have no time to answer questions!" she announced to Jerry before hecould speak. "Please go away and leave me alone!"

  "Oh, I'm not here in an official capacity this time," the reportergrinned. "We want to make you a business proposition."

  He then explained what he had in mind. Mrs. Davis listened attentivelybut with suspicion.

  "It's likely some trick!" she declared. "I'll have nothing to do withit!"

  "Mrs. Davis, we're not trying to deceive you," Penny interposedearnestly. "We've tried several other farms before we came here. No oneis willing to let the children trample the vines."

  "I suppose it wouldn't hurt mine," the woman admitted. "By tomorrow nightwe'll have all the best melons picked and sorted. I reckon the youngsterscan have what's left in the patch."

  "We'll pay you well for the privilege," Jerry promised, taking out hiswallet.

  "I don't want your money," the woman answered shortly. "Just see to itthat the youngsters don't tear up the place."

  Neither Penny nor Jerry wished to accept such a favor, but Mrs. Davisfirmly refused to take pay.

  "You know, I think the old girl has a tender heart beneath a hardexterior," the reporter remarked after the woman had gone back to thepatch. "Down under she's a pretty decent sort."

  For a time Penny and Jerry watched the laborers at their work. Heapingbaskets of melons were brought from the patch to the barn. There theywere sorted, stamped, and packed into crates which were loaded into atruck.

  "Nice looking melons," the reporter remarked. "Mrs. Davis should make apretty fair profit."

  An elderly workman, who was sorting melons, glanced sideways at Jerry,grinning in a knowing way.

  "Maybe," he said.

  "What do you mean by that?" Jerry questioned him.

  "Sellin' melons is a speculative business," the old fellow shrugged. "Youain't sure o' anything until your harvest is sold and you get the moneyin your fist."

  Penny and Jerry watched the sorting work for a few minutes longer andthen returned to the car.

  "You know, for a minute I thought that old duffer was hinting atsomething," the reporter remarked. "He acted as if it would give him realpleasure to see something happen to Mrs. Davis' melons."

  "Oh, I didn't take it that way," Penny responded. "He was only waxingphilosophical."

  The hour was late. Knowing that he might be wanted at the _Star_ office,Jerry drove rather fast over the bumpy road.

  As the press car sped around a bend, a man who
stood leaning against afence post, quickly retreated into the woods. His act, however, had drawnPenny's attention.

  "Stop the car, Jerry!" she cried. "There he is again!"

  "Who?" demanded the reporter, slamming on brakes.

  "I think it's the same man who hid in the cornfield!" Penny exclaimedexcitedly. "It must be Clem Davis!"