Read The Collector Page 4

I stood before my bedchamber door, hearing a voice on the other side. It was beckoning me... calling me by name. Compelled by an overwhelming desire to follow it, I reached for the latch and unlocked the door. I opened it, allowing my eyes to adjust to the dark.

  “Hello?” I called softly into the corridor, sensing my body had erupted in gooseflesh. I could feel my limbs shaking so hard I wondered if my legs could hold me up. With my heart beating nearly out of my chest, I questioned if it was wise to roam about the castle in the dark.

  Suddenly, I saw a sliver of movement at the end of the hall, but the form blended with the shadows, making it hard to identify the mysterious figure.

  Curious, I ran towards it without thought for my own safety. Seeing movement by the circular staircase, I followed, thinking I could catch them. However, their form disappeared further into the darkness, and I was forced to use my other senses. I waited by the threshold to the staircase, anticipating a clue to the person’s whereabouts. I concentrated hard on anything I could hear, but it was hard to hear anything over the beating of my own heart which pounded in my ears. Trying to still my breaths and decrease the rate of my heartbeats with my mind, I tried to focus harder on the space around me. After a few seconds, my hearing became keener, and I managed to make out the soft sound of footsteps descending the stone staircase.

  “Wait!” I called as I began to descend, running down the stone steps as fast as I could, but it was physically impossible for me to reach the figure.

  Just as I reached the end of the round staircase, I ran down the second floor hall leading to the main stairs, hoping to find the figure descending. Seeing no one in the darkness, I decided to search the main floor. Before I could descend, I saw movement from the corner of my eye. Turning on my heel, I watched as a paned-glass door swung gently shut. The door led outside to a rooftop terrace located over the castle’s one story right wing. The terrace at the other side of the door was composed of the same stone that covered the castle and was surrounded by a half wall of merlons and crenels. There was no decor which decorated this outdoor space since it was rarely used.

  Trying to calm my beating heart, I exhaled slowly as I approached the door. Wiping my sweaty palm on my pant leg, I inhaled quickly, reaching for the doorknob before I had time to think.

  Swinging the door open, I stepped outside and instantly realized I was not alone. There was a woman covered under the shadow of night. As she stood on the other end of the terrace, I could tell her back was to me as she was looking out at the plains.

  Seeing the outline of her form, I could tell that her height and build was similar to my own. She wore a gown that was fitted at the top with long sleeves. The skirt of the dress was a full A-line and reached the stone pavers. A small train was noticeable as the back of it pooled on the ground. It was impossible to tell what color the dress was although it did appear to be a deep jewel tone.

  Unable to look away, I stared at the woman intently, hoping she would solve the mystery and reveal her identity.

  Transfixed, I watched as she turned her head as if to look at me over her shoulder. I could see now that she wore a high bun with soft tendrils framing her face; however, her features were still hidden in shadow.

  Slowly, she extended her arm.

  It took me a minute to realize she was pointing at something... a single paving stone on the ground. It dawned on me that there was a message on this stone or perhaps it was loose, hiding something underneath. I nodded this in understanding and attempted to approach with some anxiety as I took my first step.

  However, this gesture seemed to threaten the lady as she began to scream. It was like a siren to my ears. So shrill was the scream that I instantly fell to my knees, covering my ears with my hands.