Read The Coast of Adventure Page 20



  On a hot evening not long after he left Havana, Cliffe sat in a room ofthe old Spanish _presidio_ at Valverde. The building was in harmony withthe decayed town, for it had been begun in more prosperous times, andits lower courses were solidly laid with stone. Molded doors and windowsspoke of vanished art, and the gallery round the central _patio_ wasraised on finely carved pillars, but Valverde had fallen on evil daysand the _presidio_ had been finished with adobe mud. It had served atdifferent times as the seat of the government, the barracks, and thejail, and now, when part had fallen down, the rest had been rudelyrepaired, and Gomez was quartered there when he visited the port.

  Outside, the ruinous building still retained a certain dignity, but thiswas not so within, where degenerate taste was shown in the tawdrydecoration, and Gomez's sitting-room frankly offended Cliffe with itssuggestion of effeminate luxury. Gaudy silk hangings hid the old adobewalls, a silver lamp with a smoked chimney hung from the ceiling bytarnished chains, and highly colored rugs were spread upon the dirtyfloor. There were inartistic but heavily gilded French clocks andmirrors; and over all a sickening scent of perfume.

  Cliffe found it more pleasant to look out through the open window at thetown, which lay beneath him, bathed in moonlight. The close-massed,square-fronted houses glimmered white and pink and yellow, with narrowgaps between them where a few lights burned; a break, from which duskyfoliage rose, marked the _alameda_. In front ran a curving beach wherewet sand glistened below a bank of shingle and a fringe of surf brokewith a drowsy roar. Though it was not late, there was no stir in thestreets; an air of languorous depression brooded over the town. Gomezseemed to feel that it needed an explanation.

  "Our trade," he said, "is prosperous, but we do not encourage the peopleto gather in the plaza, and the cafes are watched. They are the stormcenters: it is there the busybodies talk. The man who stays at home andminds his business is seldom a danger to the State. He dislikes change,and has no time to waste on idealistic theories."

  "I guess that's true, up to a point," Cliffe agreed. "The industriouscitizen will stand for a good deal, but he's a man to reckon with whenthings get too bad. He doesn't talk, like the others; he's been trainedto act, and there are developments when he makes up his mind about whathe wants. However, this is not what we're here to discuss."

  "No; but the state of the country has something to do with the matter.We admit that there have been manifestations of discontent, anddisturbances caused by mischievous persons who love disorder, and wemust enforce quietness and respect for authority. This, you willunderstand, costs some money."

  "I've subscribed a good deal," Cliffe reminded him. "I'm anxious tolearn when I'm going to get it back."

  "The wish is natural. May I point out that in generously offering helpyou threw in your lot with the Government and made our interests yours?"

  "I see that pretty clearly," Cliffe replied with a touch of grimness,for he recognized the skill with which he had been led on until he couldnot draw back without a heavy loss. "Anyway, as you seem to haveweathered the storm, I want my reward. In short, I've come to find outwhen your President means to sign the concessions."

  "It will be as soon as possible; there is a small difficulty. We have anelective legislature; an encumbrance, senor, which hampers theadministration, but in times of discontent it has some influence. Ourpeople are jealous of foreigners, and there are interested persons readyto work upon their feelings. This is why the President hesitates aboutgranting fresh concessions until he has found a way of silencing hisenemies among the representatives. You perceive that I am frank withyou."

  "It's what I like; but you haven't told me yet what I want to know. Now,unless I can find out exactly when I may expect the papers signed, I'llfeel compelled to shut off supplies. I'd rather cut my loss than go onenlarging it."

  Gomez looked pained.

  "I must remind you, with some diffidence, that others have offered theirhelp," he said.

  "They offered it; they haven't paid up. I expect you'll find they'llinsist on knowing when you mean to deliver the goods. That's myposition; I stand firm on it."

  "Very well. Before answering, I must inform the President."

  "You needn't. I'm going to take this matter to headquarters."

  "Unfortunately, the President has gone to Villa Paz for a short rest. Ifear he would not like to be disturbed."

  "He will see me; he has to," Cliffe declared.

  "After all, it is possible, but I see a difficulty. There is no inn atVilla Paz where the senorita could find accommodation and the Presidentis, like myself, a bachelor. He could receive you, but not the senorita.Our conventions are antiquated, but they must be considered. It is thiswhich prevents me from offering my hospitality."

  Cliffe pondered for a few moments. The conventions Gomez mentioned werejustified, because women are not treated in his country as they are inthe United States, and Cliffe could not leave Evelyn alone in theValverde Hotel. For all that, he must see the President, and he imaginedthat although Gomez had made some difficulties the fellow was willingthat he should go. Gomez was a clever rogue, but Cliffe thought he couldbe trusted so long as their interests did not clash.

  He looked up sharply, for there was a sudden stir in the town. Cliffewas conscious of no definite sound, but he felt that the quietness hadbeen broken and he saw that Gomez was listening. The man's fleshy facewas intent; the stamp of indulgence had gone and given place to a lookof fierce cruelty. He had become alert and resolute; this struck Cliffeas significant, as there was, so far, nothing to cause alarm.

  In a few moments a murmur broke out, and swelled while Gomez walked tothe open window. The streets were suddenly filled with the patter ofhurrying feet, and the confused outcry became a menacing roar. Cliffejumped up. He had heard something like it when a mob of desperatestrikers drove the police through an American manufacturing town; andnow his daughter was alone at the hotel.

  "What is it?" he asked.

  "A tumult," Gomez answered. "I do not think it will be serious. We haveplaced a guard about the hotel, so the senorita is safe. But you willexcuse me for a few minutes."

  He went into an adjoining room, and Cliffe, standing by the window,heard a telephone call. After this, all sounds inside the house weredrowned by the growing uproar outside. Cliffe could see nothing of theriot, but he thought he could locate it in one of the dark gaps thatpierced a block of houses some distance off. The clamor gained in effectfrom the mystery that surrounded its cause.

  Two pistol shots rang out and there was a wild shouting, but the note offury had changed to alarm. Cliffe thought he could hear men running, andhe pictured the mob pouring down the narrow street in flight, for thecries grew less frequent and receded. At last they died away, and agroup of men moving in regular order came out of the mouth of a street.They seemed to have a prisoner in their midst, and four peons ploddedbehind, carrying something on a shutter. Then they all vanished intothe gloom, and when their measured steps were getting faint Gomezreturned with an unpleasant smile.

  "It is nothing," he said. "We had planned the arrest of a troublesomeperson called Castillo, who is a favorite with the mob. There was someexcitement, and a few stones were thrown, but only one attempt at arescue, the leader of which was shot by the rural guards. As he was aman we suspected of sedition, this has saved us some trouble."

  Cliffe looked at him, as one who might study a new species of animal orsome rare and ugly plant.

  Gomez spread out his hands.

  "It is worth noting that the affair proves our strength," he saidgloatingly. "We have seized a popular leader of the discontented, andthere was no determined resistance. One may consider it an encouragingsign."

  Cliffe nodded agreement, and Gomez changed the subject.

  "I have been thinking," he said. "If you are resolved to see thePresident, Senora Herrero, wife of the _alcalde_, whom you have met,would take care of the senorita while you are away. They
are people ofsome importance, and she would be safe with them."

  This struck Cliffe as a good suggestion, and when Gomez accompanied himto the _alcalde's_ house the matter was arranged with Evelyn's consent.The next morning Cliffe set off with a relay of mules and three or fourdays later was received by the President at a little town among thehills. Nothing was said about business until he had rested and dined,and then he sat with his host on a veranda half hidden bybougainvillea, looking down on the dim littoral that ran back to thesea.

  President Altiera differed from his secretary. He looked more of anautocratic soldier than a diplomatist. There was a hint of brutalityabout him, and Cliffe thought he would rather use force than guile. Theman had a coarse, strong face, and his eyes were stern, but he wasrather reserved than truculent.

  "Senor," he said, "since I understand you were determined to see me, itis an honor to welcome you, and my house and self are at your command. Iimagine, however, that neither of us often wastes much time oncompliments."

  "My excuse is that I find one does best by going to headquarters whenany difficulties arise. It seemed possible that your secretary mightsmooth down my remarks before transmitting them."

  "And you do not wish them smoothed down," Altiera dryly suggested.

  "I think it best that we should understand each other."

  "That is so. What do you wish to understand?"

  "When I may expect the sealed grant of the concessions."

  "In two months, provided that my enemies do not kill me first, which Ithink is hardly probable."

  "One hopes not, but there is another risk; not large, perhaps, but to bereckoned with."

  Altiera laughed.

  "That the people may choose another President? No, senor. I rule thiscountry. When I cease to do so it will be because I am dead. Let us becandid. Your concessions depend upon the luck that may attend someassassin's attempt, and I take precautions."

  Cliffe thought this was true. Altiera carried a pistol, and could use itremarkably well, and two armed guards were posted outside the veranda.

  "There is a condition," Altiera said. "The concessions will be yours intwo months, but payment of the money my secretary asked for must be madein a fortnight, or, if this is impossible, as soon as you get home."

  "It would suit me better to take the concessions in a fortnight and payin two months," Cliffe retorted coolly.

  "I am not a trader, senor; I do not dispute and haggle over a bargain."

  "Neither do I," said Cliffe. "Still, it's necessary for a trader tostate his terms."

  There was silence for a few moments, and Cliffe, studying hisantagonist's face, thought his statement justified. The man might usebrutal means to gain his end, but he would not contend about a smalladvantage.

  "Very well," the President conceded. "Though it will cause me someembarrassment, I make another offer. You shall have the grant in amonth."

  "A month is too long to wait."

  Altiera rose and stood with his brown hand clenched upon the back of hischair and his brows knitted. It seemed to cost him an effort to maintainhis self-control, and Cliffe saw that he had pressed him hard. For allthat, he did not mean to yield. He had gone farther than was prudent,and knew when to stop.

  "You understand what you risk by your exactions?" Altiera askedmenacingly.

  "Senor Gomez made that plain. I have no security for the money alreadypaid, except your honor."

  Altiera bowed.

  "Though the situation is difficult and you make it worse, I believe yourconfidence is not misplaced. Well, since one or two of my ministers mustbe consulted, I cannot give you an answer for a week; but the country ishealthful in this neighborhood, and you may be interested in studyingits resources. My house is at your disposal, and your comfort will beprovided for while I see what can be done."

  It took Cliffe a minute or two to make up his mind. He would rather havegone back to Valverde at once; but he felt that he must finish hisbusiness before returning. Although he had some misgivings, he agreed tostay.

  In reaching his decision he thought Evelyn safe with the _alcalde_; buthe had not reckoned on the cunning of Secretary Gomez.