Linc Hosler was sitting in a packed football stadium when the FlyingEyes appeared and cast their hypnotic power over half the crowd.Thousands of people suddenly began marching zombie-like into the woodswhere they vanished into a black pit.
Linc used every resource of the Space Research Lab and the NationalGuard to destroy the Eyes. But nothing could stop them, for they provedimmune to bullets and bombs.
In desperation, Linc captured an Eye and found a way to communicate withit through his mind. He learned that radiation was fuel for thecreatures' lives. And then they issued their terrible ultimatum: Explodea series of atom bombs to supply them with radiation or they would turnthe world's population into mindless robots.
It gave the world two harrowing choices--self-destruction via falloutfrom the bombs or annihilation via the sinister Flying Eyes....