Read The Collection, Vol. 1 Page 11

Chapter I

  The problem

  General Burns walks into his office and sees a man cuffed with a bag over his head, in his large brown office chair, and two armed guards standing on each side of Burns asks the two guards, “Is the bag really necessary?”

  One of the guards replies, “We couldn’t risk him seeing where we took him.

  Then Burns asks, “And why does he need to be cuffed then?”

  “Well he was somewhat resistant when we tried to put him in the car” replied one of the guards.

  “Take the bag off his head, and the cuffs too, those are not necessary anymore.”

  The guards take off the bag and hand cuffs.

  Burns says, “Hello I’m general burns. Nice to meet you,” the man says


  General Burns interrupts the man “You’re doctor Desmond Galloway graduated top off your class from Harvard, after that you went into a top secret job making the first time machine, we know you’ve been very paranoid, we even know when you were a baby you fell and hit your head on a door hinge and have a scar on the back right of your head, we know things about you, you may not even know,”

  Desmond, with a confused face asks him “like what?”

  “Your left kidney is smaller than your right one” replies Burns.

  “Wow I’m impressed, but why do you care about me?” asks Desmond.

  “You two can leave” burns says to the two guards,

  “I understand you were head scientist on the original time traveling project, project alpha? Is that not correct doctor Galloway?”

  “Call me Desmond please I never liked the name Galloway, and yes, you are correct, I was head scientist, but that project was scraped a long time ago” replies Desmond.

  “Why was it scraped?” asked burns.

  “well we got it into working condition, but it didn’t work, you know how T.V breaks a picture up into millions of small particles and sends them through the air and reassembles them on the other side?” replied Desmond.

  “Yes I know that” burns replied.

  “well that’s basically how time travel works except, the time machine would open its own black whole, like a portal to a deferent time period, and the millions of particles’ would get shot through and be reassembled on the other side” says Desmond.

  “Did it work?” Burns asked.

  “well give or take a few million particles, we sent a chimp through it to a day in the future, and you know when a T.V. isn’t working and the picture isn’t reassembled right, that happened to the chimp, he was missing his legs, patches of skin, a few fingers, and when wex-rayed him parts of his brain and internal organs were missing. It was estimated to be at least another thirty or forty years until it was complete, so the president decided to scrap the project” said Desmond.

  “well we think a group of scientists got a hold off the original plans and they’ve profited it, we think they’ve been time traveling to deferent places and taking things and selling them on the black market, it’s probably making them very rich, and we need your help to catch them since you’re the only one who truly knows it best.” says Burns with a serious tone in his voice.

  “So if I help you what’s in it for me?” asked Desmond.

  “One the feeling of helping your countries, two we won’t make you disappear after this, and three if it’s a success we will found the rebuilding of your sons collage but only if we succeed.” Desmond was very proud of his son, and loved he worked at a collage but he did not like the collage his son worked at it was run down and going bankrupt, but he knew his son loved it.

  Desmond thought about his son, “Dr. Cole Galloway” his son was a professor at the University of Ohio, but sadly the collage was very old and run down. Cole could easily get a job at Harvard or Yale, but for Cole there could never be any other college he would ever want to teach at. The collage was about to go bankrupt and to Cole the thought of the collage going bankrupt almost made him cry. And Desmond knew that.

  “Ok I’m in I’ll need a quit place to work and I’ll need a lot of resources this won’t be easy,” Burns says

  “You can have anything you want, we’re the government, and you need something, anything it will be on your desk within the hour.”

  Julita’s Story

  Julita Robinett