Read The Coast of Adventure Page 28



  The sun had set when Walthew urged his worn-out mule up a narrow trackthat twisted along the hillside through thick timber. The evening wasvery dark, and thin mist drifted among the giant trees. Creepersstreamed down from their interlacing boughs, damp brush projected fromthe sides of the trail, and Walthew growled savagely when he wasbuffeted by clusters of dewy leaves. His head ached, the perspirationdripped from his hot face, and he was sore in every limb, while he foundthe steamy atmosphere almost unbreathable.

  The cut on his head was healing, but after a long, forced march from thecoast, he had at sunrise left the camp where he and the revolutionarieshad spent the night. The country ahead was reported to be watched by thePresident's soldiers, and as the party was not strong enough to fight,they had separated, hoping to slip past the pickets singly and meet at arendezvous agreed upon. Walthew reached the spot without being molested,but although he waited for an hour nobody else arrived. It seemedpossible, however, that he had mistaken the place, and he determined topush on to Rio Frio, trusting that his companions would rejoin himthere. He had been told that as the President had dealings withforeigners he might be allowed to pass by any soldiers he fell in withwhen they saw he was an American.

  He was, however, still a long way from Rio Frio, his mule was exhausted,and he doubted if he were going the right way. There was nothing to beseen but shadowy trunks that loomed through the mist a yard or two off,and faint specks of phosphorescent light where the fireflies twinkled.

  Rocking in his saddle with a painful jar, Walthew thought that if thejaded beast stumbled again as badly it would come down, and he halfdecided to dismount. He felt that he would be safer on his feet; but themule, recovering, turned abruptly without his guiding it, and a fewmoments later the darkness grew thinner.

  The trees now rose on one side in a dense, black mass, the ground wasmore level, and Walthew saw that the animal had struck into a road thatled through a clearing. He followed it, in the hope that there was a_hacienda_ near, and soon a light shone in the distance. The mule nowneeded no urging, and in a few minutes a building of some size loomedagainst the sky. Walthew rode up to it, and as he reached the archedentrance to the _patio_ a man appeared, while another man moved softlybehind him as if to cut off his retreat.

  "Can I get a fresh mule here and perhaps something to eat?" he asked ascarelessly as he could.

  "Certainly, senor," said the man. "If you will get down, we will put thebeast in the stable."

  Walthew hesitated. There was no obvious reason why he should distrustthe fellow, but he imagined that he had been watching for somebodycoming down the road. The mule, however, was worn out, and he did notthink he had much chance of escaping if treachery was intended.

  "Very well," he said, dismounting, and when another man came up, hestumbled after the first into the passage.

  "You have ridden far, senor, and will enjoy a rest," his guide remarked."One does not lose time by stopping for food on a long journey."

  Walthew felt more suspicious. They were now near a lamp that hung in thearch, and although his companion was dressed like a peon his voicesuggested some education. The feeling that his arrival had been expectedwas stronger, but it was too late to turn back and he went on,surreptitiously making sure that his automatic pistol was loose. He wastaken across the _patio_, up an outside staircase, and along a balcony,where his guide opened a door.

  "The house is at your disposal," he said with Spanish politeness, bowingto Walthew to enter.

  The door was closed sharply and Walthew wondered if he had been trappedas he cast a quick glance about. The room was large, badly lighted, andscantily furnished. Two of its windows were open, but he remembered thatthey must be some distance from the ground. There seemed, however, to beno reason for alarm. At the far end of the room a table was laid forsupper, and a girl and a priest sat near it. They rose as he cameforward.

  Walthew gasped.


  The girl seemed equally astonished.

  "Senor Walthew!" she exclaimed, and her tone indicated both perplexityand concern. Walthew's clothes were gray with dust, his pose was slackwith fatigue, and a dirty bandage covered his forehead.

  "You seem surprised," he managed to say; "I guess _I_ am." The gleam inhis eyes showed the pleasure he felt. "I didn't expect to find youhere."

  "But where do you come from?"

  "From the San Lucar lagoon; traveled as fast as I could, but lost mycompanions in the bush. They belong to your party."

  The priest came forward and Walthew recognized Father Agustin.

  "There has been a mistake," the priest said to Blanca, and bowed toWalthew. "You will excuse me; I have an order to give."

  Walthew thought it had something to do with his arrival. He was nolonger suspicious, but puzzled. He was among friends, but they hadreceived him in a curious manner.

  He turned to Blanca with a smile.

  "It looks as if I'm intruding, but I hope you won't turn me out."

  "Oh, no," she said with a compassionate glance that thrilled him. "Youseem ill and tired. Are you hurt?"

  "Not much; a scratch on my head. But are you safe here? They told us thewoods were full of the President's soldiers."

  "We shall be gone at daybreak, and we have a guard." Blanca paused andresumed with an air of relief: "It was fortunate you did not pass thehouse."

  "That's a sure thing," Walthew agreed. "However, I guess I know whatyou mean. When I pulled up I fancied your friends were watching for me,and I'd have found the road blocked if I'd gone on. Don't you think youhad better tell me what it's all about?"

  Blanca hesitated with some color in her face, but just then FatherAgustin returned.

  "I have warned the men," he informed the girl.

  "Senor Walthew wishes to know what is going on," she said.

  "It might be better that he should know, and he is to be trusted; butyou must decide whether you will tell him or not."

  Blanca was silent for a moment, and then began in a rather strainedvoice:

  "We have a spy in the President's household, and word was sent us that aman would leave Villa Paz with some important despatches for Gomez. Webelieve they contain instructions about what he must do when thefighting begins, but, to avoid suspicion, Altiera is sending a foreigntrader to whom he has given some privileges. We expect him to stop andchange mules here, because the _hacienda_ belongs to one of thePresident's supporters."

  "I see!" said Walthew. "He would not have carried the despatches pastthis house. But where is its owner?"

  "Hiding at a _hacienda_ some distance off. He is a timid man, and we hadhim warned that the rebels were coming to burn the place. An hour afterhe left with his family we took possession."

  "But why did Don Martin send you?" Walthew asked sharply. "Hasn't he menenough?"

  Blanca blushed and looked embarrassed, but the next moment she liftedher head with an air of pride. There was a sparkle in her deep blueeyes.

  "I am a patriot, senor, and ready to make a sacrifice for my country. Wemust seize the despatches, but we do not wish to use force on aforeigner, because this might lead to trouble. Our plan was to changethe papers for others and send the messenger on without his knowing thathe had lost them. It would not be an easy matter----"

  "In short," Father Agustin interposed with some dryness, "the senoritathought she might succeed where a man would fail."

  The blood rushed to Walthew's face, for he understood. Blanca meant touse her personal charm to trick and rob the messenger. It seemed to himan outrage; but she fixed her eyes on him, and they had a haughty,challenging look. She was daring him to deny that the course she meantto take was warranted. He was furiously angry, but he tried to be just,and he knew that she would not go too far.

  "It seems you do not approve!" she said.

  Walthew felt a thrill. In a sense, she had admitted that his goodopinion was worth something; but he saw that he must be car
eful. She wasproud and had the fiery Spanish temperament. He might lose her by a hintof doubt.

  "No," he said, "I don't approve; but I can conquer my prejudices, as youmust have done. It is hateful to think of a woman's doing such work, butone must admire the courage that has helped you to undertake it. I daresay the cause demands the sacrifice."

  The girl's expression softened, and she smiled as she turned to thepriest.

  "Do you not think Senor Walthew has answered well?"

  "It is obvious that he has tact, and I think he has feeling," saidFather Agustin. "But has he not some news for us, perhaps?"

  "I have," said Walthew. "I want your help."

  He began with the arrival of Evelyn's message, and Blanca started as ifabout to speak, but Father Agustin stopped her by a sign. Her face grewintent as Walthew told how they had driven the _Enchantress_ before thegale, and her eyes sparkled when he deprecatingly related the struggleon the beach.

  "I think you have no reason to apologize," she said. "They must havesent a strong guard, and you tried to rescue your friend alone. Miguelwas right; there was nothing to be done by two or three men withknives." Then she paused with a thoughtful look. "It seems you do notknow that Miss Cliffe is safe with us."

  "It is a relief to learn that," Walthew said with feeling.

  "Since she was at Rio Frio when she sent the note, it is plain thatGomez added the few lines that led you into the trap. But we must thinkhow we can rescue Mr. Grahame. You suggest that the men who came withyou from San Lucar have no plans?"

  "No. They expected to gather a force on the way, but the peons hadalready gone off to join Don Martin. We meant to steal into Rio Frio andthen see what could be done. All I know is that I'm not going backwithout my partner."

  "We may find a way to set him free, but it will need some thought,"Father Agustin remarked. "When a thing looks difficult, force is notalways the best means."

  "It doesn't seem likely to be of much use now," Walthew gloomily agreed."I'd six of your countrymen with me until I lost them, and we were toldthat Gomez was filling Rio Frio with soldiers.... But how did you cometo take a part in this affair?"

  Father Agustin's eyes twinkled.

  "I came as duenna. You were surprised when you heard what the senoritahad undertaken, but it appeared that my presence might be something of aprotection and, perhaps, a guarantee. One concludes that this did notstrike you."

  Walthew looked embarrassed, but Father Agustin smiled.

  "You look as if you need refreshment," he said. "We will have our suppernow."

  When the meal was finished, Father Agustin kept Walthew talking whileBlanca leaned back silently in her chair. Her look was strained, andonce Walthew surprised her cautious glance at the clock.

  "I had forgotten the despatch-carrier," he said with some sharpness. "Hedoesn't seem to be coming."

  "There is another road; longer and at present dangerous," explainedFather Agustin. "We have had it watched, but this is the obvious way fora messenger to take."

  "For all that," said Walthew steadily, "I hope the fellow will choosethe other."

  Neither of them answered. Blanca lay back in her chair; the priest satwith one elbow on the table, his cheek resting on his upturned palm. Hewas very tired.

  Walthew studied him for a moment and then put his thoughts into words.

  "It is curious, Father Agustin, that whenever I have met you thingsbegan to happen."

  "It is possible. Perhaps a priest is most needed where there is trouble,and my mission is not always peace. One looks forward to the time whenlust and greed and cruelty shall no longer rule the hearts of men, butit has not come yet."

  Walthew lighted the cigarette his host passed over to him. Though FatherAgustin had told him nothing new and his manner was by no meansdramatic, he felt impressed. The quiet priest in his shabby cassock andclumsy, raw-hide shoes, had somehow a dominating personality. It washard to tell what part he took in the revolution, but even if it werenot directly active, Walthew thought him a moral force that must bereckoned with.

  For a time nothing was said. There was no sound in the room except theticking of the clock, and it seemed to Walthew that the house had adeserted feeling; he imagined that there was nobody in it exceptthemselves. He grew angry and pitiful by turns as he glanced at Blanca.It was a hateful task she had been given, but he saw that she meant tocarry it out. He wanted to get on, because Grahame might be in danger,but he could not leave until the despatch-carrier came. One could trustFather Agustin, but Walthew felt that he must be on hand.

  It got cooler, and a faint, earthy smell crept in through the windows.Now and then the lamp flickered in a passing draught, and once or twicethey forced themselves to talk, but the effort was obvious and thevoices presently died away. After this the quietness became oppressive,and by degrees Walthew grew drowsy. Rousing himself, he felt ashamed ashe glanced at the girl. She did not move, but her pose was tense, and heknew that she was watchful. He resented the craving for sleep when shewas bearing a heavy strain, but he had traveled fast since he left thelagoon and his exhausted body demanded rest.

  He would not give in, and at last he started as a faint throbbing soundreached him from outside. It came from a long way off, but grew plainer,and he saw Father Agustin lean forward. Then Blanca stood up with atinge of color in her face and a tightening of her lips. Somebody wasriding hard down the road. There was a shout and a sharp answer.

  For a few moments the three stood waiting with forced calm, and then aman hurriedly entered.

  "Pepe is here, senor," he announced.

  "Ah!" said Father Agustin quietly. "Bring him in." He turned to Walthew."It is one of our men who watched the other road. Something has gonewrong."

  Walthew saw Blanca's expression change. Although she had meant to getthe despatches, he knew she felt relieved.

  Pepe entered. His face was wet with perspiration and he spoke with abreathless quickness that prevented Walthew's following what he said.Still, it was plain that his news was bad, for his manner wasapologetic, and Father Agustin looked thoughtful.

  "Wait outside; we may want you," he said and turned to Walthew afterdismissing the fellow. "The messenger must have been suspicious and ourmen have blundered. It was very dark and he came upon them suddenly.One was shot as he seized the mule and the messenger escaped before theycould mount, but he was forced to turn back."

  "Could he pass them by making a round?"

  "It is not likely. There is this road and the other, with thick forestbetween, and both are guarded. The man must wait for daylight, and I donot think he will reach Rio Frio. We may turn this to your advantage,but it needs thought."

  He sat down and lighted a cigarette, and Walthew waited in silence untilhe looked up.

  "It is possible that Gomez will offer your comrade his liberty inexchange for information he can use against Don Martin."

  "Grahame will give him none," Walthew answered emphatically.

  "Then I imagine he is in some danger. You would take a risk to rescuehim?"

  "Of course!"

  "Very well. Gomez is waiting for instructions and probably knows thatthe messenger is a foreigner. I suggest that you impersonate him. Theguards will let you pass, and Gomez will, no doubt, receive you alone.Then you must try to extort an order for your friend's release."

  "I'm a pretty good shot," said Walthew meaningly. "I might get himcovered before I begin."

  Father Agustin made a sign of impatience.

  "Your best argument will be this--if you are detained for more than afew minutes, there will be a tumult in the town. Gomez will hesitateabout forcing a rising before he gets his orders. Then as soon as youenter the house some of our people will find an excuse for loiteringabout the door. The soldiers are not well drilled; it might not bedifficult to surprise and disarm the sentry, and then the house could beseized. For all that, there is a risk. Success will depend upon yournerve and coolness."

  "I can't think of any better plan," said Walthew.

  Blanca gave him a quick glance, and he thrilled as he saw a hint oftrouble in her face. He thought she was unwilling that he should runinto danger, but the next moment her eyes sparkled.

  "It will work!" she said. "I am coming to help!"

  Walthew made a sign of protest, but she would not let him speak.

  "I promised to get the despatches, and the messenger may arrive whileyou are with Gomez. Then somebody must make arrangements for the door tobe watched, and I am known in Rio Frio. I can find trustworthy men." Sheraised her hand imperiously. "You need not object, senor. I am going!"

  Walthew was forced to acquiesce, and an hour afterward they left the_hacienda_ and rode through the dark bush with two well-armed men behindthem.