Read The Come Back Page 16


  Zizi's Opportunity

  The Blair case had come to a standstill. Although the police were stillmaking investigations, they were fairly well satisfied that Thorpe wasthe guilty man and since he was jailed and awaiting trial, they restedon their laurels.

  Pennington Wise was by no means sure of Thorpe's guilt, and Zizi wascertain of his innocence, but though these two were working hard, as yetthey had found no other definite suspect.

  "But you must, Zizi," wailed Julie. "You know as well as I do that Macnever killed Gilbert. Now, find out who did!"

  Wise confessed himself baffled, but asked for a little more time beforeadmitting himself vanquished.

  "You see, Ziz," he said to his astute young helper, "there are so manyinteresting side issues, that we get off the main track. I own up I'mquite as much absorbed in this Spiritism racket as I am in the murdercase."

  "That's the trouble, Penny," Zizi returned, gravely. "You're scatteringyour energies. And it won't do. You've got to concentrate on the Blairmurder. And you've got to get at it from a different angle. Suppose youtake a run out West and see that mother and sister. They may give you aline on things."

  "I've been thinking I'd do that. There must be something in Blair's pastthat can be unearthed and may prove enlightening. I could do it in aweek, and it might be time well spent."

  "Of course it would. And, truly, there's no way to look, here. I'vethought and thought but we've no hint or clew pointing to any one butThorpe,--and, it wasn't Thorpe."

  Then Zizi told him of the strange man she had seen in the Crane librarythe night before.

  "And you let him get away! Why, Zizi?"

  "He was no burglar. I saw that. There was no use in alarming the house.He was----"


  "Oh, I knew at once who he was. He was the John Harrison who sent thatDouglas person here to interview Mr. Crane."

  "Well, is he to be allowed to walk in and out as he chooses! How did heget in?"

  "I don't know, but I hope he'll come again. I like him. Why, Penny, he'sa gentleman."

  "But who is he? What's he up to?"

  "He didn't confide in me, but I know. He's the medium's agent. He comeshere and gets data and information and tells her and she works it offon the Cranes. I saw through that at once. He must have a key and hejust walks in and helps himself, you see."


  "Maybe; but that's what he does, all the same."

  "And he told you his name!"

  "Yes; but that's nothing. He'll have another name and another homebefore night. These mediums resort to the strangest tricks to get theirstuff! Why, Penny, he was prowling in that drawer where the tobaccopouch is, and I think he meant to take it away so they could'materialize' it over again. I'm going to watch for him nights. He'llcome again."

  But Zizi was mistaken. John Harrison did not come again, though the girlwas alert to welcome him.

  Pennington Wise went West, to see the relatives of Blair, for it hadfrequently been his experience that such inquiries into a man's earlylife brought about useful knowledge.

  This left Zizi in a position of responsibility, to keep watch ofdevelopments and to learn what she could from them.

  She was not so sure as Julie of Thorpe's innocence, but she meant tofind another suspect if one could be found, and she redoubled herefforts.

  Zizi had become a welcome guest in the Thorpe household, and they alladmired and loved her. A most adaptable little piece, she fitted intothe family as if she belonged there, and she and Julie were warmfriends.

  She said nothing of the midnight intruder, being determined in her ownmind, that he was an emissary from the medium, Madame Parlato, whom Ziziregarded as an absolute fake. To prove this was a desire of Zizi's mindas well as to solve the mystery of the Blair murder.

  But her fondness for the Cranes was such, that she was not sure sheshould expose the medium's trickery, even if she discovered it herself.So she went on with her secret investigations, and at present theyincluded an inquiry into the matter of that reporter's visit and JohnHarrison's appearance on the scene.

  Zizi had, of course, read Benjamin Crane's book, and in it had seen thepicture of Peter, but the portrait was so different in effect from thebearded man whom she saw but indistinctly by the dim light in thelibrary that she never connected the two in her thoughts.

  But she thoroughly believed that the man in the library had come therefor the purpose of acquiring either information or materials for furthermanifestations of the medium. She was sure that the tobacco pouch andthe handkerchief which had been "materialized" had been obtained in thisway and, she argued, the best way to find out, was to remain silent asto John Harrison's call.

  When told by Mr. Crane of the visit of Douglas, the reporter, Zizi hadsuspected something beneath the surface,--it did not seem plausible toher, that the case was just as it was stated.

  And somehow, in the back of her astute little brain, she had a notionthat the Blair murder and the supernatural manifestations were in someway connected, at least, indirectly.

  So she was merely receptive, and put herself in the way of learning allshe could of the medium's affairs without showing her own hand. Sheobtained a detailed account of the _seances_ from the elder Cranes, andeach time she became not only more convinced of the medium's fraud, butsure that the faker, more and more secure in her clients' credulity, wasgrowing both daring and careless.

  This, Zizi concluded, was her opportunity, and she hoped to profit byher knowledge of the visit of John Harrison.

  * * * * *

  And meantime, the so-called John Harrison, whom Zizi had sized up somistakenly, was puzzling his head over the identity of the girl who hadseen him.

  He was not alarmed by fear of discovery, for he could change his nameand address at will, but he was piqued by the saucy announcement thatshe knew all about him, and amazed at her knowledge that he had sentDouglas to see Benjamin Crane.

  Moreover, the sight of that familiar old tobacco pouch of his own hadstirred him, and some logical deductions that followed in its traincaused him to reconsider his decision to disappear at once.

  "But I got to have some money," he reasoned, "and I think I know how toget it!"

  As a matter of fact, he did. He had in his mind a plot for a movingpicture, which he had long cherished and thought over, but which he hadnever put on paper. The success of Shelby's great picture put it in hismind to try to sell his own. He was tempted to take it to the Shelbycorporation but knowing it wiser, he went to a rival company.

  As his plot was new, original and decidedly meritorious, he had notrouble in finding a market. He learned that he could sell merely hisplot, that the "continuity" work would be done by their own people; anddelighted to receive a most satisfactory lump sum, John Harrison gavehis name as Louis Bartram, and removed to another hotel, where heregistered under his new name.

  For Peter Crane had resolved to do a little investigating on his ownhook, and he realized that since the girl at his home knew his presentcognomen it must be changed.

  Louis Bartram, therefore, sent for Douglas, and took that mystifiedyoung man into his confidence to a degree.

  "It's this way, Douglas," he said, "I give you my word I'm straight andall right, but I'm unraveling a mystery, and I'm incog for the present."

  Now nobody could look into Peter Crane's blue eyes and doubt hisveracity, and Douglas believed exactly what was told him.

  "Can I help?" he said, simply, and Louis Bartram told him he could.

  Wherefore, Bartram expeditiously acquired such information as he needed,and the first item was the name and address of the medium who wasresponsible for the _seances_ detailed in Benjamin Crane's famous book.

  And then to the house of Madame Parlato, Louis Bartram went, having madean appointment through the useful Douglas.

  The madame's quick glance of inquiry was satisfied and her ever-readysuspicions lulled by her first glance into Peter's ey
es. It wasimpossible to distrust that frank gaze, and though Peter was anunbeliever in her and all her works, yet his cause was honest andsincere and he met her on her own ground.

  "You want a _seance_?" the occult lady inquired.

  "No, Madame Parlato," Peter returned, quietly, "I want to bribe you toundertake a commission for me."

  "Wh--what!" she cried, turning white and quite losing her poise at hisastonishing remark.

  "Now, let's cut out all that," Peter went on, practically, "let's assumethat we've thrashed it all out, and agreed that you're one of thecleverest of your sort and can fool the gullible ones very neatly. But,let's also assume that when one who knows comes along that you willmeet him halfway, and at least, listen to his proposition."

  "But, this,--this is outrageous----"

  "Not at all. You see, I know of the faking you have done,--and aredoing,--in the Crane matter."

  "Oh,--ah----" Madame cautiously awaited further speech from herattractive but unusual caller.

  "Yes,--and," here Peter made a bold stroke, "I know who is giving youthings to 'materialize,' and why, and I want to know how much you arebeing paid, in order that I may offer you more to follow my directions."

  "I do not acknowledge that you are right----" she began, but Peterinterrupted:

  "You needn't; your expression, your countenance tells me all I want ofacknowledgment. Now, listen to reason. I only want one _seance_,conducted according to my orders, and I'll pay you what you demand. Yourother patron needn't know anything about my hand in the matter."

  "I refuse your requests, sir. I resent your accusations, and unless youleave here at once, I shall call----"

  "Oh, no, you won't call the police, or any one else. You would greatlyobject to an investigation of your place here, and you and I know why.You'll do much better, madame, to listen to my proposition, and acceptit. You see,-- I _know_!"

  The mysterious tone Peter used seemed to carry conviction, and with alittle shudder, Madame Parlato gave in.

  "What do you want?" she asked, tremulously; "what do you intend to do?"

  "I intend to do a great many things," Peter replied, gravely, "but Iwant very little. Only that you shall conduct a _seance_, at the time Iset and entirely in accordance with my orders."

  "And if I refuse?"

  "Then I shall feel it my duty to expose you as a fraud and a charlatan."

  The woman winced at these words, but meeting Peter's steely gaze andrealizing his power over her, she said:

  "First, tell me who you are."

  "I am Louis Bartram," he said, "you know that already. For the rest, Iam an investigator of psychic conditions and a student of the occult,along certain definite lines. You will find it to your best advantage,Madame, to be perfectly frank and truthful with me. Any other course youwill find most disastrous."

  "Are you--are you of the----"

  "Of the police? No, this is not an official investigation. And,moreover, it all depends on yourself whether the results of our worktogether are ever made public or not. Now, answer my questions. How didyou come to give these _seances_ to the Cranes?"

  "Mr. Crane came and asked me to."

  "Where had he heard of you?"

  "I was recommended to him by some friends of his."

  "Did you ever know his son, Peter?"

  "No; I never heard of him until Mr. Crane came here."

  "And then you immediately got into spiritual communication with the deadman?"

  "Yes; that is my business."

  She spoke a little defiantly, and Peter smiled. "I know. I accept that.Now, I'm a friend of the Cranes, because of having read that book. A manwho is so absolutely positive of his beliefs is too good and dear a manto be disturbed in his enjoyment of them."

  "Oh, Mr. Bartram, I'm glad you see it that way, too! Truly, I've come tolove the Cranes, and if--if I help along a little, it is largely for thecomfort and happiness it gives them."

  "I know,-- I see; and I realize what an awful thing it would be if theworld were to learn that all the matter in his book is really false----"

  "Oh, it would kill him! If you knew Mr. Crane, if you knew how his verylife is bound up in this matter, you would be even more assured what adisaster it would be to have him in any way discredited!"

  Peter's heart fell at this, for he had a half hope that he could yetbring himself to demolish his father's air castle.

  "Well, then," he said, slowly, "I'll not discredit him, nor you, for, ofcourse, one involves the other. But this, on condition that you obey mycommands implicitly in this matter of a _seance_. If you fail me in oneparticular, if you disobey one tiny detail, or, if you so much as hint aword to your--your other employer,--I mean the one who has bribed you tocertain frauds,--then, I shall show you up, even if it does distress Mr.and Mrs. Crane."

  Madame Parlato thought in silence for a moment. Then she said, astutely,"I don't know who you are, Mr. Bartram, but I am quite certain you aresomething more than you wish to tell. I mean a bigger factor in theCrane affair than you admit. I ask no questions, I agree to your terms,and I will do exactly as you direct, relying on your promise that if Ido so, you will not tell of any--any insincerity you may notice."

  "Wait a moment,--that promise may lead to complications. If the resultof my proposed procedure is to reveal your--er,--insincerity--I cannotbe responsible for the consequences. Those you will have to bear. But Iwill admit that my interests are those of Benjamin Crane, and I shall doall in my power to preserve his secrets and, thereby, yours."

  "I think, then, you may go ahead and tell me your plans that you wish meto carry out."

  "I've revised them,'" Peter said, thoughtfully, "they may, as I now seeit, call for more than one _seance_. But here's for a starter. When doyou expect Mr. Crane again?"


  "All right. Merely give him a further materialization. And let theobject be this,"--he laid a small paper parcel before her, which he hadtaken from his pocket,--"yes,--and this," and he produced a secondparcel.

  She opened the papers, and found the first to be a handkerchief, theduplicate of the one already "materialized" and bearing the monogramCarly had so painstakingly embroidered.

  The other parcel contained a silver quarter of a dollar, one side ofwhich had been smoothed off and engraved with the entwined letters P. C.

  "These belonged to the son?" Madame exclaimed, excitedly. "Where did youget them?"

  "From the son," replied Louis Bartram; "but remember you are under oathof secrecy. You are merely to produce these things as materializationsat your next session with Mr. Crane, and also,--I want to bepresent,--unseen. Can it be managed?"

  "Of course, that's easy enough."

  Further arrangements were made, terms were agreed on, and Louis Bartramwent away from the house of the medium in New York and returned to hishotel in Brooklyn.

  And as he came down the steps of the Parlato residence, a small, darkgirl, who was walking by, quickly scuttled around a corner, and out ofhis line of vision.

  "I knew it!" Zizi said to herself, exultantly, "he's in cahoots with thespook woman! He's been there to give her things to materialize and soonI'll hear of them! He came to the house and stole something which shewill use to fool poor old Mr. Crane. You'll see!"

  Zizi talked enthusiastically to herself, resolving to learn more of thisattractive young man's identity.

  "Clever, wasn't he?" she asked of herself, "to send that reporter aroundfirst,--probably he stole a key to the house,--oh, it's a whole bigorganization, I suppose, and they cover their tracks so completelythey're not even suspected."

  Acting on an impulse, she turned and went back to the house of themedium. By strategy, she succeeded in getting an interview, although shehad no appointment.

  "I have come to warn you," she said, without preamble, looking into thewoman's eyes, "I am a detective, and I am onto your game. I know thatman who just left here, he is your tool, your accomplice. Also, I knowthat he stole some things from the Crane house that you i
ntend to use inyour so-called materializations. Now, I warn you that if you do that, Ishall see to it that your deceit is shown up, your fraud exposed!"

  "My Lord," cried the puzzled Madame, "who are you? Why do you think thatman is my accomplice? It is not so! I never laid eyes on him until thismorning!"

  "That is not true," Zizi said, sure of her ground, and wondering why themedium looked so unfeignedly puzzled. "He works for you----"

  "He does not! He is a client. Now you leave, or I'll have you put out."

  "I am going to leave," and Zizi rose, "but you remember what I said. Ifyou show up any more materialized belongings of Mr. Crane's dead son,I'll have you exposed and arrested!"

  It is doubtful which of the two was more perplexed by this conversation.

  Zizi, with her quick reading of human nature, saw that Madame Parlatowas truly surprised at the girl's accusation of an accomplice,therefore, she decided, he could not be an accomplice, after all. And ifnot, what was he, and what was he doing at the medium's house?

  That he was a client, she did not believe, for had she not seen him,rummaging in the Crane library and in that table drawer? It was all mostmysterious and Zizi determined to stick to this new mystery in hopes itwould shed some light on the old ones.

  Meanwhile Madame Parlato was absolutely bewildered. Who was this strangegirl who had come flying in with an incredible tale about the newclient being an accomplice of her own?

  Nor did that question trouble her so much as the consideration of whatshe should do next? She had arranged to have Mr. Crane at a _seance_ thenext evening, and to have Mr. Louis Bartram concealed in an adjoiningroom, where he could see and hear without being discovered.

  Now, if she failed to use the objects he had directed her to use shefeared his ire and vengeance, while if she did use them, this awfulchild, who called herself a detective, threatened exposure!

  To be sure, she told herself, that little scrap of humanity couldn't bea detective, the thought was impossible. Yet the child's words and toneshad carried conviction. Indeed, she was no child, though small enough tobe one. She was either a detective, the Madame finally decided, or, shewas a fake medium herself, and had some unknown ax to grind.

  In any case, the way of the transgressor was hard, and the occult ladythought a long time before she came to a decision.

  But the conclusion she reached was to obey the orders of Louis Bartram.He was a far more formidable antagonist, there must be more real dangerin disobeying him than that chit of a girl.

  So Madame laid her plans, prepared her properties, and, with fear in herheart, arranged for the forthcoming _seance_.

  And Zizi, worried and uncertain, in Wise's absence, as to just what sheshould do, laid her plans to be present also at Benjamin Crane's nextsession with the medium.

  And Peter Boots, communing with himself, and rapidly getting more andmore excited at his discoveries and the developments of his theories,impatiently awaited the hour when he should see his father and perhapshis mother.